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  • These are my top sweet spots in Harajuku!


  • [intro]


  • So I'm back in Harajuku, I've actually done a sweets video a long long time ago


  • But I haven't done one recently and a lot has changed in this area

    時間が経ったし このエリアはかなり変わったから

  • So I wanted to take you around in this video and show you all of my new sweet spots

    この動画でオラが好きな 新しいスポットを紹介したいと思う

  • But before I start if you guys want to help support the channel check out

    始める前に、、 チャンネルサポートはグッズ購入からお願いな

  • the Tokyo merch if you guys want to see what I'm doing on the daily check out my Instagram account


  • And if you have any questions about Japan or Japan travels, check out the discord community.

    日本に関して質問があったら オラのDISCORDコミュニティをチェックしてくれ

  • All right, let's do this!


  • Oh Harajuku. It used to be the capital of kawaii fashion and crepes but times are a-changing and this is the new

    あぁ、原宿! 昔はKAWAIIファッションとクレープの街だったけど

  • Harajuku, a popular destination area for the trendiest sweet shops from all over Japan


  • and even the world. So pack your toothbrushes for this one, because we're going deep into the streets of

    日本中、世界中から最新のスウィーツスポットが 集まる場所なんだ

  • Harajuku and you just might get a cavity


  • Hey Wolfy


  • So today is take your son to work day!


  • This actually won't be his first time going out with me


  • But it's not too much of an extension because we take this walk every morning so he's kind of used to it


  • The only thing a little bit different is we're going to be eating today!

    ウルフィーがオラの撮影についてくるのは 今日が初めてなんだ

  • I usually eat all of this in one day, but I don't know if we'll be able to actually handle that


  • So yeah, we'll just see how it goes! So when you first come to Harajuku

    毎朝、散歩に行くから 慣れてるっちゃ慣れてるな

  • Many people head up to Takeshitadori, but as a local I prefer to hit up cat street as it has more of a chill street vibe

    一個違うとしたら 今日はいっぱい食べるってこと

  • So let's start here. Quick tip, closest station is meiji jingu maya station


  • Alright, let's start with the Harajuku basics, big fluffy puffy pancakes!

    ウルフィーが一日耐えられるか わからねぇから

  • Number one. Mikasa deco in cafe hidden in the backside of castrate this spot attracts Patreons of all ages for its clumpy jiggly pancakes.


  • Usually it has a long line outside, especially on the weekends

    原宿に観光に来る人は 大体竹下通りに向かうんじゃねーかな

  • But you know how it is these days. So I ordered their signature Ricotta cheese infused pancakes


  • It comes with three fluffy style pancakes piled up with classic toppings butter whipped cream and a flavorful maple syrup

    もっと落ち着いてるし ストリートっぽい雰囲気があるから

  • Look at these nice fluffy three layered pancakes. Oh, let me just

    だからここから始めようぜ 最寄りの駅は明治神宮前駅だぞ

  • Take some of this


  • Dip it in look at that


  • That's like biting into a cloud it's amazing


  • So what sets this pancake apart is not only is it fluffy?

    ここのフワフワぷるぷるのパンケーキは あらゆる年代の人を惹きつけて人気なんだ

  • But it's actually made with Ricottata cheese inside. So it has kind of like a nice cheesy


  • Pancake flavor you can see the Ricotta cheese


  • Right there

    でも最近はコロナの影響で そうでもねぇかな

  • That's a very strong maple syrup makes it super sweet but the pancake itself just nice and fluffy

    オラがオーダーしたのは、看板メニューの リコッタチーズパンケーキ

  • But it has kind of like a nice density to it as well because of the Ricotta cheese. I also ordered a puffin


  • It's a perfect mix of fluffy pancakes and muffin tasting texture-wise. I would say it's most like a fluffy pancake shaped into a muffin

    トッピングはクラシックに、バター、 ホイップクリームに香り高いメープルシロップだ

  • Would want a muffin when you can get a puffin you can see that it's a fluffier than a normal


  • Muffin and look at that. I just dolloped everything there dripping


  • Oh!


