字幕表 動画を再生する
everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your two for Tuesday today's words
are herd which is a group and heard the past or past participle of to hear so to
say these two words correctly we're going to think about three sounds we're
going to start with the H sound to do this open your mouth and just breathe
これを行うには、H の音で開始するつもりはあなたの口を開き、ちょうど呼吸します。
out super simple sound your tongue really isn't touching anywhere next move
アウト 超簡単な音 あなたの舌は本当にどこにも触れていない 次の動き
to that er sound and to do this the tip of your tongue is either going to be
pointed down to the bottom of your mouth with the back of your tongue pulled up
or the tip of the tongue is going to be flipped back er you can think about
having your lips and a square tense shape
just a tip here having your lips ready for that sound you might actually get
them ready at the beginning for this H you can see my lips are square and
they're getting ready for that er hhhher and then I'm going to end with the D and to
do that touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth and
the air is going to puff out if you don't hear that air puffing out all of
the time with some native speakers it's because they are just holding that D by
keeping the tip of their tongue behind their top teeth and it would sound like
this heard heard heard if I'm letting the air
これは聞いた 聞いた 聞いた 聞いた 空気を抜いていれば
puff out it will sound like heard heard heard so one I'm holding the tongue
heard heard heard and what I'm letting the tongue come down heard heard heard
and now in a sentence I heard the herd of cattle give it a try
people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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