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  • - So how do you affordably travel one

  • of the world's most expensive cities?

  • Well, it goes a little bit something like this.

  • (energetic music)

  • What's up, guys?

  • And welcome to your weekly Lost LeBlanc fix.

  • It is time today to dive into the city of Hong Kong,

  • an incredible destination.

  • Now this is actually my second visit,

  • and I spent about 10 days on this trip to make sure

  • that I found the best restaurants, the best viewpoints,

  • the best places for you to go and explore,

  • and I wanted to give you some tips

  • and tricks to saving some money on this upcoming trip.

  • So without further ado, let's start right where your gonna

  • start your trip, which is in the Hong Kong Airport.

  • It's actually cheapest to set your phone up in the airport.

  • Very rare to see that, but that was the case for me.

  • I paid around 65 Hong Kong dollars

  • for the SIM card and the data plan.

  • It was definitely worthwhile, especially because

  • of how heavily I relied on Google Maps throughout this trip.

  • We have been at the airport now for about two hours looking

  • around the websites from Agoda,, Airbnb,

  • and we have finally found a solution,

  • so I'll show you what it is.

  • We're heading there now.

  • (energetic electro-pop music)

  • Now, typically there's two main areas people like

  • to stay in Hong Kong.

  • There's Kowloon, and there's Hong Kong Island.

  • Kowloon is very much the conventional, Asian-feeling hub,

  • almost like the Times Square of Asia,

  • and it tends to be a little bit cheaper.

  • Now, going on to the island, the downtown hub,

  • this is actually the formerly British side of Hong Kong.

  • This side feels a slight bit more modern,

  • and it's got the iconic Victoria Peaks.

  • An hour and 15 minutes later, it's dark outside,

  • but with all the lights, it feels like it's daytime.

  • It's like the Times Square of Hong Kong.

  • Now, food.

  • It's going to be one of the biggest parts

  • of your trip to Hong Kong.

  • Melissa and Alejandro did their research.

  • They were proactively searching

  • for the best restaurants in the city,

  • and even though we couldn't try all of them,

  • we have so many incredible restaurants to share with you.

  • Our first meal in Hong Kong started off

  • at the internationally-renowned Din Tai Fung.

  • (traditional Chinese melody)

  • Alright it is time, our first Hong Kong meal.

  • And if you don't already know,

  • dim sum is one of the top Chinese foods you need to try,

  • so tonight, we are getting the finest of it.

  • And then we'll show you the hostel we booked.

  • So truth be told, this is not exactly the cheapest place

  • to go, but that's kind of why we chose

  • to stay in a cheaper place.

  • We wanted to have our money allocated

  • to doing the best experiences and really seeing Hong Kong.

  • Cheers to that.

  • So good.

  • So, so good.

  • It is time for our room tour, and the room tour is now over

  • because this is everything except

  • for a toilet right over there.

  • Now this costed me $125 USD for two nights,

  • and if you don't know this already,

  • Hong Kong is the second most expensive place

  • in the world based on real estate prices,

  • and the amount you'll pay for hotels and rent reflect that.

  • Katy's gonna stay here and do a bit of work,

  • but I'm gonna be going to meet with Ale and Melissa

  • to show you guys one of the best desserts in Hong Kong,

  • or so I've been told.

  • Thank you.

  • (upbeat electronic music)

  • We're almost there.

  • The city, so many smells, sights, things going on.

  • It is constant madness.

  • I don't know if I could ever live here,

  • but strictly as a visitor, it's so cool to experience.

  • - [Waitress] (speaks foreign language) 78!

  • - [Christian] (speaks gibberish)

  • - Right?

  • - This is Kakigori, a dessert that changed my life

  • and became part of our nightly routine in Hong Kong.

  • Shaved ice, thank you very much,

  • and this is the Oreo-flavored one.

  • I've now had strawberry, matcha,

  • but Oreo's my favorite, and it's awesome.

  • It's 80 Hong Kong dollars, which is quite a bit,

  • but it's very much worth it,

  • and you could probably split it.

  • Mmm.

  • We only mess with the best,

  • and so we were constantly going to Shari Shari.

  • There's a few of them located throughout Hong Kong,

  • but the incredible thing is they actually import their ice

  • from Japan.

  • You will love it, or your money back.

