字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント (Singing) Natsu Yasumi (Summer Break) Finally! ♪ 遂に 夏休み!♪ It's Natsu Yasumi finally! 夏休みだね! Only for 2 weeks, huh? 2週間だけ? Aw, only 2 weeks! 2週間… [Life in Japan Theme Song] 丹沢大山 "国定" 公園 国立公園とは少し違います Tanzawa Oyama Quasi National Park — It's kind of a national park, I guess? "国定" 公園の 雰囲気は良いです Well according to the sign it's only a quasi national park, but it sure looks legit. It looks very cool. あの塔で ランチにしましょう I'm climbing this tower here and have some lunch. 夏休みの予定は? So what are we going to do this Natsu Yasumi? キャンプ! Camping!! 楽しそう! Camping! That will be fun! - 新しい場所探さないと - 2泊だよ Camping... 2 nights. We'll have to find some new parks, won't we? 前回は1泊だったけど 今度は2泊! Last video was only 1 night but this video is going to be 2 [nights]. アナ! And Anna! ずっと欲しがってたよね? What has it been that you girls have been asking for for so long? "どうぶつの森"? Animal Crossing. "どうぶつの森"? Huh? Animal Crossing. でも待って… Animal Crossing? - 何してるの? - "どうぶつの森" I thought it was something else... 見せて No? - パンダ? - 私だよ! What are you guys working on here? Animal Crossing. 可愛い Oh, let me see, hold them right there. OK, hold them up. 震えるよ The panda? And me! あの紙細工の事だと 思ってたんだけど… And you! 本物だぁ! I can't hold it still! どうぶつの森だ! Too bad, because I just got this... ハグする! Let's play it now! どうぶつの森… 凄いハグだ! AHH, you got Animal Crossing! 夢が叶った! I need to hug you Daddy! - 遊んでいいよ - 10分交代ね Animal Crossing — oh! Big hugs! 紙細工やマインクラフトも好きだけど Finally our dream has come true. 遂に… 準備いい? I'm going to let you guys play it. OK, ten minutes at a time. Put your tent up. パパなら 買ってくれると思ってた We made Animal Crossing with paper and on Minecraft because we love it so much. 一緒に… "夢が叶った!" And finally, everybody together... - よかった - ハグする! I knew that Daddy was going to get it because he loves us. "ようこそ 待ってました" Everybody together: Our dream has come true! お帰り Oh my, alright. I'm going to give you a hug! どうした? Good afternoon! We're so excited to have you here! - 暑いね - これ何? Well, hello! サラの朝顔だよ What's happening, dude? - 幼稚園は? - 泣いちゃった Dude, it is hot outside! What is this?! - 泣いたの? - 肘擦りむいたの It's Sarah's plant (Morning Glory) from school. 擦りむいたの? How was school today? Good, I cried just a little bit. 大変だ You cried just a little bit? He scraped his elbow today. ジョシュアの番だね You scraped your elbow today! It's always something. - 私の番はまだ - 待って偉いね Oh my goodness! 宿題? Well it's your turn now on Animal Crossing! 偉いね Yeah, I still didn't have a turn yet. 水浴びしたい Oh my goodness Anna! 寛いでます Are you working on some of your homework already? そうよ Good job, Becca! Going to get ahead, huh? いいね Mommy I want the sprayer now! 水浴び楽しい? Ruth's like the queen of the road here today. 涼しくていいね That's right. 夏休み初日です Aw, that's good, isn't it? 始まりました How's the water guys? Is the water so nice today? ピザです Nice and cool. どうぶつの森もあるよ! It's our first day of summer vacation そうだったね Whew! Starting off right! 美味しい? Pizza time with the family. - 踏まないようにね - 赤ちゃんだね Yeah, and camera, we got Animal Crossing! 土曜の定番料理が 進化してます! Oh, we got Animal Crossing! Oh my goodness! ♪ 新しい~ ♪ Yummy, huh guys? Daddy, don't step on the baby. - 新しいパンケーキだね - 夏休みスペシャルだよ Don't trip on the baby? OK, good idea. - 大きな木 - 木が見える? My goodness, mommy's taking our Saturday tradition to a whole new level. - あそこ - 大きいね! (Singing) A whole new world! 今日は橋の対岸側を 探検します A whole new pancake world, huh? - 橋の下探検する? - うん No! Because it's Natsu Yasumi we get special pancakes. - 重い石を投げるの? - うん I see humongous trees right there! You see some humongous trees right there? この石投げれるよ! See? You Dude, they are big, aren't they? That's so cool. 上手だね! Today we're heading over to the other side of the bridge to explore just a little bit. 何作ってるの? You ready to explore under the bridge here? Yeah. ママの椅子 Whoa, you're really going to throw a big one in, huh Sarah? 快適そうだね Watch, I can throw with this rock. 見せて! Whoa, that was a good throw! やあジョーイ What are you girls making here? 石投げ好き? A seat for mommy. A seat for mommy? すごい! Oh and it's nice and smooth? That's good. もっと大きいの投げる Let me check it! I going to check it! 上手! Well hey there, Joey. - 腕痛くない? - 全然 Fumble. たくましいね! Do you like throwing rocks into the river dude? Oh yes! 蝶々です I'm going to throw the big one in. You're going to throw a big one in? 