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  • Hi, I'm Carl Azuz.


  • Today's first story concerns a vaccine and a virus, but breaking news, it's not coronavirus--at least not all by itself--we're talking about influenza.


  • Flu season in the United States, when catching the disease is more likely, is in the fall and winter.


  • That's according to the Centers for Disease Control, which says the peak, the worst part of flu season, is between December and February.


  • The flu vaccine is not the perfect solution.


  • The CDC says when it's a good match for the flu viruses that are actually going around, the vaccine is between 40 and 60 percent effective at keeping people from having to go to the doctor for flu symptoms.


  • In some years the vaccine is less effective because it's not a good match, and the shot itself can cause side effects like fever, nausea and muscle aches.


  • But health officials say it's the best way for people to reduce their chances of getting the flu and spreading the flu.


  • In a typical year, about 45 percent of Americans get the vaccine.


  • It's the same in Britain, but you don't need me to tell you this ain't a typical year.


  • And here's where things could get more complicated in 2020: initial flu symptoms look a lot like initial coronavirus symptoms.

    2020 年は物事がより複雑になる可能性があります。初期のインフルエンザの症状は、初期のコロナウイルスの症状のように見えます。

  • Doctors say you should stay home with either disease, but coronavirus is believed to be more dangerous.


  • And only a COVID (COVID-19) test can determine whether someone has it or something else.

    そして PCR 検査のみが、誰かが何のウイルスを持っているかどうかを判断することができます。

  • Those test results could take days to get, so experts say that coronavirus (COVID-19) and influenza spreading at the same time with similar symptoms could have a pretty big impact on the number of work days and school days people miss this fall.


  • Health care workers are also concerned that the two diseases combined could put a greater burden on the health care system.

    また、医療従事者は 2 つの病気が合わさることで医療制度の負担が大きくなることを懸念しています。

  • We've got Dr. Sanjay Gupta in the house now to answer some frequently asked questions about flu in the time of coronavirus.

    サンジャイ・グプタ博士をお招きして、コロナウイルス 流行の中でのインフルエンザについて、よくある質問にお答えします。

  • How can I safely get a flu vaccine in the middle of this pandemic?


  • A very fair question.


  • People want to maintain physical distance.


  • How do you still get a flu shot?


  • Well, luckily, many places around the country are offering drive-thru flu shots.


  • Many are offering curbside flu shots.


  • If you go to your local drugstore, some of them even offer the flu shots within the drug store while maintaining safety protocols.


  • I understand the desire for social distance, but I think it's also important to get a flu shot this year.


  • It's important to get one every year, but perhaps even more important this year because we're probably gonna have a convergence of both flu and coronavirus this fall.


  • So anything we can do to reduce flu I think is gonna be really important.


  • Will the flu vaccine protect me from coronavirus as well?


  • Unfortunately, no.


  • These are both considered respiratory viruses, and many of the symptoms could be very similar--a cough, a fever, a sore throat.


  • But unfortunately, the flu shot does not protect you against the coronavirus.


  • Can I get coronavirus and influenza at the same time?


  • The answer to this question appears to be yes, there's been a few studies on this now.


  • One large study actually looked at patients who with known coronavirus, and also examined their respiratory specimens to see if they had another respiratory virus and 25 percent of the time, roughly, they did.

    1 つの大規模な研究は、コロナウイルスに感染している患者を実際に検査し、彼らは別の呼吸器ウイルスを持っていたかどうかを確認するために彼らの呼吸器標本を調べると、大体 25 % の確率で別の呼吸器ウイルスを持っていました。

  • This is yet another reason to make sure you get your flu vaccine this year.


  • What can I do to prevent getting the flu this year besides getting a flu vaccine?


  • Many of the same things we've been talking about for preventing coronavirus work to help prevent the flu.


  • In fact, because of some of these measures that have gone into place over the last few months, we have seen places where flu has also decreased.


  • Obviously, with coronavirus, you wear a mask, you try and keep physical distance, you're washing your hands as much as possible.


  • You're doing all the things to basically make it harder for this virus to jump from person to person.


