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  • S: So if you want to experience a little bit of old-school Japan


  • S: Allow me to introduce you to harmonica alleyway and Kiichi-Joji, which at first opened up as a black market slash flea market


  • S: But now it's full of a whole bunch of nice little cute and trendy delicious shops


  • M: It's really like the kind of place that you can get lost in you just gotta come here and explore the streets

    M: それは本当に、ここに来て街を探索して、迷子になってしまうような場所です。

  • M: Today we're gonna take you guys on a food adventure down the alleyways and see what kind of food they have to offer us in harmonica alleyway


  • S: So we are right now going for some show long-ball also known as Xiao long bao


  • S: But this is a different style than what we're used to because it's a lot thicker dough at the bottom

    S: でも、これは底の方の生地がかなり厚いので、今までとは違うスタイルになっています。

  • S: It's baked to be really crunchy but, it's still got a soup base in it. You'd be a fool


  • S: You'll be a pure fool to bite into this right away


  • S: You have to poke it, and I know some people in Taiwan are gonna say only hooligans poke it


  • S: Don't listen to them only people with suicidal tendencies wanna bite into this once because, you will die it is way too


  • S: freakin hot. First thing you gotta do is make a little hole, and you can see all the juiciness right there


  • S: So you can see this is really good because when you stick your wood in the holes get really juicy

    S: あなたが穴にあなたの木を刺したときに本当にジューシーになるので、これは本当に良いです。

  • S: That was a *bleep* good one wasn't it. That was a good one!


  • S: You know that was a good one.


  • S: Now that you poked your hole in you got a sip out the soup


  • *Slurping*


  • Ahhhh


  • S: That is...


  • S: You don't even need to eat the dumpling just eating the soup itself. It's so satisfying


  • *slurps*


  • S: Slowly, though you got a sip it get a lot of air in there to cool it down so you don't burn yourself

    S: ゆっくりと、しかし、あなたは一口飲んだが、あなた自身を燃やさないように、それを冷却するために、そこに多くの空気を取得します。

  • S: It's a nice


  • S: Creamy pork broth on the inside. I think I got it all, I'm ready to have my first bite


  • S: Please don't criticize me too hard on my technique. I know there are other steps


  • S: I should do. I need to make a sacrifice to the water God, so I don't hurt myself


  • S: I forgot that step but, here we go


  • Mmmmmm


  • S: We got a nice half inch or so of thick crispy dough on top nice and soft and steamed


  • S: The bottom is fried, the top the steamed and, the inside juicy succulent pork with nice little toasted sesame seeds on top


  • Mmm


  • S: This is a delicious way to start your night


  • S: On to the next place!


  • M: Now it can be quite overwhelming to find a place when you're in Harmonica Alley


  • M: Because everyplace looks amazing! S: Yep!

    M: どこもかしこも素敵だから S: うん!

  • M: I will tell you that the place we are in right now has


  • M: The biggest and has two floors, even though you can't tell there is an upstairs here

    M: 一番大きくて、2階建てで、2階があるのがわからないくらい。

  • M: and so you're more likely to get a seat here. Or, to be able to stand outside than you are some of the other places

    M: だから、ここの席に座れる可能性が高いんだよ。あるいは、他の場所よりも外に立つことができます。

  • S: I think so. This place also has a really cool aesthetic. It looks like it's all carved out of ice


  • S: It's much cooler if you can sit at the bar

    S: バーに座れたらもっと涼しいですよね。

  • S: But we came here a bit too late so they only have the tables here. But, if you get a chance to definitely sit around the bar


  • S: Cuz it just got such a cool vibe to it


  • M: I hope you're small because its a very packed place

    M: とても混んでいるので、小さいといいですね。

  • S: Or you can just be affectionate with strangers. M: Which you can't because

    S:見知らぬ人にも愛想よく接することができます。M: あなたができないのは

  • M: if they have food, and they try to eat your food you're gonna have to kill them then you're a murderer

    M: もし彼らが食べ物を持っていて、あなたの食べ物を食べようとしたら......あなたは殺人者です。

  • S: Do you want that on your conscience? M: Don't you eat my food Rick Bobby!

