字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hi guys! こんにちは! As you can see, I look a lot different than I normally do today 今日はいつもと違うシャーラです♪w Thanks to Cathy Cat who gave me this adorable Decora makeover キャットさんにメイクオーバーして貰いました〜 If you guys would like to see the video for this その動画は You can go check that out on the KAWAII PATEEN channel KAWAII PATEEN チャンネルで見れます I will link that right here and down below 下にリンク貼ります But today on my channel, we are going to be talking about lolita fashion 今日はロリータファッションについて話します! But before we do that we need to get out of this decora style その前に And into lolita style, so we will do that now! ロリータファッションに着替えなきゃ! Hey! We are back! In lolita fashion ロリータファッションに変身! We are! Look at that! みてみて♪ I need a bow actually リボン必要だね So cute! 可愛い〜 I kept the same makeup as before メイクはさっきと同じです It kinda works with all the pink sweet lolita fashion that I have on このドレスと合うので It looks gorgeous, so make sure to check out the video where we did that transformation その変身動画も見てね! We also just did another video on Cathy Cat's channel キャットのチャンネルにも動画アップので So please watch that! After you watch this one, of course そっちも見てね〜この動画見終わってから♪ So we're gonna talk about the rules of lolita fashion ロリータファッションのルールについて話します! And all the details that I have no idea about 私は全然詳しくないので I thought that was really interesting, so I figured you guys would too 面白いと思って So yeah could you go over some of the important basic rules 基本のルールね If you're just getting into lolita fashion, what do you need to know ロリータファッションを始めたいと思ってる人のため So that you don't totally screw up 失敗しないように General rule is: Don't show too much skin ルール#1:肌をあんまり見せないこと Right, it's a very modest fashion そうだね! As you can see I'm wearing a full blouse 長袖のブラウスを着てます And the skirt is right down to my knees スカートもひざまでで、 And I've got socks covering my legs completely 靴下が長くて足まったく見えないです Really the only skin you can see is a little bit of neck! 見えるのは首ぐらいだね! You're wearing a jumper skirt right now to go with the blouse シャーラが着てるのはジャンパースカートと言って I'm wearing an OP (One piece) 私はOPを着てます (ワンピース) My shoulders are pretty much covered, there is a bit of arm 肩が見えないけど、腕は見えてます But if I was wearing it like even more OTT I should wear something frilly to cover my hands 本当はレースの手袋など付けた方がいいかもしれない And again, my skirt is really long as well 私のスカートも長いです No one can see this even if I jump, but it's really long! ジャンプしても見えないけど、長いですよ! I feel safer in this than other fashion 他のファッションより安全ですねw It's a style that many girls like 女の子に人気なスタイルですよ Even if you're very self conscious, like you have big hips ヒップがデカくても You can cover that up! No one can see my hips in this humungous dress! ドレスで隠せるよね! It's not sexy! Not at all! セクシーじゃないです It's not a fetish, and it's not supposed to be sexy フェチではないし、セクシーではない I mean there are many other things about lolita fashion まあ、ロリータファッションは色々あるので If you're really interested, be sure to look that up online 興味あればネットで調べるのもいいと思います! There's the EGL community and there's a couple of YouTubers who talk about lolita fashion EGLコミュニティもあるし、ロリータファッションのユーチューバーもいる I'm one of the YouTubers who talk about lolita fashion 私がその1人です And yeah get lots of information going そこでいろんなこと学べます Don't forget to wear a petticoat under your dress ドレスの下にペチコートを着るのも That's another one, very important 大事です You need to look like a cupcake! カップケーキの形を目指せ! Should be nice and poofy ふわっとしてほしい So we have lots of layers under our skirts レヤーいっぱいです! Lots and lots of layers いっぱいいっぱい! Usually one will be enough but we layered it up a little bit because we did decora 本当は一つでいいけどね What are some common mistakes that you see people doing? ロリータファッションでよく間違えることは何? Common mistakes... like wearing something that is not lolita fashion ロリータファッションじゃない服を着る Something that's too short, or wear a jumper skirt without a blouse スカートが短すぎるとか、ブラウスを着ないとか Oh so to wear this dress without anything underneath ジャンパースカートの下に必ずブラウスを着ること Yeah that's a really big mistake それは大変ですね Some people go "I got this lolita dress!" and they got the right brand and everything ジャンパースカートを買って、それがロリータだからそれでいいと思って Then they don't wear the blouse underneath 下にブラウスを着ない That's one of the things that people will point out それはよく人に気付かれるよ Oh no! Omg! That much skin :O 肌見え過ぎー!