  • Terms and conditions may apply.

  • So, we just caught our metro heading back.

  • It's $14 instead of $177, which is what it would've costed

  • if we took the Uber, so overall you save a lot

  • of money with metro.

  • Just got back.

  • See you guys in the morning.

  • Good morning guys, and welcome to another day.

  • So it's actually not even close to morning.

  • It's actually 4:00 p.m. right now.

  • We had a really late start because we had

  • a really late night.

  • We went out to Lan Kwai Fong,

  • which is one of the craziest places I've ever gone out.

  • (electronic dance music)

  • We're taking you to this really

  • beautiful, beautiful housing project area

  • where they have subsidized housing

  • for people here in Hong Kong.

  • It cost us $150 just to get here,

  • which is pricey, guys.

  • Uber started at $115, but then actually I checked again,

  • and it surged up to $180, but we have just arrived,

  • so let's go explore Choi Hung.

  • - Choi Hung.

  • - Choi Hung.

  • - Choi Hung.

  • - And so this is what draws in people like myself,

  • photographers, videographers.

  • It's the beautiful pastel rainbow that they have going on,

  • and this is actually home to between 18,000

  • and Katy read 43,000 people.

  • But what is for sure is that there's a lot

  • of people living in a very small quarter.

  • Kind of worked out, it's about to start pouring.

  • With that, it cleared the entire basketball court,

  • and only the dedicated remain.

  • (both laughing)

  • (relaxed electronic music)

  • Show us your Peruvian basketball all-star moves.

  • Katy used to be captain of the team, so she claims.

  • - I promise.

  • - She said she used to be the tallest in her class.

  • - I was.

  • I have pictures.

  • - (chuckles) Oh!

  • Katy made new friend.

  • Hello.

  • - Err-oh.

  • - Err-oh.

  • So one of the things I love about Katy

  • is she's got such a big heart.

  • I was shooting around, getting shots with the drone,

  • and Katy looks over and sees a little boy getting beaten up

  • by some other little kids, and she immediately stepped in,

  • went to comfort the kid, be there.

  • She's just been hanging out with him for the past hour.

  • He's clearly opened up now,

  • and now they're just playing basketball and...

  • - I gotta go.

  • (uplifting dubstep music)

  • - Let's go Team Watashi!

  • - Our journey in Hung Choi is over,

  • so now we have to head to the black market...

  • (giggles) to the Night Market.

  • We have to head now to the Night Market,

  • so we're gonna do it an affordable way,

  • And we have to take the subway for this.

  • - Okay. - Hi!

  • - Hello! - Hi!

  • - How do you say hello in Hong Kong?

  • - Neih hao.

  • - Hello, Neih hao!

  • - [All] Neih hao!

  • - See you! - Bye!

  • - I was explaining to her what we do,

  • and she's like, "She beautiful, you smart!"

  • I'm like, "What?"

  • What does that make me?

  • (upbeat traditional music)

  • - We finally arrived to Temple Street,

  • and that's the beginning of the Night Market.

  • So, entrance and the market is over there.

  • Come with me.

  • (lively electronic piano melody)

  • - Let's go shopping!

  • Is that real Louis Vuitton?

  • - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • - Oh, wow!

  • (repeated air horn)

  • So that right there is a $10 Louis Vuitton,

  • and she even said it's real, so--

  • - Yeah, she said it's real. - Wow.

  • The savings are unreal.

  • You need to control Christian.

  • Supreme?

  • Oh my gosh.

  • Supreme, very nice.

  • (lively electronic piano melody)

  • (tires screeching)

  • (rubber chickens squeaking)

  • Ah, sexy guapa mamacita!

  • We didn't just make fun of everything.

  • We actually bought something.

  • (Katy laughing)

  • It's not a popular opinion, but they do say

  • that China is the leader of all fashion trends.

  • Very fashion-forward.

  • It is the newest collection,

  • the Surf Collection by Myra Gaye.

  • It's a constant reminder to always "smil."

  • Check it out.

  • They flip up like that.

  • How could you not buy this?

  • Very cool. (laughs)

  • From the moment we got there, the people were incredible.

  • And even though from time to time,

  • there is a language barrier, you definitely can get by,

  • because they're more than willing to help.

  • They were so nice, and we have literally

  • just now reached the end of Temple Street.

