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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your pronunciation question today's
question is how do I pronounce R an L at the end of a few words we're going to
skip definitions today because we have a lot of words and the lesson is more
about the placement of the R and the L at the end of words so we have the words
reel and real and rear feel and fear and then I added the word file here because
it kind of lends to this lesson and I got a question about that word as well
all right so let's go ahead and start with how do we say the L sound to say
では先に行って L の音をどうやって言うか
the L sound especially at the end of the word the mistake that I hear is that
people do not touch the tip of the tongue to the teeth and hold it there
long enough they kind of get close or move it away too quickly and then it
makes the vowel sound incorrect and it makes the L sound like it's not there
even if you're really attempting to do it so I'm recommending especially if you
struggle with R verses L to really touch the tip of your tongue to the back
of your top front teeth and hold it there L L air is going to move out of
your mouth for the R sound you have two options the options never include
touching your teeth so that's good so what you're going to do is you're either
going to take the tip of your tongue and point it to the bottom of your mouth and
pull the back of your tongue up er or you're going to flip the tip of your
tongue back but do not touch your teeth do not touch your teeth because then
it's gonna sound like an L ll lll so again I made R two different ways it sounds
これはLllllllのように聞こえるだろう だからまた2つの方法でRを作りました
exactly the same the key is just do not touch your teeth I think that's where
全く同じだ キーはちょうどあなたの歯に触れないでください 私はそれがどこにあると思います
people get confused is they don't touch the teeth and then they touch the teeth
and then people are like what are you saying so again let's focus on touching
"何を言ってるんだ?" "だからまた触れることに集中しよう
the teeth for that l so we have the word reel and real
and rear rear so both of these words are starting with R E and then we're
とリア充なので、この2つの単語はどちらもR Eから始まっていて、私たちは
ending with an L or we're ending with an R you might be hearing me say ear and
I'm saying that because R when combined with another vowel will make a
new vowel sound so again we have reel and rear rear rear now for feel and feel
and fear fear so we have real rear feel fear now for file what's the difference
here the difference between feel and file is that for E the long e sound is
going to smile and for the I going to open your mouth and then smile so that
means that your tongue is going to move so we have file file file feel feel feel
fear fear fear rear rear rear real real real so one more time real feel file
rear and fear give it a try people are going to notice the
difference and don't forget touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your
top front teeth for that L sound and then for the R you're going to flip the
tongue back or point it down just do not touch the teeth so give it a try people
are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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