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  • Hello, and welcome to this episode of Denny's Tips. In this tutorial

  • You'll learn how to create an orange teal look in photoshop using just two adjustment layers in one of my previous videos

  • I taught you how [to] do this in lightroom which you can copy with the camera raw filter in Photoshop

  • However, if you're doing it in photoshop. It's easier more efficient and more flexible to use adjustment layers instead

  • This is a very easy tutorial, so whether you're a photoshop beginner or expert you have no problems following along

  • What special forces tour is not the origin [tale] color but the technique behind it?

  • Because we want to learn the technique if you create so many different types of colors ratings and color combination which ship with you later

  • A

  • Photo [is] Male 3 channels Red Green and blue that one combined forms the color photo

  • For this orange nGo look will [rin] start by converting it from [3] channels to 2 channels

  • To do that go to the adjustments panel and add a channel mixer adjustment layer if you don't see this panel

  • You can open it by going to window

  • adjustments

  • Here in the channel mixer properties go to a blue channel and set the green to 100% and blue to zero

  • This basically recreates a blue channel by using the data from [your] green channel

  • And if you look in the channels panel, you should be able to see that the green and blue channel look exactly the same

  • So now your photo has [2] channels which creates this red and teal effect by the way

  • This is also kotik to strip technicolor. And is one of the very first forms of color film processing

  • Right now we have this red into your look to shifty [red's] to orange we're going to see hue/saturation adjustment layer

  • Which you can add from the adjustments panel

  • Click on this tool here which will let you select any area on your photo and adjust the saturation

  • There's a trick [to] this tool and if you hold ctrl or command key [while] dragging it will adjust the hue instead of the saturation

  • So to shifty [red's] to orange. We can simply hold the cTRL command key and Drag on in Red area

  • Next I'm going drag but this time without holding the cTRL command key on the orange and teal areas to adjust the saturation

  • This tool makes adjusting the hue and saturation very easy, and I highly recommend getting in the habit of using it whenever you can

  • When you're done [selected] two layers by holding the cTRL command key and then press cTRL or command g to group them into layer?

  • address the group opacity to your likings, and you're done first on the image looks like before and after

  • This technique can be used to create other color combinations

  • [for] example by adjusting the hue we can get a red and blue effect like this or

  • We can create a wacky green purple effect like this you can pick any color combination you like

  • You can also go further and add a curves adjustment layer to change your tones

  • For example if you want that faded contrast you look you can drag the black upwards like this and then create a slight curve

  • For something that's more vintage and romantic you can add some [work] by going into a blue channel and dropping the mid-tones

  • Whatever the effect you want to create is up to you

  • here are some more examples of what you can create with this technique, I

  • Know people have their own personal opinion on color grading

  • Which is why it's more important to focus on a technique rather than recipe because by learning this technique

  • You can create so many different looks and customize it to your own preference

  • Hey, thanks [for] [watching] this video. If you like that people really hit the like button

  • I have some origin to your photoshop actions in month that will create a bunch of orange until love for you on Mac [week]

  • And they're very easy to review there's a free and full version

  • [but] [you] can for the pro version don't worry because the free version is very efficient I even put my favorite look in there

  • So they're not looking out too much

  • Anyways, let me know what you think any comments?

  • We will subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next video

Hello, and welcome to this episode of Denny's Tips. In this tutorial


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2つのレイヤーだけで写真をオレンジとティールにする - Photoshop Tutorial (Make Your Photos ORANGE & TEAL with ONLY 2 layers - Photoshop Tutorial)

  • 6 0
    吴晓洪 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日