  • Alright guys, we are at my favorite restaurant ever.

  • We're at Heekee Noodle Cart, and the reason we came here

  • is because there's one item

  • on the menu that I just absolutely love.

  • I dream about it.

  • They have my all-time favorite meal.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • It's got beef belly.

  • It's got pork intestines, pig blood,

  • and fish balls all in one.

  • Mmm, deep-fried three kinds balls.

  • Mmm.

  • - What is that?

  • What kind of balls are those?

  • - You don't wanna know.

  • - (laughs)

  • - This was only $20 for everything that you saw here,

  • pretty awesome deal.

  • I even got myself two of these milk teas

  • because they're freaking awesome.

  • Alright, I'll let you do your thing.

  • - I don't know I'm gonna do it.

  • I will have to make a hole in my pants.

  • - Don't get too comfortable.

  • - Okay, now let's go home.

  • (slurps) Hey guys, just a little reminder,

  • don't forget to hit the like button, okay?

  • See you in a bit.

  • 45 minutes outside of downtonwn,

  • and we are going to an area known as Sai Kung.

  • This is Bosco.

  • He is from Hong Kong, and he's showing us around today.

  • Bosco drove us about 45 minutes outside

  • of Kowloon downtown Hong Kong area,

  • but the interesting thing is that

  • in order to get past right here, this checkpoint,

  • you actually need to be either a local

  • or have a permit to drive people in.

  • So that's why we actually had

  • to take a taxi beyond this point.

  • (driver singing along with radio)

  • - Thank you (speaking foreign language)

  • Guys, if you come here, you gotta find him.

  • He's the best.

  • He's made my day already.

  • - He was the happiest man on earth.

  • - I know, he's so cool.

  • This is actually something I should mention,

  • is that in Hong Kong, it's not customary to tip people.

  • I tried to give him a 20, he basically in a very polite way,

  • said, "Oh that's okay, it's not necessary."

  • Even though tipping is not customary,

  • every now and then when you meet someone special

  • and they really make your day,

  • I see no problem with leaving one.

  • (inspirational electronic music)

  • So this is why we walked all the way down to the beach,

  • because this is a side of Hong Kong

  • you probably didn't know existed.

  • This incredible white sand beach

  • on some days can have beautiful blue-ass water

  • out there when the sun is perfect,

  • and today it's pretty good actually,

  • considering this morning was so gray.

  • But there's something I need to show you,

  • and this is because of the recent typhoon that came through.

  • This whole walkway has been devastated.

  • When you look past the destruction,

  • you see the incredible natural beauty here.

  • Bosco, so what is this on the left here?

  • - Well, it was a helicopter pad.

  • That is caused by the typhoon.

  • - Go Katy, you got this. - I need help.

  • - It's actually better if you jump.

  • Nicely done.

  • Alright, so this is why we drove about an hour and a half

  • to two hours outside of Hong Kong,

  • walked about an hour down a hill,

  • up a little bit of a treacherous passage,

  • and this is what you get.

  • One of the four rock pools here,

  • and the incredible thing is

  • there's only five of us here right now.

  • Because we had gray clouds this morning and it's a weekday,

  • we got this place basically to ourselves.

  • (mellow electronic groove music)

  • - Cliff jump!

  • - From how high up?

  • - It's eight meters.

  • - Eight meters, okay.

  • (fingers snapping)

  • Whoo!

  • (mellow electronic groove music)

  • What's up fam?

  • We are on our way back after a really, really tough hike

  • back up the hill.

  • Now, you may have noticed this isn't

  • the same car we came in.

  • Hmm....

  • - I dropped my keys

  • somewhere during our route back to the pools.

  • - See you later, dude.

  • - See you later.

  • - So we got a warning that we may not fit

  • in our room with three bags.

  • He was trying to upgrade us.

  • I don't know if it's true or not.

  • (all laughing hysterically)

  • Oh my gosh.

  • This is nice.

  • You can look at me and--

  • - (laughs) We can talk while you--

  • - Yeah, when I'm going to the bathroom,

  • you can just be chatting with me.

  • It's not that bad.

  • - It's nice. - It's nice.

  • - I don't care if it's little.

  • It's nicer than anything we have had, but--

  • - Yeah.

  • - It's just so funny.

