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- I wonder what this rope does.
(upbeat music)
- Welp, that's the last of them.
- I still can't believe we're leaving.
(blows raspberry)
- What's the point?
Now that we have a TV show, who needs this stuff?
- It's like I say, I'm a mover and a shaker.
- It's kinda sad.
We had a lot of good times here.
- Yeah, there's also been a lot of stabbing.
- Yeah, I guess we've all got a little baggage.
- Come on everybody,
let's get this show on the road.
(bright upbeat music)
(crickets chirping)
- [Little Apple] Hello, hello!
Oh man, did everybody just leave without me?
I never thought it would end like this.
- [Narrator] End? (laughing)
Dry your eyes, little apple.
This isn't the end.
It's just the beginning of "Annoying Orange 2.0."
(metal thud) (startled shout)
Get ready for brand new thrills, brand new laughs,
and even a brand new cast.
- You're talking to me?
- Huh?
- You talking to me?
- [Narrator] That's right, Robert De Niro is Grapefruit.
- I'm watching you.
- [Narrator] Looks like he could use some tough love.
Good thing he's got Marshmallow.
- Aha, yay, I love everything.
- [Narrator] As portrayed
by the legendary Christopher Walken.
- Everything is something that I love, yay!
- [Narrator] And here's the new Grandpa Lemon, Gollum!
- So bright, so beautiful,
so precious.
- Bleh, that's gonna haunt my dreams!
- [Narrator] Give it up for academy award winner,
Meryl Streep, as Passion fruit.
- This is so exciting.
Isn't this exciting?
We're gonna have the best time ever.
- Wow, she really is a great actress.
- [Narrator] Speaking of talent,
it's our new pear, Denzel Washington.
- Alright, alright, okay!
- What?
- Today is training day, Little Apple.
- Yeah, that's not what I'd call it.
- Bull!
- Haha, you never know.
That's the point.
- Oh, okay.
- [Narrator] And don't forget the star of "AO 2.O,"
it's Tom Cruise.
- I feel the need, the need for speed.
- Ow!
- Oh, you're in the office now, baby.
- Oh, at least they didn't recast me.
- [Narrator] Oh, and don't forget
about the breakout sensation of 2012.
It's Zamboni!
- Hey everybody, it's --
- Ice to meet you.
- But that doesn't make any sense at all.
Why would we need a Zamboni?
- Hey, don't forget I'm a time traveling Zamboni.
Shazz bot.
- What?
Haha, told ya.
- Yay, I love unicorns.
A lot of people don't know this,
but the horns can cure athlete's foot.
- Oh come on, this is insane.
- Hey, hey, chubby cherry.
- Argh, I'm not a chubby cherry.
I'm midget,
Little Apple!
- Whoo!
- That guy is giving me the willies.
- Wicky, trusty willies.
They stole it from us.
Must have it back.
Must have the precious.
- Oh shut up grandpa Gollum!
Nobody cares.
- Whoa whoa.
Get a load of this guy.
This guy, whoa.
- Ehe, don't forget about Zamboni.
- It's ice to meet you, Ice-man.
- Would you stop saying that already!
You fake orange.
- Call me Maverick.
- No, I will not call you Maverick.
- Aha, I ain't holding no hands,
I ain't baby-sitting.
- You know I gotta be honest with you, I enjoy hugs.
Hugs is something I enjoy. - Stop it, stop it, stop it!
None of this make any sense.
And I'm not just talking about the Zamboni.
- Shazz bot.
- This can't be happening.
There's got to be a logical explanation for this.
- Like maybe we're just fooling around?
- Huh?
- Happy April Fool's day.
- Whoa.
Thank goodness, it's such a relief!
- Whoa!
- Ah, speaking of which,
what are we gonna do with these guys?
- Hmm, I don't know.
Maybe they could sign some autographs
or maybe they could just sign.
- Huh?
- Sign.
(clashing and thudding) (screaming)
- Whoa.
- Whoa!
Looks like the cast is gonna need a cast. (laughs)
No, just kidding.
There's no way they survive that.
- Shazz bot!
- Hey, guess what tomato.
- What?
What is it?
- You're a vegetable again.
- You, you really mean it?
