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Today, everybody, is a wonderful day. We are going to be eating strawberry cake for dinner.
That's right!
All the things your parents have told you before
about not having dessert before dinner,
we're skipping all that!
And we were like, "You know what? Haven't really had strawberry cake in a long time."
And it's strawberry season in Japan!
You need to hide your kids before they know that when you're an adult you can do what you want.
Like have cake for dinner.
That's right, kids! You can have cake for dinner!
And you can get a Sailor Moon tattoo!
And you can dye your hair pink!
Simon: I have a feeling parents are going to flag this video as inappropriate for children.
Martina: You could put cool things on your nails!--
Okay, so this is something that we haven't talked about before, we're gonna talk about it over here, you guys.
Come to the corner!
Okay. We've never really discussed this.
It became one of those things that was just normal for us.
We're going into Kichijoji station, which is a subway station.
And it's decked out with amazing stuff like, you know, clothes and you can get your eyelashes done.
And like, amazing bakeries and pre-made food that's absolutely delicious.
And what we realized is that subway stations in Japan can be epic.
Like when we first went to Ikebukuro station when we were visiting from Korea,
we were like, "Where are we?" It felt like there's a whole city underneath the city.
So when you're staying near a station, you can explore that station and just find so many things.
And so we're gonna go get cake.
S: At a station! M: At a subway station!
Can you imagine going to Kipling station and buying a cake?
S: Nooo. M: Right?
And there's clothing here and there's an entire bookstore here.
And there's like, 3 Starbucks here and like, I mean, it's got everything.
Oh, there's an art store. Like, what? This? Okay. Let's go.
Saturday and Sundays are insanely busy in Kichijoji.
So if you can plan to come during the week, I recommend it.
So four really, really nice cakes. S: Four cakes for 30 bucks.
M: Just 15 dollars a person. It's like dinner. S: Yeah!
M: Cause we're having cake for dinner. S: Cake for dinner.
M: So it's 15 dollars a person. Very reasonable.
S: That's a decent price for 2 people to have a very satisfying, well balanced, nutritious dinner.
M: See? / S: See? Very nice.
M: Different kinds of fruits. I was thinking about us.
( Simon speaking Japanese )
M: Migaki-Ichigo.
100% Strawberry sparkling. That's cool because we're having a strawberry party, so.
S: Migaki wa doko desu ka?
Clerk: Migaki wa Miyagi. Miyagi desu.
S: Oh, Miyagi!
Clerk: Hai.
M: We're gonna get a strawberry sparkling wine, which I was kind of hoping we do,
because we're having a strawberry party!
And then we bought this recommended-- this one, which is from Japan.
So that's very unique and we're having Japanese strawberries and everything.
( Upbeat music ♪ )
I'll be honest you guys, I hit a lot of bumps. I'm not sure how this is gonna turn out. Haha!
S: You ruined my cake!
M: The cake might be broke, everybody. Y'all, there could be damages to the cakes.
If you want to find out what happened to these cakes, make sure you check out the rest of the livestream.
( SFX applause and cheering )
Simon: Hello, everybody! Martina: Hi, everybody!
S: Can you hear us now? This is our brand-new version of a livestream.
M: We're watching you guys live!
So we filmed this video this afternoon. — Yup.
M: I mean like, literally like an hour ago. — Yup.
M: We edited the heck out of it
and we thought it was a neat way for you guys to see quality videos and also live things!
S: Right. And my heart is racing because, "Is this working? Is this working?"
M: Oh my god. Okay, we have to unplug all stops. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna calm down.
Let's just think of it, like. Ready?
S: Aaah.
M: Okay, we're calm. / S: Hello, everybody.
M: Okay. So, Mark Panther, it is really live.
Travis Petersen, 'Oh my god. Yay. I hear you loud and clear.'
Tory says, 'Diarrhea!'
Let me know where you guys are at, where you're from.
And if you don't know the diarrhea joke, just accept it.
S: Right.
M: You just say 'diarrhea' at the beginning of all livestreams cause it's so hard to spell.
S: Oh my gosh. I'm just... you're so...
M: I'm so proud of you.
S: Thank you, but I'm just so hungry now. I think it's time to have some dinner.
M: Okay. So what we promised you guys was that we had just taken out of the box,
I really did hit a lot of bumps along the way.
S: Yes.
M: So what we're gonna do is open the box up live with you guys.
Because we've honestly not checked the box.
S: I have no idea how the cake looks. This could be the end of the livestream! Haha!
M: We've got cakes! We've got strawberries! We've got strawberry stuff to drink.
Okay. You find out where everybody's from. I'm gonna head over to the cake.
S: Okay. So we have Australia-- Let's go over it the cake zone!
M: Let's go over to the cake zone!
S: Cake Zone! Everybody!
Both: Oooh!
S: Spinny!
M: Now, tell me where everybody's from.
S: Okay, so we have people from Tasmania, from China, we have from Midwest USA, that's Mariah.
We have Jess who's from British Columbia.
M: That's enough!
S: Okay.
M: Let's find out about this cake!
S: What's inside the cake, girl? Let's see.
How does it look? All right...
M: Oh my god, I think it turned out all right!
S: It actually managed!
M: It looks all right!
S: Daa-daaaaan!
M: Okay, so everything looks okay. We're going to take them out, maybe one at a time.
S: Okay. One at a time. We just got to pick one cake at a time.
M: Let's go back to Simon for a bit.
S: The cakes have survived, everybody.
I will be able to eat dinner,
just like an adult, just like I was told not to.
I'm sorry for all of you that are parents that watch this with your kids.
I know some of you do that, and you've told us so and I find that very touching.
But now I'm gonna have to tell your kids
the great lie that you've been telling them.
That they can't have cake until after dinner.
Well, guess what kids? You can have cake ??????? of dinner. It's possible!
This is a scientific experiment that we are doing right now!
Because we're adults and we can.
And it's strawberry season. All the really good strawberries are coming into play.
Oh my gosh, these cakes look amazing!
M: Woooo! / S: Look at these. Are you kidding me?
We got some white strawberry chocolate cake.
M: So this is the white strawberry--
Hang on. Let's get this-
S: I don't think they could hear you as much as they could hear me because we got the shotgun here.
So point to one and I'll tell them what we have!
So that at the front is the Tiramisu cake that we have--
No! Trifle, not tiramisu! Martina hates tiramisu.
So this is going to be a trifle, a little triflin' cake.
M: So this is some live focusing.
S: So this is live focusing.
So we got the trifle at the front.
Oh my gosh. This just looks better and better as we go.
M: Oh my gosh. / S: Oh my gosh.
So yeah, English trifle right there
with some very fresh fruit.
This is, that one right there is just called 'The Strawberry.'
I think it's shortcake that they have.
So this is gonna be absolutely--
there's only one strawberry there!
How are we gonna share that one?
I don't know.
And then we also have, uh right there, that is a cake in...
Move that. Oh! Did you almost drop it?
M: No. Yes. / S: 'No, yes?'
So this is a cake that's in a melon!
I've no idea how that's gonna go but it looks,
these are these expensive melons that we've had before.
And the last one that we have today is a chocolate one,
but with a white strawberry.
A little bit lower. There you go.
Look at that beautiful, little cake.
So the question is ladies and gentlemen,
M: Back to you, Simon.
S: Which cake should we do first?
Should we do the muskmelon? Should we do the white strawberry?
Should we do the shortcake or the trifle?
We are leaving this up to you to decide right now and then Martina and I--
We're passing on back?
Which one of these should we do?
V Flower says, 'melon cake.'
We have Travis, 'go for melon.'
Think it's-- okay. The melon is a clear winner.
Melon is crushing it!
Alright, I think it's time for us to do some melon cake
from Takano! Takano? Takano's the name of the shop.
M: I guess.
