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Hi, everyone. I'm Jade. What we're talking about today is saying the right thing
皆さん、こんにちは。私はジェイドです。今日話していることは 正しいことを言うことです
when you've got a friend who's feeling down, your friend's got a problem.
We're specifically talking about a friend who has lost a job, but you could use the same advice
for a friend with a different problem; a friend with a breakup or some other emotional thing that's happened in their life.
So the formal word for this is: "consoling", "to console" someone,
but the more relaxed way could be:
how to make somebody feel better about themselves or their problem.
So what should you do in this situation? Well, a lot of the time, when people have a problem,
they just want to talk to someone. Maybe they're not seeking advice. So what can you do?
You can ask questions. So remember we're talking about somebody who's recently lost a job or is losing a job,
質問してもいいですよ最近 失業した人や 失業中の人の話をしていることを 覚えておいてください
we can ask them questions. We can say: "What are you going to do now?"
Maybe your tone of voice wouldn't be really positive like that. It would be more like:
(徳井)そうなんですよね (YOU)そうなんですよね (山里)そうなんですよね (徳井)そうなんですよね (YOU)そうなんですよね (山里)そうなんですよね (徳井)そうなんですよね(美咲)そうだよね
"Oh, what are you going to do now?" It would be more soft.
You could say... This is... This is an indirect question. "Have you thought about..?",
"Have you thought about training again?" This is a way of... This is a suggestion.
Or you could say: "Are you looking for another job?" So this way, your friend can just start talking
and maybe that will help them in their difficult situation.
Because, as a friend, you need to "be supportive", helping your friend out when they need help.
You could "be a shoulder to cry on", that's an idiom for somebody who just...
"泣くべき肩になる "というのは、誰かのための慣用句で、それはただ...
Who just needs someone to share their feelings with. If you're a shoulder to cry on
when your friend needs you, that means that you're a good friend. And here's another expression:
"A friend in need is a friend indeed." And it kind of has the opposite meaning to what you'd expect.
My feeling is this means that you should be the kind of... Real friends are there for you
when you really need them. If you're there for people when they need you,
本当に必要な時に人が必要としている時に あなたがそこにいるならば
that means that you're a friend indeed. So if you are a friend... If you are a friend indeed,
それはつまり あなたが友人であるということですだからもしあなたが友人であれば...あなたが本当に友達であるならば
then you would ask your friend some questions to help them in their difficult situation.
When your friend has a difficult situation, watch out that you don't give advice that they're not asking for
because a lot of the time, people don't really want to hear your advice -
that's the truth maybe. If you ask someone for advice, it's different.
I've had a couple of times in my life where someone giving advice is that probably
had the opposite effect from what they intended; the advice is not felt right or something I haven't liked
彼らが意図したものとは逆の効果があった; アドバイスは正しいと感じられないか、私が好きではなかった何か
about the advice, and then it can be... Then it can be a problem.
So if you say to your friend who's just lost their job: "You should get down the job centre."
失業したばかりの友人に言っても"就職センターに行った方がいい "と言ったら
The job centre is where you go if you haven't got... If you haven't got a job in England and you need
some money and support from the government. If you said to your friend: "You should get down the job centre",
政府からの援助金や支援金があるもしあなたが友人に言ったとしたら"ジョブセンターを降りた方がいいよ "と言ったら
they might not... They might not be... They might not want your advice right now.
Another way you would give your friend advice is if you said: "If I were you",
"If I were you, I'd go to my boss and say: 'Look, you're not going to fire me. All right?
"私があなただったら、上司に行ってこう言うわ。" "私をクビにはしないでしょう。いいですか?
I dare you to fire me.'" Well, your friend might be like that, but this might not be something you want to do.
Giving direct advice.
What should you do if giving direct advice could be a little bit difficult, a little bit tricky?
You could try making these indirect suggestions, a bit like this one.
"Have you considered... Hmm, I'm sorry to hear that you lost your job. You must be feeling awful.
Have you considered calling your colleagues that you used to work with to tell them that
you're looking for a job now?" Or: "Have you thought about... Too bad you lost your job.
Have you thought about becoming a movie star?" You could indirectly advise your friend to do that.
The main... The main reason it would be better to make your suggestion like this is that
this avoids giving condescending, or patronising, or unsympathetic advice to someone.
These are long words, but they're not that... They're not that complicated.
"Condescending", is like imagine you're in this situation: you've just lost your job and somebody says to you:
"慇懃無礼 "は、あなたがこのような状況にいると想像してみてください。
"Why don't you start looking for jobs on the internet?" That would be a little bit condescending.
Right? Because you know... You know how to look for a job. What if they said to you:
"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll eventually get something. I mean you don't have many qualifications,
but you'll probably get something eventually"? That might be patronising;
your friend is seeing themselves as: "It didn't take me long to get a job, but, you know, after a few months,
you'll probably get something. You can work your way up." That would be patronising.
And "unsympathetic" would be like: "Oh, you lost your job. Oh, yeah. So, do you want to go out now?"
"無愛想 "ってのはこうだよね"あ、仕事がなくなったんですね。ああ、そうなんだ。"今から出かける?"みたいな
Unsympathetic is somebody not listening to you.
So what else can you do? If you're in this situation, you can share your experience with your friend.
Share your feelings and the kind of things that you've been through in your life.
