字幕表 動画を再生する
your videos been de monetized.
Limited or no ads due to content identified is not suitable for most advertisers.
「お客様の動画は、ほとんどの 広告主に適していないため」
Not suitable.
「広告掲載が制限されているか 広告がまったく表示されていません」
All we did was walk around Hokkaido eating biscuits.
Let's have a look at content that isn't eligible for advertising controversial issues and sensitive events.
北海道ブラブラして ビスケット食べただけだよ
Well, it's definitely not vague.
広告に適してない内容 っていうのを確認してみるか...
Inappropriate use of family entertainment characters.
Damn, that's the crude Mickey Mouse sketch out the window, then sexually suggestive content, Sexually suggestive.
Um, I, um I sexually suggestive inappropriate language, So nothing controversial.
Nothing sensitive.
しまった、ミッキーの落書き 捨てとくんだった
Nothing inappropriate on no bad words.
Well, then I guess we'll have to make some adjustments to the channel.
じゃあ、物議をかもさず、 デリケートな話題じゃなく、不適切でも無く、
悪い言葉遣いをしなければ良い、 って事だな、よし分かった
そういう事なら、ちょっと、 このチャンネルの内容を調整するかな
Hey, guys, welcome back to the channel.
[ ファミリーフレンドリー対応済 ]
It's great to see you.
こんにちは また見てくれて、ありがとう
I'm good.
みんなに会えて本当にうれしいよ みんなが元気にやってると良いな
I hope you're good.
I just wanted to start things off by saying we've had to make a few adjustments to the channel in accordance with YouTube's new ad policies.
このチャンネルの内容に ちょっとした調整をしたんだ、
But they're so subtly blended into the video that you probably won't even notice them.
Eso today I thought we would talk about Oh, look, it's Mr Snuggles.
でも微妙にだから... 皆気付く事すらないと思うよ
How are you, Mr Snuggles?
あ、見て、スナグルだ スナグル、調子はどう?
We've been up, Thio.
You're good?
そっか、元気だったんだ? うん、僕も元気にやってたよ
I'm good to what you've been up to recently.
What's that?
ここ2、3月で、、、 太ったよね?
I look like I've put on weight over the last 2 to 3 month period.
You little mother.
Ruskell, You little rascal.
可愛いな奴だな、どうしてやろう? ...どうしてやろうか!?
What am I going to do with you?
この頃、物議をかもす話題を Youtubeで話すのは難しいけど
What am I gonna do with you?
So it's a little bit difficult to talk about controversial issues on YouTube these days.
今日は、「僕を幸せにする25の事」 について話そうと思う
But that doesn't mean we still can't have lots of fun today.
前向きなメッセージを 伝える事の方が重要だと思うし
I thought I would talk about the 25 things that make me happy.
差し迫った、皆に影響する 重要な事を話すよりも...
A Z.
I think it's more important to spread a positive message than to talk about important contemporary issues that affect us all.
「僕を幸せにする25の事」 についてだけど
So without further ado, what are the top 25 things that make me happy?
Well, the first thing that makes me happy is friendship when we're having a difficult time in our lives or the subject of sensitive or inappropriate topics which we can't discuss on each previous policy reasons, the first thing we do is turned to our friends for support.
Friendship is the bond that holds humanity together.
I want my feel like smiling even more than usual.
The second thing that makes me happy is sunshine, because without sunshine, there would be no tomorrow.
「友達を頼りにする事だよ。 友達って本当に大事なんだ。」
Sorry about that, guys.
We don't have much time.
There's a new.
There's a new YouTube algorithm on the loose.
みんな、変なの聞かせて、ごめん 時間が無いんだ
It could be in this room right now, searching the video for inappropriate content.
I'm hoping that overly positive bullshit might have thrown it off.
この部屋の中から、不適切な内容を 探し回ってるんだ
For months, I've heard stories of YouTube creators falling in the hands of this unstoppable algorithm, an algorithm so powerful it just be monetized everybody's videos, regardless of whether they're inappropriate or not.
あの過剰にポジティブな戯言が そいつを煙に巻いてくれる事を願うよ
I didn't realize how serious it WAAS, and then it started started happening to me.
