字幕表 動画を再生する
"Brazil imported more slaves from
Africa than any other country." "More than 4 million African slaves
were brought to Brazil between the 16th and 19th centuries."
"Brazil was one of the last countries in the world to abolish slavery in 1888..."
"ブラジルは1888年に奴隷制を廃止した 世界最後の国の一つであり..."
"Over the years, thousands of slaves
who escaped their masters established so-called quilombos communities. The biggest and best-known
of them was Quilombo dos Palmares, led by Zumbi dos Palmares."
"As in most countries of South America, the color of one's skin does not always determine
"南アメリカのほとんどの国では 肌の色で決まるとは限らない
one's social standing.
As a matter of fact, the racial color lines seem to be so thinly drawn here that it has become a
haven of toleration for all races."
"We start in Brazil where a teenager has died after he was
"私たちはブラジルから始まります" "10代の若者が死んだ後に
smothered and suffocated. The incident has incited widespread outrage
窒息して窒息死しましたこの事件は 広範囲の暴挙を引き起こしました
and spurs comparison to the Eric Garner police killing."
"This is the woman whose killing has provoked such outrage, Marielle Franco.
The 38-year-old counselor has become a voice for gay and Black rights, as well as fighting against
police violence in poor areas of the city."
"The attack was the latest blow in what they see as an undeclared war against poor, mostly Black people
living in favelas. At least 50 shots hit the car where the youth were traveling."
"少なくとも50発の発砲が 若者の移動中の車に命中した"少なくとも50発の銃声が若者が移動していた車を直撃した"
"Agatha was killed by police bullet last September, she was eight."
"アガサは去年の9月に警察の銃弾で殺された 彼女は8歳だった"