S: Okay. / M: Okay.
S: I got my chopsticks here.
I would also like to thank the 'super chatters'. We have a couple super chatters.
Number one, Alexandre Loganson, thank you so much for your generosity.
"Guys, I've heard your jingle from an old 'f.a.p.f.a.p.' videos of a Russian youtuber.
He uses at the end." So I think we might have just had the same like, kits.
Garage Band that we worked with so maybe it's not the identical song.
I think it's just the 'bop bop bop bop bop.' Maybe that part you've heard?
So that's it.
So for people that hear our songs in other music videos,
unless it's identical, maybe they just piece those together.
M: Okay, so. I have a couple things to say.
Um, the first thing is for those of you that are joining us now,
you have a choice to either vote for Simon or Martina. We're not going to explain.
S: Oh, Is that what we're starting right now?
M: We're not going to explain why.
It's just, you pick either Simon or Martina and then we'll tell you the consequences for your choice after.
And then everyone that joins live, we're not gonna tell them what happened.
Cause they're going to join-- S: So the question is right now--
M: So every single cake we eat-- S: Are we doing that right now?
M: Yes, we are. S: Okay.
M: Every cake we eat. S: So, the winner...
M: Yes?
S: So whoever votes for them the most... okay, okay.
So we have 'Martina', 'Martina', 'Martina', 'Martina'...
'Simon', 'Martina always.'
M: Alright, so-- S: I think the clear answer is--
M: *????????* Martina! S: Martina.
M: Okay, so. Thanks a lot I have won the first battle,
M: And we'll explain that-- S: Dan dan dan daaaaan. ???
M: But there's something else that I want to introduce.
Ah, thank you, I appreciate your vote.
S: Oooo! Yes.
M: We're gonna have some strawberry wine.
S: Yes, so-- M: You saw this in the video.
S: For any new member that joins "The Rainbow Ladder Support Team,"
M: We will cheers to you!
S: We are going to cheers to you and open some of this.
So while I open this-- M: These are my chopsticks.
Oh, shall I explain what the vote was about?
S: Yeah. Why don't you explain what the vote was about?
M: Ah, yes. So those of you that voted Martina,
we made a rule that whoever has the most votes on their name can no longer eat with utensils.
S: Oooh!
M: So, they have to eat with their hands free and the other person gets to use utensils.
S: So, I really appreciate that because trying to mush this beard into cake would have been absolutely terrible.
M: Natalie Pate, I hope that's how you say it, says, 'What are we celebrating?'
We're celebrating strawberry season. S: Yes.
M: Um, Japan has very distinct time periods,
like cherry season, watermelon season, muskmelon season. And you--
( Wine bottle pops! ) M: Aaah!
So scary, big noises!
S: Very, very foamy. All right.
M: Hey, be careful with your pouring. S: Okay.
M: Mine's a Sailor Moon cup. S: Yours is the Sailor Moon cup.
M: So right now it's strawberry season.
So we have strawberry cakes and strawberry chocolate and strawberry gong cha coming soon.
S: Yes. M: So we don't know what this is gonna taste like.
S: This is strawberry sparkling wine.
We went to the store and we asked them specifically for something that matches strawberry cake.
And they recommended this.
It looks like we have a new member right away.
M: Oh, great. Okay. So hang on a second.
Icbm Pirate, 'Could you do a shout out to my beautiful wife Emma?'
Hi, Emma. S: Hello, Emma.
M: I hope you're having a wonderful day. That was very nice of you.
And we're gonna say Jacob S.-- S: Cheers, to Jacob S.
M: Thank you for joining the Rainbow Ladder Support Team.
You now have special emojis that you can chat with.
S: Feel free to use them throughout this video.
Well, that is absolutely delicious.
M: Whoa! The aftertaste is just liquid strawberry juice.
S: Strawberry bubblegum! M: Right?
S: And it's-- M: Tastes like bubblegum!
S: It's really lingering. M: Okay.
S: So, how are we gonna do this?
So you're gonna take a bite first with your face.
M: I think you should go first with your chopsticks to make it a little bit less ridiculous.
S: Okay, well. Let me take off-- hold on. Hang on. Hang on. We got a little sticker here.
I don't want to eat the sticker unless you wanna eat the sticker.
M: I don't wanna eat the sticker.
S: Okay, I'm kind of jealous cause I want to just mush my face in this beautiful looking cake.
M: Well, we don't know who's gonna win each battle, right?
So the next time people join, we're gonna say, 'Simon or Martina.'
And we're gonna give you guys another question. Okay?
S: But then we are going to have to decide what the consequences--
M: I'm just gonna write down a couple here right now.
S: Oh, write down a couple consequences.
M: So, you take your first bite. S: So, I'm gonna take the first bite here.
Look at this gorgeous looking cake.
We got some strawberry in there. We got some melon.
Even looks like some strawberry like cake in there at the same time.
All with this beautiful, fluffy cream inside a musk melon.
M: Mmhmm.
S: All right, I'm gonna take my first bite. I need some strawberry and some cake.
Here we go. Oh my gosh. Thank you everybody for picking Martina instead of me.
M: I've written down a couple of secret codes that we'll discuss later.
S: Are you ready? Can you see that?
M: Oh, someone said, 'why chopsticks?' We always do chopsticks in Asia for cake.
I've just forgotten that people don't. S: Yeah!
M: Like you open up the cake in Korea and everyone just takes chopsticks and just eats the cake.
S: Oh, chopsticks are by far the superior utensil.
You could pick things up. You don't mush it. M: Hurry Up!
S: You don't destroy it. M: Hurry up!
S: Oh, sorry. M: I want to mush my face in it!
S: Okay, you ready? Three, two...
Sorry Meemers! We're busy working!
M: Just eat it!
S: Okay.
M: Eat it! Eat it! ???
S: Okay, we have some strawberry, we have some melon at the same time.
M: Delicious?
S: I can't believe I just did this.
I just had cake
for dinner.
Meemers, come on in.
M: Hey, buddy.
S: There you go, buddy. Come on.
Oh! There he is.
No. You're just showing his genitals.
Okay. Hey, Meemers! You cute little kitty boy.
( M in Meemer's voice: ) "I'm here to eat your cake."
S: I figured that you might be!
Meemers: "You need to put those cakes in a higher location now!"
S: Where are they? Oh, they're there. He's not gonna be able to jump on the chair.
Martina: Are you kidding me right now?
S: Hey. Hey, Love. This is really good cake.
M: This is really amazing. Want me to tell you? Our cat is absolutely making a move for it.
S: Is he looking for our cakes?
M: Yes. I'm gonna close it. S: We gotta put a barrier around that. He is not allowed!
M: Okay! Okay! S: Ducky.
M: Ah, I'm back!
S: Please enjoy this cake. M: With my face!
S: With your face. M: Cake face!
Alright, everybody. Uh, lipstick, R.I.P. I liked being gothy while I could.
You are now going to be eaten in the [?]
I think I should just go for it like a big old watermelon. S: Big old, take a big old bite of that, girl.
M: Mmm.
S: That actually seems like the better way because you got some melon at the same time.
M: Wow. Wow. Wow.
S: Wow! Wow! Wow!
M: Wow! S: Wow.
M: This is so good. I know that I am covered right now. S: You are covered, girl.
M: But I can't lick it off right now. S: Nope.
M: Cause I'm going in for another bite. Ha!
S: That is-- hey, don't go in for too many, too many bites.
M: There's a strawberry in there.
S: This is, uh, supposed to be a two person cake.
M: Mmmm.
S: Um. I only had one small bite of this. That's not how the game works!
M: I know how you bite!
S: Haha! I'm taking the last bite!
M: Fine. If you ever get voted in for eating with your face, you are going to take a monster bite.
So I have to take 27 bites.
S: Dan-daaaan! Look at this.
