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  • hello it's jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question our


  • question today is how do i say survey and examination or study and service


  • helping others i actually have three words for you

    "人を助けること" "実はあなたには3つの言葉がある

  • um to really drive the point home about the


  • endings of this word so let's start with sir vey so sir is going to be the same

    この単語の語尾はsir veyから始めましょうのでsirは同じになります。

  • in all these words actually it changed my mind let's start with that

    この言葉を聞いて 私の心が変わったんです

  • so to say sir you're going to start with that s sound


  • typically we make the s sound with our lips back


  • but because that er sound with square tense lips is coming you can see that my


  • lips are square and tenser to get ready for that sound sir


  • sir sir for that r don't forget tip of the tongue is down or flipped back

    そのためには 舌先が下か裏返っていることを忘れないでください

  • it is not touching your teeth and it is not moving


  • sir then we are going to move to that v sound to say a v

    それではVの音に移って Vの音を出します

  • sound your lips are relatively pulled back they are not


  • puckered if you pucker your lips it'll sound like a


  • w w w and we wanna vvvv


  • so you can do a couple of things here so your lips are pulled back

    唇を後ろに引くように ここでいくつかのことをすることができます

  • you can either gently bite the outside of the bottom lip


  • or the inside of the bottom lip v v v

    または下唇の内側v v v

  • and when i say bite your your teeth are just really close to that point


  • and the air is going to move out and your voice box is on


  • and moving another mistake to avoid is do not put your lips together because


  • then that sounds like b b b so again lips open lips pulled back air

    ♪ then that sounds like b b b b b so again lips open lips pulled back air ♪

  • moving out


  • so we have sir v and then we're going to move to that


  • a and you can see to do that i open my mouth


  • a and then i smile while i do that my tongue moves from low


  • to high and flat vey


  • for surveys we have an s ending because the s

    調査の場合は s で終わります。

  • is after a vowel we are going to pronounce it as


  • a z if you're interested in the rule for this i do have classes i'll post that

    a z もしこのルールに興味があるなら......クラスを持っているので、それを投稿します。

  • um in the links below so we're going to do sir


  • vays to say that z sound your voice box is on and


  • moving and it's like you're saying an s sound your tongue is in the same spot


  • so it's either pointed down or behind the top front teeth that is just not

    下を向いているか 上の前歯の後ろを向いているかのどちらかです

  • touching surveys surveys


  • surveys and then last for service the ending really changes here so we're


  • going to change that short i i i sound and you can see

    i i i i音を短くして、あなたが見ることができるように変更するつもりです

  • my mouth is relatively closed it is open of course


  • um and it's going to be nice and short and my lips are not tense at all they're


  • relaxed i i i so we're not smiling lips i'm not saying

    リラックスi i i so we're not smiling lips i'm not saying

  • e it's nice and short i and then i'm going to end with the s and that

    "e it's nice and short i and then i'm going to end with the s and that

  • sound again tip of the tongue is down or behind the


  • top front teeth and your voice box is off service service


  • service let's give them all a try survey survey survey surveys

    サービスみんなでやってみよう アンケート調査 アンケート調査

  • surveys surveys service service service and now for a sentence


  • service businesses send surveys to customers


  • give it a try people will definitely notice a difference


  • you know the drill we love a like a share and a subscribe


  • it really does help you can check out our products on google play and itunes

    それは本当に google play と itunes で私たちの製品をチェックアウトすることができます助けます。

  • our classes at udemy and tarle speech and we hope to see you

    udemyとtarle speechでの私たちのクラスと私たちはあなたに会うことを願っています。

  • next time thanks everyone have a great day


hello it's jennifer from tarle speech with your pronunciation question our


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