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an ambitious professionals.
It's Blender Rainer of linda rainer dot com, guiding you to a career and life you'll truly enjoy.
それはlinda rainer dot comのBlender Rainerで、あなたを本当に楽しめるキャリアと人生へと導いてくれます。
And in today's video, I'm gonna teach you six keys to consider.
If you're thinking of hiring and working with an executive career coach as a crew strategist myself, I've been able to help numerous professionals to land job offers in careers where they're gonna have long term growth and development.
And this is something that I'd be happy to help you with as well.
So if you're interested in working with me one on one, I can give you more details on that at the end of this video.
And so because now you're at a point where you're ready to seek out professional advice.
You're thinking of hiring a career coach, and you feel that that would be beneficial for you.
But you realize as you go online that career coaches come in all shapes and sizes, you're not really sure where to begin, not sure who to trust and whose credible.
And that's where I'll come in today and help you with going through that process.
So I'm going to show you six keys that you need to consider if you're planning on hiring and working with a career coach.
So the first key you want to consider if you're thinking of hiring or working with a career coach is to ask yourself, Will he or she teach and guide, or will it be a done for you kind of deal?
So when you're researching career coaches, you have to ask yourself, Do they say that they'll write your resume for you?
Do they say that they'll give you the exact answers to any interview question for you without you having to think it through?
Do they say that they'll find your job for you?
If the answer is yes to any of those that's not career coaching, that's simply a transaction.
You know, in life there's a lot of things that you can pay money for to outsource and have them done for you.
But landing a job offer is not one of them.
If someone promises to write your resume for you entirely on their own, or they're going to give you a whole stack of scripts of answers to interviews that you just have to memorize and go into the interview with or they say that they're going to just find your job, for you don't have to take care of anything.
They will take care of it all.
It's like you're saying to them, Okay, I'm gonna leave my future career in your hands and then you walk away hoping that all of a sudden, magically a job offers going to appear.
将来のキャリアをあなたの手に委ねると言っているようなものよ そして、突然、魔法のように仕事のオファーが来ることを期待して立ち去るの。
Unfortunately, that's just not how it works.
A good career coach is someone who is going to support you, guide you, teach you the approaches, the strategies, the techniques on how to move into the career that you deserve.
And that's right for you.
But they're not going to do it for you because the only person that can do this is you, For example, if they're writing your resume for you, one thing you have to remember is that they didn't do your job so because they didn't do your job, they still don't know the full depth of responsibilities that you truly had in that position.
They don't know the accomplishments that you're able to achieve.
They don't really have a full understanding of your capabilities.
Instead, they're gathering the several pieces of information that you're giving to them, and they're making it sound fancy.
But fancy words isn't necessarily going to lead to a job offer.
It's really understanding your value and being able to communicate that in an effective way.
And the only person that can do that is you.
The second reason why using a career coach to write your resume for you isn't the best idea is because the career coach themselves may have been taught how to write resumes.
But if they don't fully and this actually goes back to two point number one, if they don't fully understand the rule, they don't understand the industry lingo.
They don't really get it.
You're gonna find that your resume has a lot of soft skills, a lot of soft words on their nothing technical.
And like I said, it's going to sound nice and fancy and wispy and cool, But when you actually read it, there's not that much substance.
The reason why I'm saying this with so much certainties, because I myself have seen examples of resumes that weren't written by the individual, but written by someone else who they outsourced it to, and unfortunately, in those cases we still ended up having to revamp the entire thing.
This is my honest belief when it comes to career coaching.
True, effective career coaching is where the coach is able to teach you the exact strategy on how you can develop a kick ass resume for yourself that you'll remember for the rest of your life.
If you find that your outsourcing your resume writing to someone else and then the next time you apply for a job, you still don't know how to write your resume, and you need to outsource it again.
The truth is, you didn't learn anything.
You didn't improve in yourself in that process, so you haven't really learned the idea of how to truly sell yourself on paper.
And if you don't have that skill set, how can you guarantee that you're going to be able to get yourself the job at the end of the day?
Relying on you is the best way to go.
You need to rely on yourself, your own abilities, your own ability to learn your willingness to learn, and from there you'll be able to personally improve and professionally improve yourself as you move on in your job search.
So having a guide a coach that's there to work with you to help you improve is one thing that you're really gonna want it taken to account key number to ask yourself, Do they have a background in your field now?
It's not necessary that the career coach has toe have an exact educational background or working background or designation in the field that your end.
But they should have some sort of background with working with the types of professionals that are similar to you, and I'll use myself as an example.
So I m a c p a.
だから私はc p aです。
By training.
I also in a past life was an account.
And so I come from an accounting finance background, and I was also a recruiter for several years where I helped to hire hundreds of finance and accounting professionals into corporate positions.
And now, as a career strategist or career coach, I've been able to leverage my experience working with finance professionals and expanded into other types of corporate professionals.
Whether they are in sales, I t marketing operations.