- Yeah, they just announced it on the news.
You're not a fruit anymore.
- That's,
that's oh my God,
I'm a vegetable again.
I knew this would happen.
This is the greatest day of my life.
- Hey, hey Tomato.
- Yes, Orange?
- April Fools!
You're still a fruit.
- What?
You, you jerk!
You just can't prank people like that.
- Sure you can, everyone's doing it.
- Hey Pear, get a whif of my new flower.
- What?
I don't smell anything.
(water spraying) (mumbles)
- Happy April Fool's Day. - Whoa!
- Hey you guys you better watch it.
- I think you mean wash it. (laughs)
- That felt like rain,
and rain makes me think of rainbows.
- Um, okay.
- Hey Pear, he's so crazy. (laughs)
- Hey, do you guys hear something.
- Hear what?
- What is it?
- Shh, listen.
(sound of air escaping balloon)
It's coming from Pear's derriere. (laughs)
- I'm sitting on a cloud.
- Hey, shut up dude.
- Hey, what's going on with you two?
- Yeah, you guys are acting kinda weird.
- Weird, we're not weird.
I still love horses,
with hats,
that can fly and bunnies!
Oh yeah, bunnies.
You gotta love the bunnies! (laughs)
I'm warmer than a hot fudge Sunday
with an itty bitty cherry on top.
- Hey!
You don't sound like Pear.
You sound like.
- Yay!
- Marshmallow!
- But if you're Marshmallow,
then who's that?
- Thanks a lot Marshmallow.
- Whoa!
- What?
I was melting in there.
- Yeah? Well you should try getting into this outfit.
- Yeah, he didn't have any room to pair.
- Nice try lame-o's. (laughs)
- What's going on?
- [Little Apple] Oh no!
- Whoa!
- Wow!
- Grapefruit?
- What? Like you guys are so original.
- Looks like Grapefruit was stretching the truth.
If Marshmallow was Pear,
and Pear was Marshmallow,
and if Little Apple was Grapefruit.
Then who are you?
- Uh, I'm still a tomato.
- We'll see about that.
- Ow, that hurts.
- Yep, she's a tomato alright.
- What is wrong with you?
- Hmm, I take it back.
You're an apple.
- You know what you need, Orange?
- What?
- Knife.
- Whoa
- Oh no.
- Orange!
Orange, say something buddy!
(air escaping)
- Hey, that's not Orange.
That's Little Apple.
- And I would've gotten away with it too
if it weren't for that pesky knife.
- [Orange] Hey, did someone say knife?
- Whoa.
- [Pear] Ow.
- Whoa.
Now that's food for thought.
(air escaping from ballon)
- Guys, guys, guys!
Fantastic news!
I just won the lottery!
- Neat-o burrito!
You should buy a yacht!
- You should buy a puppy!
- You should buy some gold!
- Ugh, Liam go away.
It's not St. Patty's day.
- It's not?
- Oh come on Pear!
You know me mar til.
If there's gold to be found, Liam's around.
- Actually Liam,
I didn't win the lottery.
- Awe nuts!
- Happy April Fool's day!
- April Fool's day prank you say?
Well that's not funny.
You made this leprechaun very angry,
and I will have my revenge!
- Huh?
I wonder how he's gonna get his revenge?
(poof) - Hey!
Hey guys, hey!
Liam sent me to annoy you!
(obnoxiously rolling tongue)
(bouncy rock music)
(Orange singing Gold over and over)
- Orange!
Maybe you can take it easy this April Fool's day?
I think everyone would really appreciate it.
- Okay, and to show my appreciation,
I got you guys a gift!
- Dibs!
- Remember Lime,
Orange loves April Fool's day so be careful!
- Oh man fruit flies!
I should've known!
- April Fools!
hey, why aren't you guys laughing?
- Cause it wasn't really a prank.
It was just kinda mean.
- Are you kidding?
That was the gold standard of April Fools pranks.
Hey, hey Zucchini, hey!
- What?
- Pull my finger!
- You don't have a finger.
- Oh yeah.
Well, just pull this rope instead.
- Couldn't hurt.
(bell dinging) - Yo-ho-hoo.
- April Fools!