    S:良心の呵責に駆られたいのか? M: 私の料理を食べないで!リック・ボビー!

  • M: Now the food they serve here is yaki-tori which is little tiny grilled sticks of meat.

    M: 今、ここで出されているのは焼き鳥です。

  • M: If you guys don't read Japanese, just come here


  • M: And just choose a bunch of them like be on an adventure and find out what you're gonna get

    M: そして、冒険をして、何を手に入れるかを見つけるように、それらの束を選択してください。

  • M: you might get tomatoes and we might get chicken thigh, but everything is quite good

    M: トマトが出てくるかもしれないし、鶏のモモ肉が出てくるかもしれないけど、どれもこれもかなり美味しい。

  • M: In our opinion though

    M: 私たちの考えでは

  • M: The most unique thing at this place is their lamb. They do lamb and they do a lamb chop


  • M: And it does take a little longer to come out, but it is worth the wait

    M: 出てくるまでには少し時間がかかりますが、待つ価値はあります。

  • M: So today we are gonna be showing you guys

    M: だから今日は、あなたたちを紹介するつもりです。

  • M: freshly grilled lamb chops


  • S: Because of lamb chops takes so long to make we're gonna fill our time with drinking some alcohol

    S: ラムチョップは作るのに時間がかかるので、お酒を飲んで時間を埋めようと思っています。

  • M: So I'm drinking an Oolong-Hai


  • M: It sounded disgusting to me when I first moved to Japan it is essentially black tea and

    M: 最初に日本に来た時は嫌な感じがしたけど、基本的には紅茶だし。

  • M: Shochu which is not to be mistaken for sake. I thought the idea of alcohol and tea sounded like the most revolting thing ever

    M: 日本酒と間違えないように焼酎。お酒とお茶というのは、今までで一番嫌なことだと思っていました。

  • M: But, somehow it works

    M: でも、なぜかうまくいく

  • S: Now we mentioned in previous video before, High Balls, but some of you don't know what it is


  • S: Basically It's just soda water and Japanese whiskey. It's just Japan's own version of whiskey


  • S: Here we go! M: Kanpai

    S:これでいいですよ!(笑 M:カンパイ

  • M: Kanpaiiii~


  • M: I mis-poured my ratio of Sochu S: I was about to ask you I think he poured far too much shochu in yours

    M:焼酎の比率を間違えて入れてしまった S:聞こうと思っていたんですが、あなたのに焼酎を入れすぎたんじゃないでしょうか?

  • M: It's fine

    M: いいですよ

  • S: I think you got the balance wrong. Or are you just trying to get right to the embarrassing part of the night?


  • S: That's up to you


  • M: Umm that would be if I ordered shots, alright?


  • S: The lamb-chops came a lot quicker than


  • S: Usual, and I think it's because it's only a Thursday night and on a Saturday night and not completely crazy


  • M: Ah, yeah, look at how juicy and wonderful that looks S: Little baby lamb chops and this guy

    M: ああ、そうだね、見てくれよ、なんてジューシーで素敵なんだろう。小さな子羊のチョップとこの男

  • S: Look how small the little lamb chops are!


  • M: At first we like putting on the hot pepper that come with it, I just kinda dip it in

    M: 最初はホットペッパーをつけるのが好きなんだけど、ちょっと浸してみたんだ。

  • *Romantic music starts*


  • S: Considering how quickly this was made it, just so juicy you could really mess up lamb and make it super tough. M: Yep!

    S:これがどれだけ早くできたかを考えると、ラム肉をぐちゃぐちゃにしてもいいくらいジューシーで、超タフな肉になるんじゃないかと思います。M: そうだね。

  • S: They maintained all the moisture got a nice crisp on the outside


  • M: It's a beautiful medium, not a medium rare. The outside a nice crisp and it's got a really nice seasoning


  • M: of salt and pepper on it

    M: 塩と胡椒の

  • S: This is rare we have been to many Yuzakaia's and I haven't seen lamb chops regularly


  • S: This is just phenomenal lamb chop!