M: I'm gonna get a napkin and come back. S: Please get a napkin.
M: What's happened to me?
S: Mmm.
M: Normally I'm never this messy!
S: Do you see children? You don't even need utensils when you eat dinner!
You could just pick it up and hold it.
I really need some napkin, also. My face is covered.
I look like Santa Claus with all this.
Professional! Very, very professional.
M: That's how you know it's live, you guys.
S: Hang on a quick second. We have a whole lot of new members!
M: Oh my god. S: That we have to thank.
I think we're gonna have to finish this bottle. We have Sleepy Rose.
M: Lookin' at you guys now.
S: Dark Sidra.
We have Chow Yi Ling.
We have Jesse As Eleven.
M: Okay. S: We have Hay Kay.
My gosh there is still another one here that I didn't get to click on.
M: Okay?
S: I think I got them all!
M: Hey y'all! This is gonna be a real fun evening and morning together with you!
M: Good morning. / S: Good morning.
M: Good afternoon. Good evening.
S: Thank you for joining our livestream.
M: This is strawberry sparkling wine from Miyagi Prefecture.
That is a section of Japan, like we live in like, the Tokyo.
Then there's like, Hokkaido and you can go to Akita. Meemers: Meow.
M: Oh boy. S: Oh boy.
Meemers: "I can't reach my kibble, so..."
S: Let me. You tell them about that. I'm gonna go feed our cat.
M: I want to say hi to some people! BTS EXO 123 says, 'Is there any leftovers?'
Uh, there is not. There was no survivor.
We ate all of that cake and I forgot to tell you guys what it was like.
The melon is so sweet and juicy that on its own, when you bite into it,
It just like dribbles down your chin.
And it tastes like the best, most magic honeydew you've ever had in your life.
Not that horrible stuff that comes on the side of a restaurant.
And then the cake in between was like a strawberry chiffon. It was so soft.
S: Oof. M: Almost like-- we're like Oof!
Oh my god.
S: I am just having a good time.
M: The is key is Japanese whipped cream is never heavy or sugary. It's so light and fluffy.
So when you bite into it, it's like milk-flavored rather than sugary and over the top.
And the strawberries were just like bam bam bam!
Because Korean and Japanese strawberries are amazing.
S: Check this out. We got big text here so we could read this.
M: Oh! S: So much better!
M: I could barely read your livechats because I'm blind. S: There you go!
M: And so I couldn't see them from here. S: And now we could!
M: Yay!
Clizia Restivo says, 'Sailor Moon glasses.' Yes. There was a tuxedo mask. Sadly, he didn't make it.
So I use him as like, a broken flower pot somewhere.
S: Also, cheers to Vicki Lam, a new member.
M: Indeed.
Okay, I think we should go back to the cake vote.
S: Back to cake number 2.
Okay, so what do we have here left?
We have the strawberr--
M: Grr!
S: Oh my god! It looked like it was tipping over
and I got super nervous!
M: This is the traditional strawberry cake.
S: Yes.
M: This is the trifle.
S: We have the trifle, we have the chocolate,
and the shortcake. Which one should we do?
We have 'white strawberry', 'white strawberry',
'trifle', 'shortcake', 'short', 'choco',
'trifle', 'trifle', 'trifle', 'white strawberry'
'trifle time', 'shortcake', 'trifle', 'shortcake.'
I see trifle.
Trifle seems to be the one
that everybody's voting for the most.
I think that's one we have to go for.
Look at that beautiful little trifle.
We cannot eat this hands-free at all.
But it's got so many beautiful layers.
We've been watching Great British Bake Off a whole lot
and they keep on mentioning trifle.
I really want to try this trifle.
M: Ooh!
S: They got a little jelly on top here. Like little, clear jellies.
There's a thin layer of what looks like strawberry jelly on top of this really thick cream.
It's not aerated at all,
just dense, dense cream
covered with some more jelly.
Raspberries in Japan are very hard to come by!
We have peach. We have some cake.
We have some more strawberries and jellies at the bottom.
This is going to be absolutely lovely.
Let's see what challenge you put in for us now.
What's the next one that we're doing?
M: Okay, so I know we said that we can't eat it hands-free.
But we're basically gonna have to have the other person feed it to them.
S: Oh, is that so?
M: So they can chose the scoop size, whatever they want.
Okay, so I picked 2 words.
So this word would be for example that, and this would be this.
S: Yes. Okay.
M: So, you guys don't know what it means.
So you're just gonna pick between two things. S: So, silver or gold? What do you prefer?
Silver or--? M: Keep this up!
S: Hey hey! Stop cheating!
You definitely didn't cheat. Did you? M: Look at my amazing spoon, okay.
S: Silver or gold? M: Here we go!
We got 'gold', 'silver', 'gold', 'silver', 'gold'... wow, this was unhelpful.
S: Ha ha! This is... 50:50.
M: Feels very 50:50.
S: 'Silver', 'silver', 'silver', 'silver.'
M: Okay, let's pause it at MR. And then we do, the top in the next 10.
S: Alright, top in the next 10. M: Okay, ready?
We got 'gold.' Oh my god! ... I think it's gold. S: 'Silver', 'gold'... I think we just got to pause anywhere.
We'll pause the screen here.
And count, 'silver silver silver silver silver silver silver'.
M: Platinum's not asked for.
S: So the 'silver' is Martina.
M: Oh! S: So, Martina has to feed me lovingly.
You people are so generous today!
Thank you for your love and support.
M: No, it's the other way around! You have to feed me!--
S: No, Martina does the feeding. M: No, it's the opposite because the punishment--
S: Those rules were not clear there!
M: Chotto matte yo!
Okay, this makes sense. The rule is funny because...
you can give me how much I want!
Like a tiny bit, a big amount. S: Ah.
M: It's not supposed to be like, 'there you go~.' It's suppose to be like--
S: Well no, but I love you and I want you to be able to enjoy this and be fed lovingly.
M: You know what? Itadakimasu.
I'm done with this. We have not eaten anything.
Because as mentioned before, this is cake for dinner, so. S: Cake for dinner!
M: Yes, I'm going in. S: Go for it.
S: Oh my gosh. Ooh my gosh. M: Oooh. Ooh.
It's like very nice up top. Is this thing in focus? S: Yes it is.
M: So do you guys-- I don't think I should just eat this. I think I need to put like a little bit of strawberry.
S: Oh my gosh, Ducky. That looks so good.
M: Mm.
S: Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Oh my god. You got some of that peach, too. All that jelly.
M: Here we go. That's what I need to make this with one thing.
S: I don't understand. Did you win this contest or not? Because you're just getting first dibs?
M: What? S: And just crushing it! And not sharing.
Describe what it tastes like while I have some of my own here.
M: Wow. That is yummy.
So I think it's the 'not-too-sweet' is the key with Japanese desserts.
The strawberry and raspberry compote in there tasted almost jammy.
You know, jam is kind of like 'not-super-sugary' sweet.
That jelly on top doesn't do a whole lot but it adds a bit of texture between the whipped cream.
So you're not just like squishing whipped cream in your mouth, which can happen, you know.
S: What flavor is that jelly?
M: Oh, SE Ruth says, "Hi, faves.
"My wife, SJ, just completed her first week at an awesome, but scary new job.
"Can you let her know we're stupid proud of her?
Please. Love you xxxxX."
S: They're all proud of you. We're proud of you as well. M: SJ!
It's from SE. But SJ is the name. Very confusing. S: SE! Sorry.
SJ, congratulations.
M: We're gonna eat this in your honor.
We're so proud of you that we're gonna eat this.
Thank you, I love you guys, too.
S: I think this might be grape jelly. M: Grape? I think it's probably strawberry jelly.
Annie Bell says, 'This is for future cake for dinner fun.'