って Are there any rules about which colours to wear? 色のルール何かありますか? Like say I'm wearing a pink dress should I be wearing all pink accessories 例えば、このドレスはピンクなのでアクセもすべてピンクにしなきゃとか It depends on which style you're doing スタイルによります Sweet lolita was a big thing and it was like bright wigs and circle lenses スイートロリータはすごくカラフルウイッグとか、カラコンと and fake lashes... つけまつげを付けます And that style is actually slightly decreasing recently でも最近あんまりスイートロリータを見ないです And there's a classical lolita fashion boom that's coming on right now 最近はクラシカルロリータが人気なので So many girls decide to wear normal hair 普通の髪型が多いです and more browns and greens 色は茶色と緑が多い So it really depends on which style you're going for なので、スタイルによりますね And obviously you try to keep a balance with your dress 後はドレスといいバランスを取るのも大事です So I wouldn't put bright green on you 例えばシャーラに緑のアクセを付けるのはダメ The obvious colour clashing そうだね Generally what all the big people (Aoki Misako as well) say is don't be afraid 青木美沙子など有名なロリータがよく言うのは to do something wrong in lolita fashion 「失敗することを怖がらないで」 Many people are afraid and they won't do it 怖いからロリータに挑戦しない人が多い Of course the community can sometimes be cruel 時々ひどく言われるけど But if you don't brave it, you're never going to create a new fun style それを無視しないと新しいスタイルが生まれない And you'll learn, if you make a mistake and people point it out you'll know next time to wear a blouse ブラウスを着ないで、何か言われたら次は絶対着るから勉強にもなりますね Exactly! そうそう! Be nice to each other, that another thing I wanna tell, be nice to each other girls! みんなに優しくすることは It's important 大事です! What are the different lolita fashion styles? ロリータってどんなスタイルありますか? Sweet. Very very sweet, very OTT sweet スイートロリータ Pastel colours, and the prints usually have sweet patterns or candy themes パステルカラー、ドレスはスイーツ柄が多い And the circus, which is what I'm wearing, it's more rare 私が着てるのはサーカスロリータ It has a circusy pattern on as well, and you can see the bow tie here ドレスがサーカス柄でボータイも付けてます Lots of stripes, oh and show your socks! シマシマが多いね!靴下見せてあげて! Gothic lolita obviously, most people know gothic lolita ゴシックロリータはみんな知ってますね But that's kinda really died down a lot 最近あんまり見ないけどね It's all classic now 最近はクラシックばっかり You don't see much at all 見ないよね Punk lolita you were mentioning パンクロリータ Wa lolita you see 和ロリータ Wa lolita? Like super Japanese 和ロリータって?日本っぽい服? Yeah you have like Japanese sleeves そうそう、着物みたいな袖とか We don't see it as much あんまり見ないけど There's also ero lolita エロロリータ Oh what's that like? エロロリータはどんな感じ? Ero lolita is a lot shorter, and a bit more sexy ドレスが短くて、ちょっとセクシーなスタイル It's like the thing where people wouldn't wear it to a lolita meet ロリータが集まるイベントとかに着ないけど But it exists 時々見ます And there's guro lolita グロロリータ Again you only see that around Halloween ハロウィンでしか見ないです Like you have that pink dress but you would splatter it in blood そのドレスに血をつけたりして What would you recommend for someone who is just getting into lolita fashion? ロリータを始めたい人へとアドバイスありますか? If you are just starting out with lolita fashion 始めようと思ったばかりの時は many people say they don't have enough money お金があんまりないかもしれない Usually those dresses range from 20,000~30,000 yen ドレスは普通2〜3万します Once you get the bow and everything it gets really pricey リボンとかも買うとけっこうします Many people get discouraged by that 多くの人がそれでやる気をなくす First get to know your community, see who's in your area まずはコミュニティを知ることが大事です And then sometimes the community will sell things 物を売ったりするので Second hand is the way to go girls 中古で買うのはすごくいいですよ! You can A. Get brand B. Have people that can give you advice on how to wear that brand ブランドが買えるし、前に着てた人からアドバイス貰えるし Sometimes you can also see someone who's already worn that brand 前に着てた人の写真とかが見れます And then you can start and slowly work around it そこから自分の好みも入れて If you just start out and you don't have much money, I'd say save up for a skirt 最初はスカートを一個買うのはいいと思います That way you have one lolita skirt スカートを一個買って And then just need a blouse with a nice round collar ブラウスも買って Then you're already there! Get some nice socks that match your skirt 合う靴下を買えば and you're pretty much on the way だいたい出来上がりです! and get some accessories that mirror what's on the skirt その後スカートとマッチするアクセとかを買えばOKです! That'd be the easiest because then you'd only have to buy one brand item それが一番いいと思います。