字幕表 動画を再生する
hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your two for Tuesday lesson today's
words are here which means at this place and hear what we do with our ears to
listen so let's go ahead and take a look at these words two words two meanings
聞いてください... それでは先にこの言葉を見てみましょう 2つの言葉 2つの意味
pronounced exactly the same way we're going to start with an H super easy just
exhaling to let that air out here's the tricky part
next we're going to move to the ear and to do this we're gonna start with that
long e e which is the smiling vowel and then we're going to move to the er
長い e e e は微笑みの母音で、次は er に移動します。
make it very smooth with no break in between it's not E or er ear and to do
this again smile and then move to square tense lips for that er sound and your
tongue it's going to move from behind your top front teeth it's either going
to flip back or point down whichever you prefer for the er ear ear ear and
let's put it all together here hear here and now for a sentence come over here so
まとまったものをここにまとめよう ここを聞いて ここを聞いて ここを聞いて ここを文章にするから ここを来てくれ
you can hear me come over here so you can hear me give it a try I know people
あなたは私がここに来るのを聞くことができますので、あなたは私がそれを試してみることを聞くことができます 私は人々を知っている
are going to notice the difference if you like this we'd love a like a share
and subscribe check out all of our products on google play itunes covo and
を購読して、google play itunes covoとgoogle playのすべての製品をチェックアウトしてください。
teachers pay teacher's our on-demand classes on udemy and one-to-one training
先生は先生にお金を払っています udemyのオンデマンドクラスとマンツーマントレーニング
options at tarle speech thanks everyone I'll see you again soon
オプションのタールスピーチで皆さんありがとうございました また近いうちにお会いしましょう