- I agree with Pear.
That was just plain mean.
- Aye you, Watermelon!
Aye you, aye, aye you!
- Why are you saying aye you, instead of hey you?
Because A U is the periodic symbol for gold.
- Okay?
That doesn't really answer anything, but?
- Hey, hey Watermelon, hey!
- What?
- Why did the chicken cross the road?
- I don't know, why?
- Knife.
- Oh, why?
- Awe come one, that was certified gold.
- Wait a second.
Why are you referencing gold so much?
- And why are there suddenly two of you?
(disk scratching)
- And why do you smell like corn beef and cabbage?
- Um.
- Awe crap you got me!
- It's Liam in disguise.
Yay, I love tricksters!
- No wonder Orange's pranks were meaner than usual.
- He may have poor taste in pranks,
but he has great taste in costumes.
- Liam, what is this all about?
- The hokey pokey!
That's what it's all about!
- It's just that everyone forgets about old Liam
when St. Patrick's day is done.
I just wanted to get in a lil April Fool's day fun is all.
You know, make some friends?
Have a few laughs?
(softly weeping)
- Well being mean isn't the way to win us over.
- Easy guys,
when it comes to pranking Liam's a little green.
- Look Liam,
we could tell you about the magic of April Fool's day
or you can just pull this rope!
- Boy that sounds altogether too easy!
Wait a second.
That's the oldest trick in the book.
- Oh, well how 'bout you just pool my finger?
- Huh, well I suppose it couldn't hurt.
(metal clang)
A trap!
- April Fool's day!
you're the fool, get it?
(poof) - Curses, magic proof bars!
I'm gonna get out of here Orange,
and when I do I'm gonna.
- You'll do the hokey pokey?
- No I'm gonna. - Put your right hand in
and you'll shake it all about?
- Nobody's talking 'bout the hokey pokey!
- I sure am.
- Huh, I wonder what this rope does?
(bell ding)
- Yo-ho-ho-hoo.
- Now that was April Fool's gold.
Gold puns.
(upbeat music) (devious laugh)
- Making a phone call, making a phone call.
- Day spa this is Shelly, how can I help you?
- Shelly?
You mean like an oyster?
- No.
- Oh okay.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah, I wanna get a tan.
- Okay! Have you tanned with us before?
- Um, no.
- Have you tanned before like, at all?
- Uh uh.
- Okay,
and how would you describe your skin tone?
- Orange.
- Sir?
- Yeah, I'm orange.
- Your skin is orange?
- Yeah, really orange.
- Okay, so you have been tanning?
- No.
- Too much tanning can be really harmful.
- Uh uh, I haven't been tanning.
- Okay, so why is your skin orange?
- I was born like this.
- Do you have some kind of skin condition?
- No, I've got a couple of dents,
that's about it.
- You should really come in for a consultation.
- Why?
- Because it could cause damage to your skin.
Like scarring, pigmentation, and peeling.
- Peeling?
- Yeah.
- Well I don't want to get peeled.
I saw one of my friends get peeled once,
it wasn't pretty.
- [Shelly] Yeah.
- [Orange] He was baked into a crisp.
- Uhyah!
That's why we have to be careful.
- Oh okay.
- Sir?
- Hi!
- Could you hold for a minute?
- Hold what?
I don't have any hands.
(slow soothing music)
Oh well.
- Thank you for,
uh, sir?
- Oh, hi!
My supervisor thinks you should consult a doctor.
- About what?
- Your skin.
- Yeah, it's orange.
- Right.
- Well.
- Why do you think you need our services?
- I just want to look a little bit more,
You're not laughing.
- Okay, I have to go now.
- Where you going?
Can I come?
(dial tone)
- What's up?
It's your boy Chicken Leg,
and this kitchen doesn't have a clue
what's about to hit 'em.
Hey you, pear shaped dude!
- That's cause I literally am a pear.
- How would you like to make some serious cheddar?
- Um, okay.
What's the catch?
- Catch is, you gotta play catch with
your apple shaped buddy over there
and by catch I mean throw this baseball
at his face when he's not looking.
(laughing maniacally)
- Oh, so you want me to prank him?