  • The same things that work for coronavirus are also gonna help decrease the chances that you'll get the flu.

    コロナウイルス に効果があることがインフルエンザにかかる確率を下げることも助けるということです。

  • More than half of all the young adults in America are now living with their parents.


  • This is according to a new report by the Pew Research Center, an organization that looks at demographic trends and public opinion.


  • Pew defines young adults as people who are between 18 and 29 years old, and never before have 52 percent of them been recorded as living at home with at least one of their parents.

    Pew は、若者を 18 歳から 29 歳までの人と定義しており、52 %の人が少なくとも両親のどちらかと一緒に実家で暮らしているとい記録は初めてです。

  • Historic data for this is incomplete.


  • It's possible that more young people were doing it during the height of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

    1930 年代の大恐慌時代にはもっと多くの若者が両親と同居していた可能性があります。

  • But info on that doesn't exist.


  • The last time the recorded number was this high was in 1940, near the end of the Depression, when 48 percent of young adults were living with their parents.

    過去にこれだけ高い数を記録したのは、恐慌の終わりに近い 1940 年で、若年成人の 48% が親と同居していました。

  • Overall, though, this percentage has been increasing since 1960.

    しかし全体的には 1960 年以降、この割合は増え続けています。

  • At that time it was a 29 percent.

    当時は 29% でした。

  • By February of this year it had risen to 47 percent and by July it was at the record 52 percent.

    今年の 2 月には 47% まで上昇し、7 月には過去最高の 52% を記録した。

  • So why the recent jump?


  • Probably because of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the report.

    報告書によると、おそらく新型コロナウイルス が大流行したせいだろう。

  • Pew Research says that young adults in particular have been hit hard by the shutdowns and closures and that they're more likely to move.

    Pew Research によると、特に若い成人はシャットダウンや閉鎖で大打撃を受けており、引っ越しをする可能性が高くなっているという。

  • A senior economist at Zillow, a real estate information company, says because most 18 to 25 year olds tend to be renters this is having an effect on that market, with an increasing number of rental homes coming available.

    不動産情報会社 Zillow のシニアエコノミストによると、18 歳から 25 歳のほとんどの人が賃貸住宅を借りる傾向にあるため、その市場に影響を与えていて、賃貸住宅が増えてきているという。

  • 10-second trivia!

    10 秒トリビア!

  • Which of these cartoon characters first appeared in a short called the Mouse of Tomorrow in 1942: Mickey Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Jerry or Fievel?

    これらの漫画のキャラクターのどれが最初に 1942 年に Mouse of Tomorrow に登場したでしょう? ミッキーマウス、マイティマウス、Jerry or Fievel

  • Originally known as Super Mouse, the character that became Mighty Mouse made his debut in '42.


  • As far as television goes, Mighty Mouse hasn't been on the air in years but he has been in space, in a manner of speaking.


  • These have been called "mighty mice."


  • They're genetically modified mice that have twice the muscle mass of unaltered mice, and 40 of them were recently sent into space for a study on muscle mass.


  • Without the daily force of gravity, people and mice normally lose muscle.


  • NASA says in space flights lasting five to 11 days astronauts can lose as much as 20 percent of their muscle.

    NASA によると 5 日から 11 日間の宇宙飛行では、宇宙飛行士は 20% もの筋肉を失う可能性があります。

  • Those who spend months on the International Space Station regularly exercise to help prevent this loss.


  • But this kind of training might not be possible during long-term spaceflight.


  • So scientists have been experimenting with mighty mice to see if a drug could be produced one day that could help astronauts keep their muscle in a microgravity environment.


  • Of course, drugs, especially those related to maintaining or increasing muscle mass, have an array of unwanted side effects.


  • So researchers are looking to create treatments that avoid those and as far as the mice were concerned, the genetically altered ones were able to keep more of their muscle mass in space and recover it faster once they got back down to Earth.


  • Speaking of Earth, there've been some unusual weather patterns taking place in the United States this month.


  • We told you yesterday how Western heat waves have been worsening conditions for California's record wildfires, but move east to the Rocky Mountains and you see a very different picture taking shape.