  • What an explosion of flavors in my mouth?

    まるで雲を食ってるみてぇだ サイコー

  • So I had to get Wolfie out. It looks like he's just as hungry as me right now


  • I really enjoy that nice sourness of the raspberry


  • Then you have the cream on top of it and some of this powdered sugar


  • Number two Snowy Village. Snowy Village is a Korean style shaved ice shop that uses fresh rich milk and tops their treats with an


  • Overwhelming portion of fresh fruits and sides cookie so cute


  • So I ordered their luscious fresh mango shaved ice on top


  • There's whipped cream and an absurd amount of fresh mangoes and a mango sauce poured over it


  • Look at this mountain of joy


  • It is literally as big as my head look at that. You have the mangoes and then there you have the shaved ice.


  • And these pieces of mangoes are nice that you have almost like some mango syrup on it as well I just love how

    フワフワパンケーキとマフィンが ちょうどよく合体したやつ

  • Flaky the ice is you just get it so nice and fine almost looks like little pieces of shaved coconut just melts


  • In your mouth you can taste a little bit like sweetened milk in the ice as well. Just below it. You have some more mango


  • Number three. Mizuho just a few minutes from Mikasa Deco and cafe

    パフィンがあるのに マフィンが欲しがる奴なんているんか?

  • this Japanese confectionery shop specializes in mame daifu


  • In fact, it's been crowned by locals as part of the Tokyo big three for mommy daifu


  • Alright, we got it


  • Look at that right there, look at all of that powder coming off my fingers. Oh!


  • Powder all over my lips. The mochi itself is just so soft and the anko inside is just super silky


  • It has the sweetness to it


  • but it also has kind of like a saltiness at the same time kind of like a blend of


  • different like flavors a very well put together sweet you can see it has the mochi outer shell you can see inside that has a

    SNOWY VILLAGEは韓国式かき氷のお店

  • Cochin has these little beans that are inside of the mochi


  • Skin itself. This is a pure like old school traditional Japanese sweets


  • So if you don't have a flavor for Japanese sweets, then it might be a little bit too


  • How do you say elegant or too old school for you?


  • It's not like sweet sugary junky kind of taste but it's kind of like a nice refined elegant taste


  • Number four milk, milk, milk. So this spot in Harajuku has some of the freshest Hokkaido milk around. Let me show you


  • Milk, milk, milk not to be confused with closets closets closets just opened up in La Fore on the second floor this last July it offers


  • milk sweets using 100%


  • real deal, Hokkaido


  • Rich milk which has a high rate of milk bath the shop regularly collaborates with characters and when I visited this time


  • They were doing a sanyo my melody collaboration


  • So I got the strawberry pudding which is a soft milk pudding topped with strawberry sauce. I love this place


  • You have a milk a straight from Hokkaido too that I've mixed it around a little bit already


  • That milk tastes so fresh and if you really want you can get a soft cream on top of this but I


  • Just wanted to get this nice milky pudding


  • Oh that freshness is unbelievable this one because it is like a milk pudding


  • It's more kind of like drippity drippity dew but it just makes it all so much better. In fact, it's so good


  • You can just like drink it straight which we can do


  • Wow, that is fabulous before I continue


  • I wanted to give a quick shout out to our sponsor today Square Space


  • Everything that's going on in this world today their support makes all the difference for me and my family


  • If you don't already know Square Space is the go-to place to build your online presence


  • In fact, I use Square Space for my own personal website Square Space has uniquely awesome templates making it easy to start and better yet


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  • So go to Square today and when you're ready to check out go to


  • forward slash Paolo from Tokyo and get 10 off your first domain or website. Let's keep this food adventure rolling


  • Number five Matcha house just across the street from the newly renovated JR


  • Harajuku station located in the with harajuku building on the third floor


  • You can find one of my favorite cafes Matcha house a Matcha specialty cafe shop