  • S: This is the pay system. So, they give you like little tabby's right here


  • S: And everything you ordered they give you more of these and in the end you bring these to the check out and each of these has a different value


  • S: Shoot


  • M: Aww Simon

    M: Aww Simon

  • S: That didn't work! That didn't work... M: Aww Simon

    S:効かなかった!上手くいかなかった... M: Aww Simon

  • S: Dan can you get that for me?


  • Dan: *laughing*


  • *Fun upbeat music playing*

    *Fun upbeat music playing*

  • S: So even though you can come to Harmonica Alley for like some traditional style food

    S: ハーモニカ横丁には伝統的な食べ物を食べに来てもいいんですよ。

  • S: You can also go to a standing bar that serves bottles of wine which I don't really know how many sanding bars that serves wine

    S: あなたはまた、私は本当にワインを提供していますどのように多くのサンディングバーを知らないワインのボトルを提供するスタンディングバーに行くことができます。

  • S: So we're gonna take you to one right now. Let's go!


  • *music continues*


  • M: A delicious margarita pizza, we're enjoying a wonderful


  • M: Sparkling red, we've made some new friends next door to us


  • M: Enjoy a good conversation, and now let's enjoy some pizza hand baked. Let's see what it is like.


  • M: OoooO


  • M: Very crispy. Oh, that's nice though, right


  • M: Wow! This is cheeessyy

    M: うわぁ~。これは、チーシーです。

  • M: Basil, tomato and, mozzarella

    M: バジル、トマト、モッツァレラ

  • M: Mmmmm


  • M: That's nice!


  • * music continues*

    * ♪ music continues ♪

  • S: So I'm not sure if you're noticing but, Martina is very talkative and sociable

    S: 気づいているかどうかわかりませんが、マルティナはとてもおしゃべりで社交的なんです。

  • S: But, you get me with food. I'm not really that good at talking


  • S: I'm good at eating my food. I'm good at dancing with my food, but talking with the people when I'm eating, not so much.


  • *music*


  • 'Min Min'


  • M: We are at Min Min ramen it is a staple of Kichijumi

    M: 私たちがいるのは、吉住の定番のミンミンラーメンです。

  • S: You must eat here!


  • M: its been here for years

    M: その年のためにここにあった

  • S: Yes

    S: はい

  • M: Older than me.


  • M: It's incredible homemade wanton and gyoza. You can get it in ramen format. You can get it straight up fried


  • M: You can take it out from the window.


  • S: Mmmm! This is actually really special to us because,


  • S: This was one of the first


  • S: Ramen places (M: yeah) that we ate at when we came to Japan. We couldn't read a single thing


  • M: And, now we can actually order from the menu.


  • S: Yes M: So it's really exciting.


  • S: Also. Let me just say, in the last place we went to, we had a lot more wine than expected


  • *upbeat groovy music starts*


  • S: So, I'm also getting the fried rice because they find fried rice helps prevent hangover

    S: チャーハンは二日酔いに効くと言われているので、私もチャーハンにしています。

  • M: Surprise wine!


  • S: Whoooah those people were really generous to share their wine.


  • *groovy music continues*

    *groovy music continues*

  • S: The wontons here are homemade and fresh and not what you're thinking of when we think of Chinese ramen. They're quite floppy.


  • S: Yeah, Yeah

    S: うん、うん

  • M: The description I'd have for them. It's more like a noodle with a small amount of meat on the inside


  • M: But it has well made the noodle is great and, the meat filling is fantastic

    M: しかし、それはよく作られた麺は素晴らしいですし、肉のフィリングは素晴らしいです。

  • S: We haven't had this since we first came to Japan. Come on lets try it M: Oh my god


  • M: That's sesame oil. The sweetness of the meat.


  • M: Woah

    M: わあ

  • S: I actually like this more now than when I did back then. -- M: You can appreciate it more right?

    S: 実はあの頃よりも今の方が好きなんですよ。 -- M: もっと評価してもいいんじゃないですか?

  • S: These noodles, they are really... solid, eggy...