- Now you got it my friend who's eerily similar to a pear.
So, moment of truth you gonna do it?
Or are you chicken?
- Uh.
(Chicken Leg clucking)
- Okay, okay, I'll do it.
(crash) - Ow, hey!
- Oh my god!
That was rad beyond all comprehension!
Now just look into the camera and say,
"I got Chicken Leg'd."
- Um, I got Chicken Leg'd.
(laughing maniacally)
- Yeah you did!
Chicken Leg'd y'all, Chicken Leg'd.
(upbeat disk scratching)
- Welcome back!
I just convinced somebody,
who can easily be mistaken for a marshmallow,
to hit that orange circle over there with a water ballon.
- Hey!
- Sorry!
(laughing maniacally)
- Yes!
Just give me the Emmy already, whoop!
Okay circle that's orange.
Look into the camera and say,
"I got Chicken Leg'd."
- I'm on TV?
Hi mom, hi dad!
Actually, I have a list for this very occasion.
Hi Pear, hi Grapefruit, hi marshmallow.
- Hey, knock it off!
- Knock what off?
Your hat?
(ball thud)
- No, no, no, not the hat.
- Chicken Leg's balding.
- Just get.
Get the camera off me.
(laughing maniacally)
- Okay, okay get the camera back on me.
Orange colored round guy, you wanna prank somebody?
Or are you chicken?
- Sure, I'll prank somebody.
- Excellent, so before we begin,
what's your name orange-ish orb?
- My name is Gullible.
- Wait, it is?
(laughing maniacally)
- Pranked you!
- What!
- That guy just pranked the prank master!
- No, no, no, no, no.
No he didn't.
Okay, listen, no.
I knew it was a joke, okay?
So, so what's your name really dude?
- Okay, okay.
In all seriousness my name is actually Gullible.
- See, it wasn't a prank!
His name actually is Gullible you guys!
So, you know,
Chicken Leg's still the prank master.
- Look into the camera and say,
"I got Chicken Leg'd."
- I will not look into the camera and say that!
- Say what?
- I got Chicken Leg'd.
- That was perfect!
Thanks for saying it into the camera.
(laughing deviously)
- Your reputation is seriously on the line right now.
- I'm on it camera guy who resembles a pineapple.
Okay spherical guy with yellow teeth,
here's the deal.
I challenge you to a dare-off.
[Pear+Marshmallow+Little Apple] Whoa!
- And if you don't accept, you're a chicken!
(Chicken Leg clucks)
- Well, being a chicken is not so bad.
I mean, you're a chicken, right?
- I'm sorry.
What did you just call me?
- A chicken, you know?
Cause you're a chicken.
- I'm no chicken!
- Um, yes you are.
- No, I'm not, okay?
That's it, the dare-off has begun.
First challenge, walk across that tightrope
over the blender.
(Chicken Leg laughs maniacally)
- Um, I think I'll pass.
- Ha!
I knew it, (clucking)
you're a chicken!
- Nope, I'm an orange and you're an apple.
- Great ruling,
Chicken Leg show us how it's done!
- Oh you're rolling, huh?
Um, well I guess I'll do it then.
- Chicken Leg, wait.
You don't have to prove yourself.
- Then say it, say I'm not a chicken.
- Huh?
But you are a chicken.
- Okay, that's it, I'm going for it!
Whoa, forgot about the.
- Whoa-ho.
- Oh-ho-ho no.
- Awe ugh.
He really fouled that one up didn't he? (giggles)
Seriously though, maybe we should turn that camera off.
Dude just got annihilated by a blender.
(creepy, devious, laughter) (lighthearted piano)
- Happy Shocktober all you fruity goons and gals!
Today we've got the top five Halloween pranks.
I think this will be a really spirited list.
(laughs) Lets get to it.
Number five!
If you run into someone lacking Halloween spirit,
don't worry!
- [Unison] Trick or treat!
- I hate things that are fun, go away.
(door slam)
- Just go back on another day.
Maybe they'll be in a better mood then.
(clock ticking)
- [Unison] Trick or treat!
- What the heck are you kids doing here?
Its the middle of winter.
(door slam)
- If they're still in a bad mood, don't give up,
keep on trying.