  • Originally from Kyoto Matcha's house. Number one menu is without a doubt their Uji Matcha Tiramisu


  • they use Matcha from Morihan a tea maker with more than


  • 180 years of history. So a lot of you guys might already know that we featured at this spot in my Kyoto video


  • But since we're doing a whole new Harajuku video and they're finally here in Tokyo. I wanted to show you this spot


  • So this is the Matcha tiramisu that you saw in my Kyoto video and it's just so delicious


  • You can see the green tea at the top of it and then it has the mascarpone

    エレガントすぎるっつーか、 古臭いって感じちまうかも

  • And then you can see the sponge cake right there


  • That is heaven and the sponge cake itself, it's like soaking up all of the Matcha flavor


  • And so you get kind of like this moist almost delicate kind of dessert and then the Matcha itself has a nice bitterness

    この原宿のスポットは北海道産の牛乳を使った うまいもんが食えるぞ

  • But it's not too strong


  • In fact, I can almost see myself in like a full bath of this tiramisu and just dunking my entire body

    ミルクミルクミルク!クローゼットクローゼット クローゼットと間違えるなよ

  • Not to put pictures inside of your head

    この店はラフォーレの二階に 今年の七月オープンしたばっかりで

  • What's kind of cool is that if you eat more of the sponge cake

    北海道産の乳脂肪率の高く濃厚な牛乳を使用した 「ミルク」スイーツ専門店なんだ

  • You get kind of more of the Matcha flavor taste to it


  • And then if you stick to the mascarpone the white stuff, then you have a heavier thicker creamy dessert. It's kind of cool

    今回オラが行った時はサンリオのマイメロディとの コラボをしてたぞ

  • How you can kind of like balance what kind of flavors you want look at?


  • that you can see the

    ストロベリーソースがかかった ソフトミルクプリンだ

  • Hojicha all in there. You have the ice cream right? there. It even has some kuromitsu in there, which is like a brown sugar


  • Ah that Hojicha is good. For those of you that don't know Hojichae is still a green tea unlike a green tea


  • It's not that bitter but it almost has like a burnt flavor kind of like goes through your senses and your nose


  • you can see the


  • Kuromitsu right there


  • Wow, it tastes a little bit less than like a very like strong cow milk


  • But it's just so super silky and goes really really well together


  • So, how are you doing Wolfie feeling good? Yeah, let's go to another spot


  • Number six coconut glands. This next one is a Vegan ice cream shop originally from maui. Hawaii


  • They serve organic dairy-free vegan ice cream. Oh, what did I just say Vegan? Don't worry. Their coldy colds are no joke


  • So in this video I couldn't leave out all of my Vegan fans. I know you guys are always asking for me to show


  • One of the food spots. So this is dedicated to you guys

    世界中こんな状況の中で、 スポンサーについてもらえるのは

  • So we have original Pistachio and passion fruit. I believe this is the Pistachio here


  • It's a nice Pistachio you can like taste all that like the nuttiness in there

    Squarespaceはウェブサイト制作管理の サービスを提供してる

  • You can see like how natural that is the different pieces of the Pistachio the greens the browns

    実際、オラも自分のサイトの制作管理は Squarespaceを利用してる

  • It's original right there, and it looks like it even has a coconut slices

    Squarespaceにはユニークでかっこいいテンプレートが 揃ってるから、誰でも簡単に始められるんだ

  • They have a lot of it chunks in here nice slices just to feel like you're eating a full coconut


  • This one is the passion fruit

    例えば、ポートフォリオとギャラリーを使って プロジェクトの展覧ができる

  • Really fruity has a nice tardy slang to it so good. I can't believe it's Vegan


  • Number seven Dot Com Space if you're looking for a quiet cafe chill spot. You don't have to look any further