この数か月、他の動画主が、このアルゴリズムの 被害に遭った話は聞いてたけど
Just three weeks ago, we were hit by the first wave of de monetize videos came out of nowhere like a like a pig in a storm.
It started with some of the older videos, then with new ones now just just every video.
不適切かどうかに関らず、皆の動画を 収益無効化していったんだ
And it threatens the very fabric of YouTube, not just for creators but for viewers as well.
深刻さが分かって無かったけど、 自分の身にも降りかかって
This entire, this entire platform will soon be dominated by family friendly content, smiling endlessly smiling sycophants in every video.
It's sad that after five years that faith and that trust that I've had in YouTube has been eroded, you know it's like.
収益無効化の 第一波に襲われたんだ
It's a strange feeling.
It's like disappointment mixed with a mild sense of betrayal.
It's like discovering that Skittles are made from Children or that dumbbell door is a racist.
新しいのに来て、 今は全部の動画が対象だ
You know, I don't know what to believe anymore now.
Youtubeの根幹を脅かしてる 動画主だけじゃなく、視聴者も対象だ
Oh, screw it.
この場はじきに、ファミリーフレンドリーな内容で 埋め尽くされるだろう
Let's go back on the sofa.
It's not as if that tape's gonna do much good now.
悲しい事だ、これまでの5年間の Youtubeへの信頼が失われてしまうのは
Honestly, just by staring at the word happy, I actually feel up to three times happier every single day.
不思議な感覚だよ 失望感と若干の裏切られ感...例えるなら
So I encourage you to do it in your everyday life.
スキットルズが 子供から製造されてたとか、
Come on, let's go.
ダンブルドアが 差別主義者だったとか、
Oh, my God.
もう今は 何を信じれば良いのか分からない
Oh, don't sit on your leg for more than 10 minutes unless you're willing to pay the price afterwards.
まぁいいや、ソファに戻ろう テープももう有効じゃないらしい
God, bloody leg!
「幸せって単語で、実際 3倍は幸せな気分になるんだ、」
Is this inappropriate content?
「だから君たちも 毎日やる事をお勧めするよ」
I don't know.
よし、戻ろう うわ、足が...!
Fucking fucking stupid guidelines.
10分も正座するもんじゃない 好きでやるなら別だけど
Sorry about that, guys.
It was starting to feel like an SMR video.
これは適切な内容なんですかね? わかんないけど、ふざけた規則だよ
Eso thinly veiled sarcasm aside, what do I really think about the ongoing situation?
ごめんね、あいつ、ASMRの動画を やろうとしてたみたいで
What do YouTube's new changes mean for creators, for viewers on for this for this channel?
うっすら織り込まれた 皮肉は置いといて
I know this has been going on for months now, and I'm a bit late to the party, but it's a topic that I didn't feel qualified to discuss until I'd experienced it kind of firsthand very quickly for those of you that don't know what's been going on with YouTube Towards the start of this year, YouTube received a wave of criticism when it turned out extremist propaganda channels were profiting from ad revenue on their videos.
実際、自分がこの状況を どう考えてるのかについてだけど
Is YouTube haven't flagged?
Um, setting off a domino effect of criticism in the media?
このチャンネルの製作者・視聴者に どういう意味があるのか
This then led to major companies boycotting YouTubers, an advertising platform jeopardizing YouTube's advert driven model.
これが何か月も続いてるのは知ってて、 ちょっと話に乗り遅れた感があるけど、
To counter Act this, YouTube created new guidelines the videos that wouldn't be eligible for advertising and then unleashed an algorithm to go through the videos on Enforce the guidelines d monetizing videos that were deemed inappropriate.
当事者になってみないと、 自分が話す資格が無い気がしてて
Now it sounded good on the surface.
Youtubeで起きてる事を知らない人の為、 駆け足で説明すると、
今年の初め、YouTubeは 批判の波に晒された、というのも、
Of course, nobody wants to see Isis or online bullies profit from YouTube.