S: Okay, I like this because
what we were thinking, this video is cake for dinner,
I think we need to do the cake for lunch part,
and then cake for breakfast.
I don't think people like, understand you can have cake at any time of day.
M: Oh, man. Good, right?
S: You know, not as good as the first one, I think.
M: No? / S: No.
M: I think this is actually lighter somehow.
Because there's a lot of jelly in between here making it really really light.
It looks like a heavy dessert and I gotta tell you,
that's not the British way.
S: No.
M: It should be clotted cream. Heavy stuff. Custards.
This is far too Japanese in its lightness.
S: It's a bit too delicate for what I envisioned a trifle would be for me.
M: I mean... It's delicious.
S: Exactly! Exactly!
M: It's delicious, but-
S: We're quibbling here. M: We're foodies! Okay, you guys?
S: We're definitely foodies.
Oh, we have a couple new members. M: Gia R., Thank you so much.
José and Parisian Princess?
Parisian Princess. ♪
S: Cheers to you as we keep on enjoying cake for dinner.
We have two cakes left.
M: I've also added a couple of palate cleansers.
S: Oh, I wasn't supposed to finish that?
M: Oh.
S: Cheers! For cake for breakfast!
M: I've added some new contenders, as you can see.
S: Okay. Who do we have next?
M: So.
I've brought over 2 different kinds of strawberries.
So, these are actually different types of strawberries
that you can buy in Japan
from different regions, they're grown differently.
S: Oh, is that so.
M: These are the big boys.
S: So we have the different regional ones.
One of those was $10 for the bag
and the other one was $4 for the bag.
So we're gonna see if we could really taste
that much of a difference.
Do we want the big one?
It's a 50. You can't get that close to 50!
There you go. That's a good-looking shot, girl.
Look it. Those are some good-lookin strawberries.
So we should have some palate cleansers now.
That's right.
M: And here in Japan--
S: Let's try some.
we have also here, this is ichigo milk.
We've never tried this.
S: Ichigo milk! Love, they can't hear you over there.
Shotgun's right here, this is uh,
Ichigo milk, it's a condensed milk.
You'll always see this in Japan close to the strawberries.
And I've never actually tried this in Japan.
I'm ready to see what this is like.
Are you ready here? Are you trying to squeeze it?
Hang on.
Watch Martina as she struggles to peel this.
Are you gonna squirt this in your hand?
What is going on here?
It's childproof.
Children aren't supposed to eat this!
Can you open this on your own?
She's got it!
No, she doesn't!
I feel like this is like a UFC match that I should be commentating on. Hold on. You got this.
Heeey and--
Ah! Another layer of security!
We must open this up and now we finally get access to this...
Oh, you just squeezed and dribbled that out, girl!
Calm down!
Are you just gonna cover it?
Girl, don't I get a choice?
Cake and delicious cream for breakfast!
Breakfast? This is dinner.
M: I was like... this looks obscene...
Sorry, you guys.
S: That was very, very inappropriate.
I feel like we're gonna be flagged
as inappropriate for children from all the angry parents
that are trying to tell their kids that no, they cannot have cake for dinner.
M: That was an accident.
S: And also that shot looked a bit too provocative.
M: What!? It's condensed milk.
S: I'm gonna say, we can't show this drizzling on here, anymore.
Or can we? Cause this is condensed milk!
M: It's just condensed milk!
S: And this has a very... how do we?
M: Viscous.
S: It's very viscous.
M: So, this is Ichigo-san, over here.
And those ones there are Amaou.
And--what? What is this?
S: I'm just saying. M: I'm just saying, it's condensed milk.
S: Our audience is very mature.
M: Slow down your drizzle, I'm just saying.
Okay, Matthew says, "Just want to say good night.
"I'll watch the livestream later.
Love your videos and amaze with your strength and love for one another."
Thanks! / S: Thanks.
M: "That money shot." That's right! That money shot.
S: Thank you to Red Fox who says, "Thanks for the awesome videos.
"It's been such a great ride so far.
Hope that your 2020 is all positive and healing!"
My 2020 is starting a lot better than my 2019!
M: I mean, for me 2019 was, you know...
S: For real. January 2019 compared to now,
significantly better.
I hope you're all feeling the same way also cause 2019 was the worst year of my life.
M: Would you be able to get some more wine for us?
S: Yes, of course I can, girl.
Cause we have some new members that we have to cheers to. ♪
Did you already eat a strawberry? M: No, I'm just waiting for you.
S: Okay.
That's for me...
M: I wanna see some kind of secret code in the section for me like a winksy. ♪
S: Did you put a secret code in!?
M: Maybe something really cute, I don't know. ♪
S: This is just a palate cleansing right now.
M: Do you know what I'm talking about? ♪
But Simon doesn't know! ♪ There's a wink! ♪
S: What!? Hey!
M: Yeah.
S: What the bumble clutch has happened?
M: I don't know. Oh! Oh!
S: Okay, are you ready for some nice strawberries? M: Yes.
S: Did you drizzle some? M: I did not drizzle some.
S: Why not?
M: No, I didn't. I'll try this originally first.
S: Okay, here we go. Look at this huge one.
M: Big boy.
Both: Mmmmm.
M: Okay, mine's quite tart.
S: Oh no, this is so sweet.
M: That's right! Because that's the Amaou.
This, I'm gonna add. S: Give me a little bit in the middle here.
M: So, I think this makes sense because --
You have, uh. It just looks like... S: It just looks so wrong.
M: Like melted white chocolate.
S: Melted white chocolate, everybody. That's what this is.
Do you see how colorful the inside of this is?
M: Oh my god. Nobody can serve condensed milk on stuff.
It's so good!
S: Alright!
M: Like Vietnamese iced coffee, right? S: Oh, dear. That is crazy delicious.
M: This should be illegal. This is just like bottles of sugar, isn't it?
No! I'm not having any more of that magic!
S: That's way too good.
M: That was magic and I won't have it.
Have you guys ever tried condensed milk before and have you ever tried Vietnamese iced coffee?
It's the one that has like, filter coffee with very, very dark roasted fine
and drips very slowly into your cup and the bottom has like a thick-ass layer of condensed milk.
And then you mix it as you want with a little bit of ice and like, oooh!
S: I love it!
This is the longest I've ever eaten a single strawberry.
M: You only take manly bites!
S: I've taken like 5 bites and there's still more to go!
M: Well, I've got some news to tell you.
Woodmancer, who is a level 8 mage, has joined,
along with Lealendix, the destroyer of the forrests!
Lynn Hall, the priest leader of the [?]
S: Lynn Hall! I know your emoji! I've seen you before!
M: Rebecca, the secret sourcerer! And...
Katina Ofnalska, the incredible horse trainer of Kraken.
S: And Adlib Creative.
M: Wait. Oh, my god. S: All the way on the left.
M: As I'm ad-libing creatively.
And Adlib Creative! The Dungeon Master has joined!
Both: Cheers to all of you new members.
Hold on. We have uh....
( SFX applause )
S: Cheers to all you! M: Cheers to new members, yeah.
S: That's delicious.
M: Can you pass me my phone? I'm gonna let people start voting on the next magical thing.
M: Which is gonna be hands-free! S: I don't trust you, though!
M: Well, it made sense that the trifle was a blow-up. S: Okay.
M: I didn't think about the trifle, to be fair. S: I need a little bit more clarity for the next one.
M: All we're doing is eating with our face. Hands-free.
Because they're all supposed to be that way.
S: Okay, they're all supposed to be hands-free, except we're gonna have a secret word.
So pick 2 words.
M: Right there. S: Okay.
So first, we're gonna pick the cake and then we're gonna do the codes.
M: Well, because we've got two cakes. So it doesn't matter.
So, I think that everybody should start voting while we drink cause there's a lot of people that joined.
So we got to keep this up.