(clock ticking)
- [Unison] Trick or treat!
- Seriously?
(door slam)
(clock ticking)
- [Unison] Trick or treat!
- Stop this!
Stop this right now!
(clock ticking)
- [Unison] Trick or treat!
- Here!
This is all the candy I have!
Just go away!
(door slam)
- [Unison] Yay!
(coin slot machine dinging)
- Number four, an old classic.
Toilet paper their house.
(laughing deviously) - Hey!
Hey you kids stop that right this instant.
You hear me!
Wow, this is actually pretty great.
I was completely out of teepee
and now I've got a lifetime supply.
(coin slot machine dinging) - Number three on the list of
best ways to prank a meanie head who's not giving out candy.
Send more business their way!
- I told you, I'm not giving away candy.
Now please leave me alone.
I'm watching an extremely boring documentary on
King Louis the thirteenth.
- King what?
- Did you say king-sized?
- No, I said.
- Yo, did somebody say king-sized?
Hey everyone!
This guys got king-sized candy bars over here!
(fruits cheering)
- Number two, bring the Halloween spirit to them.
- Hello?
Great, another doorbell ditch.
Oh, and this time they left a jack-o-lantern.
Well Mr. Jack-o-lantern,
lets get you into the garbage right. (yells)
(fruits laughing deviously)
- Boy is it a good thing I have all that toilet paper.
(coin machine dinging)
- And the number one way
to prank someone on Halloween,
swap yourself out for the real thing!
(ding dong) - [Unison] Trick or treat!
- And what are you supposed to be?
- A werewolf.
- I've seen a werewolf,
and you look nothing like one.
No candy for you.
(slams door)
(wolf howling)
(ding dong) (wolf growling)
- I told you, you little wanna be wolf, scram!
(wolf growls) (yelling)
(coin slot machine dinging)
- Hey, hey fruit lovers!
Today's a very special episode of How Two,
because I've kept it a total secret from Pear!
Shh, here he comes, here he comes.
- Alright, we ready to do this?
- We sure are Pear!
Go ahead and read the prompt.
- You sure are giddy today.
- Okay, alright let's see what we've got today.
Glaceon Nation wants to know how to prank Pear.
(screeching) Wait, what?
- Hey that's what the audience asked for Pear,
we gotta deliver.
- Dude, I'm not gonna just let you prank me.
- That's perfectly fine,
I don't need you to let me.
I'm gonna do it anyway.
- Oh no you don't.
You stay away from me.
I'm gonna go over here and read my book.
(loud fart sound)
- Argh!
(Orange laughing)
- Pranked ya!
- [Orange] Step one, if you want to prank Pear
do it at a time he'd never suspect.
- Ha!
Jokes on you Orange, I suspect it now.
So you blew your opportunity to catch me by surprise.
- Or the joke is on you
and I already set up an elaborate Rube Goldberg device
before the video even began
and connected it to the very book you're opening right now!
- Huh?
Wait, why, is that connected to TNT?
Blowing up TNT is not a prank Orange,
it's a very serious.
(pop explosion) (triumphant, happy music)
- Oh.
- Pranked ya.
- Har, har.
Well good luck getting me again.
I'm just going to stand here and not do anything.
- You sure you wanna do that?
- Why wouldn't I be?
- No reason.
(Orange whistling)
- Fine!
I'll move over ever so slightly to the side. (yells)
- (laughing maniacally) Pranked!
I have a feeling this video is really making a splash!
(Orange laughing)
- That's it!
You're not going to prank me again
because I'm on to you now!
I'm going to do the opposite of
whatever it is you want me to do.
- Awe, don't be like that!
- Ha, see I cracked the code.
- No, it's not that.
It's just that, I wanna give you this banging
apology basket to thank you for being such a good sport.
- Oh, oh well, I can do that one thing.
I mean I was a pretty good sport.
- Yeah, go on check it out!
It's got everything, cookies, stuffed animals, flowers.
- Chocolates, a fuse, an apology card.
(screeching) Wait, wait.
Wait a second Orange.
Why is there a fuse in this apology basket?
- Hey, I told you it was banging.
(explosion) - No!
(energetic saxophone)