So here's some sentences: "When I was made redundant it was a big shock."
では、いくつかの文章をご紹介します。"私が冗長化された時 それは大きなショックだった"
What does it mean to "be made redundant"? This is when your company decides that some people
are going to get fired, some people will lose their job,
but it's not always because you didn't perform well at your job; it's just the company decision: 10 people have to go,
you're someone who's going and they pay you, generally, when you're made redundant.
So when you share your experience with someone, that makes them see that
maybe there's light at the end of the tunnel. There's another idiom that maybe things will be better.
They don't seem good now, but maybe things will be better after.
Here's another example: "When Sally lost her job she took the opportunity to retrain."
ここにもう一つの例があります。"サリーが仕事を失った時 彼女は再訓練の機会を得た"
If someone's feeling bad, they might just be focusing on the negatives like:
"Oh, I'm never going to work again. It's awful. I love that job."
But then they just might be talking too negatively, so you can make... You can make a suggestion.
You can share an experience that shows that from change can come something good.
And here's another example: "At first I was anxious"-talking about when I lost my job-
そして、もう一つの例を紹介します。"最初は不安だった" - 失業した時のことを話しています
"but I soon saw that it was a blessing in disguise."
"でもすぐに気付いた" "それは偽装しての幸運だと"
And that's the idiom or expression for when something seems bad, but in the end, it was the best thing that could possibly happen.
When we come back, we will just look at a couple other phrases we can use for this situation.
Let's take a look at what to say to your friend who is down in the dumps, feeling a bit sad because they lost their job.
What else can we say? So you could offer your support or help.
So here's some phrases you could say: "Let me know if there's anything I can do."
That's a very sweet offer for your friend who needs some help right now.
Or you could say simply: "I'm here for you if you need anything."
"何かあればここにいるよ "と 言えばいいんだよ
What about reassuring your friend? "Reassurance" means saying like a positive message to them
友達を安心させるのはどうでしょうか?"安心させる "とは、相手にポジティブなメッセージのように言うこと
so that maybe they feel more hopeful about the future.
"Don't worry, everything will be ok." What do you think about that one? Yeah, I think like in general,
"心配しないで 大丈夫だから"どう思う?(美咲)そうだね 普通に考えて
eventually everything will be okay. But some people might not really like your reassurance
because it might... Everything might seem really, really, really bleak
and it might also sometimes feel like you don't want to talk about their problem if you just say: "Everything will be okay."
"大丈夫だよ "って言ってくれれば 相手の問題を話したくないと 感じることもあるかもしれないし"すべては大丈夫だ"
So perhaps... Perhaps a better one to say is: "Something will come up.",
おそらく...もしかしたら、もっといい言い方があるかもしれません。"何かが出てくるだろう "ということです。
"Something will come up" just means that, you know, a new opportunity; you won't have to wait too long,
"何かが出てくる "というのは、新しいチャンスがやってくるという意味で、長く待つ必要はありません。
something else will come up for you. The phrasal verb, "come up" means to happen or arise, more formally.
何か他のことがあなたのために起こるでしょう。句動詞の "come up "は、より正式には「起こる」「生じる」という意味です。
So you can turn that sad face into a happy face. But we can't say:
"Up in the dumps." It doesn't work.
So, yeah, so sometimes if you... If you've been talking to a friend for a while
and they're just going on a bit now and, you know, they're all sad and crying or something -
what can you do then? Well, you might consider making a joke of the situation.
I don't know if you do that in your culture. But in British culture, sometimes in this situation,
あなたの文化ではそうしているのかどうかは知りませんがでもイギリスの文化では このような状況になることもあります
someone would make a joke. And maybe at first that joke sounds quite mean,
but it does something to just change the focus of the situation so... We've all been upset, someone makes a joke
and it's like: "All right, it's time to stop crying now."
So I thought of some things people might say. They might say something like this, this is an expression or idiom.
そこで、人が言いそうなことを考えてみました。こういうことを言うかもしれません これは表現や慣用句です
So your friend's just, you know, letting it all out, is upset and you could maybe knock them on the arm and say:
"Cheer up worse things have happened!"
in a sort of positive, but jokey voice at the same time. Or you could say,
you could have a pause and say: "Yeah. Hey... Guess what? Did I tell you? I just got a promotion!"
Joke. That one's a bit mean, so I maybe wouldn't advise that one.
That was a joke of what joke probably not what... Probably you shouldn't do. So let's call that one a bad joke.
What if you already knew that your friend had lost your job and stuff before you met up with them?
So you're anticipating maybe some kind of emotional situation.
When you see your friend, you could say: "Hey. Why the long face?"
That's another joke because you know that your friend is upset because they lost their job.
When somebody's got a long face, it means they're sad, a bit like down in the dumps.
So, yeah, you've got some phrases now and hopefully that can help you in the future in that kind of social situation
where someone needs some help or just some kind words from you.
So if you want to look at this a little bit more, go to the website and have a look at the phrases on the website.
We... Yeah, if you do like this lesson or my other lessons,
I'd really appreciate it if you'd subscribe to my channel and also my personal channel
because I've got two YouTube channels, so you can watch me on engVid, you can watch me on my personal channel as well.
And, yes, I'm finished now so I'm going to go. All right?
Okay, see you. See you. Bye.