    ストーリーや日常のアップデートだけじゃなう 写真や動画も搭載できるるぞ

  • Just two minutes North of JR. Harajuku station, but it's hidden in the back streets. So don't get lost


  • Feel free to download the map in this video to help you along

    閲覧者、ユニークビジター、ページビュー、 それにトレンドも確認することができるんだ

  • The store uses a coffee tech called it drip drop by bubble lab. It kind of sounds like a rap song to me though


  • Barresas carefully choose coffee beans from selected roasters like foodland coffee roasters and pillow coffee


  • So we needed to take a quick coffee break and show you this spot


  • Well, Maiko is having a nice latte and in fact I'm having a Tokyo IPA but


  • since we are doing a sweets video, I wanted to mention this little deal it is a


  • Big walnut toast you have the walnuts right there on top. You have the figs here


  • and then it has some whipped cream right there and


  • It has like a syrup here and it's almost like a caramel but almost tastes like it has a rum in it


  • That's nice and I just love how fresh this fig is

    京都からきた抹茶スウィーツ 専門店

  • Far east brewing company. Thank you for this break

    抹茶館の看板メニューはなんと入っても 宇治抹茶ティラミス

  • What's also cool is that you know?

    180年以上の歴史がある抹茶メーカー「森半」の 抹茶を使ってるんだ

  • really nice places like this


  • Usually tend to get really really like crowded and there's a lot of people but in fact, we're here on a Saturday


  • It's not too crowded. So it's kind of like a little hideaway from like the busy busy crowds


  • I don't know if it's a beer or the rum in here, but I'm feeling happy right now. Let's move on to the next place

    東京にオープンすることになった 抹茶館を紹介しようと思ったんだ

  • And number eight gomia cookie this next spot is famous for their sesame ice cream


  • They use up to 9,000 sesame seeds for one scoop and they also have this really really interesting


  • Tempura ice cream. Let's go inside and let me show you


  • This shop offers the richest sesame ice cream in the world. Well, at least that's what they say


  • the shop is produced by cookie sangio, which is a well-known sesame products company in mia with


  • 131 years of history


  • So check it out, I got the sesame and Matcha parfait. I got two different flavors of sesame


  • I got white and black and this is actually the salty version of the sesame. They actually have six different flavors


  • Let's first taste this sesame. Oh, it's already dripping


  • Whoa, that's like a very refined taste definitely taste the sesame but it has that interesting saltiness to it a little bit rich

    お風呂いっぺーに入ったこのティラミスに ダイブしてぇくらいだ

  • But it's really really smooth


  • Hmm, right here you have like the brown stuff


  • you have some Azuki and then you have some like Matcha pudding right there and there's just


  • So much different flavors. This has like everything you want in the dessert


  • You can see the water mochi right there on the other side of it. You have some whipped cream


  • Hmm, like a little jello bomb. There's so many little presents in here and then you get the Azuki bean. Look at that


  • I'm just loving life right now. I also got an ice cream tempura with black sesame ice cream inside


  • This is actually ice cream fried in tempura. Where else can you get that in this world?


  • I think it's kind of like hot to the touch like french fries, but it's cold a little


  • Snowball, let me just dig deep into this one


  • Whoa!


  • Look at that black sesame in there. It almost looks like a mud pie. That's amazing


  • Wow! What a combination but you definitely get that sesame goodness in there


  • Nice ice cream a cold flavor to your mouth, but then you get this tempura that just covered


  • It's more of like a donut texture that's surrounded so it's like if you imagine having a donut with some ice cream inside


  • It's probably more like that. I can literally eat this all day


  • All right


  • So that concludes the video if you guys liked it help me out

    アイスは牛乳っぽさは弱めで すっきり滑らかだ

  • And hit that like button


  • If you have any questions leave it in the comment section below


  • And if you want to see more Japan guides or anything related to Japan


  • Hit that subscribe button and the button(translators note hit that subscribe button and the button?) and I'll catch you guys in the next one


This video is brought to you by SquareSpace



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