Youtubeが管理しなかったせいで、 過激派のチャンネルが広告収入を得ていて、
It's easy to sympathize with advertisers.
その後ドミノ倒しのように次々と メディアからの批判に晒され
Naturally, a company like Pepsi aren't gonna wanna put adverts in front of a video off somebody teaching how to bomb an airplane.
That wouldn't do their reputation, any favors besides Pepsi, already more than capable of screwing their own reputation by themselves anyway, however, the algorithm soon started demanded ties ing everybody's videos as a result, off the broadly defined terms YouTube has set out in a fantastic example off AI gone wrong or just being too efficient.
YouTubeのビジネスモデルを 脅かす事となった
But this led to creators who relied on YouTube losing substantial amounts of their income and budget overnight and caused many to lose faith in the platform.
この対策としてYoutubeは 新しい規則を作り、
Now YouTube has said that this algorithm, this filter we'll use machine learning over time to get better and to improve.
広告に適さない動画に対し、 アルゴリズムを通し、
The handing over this level of power to an algorithm seems to be a pretty big floor.
動画の適合性を審査し、 収益を無効化する
It's like sending in a SWAT team into a hostage situation.
一見、それは良い事で 必要な事のように聞こえる
But the SWAT team is also fully authorized to shoot the hostages.
勿論、誰もIsisやネットいじめの 動画で収益を得るのを見たくないし、
Okay, men, Operation Bread stickers ago.
When you get to the room weapons free, take out whoever you need Thio, including the hostages, especially the hostages.
当然、ペプシのような会社は 自分たちの会社の評判に良くない、
But don't worry, it will be a learning experience.
飛行機の爆破の仕方を教える動画に 広告を出したいとは思わない
That's right, sir.
まして、ペプシはすでに、自分で 自分の首を絞める事に長けてるわけだし
Then we can learn from our mistakes, and it definitely won't happen again.
しかし、アルゴリズムはやがて Youtubeが設定した曖昧な検索条件の結果、
無関係な多くの動画主の 収益無効化を始めた
At this early stage, it seems to be incredibly inefficient, a d monetizing videos that shouldn't be, for example, of the four videos I've put out this month, two of the videos have been de monetize the video discussing the ongoing North Korean situation.
AIの暴走の例か、もしくは、ただ単に 効率化が過剰なだけなのか...
On the most recent Sapelo video, where we walked around SAPA, Rolande looked at stuff.
この事はYoutubeに依存している動画主の 収入の大部分を一晩で失わせ、
Now I'm 100% sure that they were eligible for adverse, and that's because four or five days after they were de monetized, they were actually manually reviewed and then re monetized somebody YouTube watch them saw that they were okay on re monetize them.
If you get de monetized, you can appeal.
今Youtubeはアルゴリズムは 段々良くなり改善されると言っているが
So you might be thinking, Oh, great.
こんな強大な権限を アルゴリズムに与えるのは
Well, they got re monetized.
All's well, that ends well, no problem.
But it really is a problem when you release the video.
人質の捕らわれた場所に 送り込むようなものだ
As you'd expect, you generally get 90% of your views in those first 2 to 3 days and thus 90% off your ad revenue before it sharply drops off, in my case, to just a few dozen views a day.
ただし、特殊部隊は 人質を射殺する権利も与えられているが...
And so in those four or five days when the videos aren't monetized, they're losing pretty much all of their potential ad revenue on there's not a lot I could do about it.
よし ブレッドスティック作戦を決行する
In the case of the sap viral video, I uploaded it to YouTube.
部屋に入ったら、武器の使用を許可する 誰でも始末して構わん
It was filtered and scanned.
It was fine.
人質こそ始末するんだ が、心配するな、それも貴重な経験だ
I made it lives.
了解です、過ちから学べば、 再び繰り返さずに済みますからね
Everybody could watch it on.
Then I went to bed, woke up the next day and found out he'd been de monetized during the night.
上記のようなアルゴリズムの 学習初期段階では、
And that was that.
収益無効化の乱発は、 著しく非効率に見える
Now I'm not a vlogger who makes videos every day.
