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e have some wishes for you all for 2019 e wish for you to discover your passion because when you do, you'll be unstoppable.
2019年に向けて、皆さんにいくつかの願い事をしています e 願い事は、あなたが情熱を発見することです なぜなら、あなたが情熱を発見したとき、あなたは止められなくなるからです。
You won't even be able to stop yourself.
Procrastination will fade away.
An action will take over.
I wish for you to discover your reason why the reason why you must the reason you do everything you do.
Who is it for?
Let example.
Must you set?
What blessings must you give toe?
Others e wish for you to understand that nothing great in life comes easy That includes you creating your own greatest life You reaching your greatest potential will require some work and it'll sure be worth it if it's worth the prize, it's worth the fight.
他の人は、人生で何も素晴らしいことは簡単には来ないことを理解してほしいと願っています それはあなたがあなた自身の最大の人生を作成することが含まれています あなたの最大の可能性に到達するには、いくつかの作業を必要とし、それは確かにそれが賞の価値がある場合は、それは戦いの価値があるでしょう。
I wish for you to become rich, not rich in money terms although that will come to I mean rich in spirit rich, enjoy, rich in presence, rich in love, rich in great relationships, rich and surrounding yourself with amazing people who are in alignment with you.
The deepest, truest form of wealth can't be measured by a bank.
I hope you become truly rich in your soul.
I wish for you to go deeper to continue growing, continue evolving to take everything to the next level to find peace, to live in kindness and compassion.
To be the example for others.
Toe be the shining example off What a great life really looks like I wish for you all the best I wish for you all the best in 2019 and beyond.
Toe be the shining example off What a great life really looks like I wish for you all the best I wish for you all the best in 2019 and beyond.
Bless you all mhm, please.