I've been able to work with them because I've been able to leverage the knowledge and extensive experience with the other types of corporate professionals into these areas.
And I've also worked with individuals in engineering, in the legal fields, in healthcare fields as well.
But as you can see, I started off somewhere, and then I was able to expand, and I've been able to work with people in all different fields in all different industries.
Now, if the career coach that you're considering working with is someone who doesn't have a professional background or at the very least doesn't even have a recruitment background, then chances are there.
Knowledge is going to be fairly limited.
And because their knowledge is limited, they may not be able to teach you all the techniques and strategies on how you can effectively sell yourself to the right employers for the jobs that you want.
And that's because they haven't seen hundreds or thousands of different profiles to be able to fully understand the nuances between each of them.
And chances are that means that you'll probably end up with a fair bit of generic advice.
So considering the person's background is going to be important, and that is key number two now let's move on to key number three.
Key number three is similar to key number two in the sense that it asks, Are they specific or generic?
So when you're considering working with a career coach, make sure you ask them how specific and customized are you in your approach when working with your clients, and actually tell them to explain with an example.
If the career coaches able to answer your question with a clear example with the solid understanding of your job and the market and how you can effectively sell yourself, then you can have confidence that there likely a good career coaching someone who can help you.
But if it sounds like they're struggling with the answer, that is a red flag that you would want to take.
Note up key number four.
When considering working with a career coach is, do you have a good sense of their abilities?
Nowadays, the only way you're gonna find a career coaches by doing a search online, and one thing you really want to consider is if the crew coach has a solid online presence because you want to be able to understand their teaching style and their capabilities before you work with them, so do they post consistently content that is helpful for you, whether it be on LinkedIn on YouTube, on their email newsletter, on a blawg somewhere on their website.
If they are posting consistent content, next question to ask is, Has it helped you in your job search in some way, shape or form?
Are you learning something new each time they're posting?
Because the truth is, if there are already offering you value for free and you're finding it helpful, then you know that you're only going to get more value if you pay to work with them.
Now, if the career coach doesn't really share any content doesn't teach anything for free, then you probably don't have a very strong sense of how they'll teach and what they'll teach.
And that is a red flag.
So really focus on the ones that are offering you value already and Onley.
If it's helpful for you, and if it's effective, then you can choose to move forward.
Key number five is asking.
Are they luring you with connections in the field?
Just because a career coach claims that they have connections to individuals related to your field doesn't necessarily mean that that's going to equate to a job offer for you.
Think about it this way.
They're saying that they have X number of connections with individuals in the fields that you want to get into.
But if they're telling you this, are they not telling every single one of their other clients?
This is well, And on top of that, what are the chances that those individuals that they're connected with actually have jobs and have jobs available for you to apply to?
Would it not be better for you to rely on your own abilities and be able to learn how to master making connections with the right people so that you can expand your network and eventually land a job offer without having to lean on someone else and their handful of connections?
The truth is, nothing is guaranteed when it comes to the job search game.
But what is guaranteed is that the smaller game you play, the lower quality jobs you'll likely end up with you want to be taught how to play a bigger game so that you can master your job search in a way that you'll land the career that you ultimately deserve and that you will actually make you feel fulfilled and excited to get up for every day, and a good career coach will teach you the key to do that.
And finally, key number six is to ask if the career coach has a focus strategic plan versus an open ended, an unclear plan.
When working with a good career coach, they'll tend to have a well thought out, laid out plan or programme of action where you can maximize your job, search efforts and actually land the dream job offer that you want.
That means you're gonna know exactly what your goals are, what you have to achieve, what steps you need to take and exactly how you're going to get there.
If a career coach doesn't have a plan and they say that they'll just keep things open ended and just keep working with you as you need help.
Chances are you're probably gonna end up working with them for a fairly long time because there's no clear point plan of action and you don't really know where you're going.
And so without that you may not even land the goal that you want, which is to get that job offer so make sure you ask them what is their strategic plan of action?
Is it well thought out and laid out based on what they describe?
Or does it sound like it's gonna be a wishy washy?
Another clear arrangement?
So there you have it.
Those were the six keys that you should consider if you're thinking of hiring and working with a career coach.
Now, I myself have a program called Standard Get Hired where I work with my clients Wanna one.
今、私自身、スタンダードと呼ばれるプログラムを持っています 雇われた私のクライアントと一緒に仕事をしています Wanna 1。
And through this program, I'm able to take you through the exact steps from the initial resin made down to getting hopefully the job offer.
And if this is something that you're interested in pursuing working with me one on one, then feel free to click on the link below in the description box, it will take you to my extended get hard page, and that's linda.
Rainer dot com slash Stand up.
レイナー・ドットコム・スラッシュ 立ち上がれ
Get hired.
Read the page, fill in the application form.
From there, I will assess if you are a potential fit for my program.
If I think that you are, then you will get in email from my team and we will have a call to chat further.
If you like this video, then please give it a thumbs up.
Share it with your friends.
Thank you so much for watching.
And I will see you next time.