例えば、今月出した 4本の動画を例にすると
There's usually one a week due to the amount of time spent filming, editing or traveling out about making them.
2つの動画が 収益無効化されたけど、
If two of those four videos that I make every month are being de monetized, that's like having half of your salary or half of your monthly budget being snatched away from you without warning on without reasonable justification.
1本は北朝鮮の話題で、もう1本は 札幌の周辺を見て回る動画だけど、
Now would be really interesting to see if this video is de monetized.
この2つは100%広告を入れて 大丈夫な動画だと確信するよ
I'd say it's 50 50.
I'll be posting the results on Facebook and Twitter afterwards.
Youtubeの人が実際に見て、 再有効化してたから
But the worst thing is, it makes me question whether or not doing something in the video.
実際にYoutubeの人が目で見て、 内容がOKなら再有効化してくれるんだ
Such a swearing could jeopardize the videos.
無効化されても、 申立てすれば再有効化できる
Advertising eligibility is a sad day when you have to choose between swearing or having an income.
だから大丈夫だと思うかも知れない 終わりよければ全て良し、だと
You know, I don't want to feel to my videos through a gun drop fucking rainbow just to survive on YouTube.
Many people say It's the end of YouTube, but I don't think it is fundamentally.
大体、動画の視聴数の9割は 最初の2、3日に集中していて
I love YouTube.
つまり、広告収入も その数日で稼ぐ事になる
It's a fantastic resource.
ほとんど人が見なくなる前にね これは自分の場合はって事だけど
And as a creator, I've had pretty much no problems in the last five years.
だから、無効化された場合 その4、5日で
And this is the first time that alarm bells have started to ring.
But it certainly cause me to question the reality of being a YouTuber.
You know, you have to put a lot of faith into YouTube to build your life around it, as creators do.
Youtubeに上げて、フィルター通して スキャンされて、大丈夫だなと、
I've done over the last two years doing it full time, but hopefully things will improve.
皆が見れるように設定して 寝て起きたら次の日、
As time goes by and going forward, I think we'll see a lot more.
無効化されてたってわけだ 夜中に
Creators adapt and use things like crowd funding and patryan and sponsorships to counter act this kind of instability because they don't have a choice.
毎日動画作る ブロガーじゃないので
We're very bloody lucky on the abroad in Japan Channel that these videos are funded by YouTube Patriot on these days, eso If the nightmare continues, yes, we'll lose a portion of the budget, unfortunately, but ultimately will survive and things will go on as normal.
通常は、撮影、編集、旅行等 の時間で1週間は掛かる
It's soon to keep things the way they are, lose some YouTube revenue rather than change the way I present the videos or the style of the videos paid.
もし月に出す4本のうち、 2本が無効化されると、
Sean allows that on above.
Elikann promise one thing, and that is you won't ever have to stare at that animated dancing fucking pumpkin ever again.
何の警告も正当な理由も無く 持っていかれるようなものだ
Well, not until we launch abroad in Japan Kids Channel anyway.
この動画が無効化されるかどうか 興味深いけど、確率半々ってとこかな?
For now, though, guys, that's all I'll say on the topic.
結果はフェイスブックと ツイターに載せておきますが
You can see if this video survives the treacherous algorithm on Facebook and Twitter after it's been uploaded.
けど最悪なのは、例えば 言葉遣いが悪いとかいう理由で
As we enter these worrying on unstable times, I just want to thank you all for your support.
動画に広告が付かないから 表現を控えようか、と迷ってしまう事だ
Over the last few weeks, I've had a lot of encouragement from people while I've been winding and complaining about this situation, and I'm really grateful for your support and your kind of understanding this shitty situation.
収入の為に表現方法を 制限されるのは悲しい事だよ
But for now, the guys, as always, many thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time in the face of Apocalypse.
ここで生き残る為だけに、そういう人らに 動画を検閲されたくないし
I'm off now to turn the 25 things that make me happy audiotape into a self help guide that Aiken cynically exploit for profit.
多くの人が"Youtube終わった" とか言うけど、そうは思わない
The first thing that makes me happy is friendship.
基本、Youtubeは好きだし 素晴らしいリソースだし