見て下さい 誰かが敷き詰めたみたいです Oh yes! このハートも Are your arms sore afterwards? Um, no. サラ! No? Oh, you're awesome! - カメラ落とさないでね - そうだね! Look at the butterfly! - カメラ無いと困るでしょ? - そうだね Hey Sarah! 日本の床屋で 初めて散髪します Make sure you don't drop your camera! どうですか? Don't drop your camera! That's for sure, isn't it? かなり上手です! Or you don't have any camera. 娘達の夏休みが始まりましたが ジョシュアはまだです That would be bad, wouldn't it? 娘達はジョシュアに 気づかれないように配慮して So even though the girls have 2 weeks of break, Joshua's break doesn't start for another week still 裏庭で宿題中です So the girls are hiding on the back porch 職人さんが 木の上で仕事してるね They're doing their homework back there so that Joshua doesn't know. どうやって登るの? Oh my goodness! There's a guy on top of that tree, cutting the tree, huh? - リンクみたいに登ったんだよ - 木登りしたの? Isn't that crazy? How'd he get up there, Dude?! - あれかも… - クレーン? I think because he climbed. そうかもね He climbed up there? Yeah, like Link. どうぶつの森はどう? Or maybe because of right there... Yea, the crane? 最高! Yeah, I think so. 調子は? So now that you've played for a little bit, how is it? 私は青い靴 Fun! 行くよ Is it everything you hoped it could be? サラとジョシュアの お迎えです Yes, I'm in the middle with the blue tennis shoes. サラと一緒のお迎えは 珍しいです Move! Let's go. 迎えに行こう Today Sarah is going with me to pick up Joshua! Yeah. リトルチームです It's pretty rare that Sarah's able to go with me to pick up Joshua! サラのお気に入りです Let's go pick up Big J! それいけ! Here's the little team. Heading out together. - ジョシュアのお気に入り? - 私も好き! Awwww! 赤いから? Well Sarah's back on her favorite toy. 赤好きだよね Hugs! And rattle him! 到着! Is this your favorite one Joshua? I like this one too. ヘルメット取って Is it because it's red? 県立あいかわ公園に来ました 夏休みを楽しみます! You like red, huh? 探検の準備は? We're back! Woooo! - そっちの準備は? - 完璧 Daddy, please take off my helmet. Please take off the helmet! - 100%準備出来てるよ - 凄いね Today we've come to the Aikawa Prefectural Park here to explore a little bit and enjoy summer vacation. - 校外学習で来たよ - 違うよ Hey dude, are you ready for an awesome playground? - ここだよ - 遠いよ? How about you guys? Excited? Ready. - 本当に? - そうだよ 100% I'm ready. 100% ready — that's pretty ready. 見てご覧! We've been here with the school. Not here. どうだい? Here. here. This is a long ways away. 頂上まで来たね! Here? Yeah we did — here! 女性陣が 寛いでます Whoa Dude, look at this! 良い公園だ (In Portuguese) What's up?! ベッカどこ? You guys made it to the top! That's awesome! - ゴール出来た! - 凄いね! There they are, way down there, chillin' ベッカ! 凄い高さだね What a park! クイーンだよ! Where's Becca? 友達の子供達です We did it! We did it! You did it! That's awesome! Way to go. すごい滑り台です Hi Becca! You are up high! - 出来たね! - これ狭い… I'm the queen of the mountain! パパの真上だね! Our friends going down the slide. There they go! 次は巨大な… What a slide that is! That's an awesome slide. 木かな? We made it! This is a circle-thingy 滑り台行く? Whoa, you're going to go right over me! Oh my goodness! 滑り台するの? You're going to go into the big... tree? I don't know what they call it. まだ録画してる? Let's go down the slide? 録画して You guys going to go down the slide now? Sweet! Yep. アナ! Is it still recording? OK ベッカが追い上げてます Here, you record. 来たね! Hi Anna! - 巨大滑り台だよ - これから滑る! Becca's going to try to catch up. - 出来たよ! - この公園どう? Whoa, there you guys are! すごく楽しい! I want to see you guys go down the big slide! Yeah, we are. - サラ元気? - うん! We did it! How is this park? 上り坂だね Funner than fun! - うん - 橋があるよ How's it going Sarah? Good. 見えたね This is a little bit of a climb, huh? すごい! Yeah. That's the bridge right there. 走ろう! Oh yea, there it is. 揺れるよ!ヤダ! Whoa look at this! OK Let's run! その体重じゃ 無理かな Wait! It moves! Stop it! It moves! - 揺れた? - 怖かった Ok - 怖かった? - 楽しかった! I don't think you have quite enough weight to make it happen. 最初は私かと思ったの Did you feel it move? Yeah, that was scary. 止まっても揺れるから… It was scary? It was fun! ダムがありますが 今日は引き返します The first time, I stopped, I thought it was me! 食べないで! ママの方見て And then you said "Oh it's moving" and I was like what?! 準備して… 笑って! The dam is still way up there and we will not go all the way up there today. 1・2・3 No eating! Just look at mommy — and tia Paula! 下に降りるよ Feet down, hands down. Smile! 下るよ… 皆もうあそこまで…! Um, dois, très! あっちにも公園ある! OK, we finally get to walk down, guys! OK, we're going down. Oh! The girls are already down there! Oh my goodness! Wait! I see another park!
A2 初級 日本語 どうぶつ 夏休み サラ 公園 ジョシュア 滑り台 Summer Break (Natsu Yasumi) Finally! | Life in Japan Episode 68 17 1 Summer に公開 2020 年 08 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語