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hey everyone this is Jennifer from Tarle speech happy Halloween today I
have a Halloween themed a lesson for you and the question is how do I say the
word treat so treat can mean to deal with when it's a verb or also it can
mean an event or something that gives pleasure when it's used as a noun and
then for Halloween a treat would be a candy that you give to children okay so
let's go ahead and look at our words here okay so for the T R this is going
先に行って言葉を見てみましょう T Rのためには
to be the hardest part for most people what you're going to do is you are going
to think about getting your lips ready for that R sound so think about making
them square and tense er okay so you have that position right now what you're
緊張しているから 今の位置にいるのよ
going to do is you're going to touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your
top front teeth for that T while your lips are in position for the R sound
TR TR and then all you need to do is move your tongue from the T position and
TR TRして、あとはTの位置から舌を動かして
then either flip it back or point it all the way to the down bottom of the mouth
for the R sound TR TR I hear a lot of people say oh this sounds just like a
RサウンドのTR TR TRのために私は多くの人がああ、これはちょうどのように聞こえると言うのを聞きます。
CH it does not if it sounded just like a CH sound the word would be cheat and
we're not saying cheat we're saying treat next we're gonna move to that long
騙してるんじゃなくて おごるって言ってるんだよ 次はあの長いところに移動するんだよ
e sound smile for that and then end with a T
treat treat now let's keep going if you want to add some endings
♪ treat treat treat... ♪ 今から続けようか... ♪ エンディングを追加したいなら
ed ing or Ment what do you do just think about adding an extra syllable to
ed ing or Ment what do you do you just think about adding a extra syllable to
make it easier we're actually going to think about saying the word tree and
then did for treated and then tree and ding for treating and last for treat
meant you're going to say treat and what you're going to do there the trick is is
"おごる "という意味ではなく "おごる "と言って何をするのか......そのコツは
you're just going to hold the tongue behind the back of the top front teeth
you're not gonna pull it down you're not going to explode the air up and then
you're gonna add the Munt I know people are gonna message me here
マントを追加するんだ みんながメッセージを送ってくるのを知っている
you can say Munt you can say ment you can say mint all three acceptable as
long as it's a super short relaxed vowel in that last syllable so we have treat
treated treating treatment and to make it a little more Halloween how do we add
this to trick-or-treat to do this quickly you're going to start by saying
tri then move to a cur because we're gonna link that all together into one
word Trick or Treat trick or treat so I hope that if you trick-or-treat
tonight you get a lot of candy treats so give it a try I know people are going to
notice the difference have you found this helpful
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