  • - It's so funny.

  • This place was 75 a night, but it's modern.

  • It's clean, and as long as you know

  • the person you're sharing a room with, you should be okay.

  • - (laughs) And guess what?

  • There is nothing to have privacy, so this is my view.

  • - (laughs)

  • All aboard!

  • Taking the midnight bus going anywhere.

  • So we just paid the equivalent of $1.50

  • to get to our destination.

  • The transportation system is really good.

  • There's so many buses.

  • They run so frequently.

  • You can literally see it all over the street,

  • these double-decker buses.

  • So I have to say that taking a bus

  • or the metro are both great options.

  • (upbeat electronic music)

  • So on the flight over to Hong Kong,

  • we met this random guy from Toronto.

  • We asked him what restaurants we should check out

  • here in Hong Kong.

  • He told us to check out Crystal Jade,

  • and right now I just had these handmade egg noodles

  • with a spicy sauce and peanut sauce

  • and it is amazing.

  • - I'll do it if you do it.

  • - Okay.

  • - Okay.

  • - I'm not ready.

  • - Cheers. - Cheers.

  • - It's not that bad.

  • I don't always wake up at sunrise, but when I do,

  • I complain about how early it is the entire way through.

  • We've just arrived here at the top of the mountain

  • above the Hong Kong Island, known as Victoria's Peak,

  • and we're going to be showing you guys

  • what we hope to be a beautiful sunrise.

  • Otherwise, this will not have been worth it.

  • What's up, party people?

  • - I'm the party person.

  • (inspirational electronic music)

  • - Alright guys, after an incredible sunrise this morning,

  • we're now taking one of the coolest ways

  • you can get around Hong Kong.

  • It is the tram car that runs all the way down

  • from Victoria Peak back into the downtown side.

  • All aboard.

  • - Last call for Hong Kong Land! (whistles weakly)

  • - This slope right now is like this.

  • You can't tell, but this is way better than a taxi.

  • That's basically what it's actually like right now.

  • (all laughing)

  • That was super cool.

  • Definitely take the tram at least one direction.

  • Alright guys, so we have saved arguably one

  • of the best things of Hong Kong for last.

  • After doing sunrise at Victoria Peak,

  • we had a long A-F nap.

  • We woke up around midday, around 1:15 p.m.,

  • and now we've just gotten into a taxi

  • to go to Lantau Island.

  • We're going to Tung Chung station.

  • From there, we're going to be taking one

  • of the world's longest gondolas up a mountain to what

  • is arguably one of Hong Kong's most recognizable sites.

  • We got 25 minutes to get to the top,

  • and we're gonna have some incredible views.

  • - (laughs) Oh my god.

  • It's so trippy! - Whoa!

  • - Oh my god!

  • - Ah!

  • So this is the pathway that if you hadn't taken a gondola,

  • you'd follow all the way to the top.

  • (energetic electronic groove music)

  • We're all in agreement that that was one

  • of the highlights of Hong Kong so far.

  • The gondola is spectacular.

  • Bit of an update guys, we've been looking for Alejandro

  • for like an hour now.

  • I'm really not sure where he went

  • because I looked back and then he was gone, and then...

  • There he is.

  • Ale, you can't keep running away like that, man!

  • - Alejandro has never looked (smooches) so good.

  • - Yeah, a little bit hornier than usual?

  • - I watch your YouTube channel.

  • - Nice to see you too.

  • Bye bye! (imitating cow sound)

  • Hello, puppers.

  • Wow.

  • You better moo-ve out of the way!

  • Did you hear my joke?

  • - I heard.

  • (upbeat dubstep music)

  • - As I previously mentioned, one of the best things

  • about Hong Kong is the food, and with that being said,

  • we didn't get to try every one of the best restaurants.

  • But we did try a lot of them, and I wanted to share some

  • of my top choices with you.

  • First honorable mention is definitely going

  • to the Cupping Room.

  • If you're looking for an awesome breakfast or brunch,

  • it's right in Central Hong Kong, and it is delicious.

  • Alejandro is a coffee connoisseur.

  • He loves drip coffee and for him to give a big thumbs up

  • to the coffee says a lot.

  • The coffee, the food, it is a double thumbs up.

  • Another incredible breakfast spot on the Kowloon side

  • is Studio Caffeine, and this is another trendy restaurant.