  • M: Eggy! Is the word I was going to say as well.


  • S: Very eggy. -- M: There are so many different kinds of ramen you can't just have one

    S:エグい。-- M:ラーメンの種類が多すぎて、一種類だけでは食べられないんですよ。

  • M: You need to try so many kinds! This one has more of a bouncy eggy taste to it.

    M: いろんな種類を食べてみないとわからないですよね。こちらの方が、卵のような弾力のある味がしますね。

  • M: A little bit firmer while other places are quite thin


  • M: So you need to really like give it a chance and try different shops

    M: だから、本当にチャンスを与えて、いろいろなお店を試してみることが必要だと思います。

  • M: The base here is more of a shoyulike a soy sauce base. But, it goes really well with the wantons.


  • M: Ahh man!


  • S: And you notice how I finish my noodles right away because the number one to sin when it comes to eating ramen


  • S: is letting it sit in your bowl so that the noodles absorb more and more broth and become soggy

    S: あなたのボウルに座らせているので、麺がより多くのスープを吸収し、より多くのぬめりになるように

  • S: You want to eat them right away, so you can get them at the ideal texture


  • M: The traumatizing life of a food blogger


  • M: How do we explain it to you while not ruining our noodles?


  • M: Hey ducky?-- S: mm?

    M: ねぇ、お嬢さん?

  • Umai!! (yummy)


  • S: mmm-- M: Oishi!! (Yummy)


  • S: Oh man, this is so much better now than before M: mmm

    S:やれやれ、以前よりもだいぶマシになってきましたね M:うーん

  • S: I've become a little bit of a gyoza snob since we went some really famous

    S: 本当に有名な餃子屋さんに行ってから、ちょっとした餃子通になってしまったんですよ。

  • S: Amazing gyoza places in Ikebukero. Oh, let me see how this one tastes compared to the rest.


  • S: This looks like a solid gyoza. Cuz these are handmade right?


  • M: mmm (in agreement)


  • S: Here we go!


  • M: They are famous for a reason right?


  • S: The problem with getting a good gyoza. You want to get the bottom crispy


  • S: But if you get them too crispy you dry up the inside


  • S: And if you let the insides get too moist and you don't get enough crisp at the bottom. This is just...


  • S: The perfectly fried gyoza


  • M: The flavours on the inside with the cabbage with the pork


  • M: Ungh!


  • S: Those green onions in there, are so sweet.


  • M: I mean if you can't make it to anything else. Come on down for the dumplings here


  • M: Oh my gosh!


  • S: Harmonica Alleyway has so many tiny little restaurants (M: Yeah)


  • S: But, so many of them are so


  • S: Profoundly delicious they really master their craft


  • S: And there's so much variety of food here. Oh my god! Oh my god! This is great


  • M: So I hope this video has encouraged you to come to Kichi-Joji and explore the alleyways

    M: このビデオを見て、吉祥寺に来て路地裏を探検してみてください。

  • M: There are so many shops to visit!


  • S: We've only done a few them. There a bunch that we love that were closed that we couldn't go to right now.


  • M: Right! And other places that were just packed


  • M: But the key is if you speak Japanese if you don't speak Japanese. Come on out to this area


  • M: Just explore hop in pick off the menu make new friends you guys are gonna have an amazing time

    M: ちょうど探検ホップでメニューをオフに選択して新しい友達を作るあなたたちは素晴らしい時間を持っているつもりです。

  • S: So many nice people here! You're gonna love it


  • M: I mean I'm still a bit hungry.


  • S: Are you? -- M: Yeah -- S: Girl you ate too much.

    S:君は?-- M: うん S: 食べ過ぎだよ。

  • M: I think I'm gonna go eat some more food.


  • (Talking over each-other) S: There is a spot over there! lets go figure out what that is. -- M: Lets go get some more food. What that over there?

    S:あそこにスポットがある!それが何なのかを探りに行こう。 -- M: もっと食べ物を取りに行きましょう。仝それは何だ?

  • *jazzy music outro*

    *jazzy music outro*

S: So if you want to experience a little bit of old-school Japan


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