We want you to either pick between the word 'blueberry' or 'blackberry.'
S: Blueberry or blackberry? M: Blueberry or blackberry? What do you choose?
Blueberry or blackberry?
( Relaxing music turns on ♪ )
S: One of our new members' name was Woodmancer. M: Yup.
S: Necromancers are very like, they're able to control dead bodies, right?
M: Why would I pick 2 words that look so similar? Ha...
( Laughs )
S: We can't read this!
This is terrible!
M: Livestream is like *gibberish*!
S: I'm too old!
M: Okay! S: Hold on!
S: New words! New words! Abort! Abort! M: Abort mission.
S: New words here. I can't read this! M: Okay. Let's make two words up, okay?
S: Okay. How about we just say red or blue?
Wait. Wait, but we gotta pick.
M: But then they'll know who we're picking!
S: No. We'll write it down on here. That's what.
M: That's right, 'Lol,' Natalie Pate! 'Lol!' This makes no sense.
Okay. They're already picking red and blue.
S: Okay.
M: No, I don't want that! Ha!
S: All right. M: No, I don't agree to that one!
S: Why not? This is totally fair! M: Cause everyone's voting blue.
Everyone loves the color blue.
S: Thank you everybody! Because-- M: Thanks a lot so I'm eating hands-free now.
S: Martina's eating hands-free now, as well.
M: See, that's not fair.
Because I tried to pick blueberry / blackberry cause most people don't like berries that much.
So I thought, pick between two things you don't like that much.
Like celery or Kale. S: Okay, look. I have to say,
because you chose such a bad one before you have to suffer the consequences.
M: Okay. Alright. Yes.
S: That's fair. I'll pick the next one.
M: You're totally right. I agree with you. S: I'll pick the next one clearly.
M: I absolutely do agree with you.
Now let's get a vote on.
S: Let's take a look we have two cakey cakey cakes left.
We have the white strawberry with chocolate...
Excuse me, everybody.
And then we have right beside it
the Shortcake with a very gorgeous strawberry there.
This one looks like it's going to be like,
the pinnacle of Japanese strawberry cakes, I think.
So, here are the votes.
We're going ladies and gentlemen.
M: Back to you for a second.
S: Pop on back to me. We've got 'chocolate,' we've got 'shortcake.'
We got 'shortcake,' 'shortcake,' 'chocolate,'
'white strawberry,'
M: Oh yeah.
S: 'shortcake,' 'white strawberry,' 'shortcake,' 'shortcake,'
'short,' 'short,' 'short.'
Okay. We got a lot of people voting for short.
I think short is the way to go ladies and gentlemen.
How will Martina eat this hands-free?
M: Thanks a lot, you guys.
S: Thanks, everybody. You've made a great decision-- M: Haha!
S: You-- hey, hey!
S: You can't show that on--!
You know why I think people voted for that? Because they already knew that you lost.
And so they wanted the messiest one!
M: Thanks a lot, you guys.
Will you pass me the Totoro plate please?
S: Okay. Here's the Totoro plate.
Martina's going to eat this one hands-free.
M: Uh-huh. This plate is Totoro-y awesome.
Ha. Get it?
We got it from the Ghibli Museum.
You guys, if you come to Japan, please come to the Gibbs.
It changes all the time.
So even if you've gone before, go back.
S: We're about to go back. Like, we've already been a couple times.
M: Marpan, they are family friendly, indeed.
Do you get to eat first with your chopsticks?
S: So I get to eat. Okay. M: My chopsticks remain dry. You know.
S: Oh my gosh. This is the cake-- M: Can I have your strawberries, by the way?
S: Yeah. You want some of my strawberries, girl?
M: Yeah! They taste different.
S: Yeah. They're so good.
M: So... drizzy looking.
S: Very badrizzled. M: Why is your bowl so sticky?
S: Oh my gosh. It's just sticky all over my fingers. I don't understand.
M: Everything is sticky and covered in this white stuff.
What is happening?
S: Okay. Watch this. See, this is why I love eating cake with chopsticks.
You could just take a little bit at it like this.
I'm not really proving my case all too well, right now.
M: Oh my god. These ones are so sweet!
S: Okay.
This is it. This is the cake that I'm most excited for.
We actually wanted-- I was interested in buying a whole one of these.
M: That's what our plan was.
S: Yeah, but this is I think of fun idea.
M: But then we arrived and we were like, 'What about that trifle, though?'
S: Okay. Here we go.
M: Oh my god.
You guys.
S: Perfection.
M: Yeah.
S: Actually, the cream is a little too light for me.
M: Ooh!
S: I think the cream's a little too light.
The sponge is right on the money! M: Whaat?
The sponge is right on the money.
I think this is a sponge you like but I think the cake- sorry- I think the cream just needs a little bit more in it.
M: Really? S: Yeah.
M: I mean we didn't this shop because we were like, 'this is the shop!'
We just wanted to try strawberry cake!
S: But the strawberry in it is very, very yummy. This is the season to have strawberry cakes.
M: Emily Williams, that's okay.
HBC Kat, 'Japanese Shortcake is so dope.' That's right.
Okay. I learned something really amazing about this.
The reason why this cake became popular during like Christmas time and stuff in Japan
was because in between like, the war with Japan, and then Japan not being a country that it was,
and joining like, the USA and everything, — Right.
— it was a sign of wealth to be able to have a refrigerator. Like, technology from different countries.
— True! Yeah.
— And fresh cream was a sign that you could make something that would go bad
if you didn't have a refrigerator. — Right.
— So if you put out this fresh cream strawberry cake, and it was a sign of like wealth.
And it was white which is also like a lot of purity stuff in Asia, so.
— My god.
Girl, you remember so much of that 'cause I was trying to remember cause we both listened to that together.
M: ( Southern accent ) Because I'm honest... S: Yeah. Your memory's great.
M: ...I'm not gonna use these chopsticks even though I was about to, y'all.
S: Thank you for having a code of honor. M: Don't say that I'm the kind of person
that would stuff a strawberry in my mouth with your back turned.
I would never do something like that.
S: Alright. So how- how are you going to?
M: I'm going to eat it very daintily.
S: Hang on. Let me just zoom in on you, this is very important here, ladies and gentlemen.
M: I can pick it up, right?
S: Well, yes. As you should.
M: I just have to... Or I can just maybe...corner it. S: Just right there. Hang on.
S: Just mush your face in there, girl.
M: It's too delicate to lift off this. Oh my god.
You can't lift it up! S: Hands-free!
Yes. Because it's called hands-free.
M: Okay, I've got this. S: You got this, girl.
M: Hiya!
S: Mush your face in there.
M: Thanks a lot everybody for voting for blue. Even though it's the best color ever.
This will be delicate. S: Hands-free, girl. You got this.
M: Hmm hm hm hmmm ♪
S: Wow, you're actually not as messy as I had hoped!
M: Oh, nope. S: No, not that way!
M: Hmm hm hm hmmm. ♪
S: Okay, I didn't mean eat the whole-- hey! Hey, hang on!
S: Eeew!
M: Hmm hm hm hmmm ♪
S: Girl, I got to have some more of that strawberry, too.
M: Hmm hm hm hmmm ♪ S: Okay. Alright. Hey. Hey, that's enough.
S: Hang on now.
M: Wow!
S: Isn't that cake is so- that sponge is perfect.
M: I will return. Also, I'd like to say good job lipstick. You're actually hanging in there.
S: Yeah, this- I like this cake so much.
This is my favorite cake of the night so far. M: It's so fluffy!
S: Right? The fluffiness is right. The texture is right.
So, I think texture wise, this is a killer.
The sponge, the cream with the strawberries, it all works so perfectly well.
I just wish there was just a little bit more oomph in that cream.
You know, I think the cream is lacking just a little bit. What are you setting the camera up for here?
M: Oh, nothing.
