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  • Servants are often quite misunderstood. There are a lot of misery memoirs out there from

    使用人たちは 度々、間違いをします お?りを受ける辛い思いは みじめな経験です

  • servants that were very badly treated who had a horrible time. But there were also servants

    不当な扱いを受けることもありました 泣く者もいました

  • who had a wail of a time, who made the best friends of their lives in country houses,

    螺旋状でくるくるし、長く、広く、 カントリーハウスのアーチ状の階段は

  • who recall cycling along corridors, long, huge, aching country house corridors. The


  • aristocracy in Britain mainly employed male chefs if they could. The thing about employing

    英国の貴族は 男性の料理人を雇いました

  • a man was that they were quite expensive. If you couldn't afford a hundred pounds a

    男性を雇うことは 高くつきます 1年に何百万ポンドと余裕がなければ

  • year for an English man cook you would advertise for an English female professed cook, that

    イギリス人の男性料理人を雇えませんでした そこで広告でイギリス人の女性を募集します

  • is to say a cook who has made cooking her profession, preferably one who has been trained

    料理のプロであり 男性の下で働いた経歴のある 女性調理師をです

  • under a man cook. That cook would probably cost you around fifty to sixty pounds a year


  • and that's the bracket that Avis Crocombe fell into, she was a professed cook. Now that

    エイヴィス・クロークンは適任で 調理師でした

  • that's stewed down nicely, as my apple was a little sweet I'm going to add some lemon

    「さて シチューがほどよくなりました りんごに甘味があるので レモンを数滴加えます」

  • juice. When we study female servants we are really studying the history of women, and

    私たちが 女性使用人たちを研究すると 女性の歴史がわかり

  • to me it is impossible to think about studying the history of women without looking in-depth

    使用人たちの生活を掘り下げることなくして 女性の歴史は見えないと思いました

  • at servant life. Avis Crocombe and the other cooks like her who reached the pinnacle of

    エイヴィス・クロークンと 彼女のような料理人は その時代 ありえない程の大出世

  • their profession in a time when it was unthinkable to get any further, are incredibly important


  • figures to consider and to look at. They're people that fought the gender battle in their

    それぞれの立場で 男女の差を乗り越えるべく 鍛錬し奮闘しました

  • own way. They didn't put on sashes and go out on the streets or throw themselves under

    おしゃれすることもなく 道を歩き 馬車馬のように働き

  • horses, but in their own way they nevertheless fought for women to be recognised as professionals


  • doing a professional job in an incredibly male-dominated profession. If I say to you,

    男性が支配する専門職で 独自のやり方を極めました

  • think of a chef, I suspect that in the back of your head you have a mental image of a

    調理長というと 男性で頭に 白い帽子をつけ 白いユニフォームを着るイメージがあります

  • man in a toque and whites, and if I say to you think of a cook you will probably think

    女性の料理人は、普通の服に エプロンをつけます

  • of a woman in her normal clothes with an apron on top. The gender divisions in cookery still

    調理場の男女の区別は 現在も存在します

  • exist today, very much so. Cookery is still seen, and still is, a very male-dominated

    調理場は 今も見られるように まさに 男性中心の専門職です

  • profession, and I would say we should celebrate women like Avis Crocombe who fought the fight,

    エイヴィス・クロークンのように闘い抜き 頂点に登りつめた人は 称賛に価いします

  • who got to the top, who lived their own lives despite the fact they were women in an incredibly

    家父長制度が支配する時代に生きた 女性たちが 独自のやり方で型を破る

  • patriarchal society. Go Avis!


Servants are often quite misunderstood. There are a lot of misery memoirs out there from

使用人たちは 度々、間違いをします お?りを受ける辛い思いは みじめな経験です


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