字幕表 動画を再生する
everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is another embarrassing mistake these are actually great suggestions our
word is that which refers to a specific thing fat which means someone weighs too
much and fart passing gas or flatulence so let's take
a look at these words and learn how to say them so you aren't embarrassed so
word number one that we typically don't tell people in America that they are fat
so you want to make sure that you learn how to say the word that and so you
don't say fat instead that would be very embarrassing so we're gonna start with
デブとは言わないでください 恥ずかしいので最初から
the f sound let's look at the difference between the F and the th this
is a very confusing combination for many of my students for the th we're going to
stick your tongue out of your mouth th and you're going to allow the air to move
over the top of your tongue to do this you must leave space between your teeth
and your tongue because I am very advanced at this because I've been doing
it all my life I actually just have a little divot in my tongue where the air
comes out and that's fine I do tell my students try not to touch your teeth at
歯を触らないようにと 生徒には言っていますが
all because then this will avoid making that T sound by touching your teeth also
when you stick your tongue out of your mouth that will avoid you making the
f sound and the sound this F sound is made by gently biting your top teeth to the
inside of your bottom lip and some people do it to the outside of the
bottom lip f f either is fine and the air is going to keep moving out of your mouth
so we have ff and th th and in this case we're actually going to voice this th sound in
ff と th th があるので、この場合は実際にこの th の音を声にします
this word and it's going to have your voice box on and moving and it's going
to be that that that so we have fat and that fat and that make sure for
the vowels let's move on to that next for this short a sound that your mouth
is open in a wide circle when you open your mouth and a wide circle that will
help you get the tip of your tongue really low in your mouth and the back of
your tongue will be pulled up ah ah ah you can even see my tongue there ah so
we have fat and that so what happens here with this fart why do people say
that instead of fat or that all right so right here we have the ARE vowel and
"脂肪 "や "それ "の代わりに "アレ "の母音と "アレ "の母音があります
to do that you're going to open your mouth wide to allow that tongue to get
そのためには口を大きく開けて 舌を出すことだ
flat in your into the bottom of your mouth with the back pulled up and then
you're going to move to that er sound ARE I hear people kind of skip that R sound
"あのER音に移行するんだ" "R音を飛ばしている人がいるらしい
because their mouth isn't tense enough to be an a tense square at the end and
it sounds more like an a sound and then when that happens that's when you might
have people think that you're saying fat but also if you're not really quite sure
what you're doing and you move your mouth a little too much then it could
sound like fart so let's give all those words a try fat fart that fat fart that
屁のように聞こえるので、それらの言葉をすべて試してみましょう fat fart that fat fart that
I'm gonna add one more word here and that word is vat which would be a giant
container to hold things and this mistake would be heard if you are
voicing that F sound if you voice the F sound vv vv it sounds like
a V so we would have vat that fart and fat so let me give you my sentence did
that fat man fart give it a try I know people are going to notice the
その太った男の屁を試してみてください 人々が気づくことを知っています
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iTunes and I hope to see you again to morrow thank you so much