Our cat lying in a pile of garbage clothing.
S: We didn't clean the rest of the house! This wasn't supposed to be on camera!
Meemers: "Mom and dad hate me."
S: I got so much cream on my face.
Yeah, I think this needs a little bit more maybe vanilla or like a thicker cream.
Maybe just a bit of custard even, possibly.
M: I'm back!
S: This strawberrie's a lot more tart, that strawberry that you've bit into that was on the top.
That was a tart strawberry as opposed to the really sweet ones we have.
M: Misty Lynn says, 'no way you will see this--,' in your face!
'But just want to say you two are heckin' awesome. Good night from St. Louis. Love and peace.'
Did I say it "St. Louie"? Is that right- "Louis?" S: St. Louis?
M: What the heck is wrong with me? S: No, they call it "St. Louie," I think, as well.
M: Kimmy says, 'Hello, Dr. Meemersworth.'
Melvin says, "Lol. Simon has cream on his face!"
Probably. You're probably right about that! S: What?
M: Let me see, open this one.
Zhu Yuan Hong says, "Holy shit. It's been years since I've seen you guys!"
I know, here we are. We're alive. S: I have a question.
M: Were you part of our kpop scene?
Cause a lot of people leave and then come back and go, "You guys are alive!"
And we're like, "Turns out, we're people!"
S: How many of you want to see me feed Martina cake lovingly?
M: Nobody does.
S: How many of you? Just let me know!
If you don't want to, you could say no.
But if you do want to, please say yes.
I think that this is something where-- look there's 'Yes' already. Like, we have 'I want to see.'
Right? 'Yes.' 'Yes.'
M: 'Yes, of course.' That was a very rigged...
S: Yes, of course. M: It was rigged is what that was.
S: First, let's cheers to a new member.
M: Shanae Hanes. S: Shanae Hayes. Thank you for joining.
S: We forgot the clap!
( SFX applause ) M: Woo!
S: Woo!
M: Woo! / S: Woo!
M: Woo! Woo!
S: And now, everybody wants to see me feed you cake lovingly.
M: Okay, here we go. ( Relaxing jazz music plays ♪ )
S: Dan dan daaaan. ♪
M: Chopstick feeding is weird.
S: Right?
M: I feel like you jabbed me in the mouth. S: Yeah, it didn't work as well.
M: It's just like putting on glasses.
S: You know, I think people feed each other from across from each other. Side to side?
Doesn't work as much because it's gonna hit the side of your mouth.
I think...
See? The chopstick gets onto the cheek and it just doesn't work right.
M: What about the tiny spoon?
S: But I think if you do it this way,
one shot, all once...
Now, I'm gonna have the rest.
Now that's quality entertainment. Are you chewing too fast your heart rates up?
M: Ah!
Stephanie Kim, 'Wait. How is this the wrong channel?' What's the wrong channel? What's happened?'
S: Well, because when we started this livestream,
I shared out the link, but we'd started it from the gaming channel, Drink Your Potions.
In which I occasionally play video games. I think maybe like once a year I live stream on there!
M: It's me, again! I'm alive!
S: And I accidentally started on that channel.
M: Simon was very panicked about today.
Because if you guys watched this from the beginning, you'll see that we have a video that we edited.
So, we're trying to find a way to give you guys like,
a different experience where we can be live with you guys.
But it's also at the beginning, like a mini movie.
S: We have a bit of different editing. And we got this little switch here, also.
M: Oh, Natalie Simpson, 'Where's Martina's lipstick from?'
You guys have been asking this forever.
It's Kat Von D.
And the name of it is something so gothy, like 'tryst' or 'I hate life.'
S: Aren't they all gothy? Does she have any uppity kind of names whatsoever?
M: Wonder child. / S: Wonder child? Okay.
I truly don't know about the names of Martina's lipstick so I can't help with this whatsoever.
Goodnight wants to know where's meemers. He's actually sleeping beside us in our pile of clothing.
M: This one.
And the name is...
How could I not know that?
And this amazing stuff right here, which I'm not paid for you guys, this is lip gel magic.
It is amazing because it basically adds like, a wax seal to the outside of your lipsticks
so that you can keep it on a lot longer.
So it's very amazing.
'Did you see that Kat Von D stepped down from her own makeup company?'
No, I didn't.
I have to basically stop following anything celebrities do, or musicians.
because if I find out that their private life is really something that I don't approve of
I can't like, follow-- I just, I can't like, separate from it anymore.
So, now I just said like,
'You know what, I just wanna listen to someone's music and I don't want to know what's happening in their life.'
or else I'll just be like totally --
What's happening here, Simon?
S: I'm writing the code for people to vote for the next one.
I'm trying to think of one that's like, a good 50:50.
M: All right. S: But I want to be able to see people's preferences.
Princess of Darkness17 says,
'Simon, Have you played Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers?'
S: No, I played a lot of it.
Tell me if you agree to these terms.
M: Sorry. This is my phone case and I made it myself. It's a clear case that I just put together. See?
These are just all my little stickers and these are postcards that we got sent.
And things that I like.
And then I drew little doodles on it.
And then I put it just in that case.
S: Girl, I think it's super cute. I love your case
M: And I attached a sticker thing to it. Because it's easy-- if I drop it.
S: Stop showing people! M: Ah!
S: Okay. All right. / M: Okay.
S: Um, so for Shadowbringers, no, I haven't played that one, yet.
I kind of gave up on it.
There's so many random quests I didn't want to do.
And I just found myself not enjoying the full gaming experience.
Are you okay with this? So we make people choose between these two?
M: Why don't we do...?
Because then it'll be easy to see.
S: No, no, no, no, no. This is easy!
M: Okay, okay!
S: So we have one cake left.
The cake that we have is our little
chocolate with white strawberry.
White strawberries are delicious.
M: That's a real strawberry, by the way.
We did we did a video on that. Can I have some more sparkling, by the way?
S: Of course, you can.
M: If you're joining us now, we drink for all the new members,
so we are a little tipsy.
Because we didn't eat anything as we planned on having
cake for dinner! / S: Cake for dinner!
( SFX applause )
M: Yes!
S: All right, so, everybody tell me a preference. What would you rather have --
M: That's right, Nicole Lynn said, 'I thought they taste like nothing.'
So, I think we bought them too early. This is what we were told.
Apparently, they definitely have a taste.
Remember the controversial 'White Strawberry' video we did?
S: Right. Yeah.
M: That's what I was reffering to. S: Maybe we got them too early.
Okay. So. The question is what would you prefer?
Cheese or meat? / M: Cheese or meat?
S: Cheese or meat? / M: Cheese or meat? S: Cheese or meat?
M: All the vegans are like, 'Wait, what?' And we're like, 'Just pick one that you hate more!'
It doesn't matter. You just literally pick one. S: Cheese or meat?
Cheese or meat?
M: 'Meat,' 'meat,' 'meat!'
— 'Cheese,' 'cheese,' 'cheese!' ... — 'Cheese,' 'cheese,' 'cheese!' ...
S: 'Cheese,' 'cheese,' 'cheese,'
'cheese,' 'cheese,' 'cheese.'
Shitty shit, okay! So...
( SFX applause )
So... for meat, I am the one that heats hands-free.
I thought I could have had a pure, pure day of winning here.
But that's okay. I'm excited to try this one
by myself.
Finally! Simon has lost one.
Da-da-daaan.♪ Bring it over to me.
M: It comes in a cute little thingy underneath it. S: Yes.
So it says, "Caution, don't eat."
So I think I hold this up you can take it out with using the plastic on two hands.
S: Oh! Okay, like teamwork. M: Yeah! Like teamwork.
S: Alright, let's do this.
M: 'Cause I'm gonna hold this up like this.
S: Okay, you ready? M: Yeah, go for it.