  • Katy and I both got incredible breakfast sandwiches.

  • The cappuccinos were fantastic,

  • and that's all I'm gonna say.

  • Another great breakfast spot that I ate at twice

  • is called Urban Coffee Roasters.

  • It was right across from my hostel,

  • conveniently located, and so it was an awesome find.

  • The last breakfast spot I want to share with you is perfect

  • if you're craving an American-style diner experience.

  • It's called Brunch Club and Supper, kind of a weird name,

  • but the food is fantastic.

  • Katy actually claims it's one of the best omelets she's had.

  • Now, if you're having a night out in Lan Kwai Fong,

  • a place that you should definitely start your night at

  • is no joke, called Ho Lee Fook.

  • Now I don't know if they're trolling us,

  • but either way the food is the bomb dot com.

  • It's like this kind of funky Chinese-style restaurant,

  • and it's done up in a rather modern and hip way.

  • I really enjoyed my meal there,

  • and the drinks were also great.

  • When you're ready to take it up a notch,

  • then just walk a block away, and go to Quinary

  • for a couple cocktails before your night out.

  • I have to say some of the best cocktails I've had

  • are right here, and it's actually internationally-renowned

  • as one of the best cocktail bars, or so I was told.

  • On the theme of incredible cocktail bars,

  • one of the most beautiful bars I have ever seen

  • in my life is this one right here.

  • It's called Goughs, and if you want to have a drink,

  • some appies, this would be an awesome spot to do it.

  • It's like this grand Victorian theme

  • with a side of steampunk and edge.

  • You just gotta check it out.

  • It's so beautiful.

  • For our last meal, we've come to Yumm Cha,

  • and there's a few of them in the area.

  • They're a big franchise,

  • and they have some really, really funny dim sum.

  • It's so awesome.

  • (all enthusiastically yelling)

  • So the food was really good,

  • but the bill was extremely shocking.

  • We spent about $40 US per person

  • on what was a relatively big meal,

  • but I didn't even get a drink.

  • We didn't get dessert.

  • It was just a really, really expensive meal.

  • (relaxed groove music)

  • The last one I want to share with you is Little Boa,

  • and if you've never had a boa before,

  • it is a Chinese-style bun

  • with pork inside, sometimes chicken.

  • With that being said, it wasn't my favorite meal

  • just because I'm not that big on baos,

  • but if you're looking to experience something new, hip,

  • and trendy, check out Little Boa.

  • What do you call a rapper that just had an incredible boa?

  • Bow-wow. (chuckles)

  • (all swooning)

  • Doge, doge. - [Katy] Aw, doge, doge!

  • - Just a strong, independent canine walking himself

  • across the street.

  • He don't need no man.

  • Now, the original reason that we went

  • to Hong Kong was actually because of this.

  • - [Crowd] Whoa!

  • (cheering and screaming)

  • - That right there is Cardistry-Con.

  • It is basically a conglomeration, a community

  • of smooth-handed, magic-loving card movers.

  • I think that's the best way I can put it.

  • Personally, I love immersing myself in new situations,

  • new communities, new cultures, and this right here is

  • a very interesting subculture.

  • I'm the Cardist of the Year.

  • I won the award.

  • Oh shit!

  • - [All] What?

  • - Oh shit.

  • Oh shit. - That's pretty good. (laughs)

  • Hi guys. (slurps)

  • Hey yo, what's up man?

  • Oh sorry guys, my hat was on its side.

  • And that just about wraps it up, guys.

  • I hope you enjoyed today's video.

  • If you're new to Team Get Lost,

  • don't forget to subscribe, and I'll see you next Saturday.

  • Love you guys so much.

  • Hit the bell button.

  • Hit the like button.

  • Hit all the buttons, and don't forget

  • to come back next Saturday so I can tell you

  • to press some more buttons. (slurps)

  • And let's get lost again in the next one.

  • Okay, bye.

  • (slurps) Hey yo, Phillipa.

  • Where my money?

  • Where my mo--

  • Sorry, can I call you back?

  • Camera's still rolling.

- So how do you affordably travel one


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香港を旅するには? (HOW TO TRAVEL HONG KONG - Cheap Travel Possible?)

  • 54 3
    John Yu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日