ブランドのもの一つだけ買うので And then from there on you can build your way up そこからどんどん増やせば Once you earn a little bit more, you can go one step up and buy a JSK お金は少しあれば次はJSKを買います Which is mine! これですね! So usually JSK is a like jumper skirt JSKはジャンパースカートのことです So you wear a blouse underneath 下にブラウスを着ます Mentioned that earlier, don't forget to wear the blouse! ブラウスを忘れないようにね! JSK is really nice because it's easier to wash as well JSKは洗いやすいからいいです Once you get the makeup, lolitas usually wear quite a bit of makeup, so ew メークとかが服に付いちゃうので So it's easier to wear, to wash, to take care of こっちはブラウスだけ洗えばOKです So you get the full lolita look, but you don't have the hassle of hand washing it 手洗いとかしなくても大丈夫です And then yours is called an OP, a one piece キャットが着てるのはOP So all in one, a full dress そう、ワンピースです Sometimes OPs are not that popular because you go Oh god, how am I gonna wash this~ OPは洗いにくいからそんな人気ではない They usually give you the best style 着やすいけど But also they sometimes give you less freedom あんまりカスタマイズできない Because now you can be like "Oh let's take a pink blouse!" JSKだとブラウスの色変えたりできます Yeah you could switch it up a bit そうだね! What kind of hairstyles are best for lolita fashion? ロリータファッションはどんな髪型がいい? Like are twin tails pretty common? ツインテールとか? Anything that's cute and innocent 可愛ければOKです! Many girls just have their hair open, long hair 普通の長いストレート髪よく見ます Curls, long curls sometimes braids カールや三つ編みも They only thing I don't see that much is short hair あんまり見ないのはショートだけ Like a bob, really short hair you don't really see that much in lolita fashion ボブスタイルとかね But doesn't mean that you can't wear lolita fashion でも絶対ダメってことじゃないですよ If you accessorise nice and have a cute hat with it, could totally go for it 可愛いアクセとか、帽子とか使えばショートでもOKです Why do people enjoy dressing in lolita fashion? みんなはそれぞれの理由あると思います Everyone has different reasons for wearing lolita fashion プリンセスになりたい人もいるし Some girls wanna have that princess look ロリータファッションを着ると気分が上がる人もいるし Sometimes it's just the way it makes you feel when you wear it このファッションを着る時自分に自信が付く人もいるし Some people just say it gives them so much confidence to wear the fashion こんな可愛い服を着てるから To be that way, to look that cute 私はロリータと原宿ファッションのコミュニティが好きです I actually like lolita fashion and harajuku fashion for the community いろんな人に出会えるから and the people that you meet, because it's such a nice mix 金曜日にオシャレして出かける人と同じように And how other people will go out and dress up on a Friday night 私たちはこの可愛い服を着て That's what you do, you dress yourselves up together and make yourselves look pretty 一緒にティーパーティなどをします and you go out and have cups of tea and talk about stuff それがすごく素敵だと思います So I think that's a beautiful thing, I like that すごく勉強になりました! Alright guys, well I hope you learned something! I certainly did ロリータファッションを着るのは初めてでした This is my first time ever dressing in lolita いろいろ教えてくれてありがとうございます♥︎ Thank you for teaching me so much とてもカラフルで可愛いです It's so fun and colourful and pretty キャットのチャンネルもチェックしてね! Make sure you check out Cathy Cat's channel 一緒にクイズやりました!私が全然出来なかったけど、大丈夫! We did a little quiz video over there where I totally fail キャットがすべて説明してあげますw But that's okay because she will explain all the answers to you guys ロリータについてもっと勉強できると思います♪ you can learn some more stuff about lolita 見てくれてありがとうございます!!ばい〜! Thanks for watching! Bye!
A2 初級 日本語 ファッション スカート ドレス あんまり 着る キャット All About LOLITA FASHION // ロリータ服を着てみた 11 0 Summer に公開 2020 年 10 月 08 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語