  • Wind speeds of 99 miles per hour--that's a force of a category two hurricane--were recorded Tuesday in part of Utah.

    カテゴリ 2 のハリケーンの力に相当する時速 99 マイルの風が、ユタ州の一部で火曜日に記録されました。

  • CNN 10 Contributor Tyler Mauldin tells us how that's part of a dramatic temperature change for the region, Tyler ...

    CNN10 のタイラー・モールディンが、この地域の気温が劇的に変化していることを伝えてくれました。

  • Carl, from record heat to record cold, a dramatic temperature swing has hit the country this week.


  • Temperatures above 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) were being felt from the Rocky Mountains to the West Coast Labor Day weekend.

    ロッキー山脈から西海岸にかけて労働者の日の週末に、華氏 100 度(約摂氏 37 度)を超える気温が感じられた。

  • But fall, if not winter-like air, is now moving down from Canada as the jet stream dives south.


  • It's cold front sweeping the country and dropping temperatures some 40 degrees below normal all the way into Texas.


  • Nowhere is this more pronounced than in Denver, Colorado.


  • Check this out.


  • On Saturday, Denver hit a record high of 101 degrees, followed by another record high of 97 degrees on Sunday, another day of 90 degree heat on Monday, then, get this, 35 degrees for a high on Tuesday.

    土曜日にはデンバーは華氏 101 度(約摂氏38度)の記録的な高さを記録し、日曜日には華氏97度の記録的な高さを記録し、月曜日には 90 度の暑さの別の日が続きました、そして火曜日には最高気温華氏 35 度(約摂氏 2 度)を記録しました。

  • That's a more-than-60-degree drop from the holiday weekend.

    それは週末から 60 度以上の低下です。

  • Of course, in 2020 fashion, this is also spawning a rare September winter storm for the Rocky Mountains,

    もちろん、2020 年のやり方では、ロッキー山脈に珍しい 9 月の冬の嵐をもたらします。

  • More than eight inches of snow--yes, you heard that right--eight inches of snow could impact the Rockies, which are currently under winter weather alert.


  • Denver, according to its local National Weather Service office, doesn't typically see its first measurable snow until mid October.

    デンバーでは、地元の国立気象局によると、通常は 10 月中旬まで測定可能な初雪を見られません。

  • The earliest measurable snowfall on record for the city was September 3rd 1961.

    市の記録上、最も早い測定可能な降雪は1961 年 9 月 3 日でした。

  • So, this is one of the earliest big snows on record for the Rockies.


  • It's not gonna last long.


  • Carl, temperatures are gonna rebound in the days to come.


  • It is, however, a sign that we're now transitioning out of the summer season.


  • In the 1980s, an avant-garde composer named John Cage wrote a musical piece entitled "As Slow As Possible."

    1980年代に前衛的な作曲家ジョン・ケージが "As Slow As Possible (できるだけ遅く)"と題した曲を書いています。

  • To play it would take 639 years.

    この曲を演奏するには 639 年かかります。

  • A church in Germany accepted that challenge in 2001 and if all goes according to plan, the performance will wrap up in 2640.

    ドイツのある教会は 2001 年にその挑戦を受け入れ、すべてが計画通りに進めば、公演は 2640 年で幕を閉じることになる。

  • So why is this making news now?


  • Because just last weekend, the piece made its first chord change in seven years.


  • The next one won't happen until 2022.

    次は 2022 年まで起こらないだろう。

  • It's definitely a piece for the ages with no sudden movements, but adagio? Critics would say "adagi-no," they'd rather "larg-go" do something different.


  • They "an-dante" wanna wait for something, that "adagi-slow."


  • Musical puns--they got a ring to them ya'll!


  • I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.

    CNN10 のカール・アズースでした。

  • Soda Springs High School gets today's shoutout.


  • It's in Soda Springs, Idaho, and while I don't personally choose the schools we mention, they are picked from the most recent program on our YouTube site.

    高校はアイダホ州のソーダ・スプリングにあって、私は自分で選んでいる訳ではなく、YouTube の最新のプログラムから選ばれました。

Hi, I'm Carl Azuz.


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