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hey everybody Jennifer from Tarle speech with a quick tip for today the
question today is how do I know how to pronounce the ly ending is a an i or is
it an e so let's go ahead and take a look I wrote a few things up for you I
それでは先に行って見てみましょう 私はあなたのためにいくつかのことを書きました
think the confusion here is that when we have certain words we end those words
and I the long I sound when the word is spelled with a Y and we see this and try
my sky and fly so that's the case for these words that's pronunciation number
"私の空と空を飛ぶ" "だからこれらの単語の場合は" "発音番号です
one when we have a Y at the end of a word when we use the suffix LY to
change a root word we're always going to pronounce it as Lee Lee so we have
currently promptly previously and usually so again just to summarize for
our quick lesson for today the difference is going to be we can
pronounce the Y at the end of the word several different ways we can pronounce
語尾のYを発音する いくつかの異なる発音方法があります。
it as an I in try my sky and fly but when we do add that suffix ly we're
it as I in try my sky and fly, but we do that we do add that suffix ly we're.
always going to pronounce the Y as an E currently promptly previously and
usually so I hope that helps again how do you pronounce the ly at the end of a
word and if it's a suffix just say Lee and make that e and nice and long so give it
a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
please share it with a friend give us a like and a subscribe check out our
products on Google Play on iTunes and visit us at Tarle Speech dot com thank you
iTunesでGoogle Playで製品を再生し、Tarleのスピーチドットコムで私たちを訪問し、ありがとうございました
all so much and I'll see you again soon