S: Okaay... M: Here you go.
M: Oh, that's pretty neat. Look at this little...
M: Loser!♪ Simon!♪
Oh, my gosh. You have to tell them what your mom said!
It made me laugh so haaard.
S: My mommy said that she doesn't like it when-- M: (Laughs)
S:--everyone says "Loser Simon."
S: And she doesn't like it when Martina says "Loser Simon!"
M: Haha!
S: Beause my mommy loves me and I'm not a loser to her.
She thinks I'm a very special boy! M: You're not a loser! You're not a loser!
M: It's just that you lose on competitions! S: But she doesn't understand that much.
S: I love you, Mom. But there is some jokes that you're not getting.
She told me how sad it makes her. M: Yes.
S: So all of you should be
M: No!
S: You made my momma crrry. M: No. Don't. She did not cry.
S: Mom, don't read the comments. There's nothing but mean people here. ( fake crying )
M: Okay, stop it. S: Insane.
M: She didn't cry and he's fine. We had a good laugh about it.
S: I'm joking. Okay.
Are you ready? So-- M: Obsidian Rose, I can see your comments.
S: Yeah, everyone's comments are still here. M: Only a couple 'Loser Simon's are disappearing.
But like, no one's like, saying anything bad.
S: I know. I know. It's a joke.
M: 'We appreciate you!'
S: How do I eat this hands free? I'd have to hold it underneath here, right?
M: Do you want me to hold this for you?
S: Yes. You can hold that for me and I will gladly-- M: Hey, excuse me. Eyes.
You are not gonna eat that whole white strawberry by yourself.
That would be really mean. S: That would be really mean. I'm not going to.
M: That's why I nibbled the other one in half. S: I'm not going to eat it all by myself.
M: Okay. S: Okay.
This is impossible to eat.
It's way too hard. Can you push it towards the edge?
M: That's what she said. S: Push it towards the edge here so I can bite it.
M: I'm just gonna hold it for you. S: There you go.
M: Oh my god, it's like a monster. You did it. Whoa. Look at all this stuff in here.
S: Hmm
What a glorious,
dense, chocolate sponge.
M: Good night, BB Ann. S: Matched with that strawberry.
M: I don't like chocolate though. S: Oh, those strawberries with the chocolate.
This is my jam. I think I have a new winner so far. M: I get to finally use my chopsticks.
M: dan-dan-dan. ♪
I like this one more than all the other because -- M: Oh, there's gold dust here!
That's so beautiful and delicate. S: I am- I am into chocolate cakes. Martina's not super.
Martina likes chocolate. She doesn't like chocolate flavored things.
Like chocolate cakes or--
M: Yeah. I love chocolate. But chocolate cake to me is like ruining chocolate.
Okay, so let me try this out together.
M: *Struggle noises* S: *Laughs*
Chopsticks are the superior utensil ( echo: utensil... utensil...).
M: That strawberry was so good.
S: Right?
M: Mmm!
S: Doesn't it match the cake so nicely?
S: 'Cause it's so dense it cuts through it perfectly.
M: Okay. So, I take this back. This isn't really a chocolate cake.
This is like having those lava cakes. It tastes like more bitter chocolate than it does cake.
I'm gonna take a nibble of this. S: Take a nibble.
And I'm gonna say thank you Tempered Storm for super chatting. Who says, 'Hello from Waycross, Georgia, USA.
'Love you both. How do you feed your need for caffeine when no coffee is available?
'Energy drinks? Caffeine pills? Soda? Tea?
Thank you for Build a Ladder tool for coping.'
M: Very good question. / S: Very good question.
M: I'm an exclusive, and so is Simon, just caffeine drinker.
So what I do is I travel with it everywhere I go.
S: Coffee drinker.
M: Yeah, well, I guess. Coffee drinker, you could say.
If we go to a hotel that I think will not provide me with good enough coffee. I'll bring my own pre-ground coffee
and like, a disposable hand dripper or a reusable one.
I pack Aeropresses with me. If there's going for something longer we might even pack a Bodum.
We have one of those ones that has a screw on top. That's kind of tall.
I drink tea.
But otherwise like, I'm always gonna make my own coffee no matter what
or buy something from a machine.
But they usually have a lot of sugar in them. I actually do not drink caffeine drinks at all.
S: We don't drink any of the energy drinks. We don't drink soda. No caffeine pills.
M: No. Just pure coffee beans and we love spending money on that.
So we go to you know, local coffee shops, like Light Up Coffee.
You know, Cotton John coffee. Yeah, you're getting it like, fresh from small-batch from farms.
They have pictures of the farmers. They've gone there. It's just very local and small batch.
And changing all the time.
So yeah, I really enjoy that. S: Yeah, me too.
M: Yeah, that's my story.
M: Um...
S: Shh. Shh. Shh!
M (in cute voice) : Why is-- Why is Simon eating?!
S: I forgot! I totally forgot!
I'm so sorry. I forgot!
M (cute) : Did he eat the strawbellberry?
Did he eat everything? What happened?
S: I'm using chopsticks.
M (cute) : Oh, my god!
S: I know. I totally forgot.
M (cute) : Oh no! Simon is cheating!
S: I totally forgot. Mom. Mom, I'm still a good boy. Okay, I'm still a good boy. Mom. I'm not a cheater.
M: Oh, my god.
S: I just forgot, totally forgot.
M: Okay. Then you have to eat that last piece as punishment with your hands free.
And you have to eat this strawberry as well.
S: Hands free as well!? M: Yes!
S: What!? Girl, how much cream you put on that!?
M: Oopsie.
S: Okay. Cake first.
M: All right, good job Duck.
S: Nom nom nom nom!!
M: Don't choke, please.
Yup. Don't choke. Don't choke.
S: Mmm. Oh, my god.
M: It was really good. We're definitely gonna rate these.
So, we have the traditional strawberry shortcake one,
that was the sponge with the cream and strawberries.
And remember that this is only one location. Like, we might need to try more locations.
We had the white chocolate one that you had now. S: Yep.
M: We had the trifle with peaches and strawberries. S: Yep.
M: And then we also had the melon one. What is your number one, right now?
S: The chocolate one. M: Wow!
S: Yeah, the chocolate one is my thing. M: Wow.
S: I am definitely into chocolate cakes. I know you're not. It's my thing.
M: Wow. S: That was so dense.
The strawberries were perfect for it.
M: For me, it was the melon.
S: The melon was your number one.
M: Yes. It had the strawberry, it had the cream, it even had the sponge.
It was basically the strawberry shortcake shoved inside a melon.
S: Yeah, that's true.
M: So, if I voted for shortcake, it would be just that. But the melon had shortcake and it had melon.
So I loved it. Then I had the shortcake. S: Yeah.
M: Then the trifle and then the chocolate for me.
S: Chocolate's your bottom? M: Yes, but you know, I don't like chocolate.
S: Wow. That's very true. So, I would say number one for me was the chocolate.
M: Yes. S: Number two is a shortcake one.
M: Mm-hmm. S: Number three was the melon.
And number four was the trifle.
M: Okay. So our number twos are the same, strawberry shortcake.
M: While are melon and chocolates are... S: Yeah, the strawberry shortcake is universe--
So, between us, that's our highest rating one there.
M: And so you can see that there's like inconsistencies in people's personal opinions, so that's okay.
But strawberry shortcake ranks highest.
Um, Niko asked if we got into the chocolate that she gave us.
Girl. S: Let me bring it over!
M: I like, take these like, couple pops of these chocolates and I'm like, "That's enough!" and I put it away.
And you got me that tea kit. And that was so amazing.
I use it every single day when I don't want to have coffee and I'm just kind of balance it out.
Wow. It is so good. And we also-- I wanted to thank the people for sending us fan mail here.
This beautiful background that you see here,
right here--
This is actually fabric that somebody sent us in fan mail.
