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"Teacher! Teacher! Ronnie! Ronnie! Can I go -- can I go bathroom?" "What? 'Can I go bathroom?'
Okay. 'Can I go to the bathroom?' Yes. 'Can I go bathroom?' No. Not in here, please. If
you said, "Can I go bathroom", that means that you are going to pee where you are. Please
go to the bathroom or the washroom to pee.
Today's lesson is all about going to the toilet. This thing is called a "plunger". Plunge,
plunge, plunge! What do you do with this in the bathroom, you wonder? This is a plunger.
What we use this for is in the toilet.
So let's imagine that your friend, your mother, your father, your brother, your sister, or
you ate a lot of food last night. And then, you went to the toilet. You took a massive
dump. What is a "massive dump"? A "massive dump" is slang. "Take a massive dump." "Massive"
をダンプします。"massive dump "とは?"massive dump "はスラングだ"大規模なゴミ捨て場を取る""大規模な"
means very big, and "dump" -- let me draw it for you -- means poo. Unchi! Japanese style.
"ダンプ "は "うんち "という意味です。ウンチ日本式。
So "take a massive dump" means "to have a bowel movement", if you will. Okay? But it's
"大量の糞をする "というのは "便意を催す "という意味ですねいいですよね?でも、それは
so large that maybe it clogs or plugged the toilet. So that means I cannot flush the toilet.
Now, basic bathroom etiquette. Please, when you have finished whatever you're doing in
there, please always flush the toilet. There's a little mechanism on the toilet. It's usually
a silver color. It's very easy. You press it. All of the water and all of the extra
things in the toilet floating here -- maybe you have some poo -- it goes away so that
the next person does not have to see what you ate for dinner. I don't want to see that.
"Oh, Uncle John had corn last night." Unnecessary for me to see. So please, I beg of you, if
"ジョンおじさんは昨夜 トウモロコシを食べた"見る必要はないだからお願いだから
you are going to use the toilet, please flush it, okay?
There was a rhyme that I knew -- I still know it. It's called, "If it's yellow, let it mellow.
私が知っていた韻があった - 今でも知っているそれは呼ばれている、 "それが黄色ならば、それはまろやかにさせてください。
If it's brown, flush it down." I would like to change the poem to say, "Flush the toilet.
茶色かったら流しなさい"詩を "トイレを流す "に変えてみたいと思います。
I don't care what color it is. I don't want to see it." Or you're going to be getting
one of these stuck in your face. So rule No. 1: Flush the toilet, okay? With a plunger,
you are going to -- as I said -- unclog the plugged toilet.
What happens in a toilet or in a sink is you have a drain, okay? A "drain" is a hole at
the bottom where all the water goes into. It goes to Magic Land. Okay? So the sink and
the toilet both have a drain, as does your bathtub and your shower. What happens is hair
トイレもバスタブもシャワーも 排水口があります何が起こるかというと、髪の毛です。
or other debris gets stuck in the drain. So the drain gets clogged or plugged. It basically
means that all of this stuff can't go down the pipe, and it backs up. So the water doesn't
go down. Dangerous with a toilet. Not as bad with a sink. Acceptable with a bathtub and
a shower. All you need to do is plunge it. Make sure it's clean.
Now, what do you do in a sink? Usually, when you go to the sink, you wash your hands. Rule
No. 2: After you go to the toilet, you flush the toilet, okay? Then, it's really, really
cool. It's the coolest thing ever that you wash your hands. Especially for men. Guys,
what are you touching? What are you doing? I don't want to touch a doorknob that you
have touched after you've taken -- sorry. After you've gone to the toilet. You've touched
your man part. You did not wash your hand, and then you touched the doorknob. I'm touching
あなたの男の部分。手を洗わずに ドアノブを触っていましたね触れているのは
your knob, too, okay? Literally. I don't want to touch your knob. Please wash your hands
after you flush the toilet. Good.
Another thing that you might find in a bathroom or a washroom is a bathtub, and/or you may
have a shower. Now, the difference between a bathtub and a shower, it's very easy. When
シャワーがあるさて バスタブとシャワーの違いですが とても簡単です浴槽に入るときに
you have or take a bath, you're going to do it in the bathtub. In the bathtub, you get
to lie down. You get to relax. Maybe you have some bubbles. Maybe you have a rubber ducky.
That's a duck, okay? I'm an artist. That's a duck.
A shower, it's very small, and you don't have enough room to lie down, so you are going
to stand up in the shower, okay? It doesn't matter if you say the verb "take" or "have".
So you can say, "I'm going to have a bath. I'm going to take a bath. Or I'm going to
have a shower. I'm going to take a shower." The other thing that you can say is -- "shower"
シャワーを浴びる"シャワーを浴びる"もう一つの言い方は... "シャワーを浴びる"
is also a verb. So you can say, "I'm going to shower. I'm going to shower." You can't
は動詞でもあります。ですから "I'm going to shower."シャワーを浴びに行くよ"と言うことはできません。
say, "I'm going to bath, or I'm going to bathtub." Because "bathtub" and "bath" -- these guys
"お風呂に入る" "お風呂に入る "と言うなぜなら "バスタブ "と "バスタブ "は...
are only nouns, okay? A shower can be a verb and a noun. English is so confusing sometimes.
Even when you're just trying to be clean. I'll help you. Don't worry.
What other things can you do in the bath -- what other things can you do in the bathroom or
お風呂の中で他にできること -- お風呂の中で他にできることや
the washroom? You can look in the mirror. When you look in the mirror, you see your
reflection. "It's me! Oh, wow." So when you look in the mirror, you see a mirror image
of yourself. Sometimes it's a little dirty.
Another thing that people are, I think, kind of confused about sometimes is the difference
between "washroom" and "bathroom". Honestly, I don't care. If someone said, "May I go to
the washroom?" Okay. "May I go to the bathroom?" Okay. Really, the difference is this. This
might blow your mind. Properly, a bathroom has a bath. A washroom would normally have
a toilet and a sink. But if you're in a public place, it doesn't matter if you say "bathroom"
or "washroom".
One mistake that I have made in Canada is one time I was shopping, and I had to go to
the washroom. So I went to the person who worked at the store, and I said, "Excuse me.
Where's your toilet?" The person looked at me like I had two heads. "Where's my toilet?"
"Yeah. Where's your toilet?" "We don't have toilets." "You don't have toilets? This is
a department store. There are many people. It's an American department store -- (coughs)
I know you have a toilet. I know you do." "We don't sell no toilets." "Oh, I don't
want to buy a toilet. I want to use your public toilet." "Oh, the bathroom!" "Yes, the bathroom."
Then. "It's over there, to the left." "Thank you." So I've made the mistake of saying,
"Where's the toilet." In Canada and in North America, it's more natural to say "washroom"
"Where's the toilet."カナダや北米では、"washroom "と言う方が自然です。
or "bathroom".
There's another one that people use sometimes, too. And it's called -- maybe you'll see it
on the sign -- a "restroom". That's fine. I'm just not too sure what you're doing when
you're having a rest in the bathroom. For me, I'd rather take a rest, like, in my bedroom
or maybe on the couch or the sofa. I don't really feel that comfortable resting in a
public toilet on the sink. I don't know.
Did you have any bathroom stories? I'd love to hear them in the comments. Please comment.
Say "hi". Tell me about your bathroom experience. Until then, toodles.