And we took a photo and we're gonna put it up on the community tab.
S: And Niko, here are the chocolates, there. M: We're making our way down.
S: Excuse me. We don't eat tons of it.
We just have usually like, one or two at a time. It's really lovely.
M: Peppered Storm, that's answered your question about caffeine.
Sassy, oh, "Happy belated birthday to you." S: Thank you.
M: "Good night," from Brandie.
Emily Williamson, "Sending you both love from England.
I lived in Ojiya, Japan for 3 months. Well, planned a year and had to come back early. I miss Japan so much."
Sarah Russell says, "Hello from New Zealand!
"What would be the best ever coffee you've ever had? Also, would you travel to New Zealand?
Love you both! Thank you for light."
Number one, absolutely we'd come to New Zealand. S: Oh, yeah!
Also, there's some really great New Zealand marketing happening because I'm loving Waiheke.
I'm loving all the New Zealand movies that I'm watching, as well.
S: Do you know that I was supposed to be born in New Zealand?
M: No! Oh, yeah. Yeah, I knew that. S: Yeah.
S: Yeah. So, my parents didn't originally plan to go to Canada 'cause when they were in like, refugee camp,
They originally wanted to go to New Zealand. Because New Zealand has a good--
M: No!
People said that you escaped it in the strawberry! Thank you guys. You saved me!
You saved my life, you guys.
S: Trying to tell a story. M: I would be so cheated upon.
Eat it! S: Trying to tell a story about my childhood, here.
And connect with vulnerability.
M: Eat it.
That's what you get.
Don't deal with me.
That's what you get.
Thank you, guys.
S: Wow. So yummy.
M: Wow. So much sugar. S: Wow, that's not punishment at all.
M: I'm gonna go ahead and...
S: Point is, my parents filed their paperwork for New Zealand two weeks late.
And as a result, they didn't get accepted and then we went to Canada instead.
Ooh. Somebody wrote, "You have to report something bad." Eh?
M: Yes. I reported a little bit of
sexual stuff that happened. ♪ S: Wooow!
S: Oh! I'm so sorry comment section! Jeez.
Wow, okay that person needs to be blocked forever.
And all caps as well. M: Haha!
S: Who writes these kinds of things?
I'm so sorry.
M: Well, luckily I already reported them, but...
S: I mean, I don't want to give negative people attention, but just-- just, please. Why? Why-- why do you do this?
M: Don't worry. S: Okay.
M: No one can say anything 'cause this is me,
Martina's over here going like this, "Put them in timeout. Report user.
Community Guidelines. Sexual. Unwanted pornog--." And then I'm... yeah.
S: The second question was what was your favorite coffee ever?
M: Ooh, that's really tough.
But I really enjoyed coffee in Finland. And in Norway, we went to that I--
S: Aah. Yeah I was gonna say that Norway one. M: --It was like a bucket list place for me.
S: Who was that? It was like a famous guy with like two.. M: If anyone's Norwegi, it's the name of someone's.
S: Was it David Hasselhoff?
M: Yes, HBCAT, the wrong kind of nasty did indeed enter.
S: Did--Like, he, like, Micheal... *struggles*
M: It doesn't matter. S: Yeah.
M: The point is is that it was really good. I loved it. Um...
S: That was my favorite one, also. I just can't remember the name.
M: Also, I have a secret favorite from Bucheon, South Korea throwback.
This is from the Elephant Cafe that we used to go to. And Spudgy would always come with us.
And they made a creme brulee latte and I'm not someone who's into sugar.
But he took espresso and foam and like, it was kind of like a latte but not super milky.
And he covered it in this like delicious sugar and then he roasted it,
but the right kind where it doesn't taste like poutine.
Crispy and crumbly.
And then he put like, a sugar cube on it. And I was like, "What is this?" and you crack into it.
But it was so light and I was like, "Wow. This is delightful."
And I remember that forever.
S: Martina, whenever we talk about Bucheon, she tells me that story often.
It's legit. She loves that one so much. I definitely remember that one.
M: Hey, Anita Christian says, "Greetings from Norway."
You have to answer our question, I hope! S: Hello, Anita.
Yes, does anyone remember that name-- that Norwegian coffee one? Did anybody say it?
M: Yeah, exactly. I'm not sure.
Oh, we got a lot of people from the states waking up now. Oh, and David Hope is from Scotland.
S: Oh, wait. No. Marcus Palm said, "No Swedish coffee love?"
That coffee shop we went to in Malmo.
M: We've had so much good coffee in Sweden. S: That was a phenomenal one in Malmo.
Out of all the Swedish ones, I really like that one. We talked about oat milk with them.
We talked about like, different places to-- M: Malmo is like a hipster magical place. Like, honestly.
It was exciting to be-- it's exciting to be pulled over to different countries for work
because we take our job so seriously with like research and reading blogs and like, it's exciting.
It's like, "What am I gonna see when I get there?"
And my biggest regret for Malmo is I wanted to show some of the places that did like kabobs and falafel
because it's like, a big part of the scene.
But I couldn't find a place because they were all like pitted against each other.
It was crazy and I was like, "Okay, we'll just do this another time." But imagine doing just like a falafel video.
Just like, non stop.
S: I'm amazed like, are we... is this like a popular stream?
And that's why all these weird porn ones are coming up here?
M: Oh. Are we getting all the porno comments? S: Yeah, look at all... like...
I'm shocked. Like, this is rare for us.
Like usually all the comments section is cool people, but like I've never seen random people pop in
and start advertising porn.
M: We've been making videos for 10 years. S: Have we made it? Mama!
M: No. No one makes it.
S: Mama, we made it, mama.
We got the porn comments!
We go the spammers!
M: We did it! S: We have leveled up!
Thank you, everybody. I will accept my private jet now.
They just keep on popping up!
M: It's fine! We got rid of them!
S: No, I won't do what you tell me to do, dirty commenter!
M: I'm gonna get this out...
S: I think we're done with our livestream, now. Thank you everybody for hanging out with us.
This was loads of fun. M: This was so much fun.
S: I enjoyed switching between cameras. And a little video at the beginning was so neat!
M: Plus I have a confession for you. S: What is it?
M: I did eat a strawberry when you weren't looking. S: I thought so, you know!
M: I did. S: I felt it in my bones.
I was pretty sure. M: They all knew.
S: They all knew. M: They were in on it.
S: Chloe, thank you so much for super chatting, says,
"Simon. I love your shirt. Jealous of cake. I'm cutting calories right now so I don't get to eat it."
M: Well, we didn't eat dinner because we had...
cake for dinner! ( Light upbeat music ♪ )
S: Thank you for this edition, uh, ( SFX applause )
for watching cake for dinner with us.
This is episode number one.
Episode number two of cake for lunch. M: Cake for breakfast!
S: Should we do cake for lunch? M: Brownies for dinner!
S: Let us know in the comment section. M: Pies for breakfast!
Yeah, so guys, let us know in the comment section below.
And if you enjoyed this you can also head to the community tab and let us know.
Because I think it's fun to show you guys some well-developed video at the beginning.
And then take it to what's actually happening so we can share it together.
S: I love this setup. I had so much fun. Thank you, everybody, for hanging out.
M: Thank you, Anna, for, "I love sex half on my photo off." Thank you...
S: No! No, Anna! M: Yes...
S: Put Anna in a timeout!
M: Timeout, Anna!
S: I'm trying to have a connecting moment with my audience here.
M: Natalie, thank you for liking my new hair color. Happy House, fork for dinner. Yes.
Thank you guys for joining.
S: Thank you everybody.
M: Oh and Kat, I did it set as well.
We're gonna say goodnight and we'll see if Simon knows how to disconnect this livestream!
S: So easily.
Bye bye, everyone. M: Bye, everyone!
S: See you later!