字幕表 動画を再生する
Am I supposed to shake it? Am I supposed to churn it? What do I do? *gasp
これ、振るの?回すの? どうすれば良いんだろう?
You're supposed to ask an adult.
If you don't know what to do, ask an adult.
M: 知らないんだ S&M: 大人に聞こう
We are in Aizuwakamatsu at a very old sake brewery and today
今日は会津若松の 由緒ある酒蔵に来ていますが
we are going to teach you about sake! Now, let's go learn about Sake so that we can...uh...
本日は日本酒の事について 少しお勉強して頂こうと思います
teach everyone else about sake, cause I don't know what I'm doing.
皆にお酒の事を教えられるように すこし勉強しないとね
Let's go girl
Why do you always do this to me? Why do u always have to do this to me?
何でいつもこんな事するの? 何でこんな事しなきゃいけないの??
So i think we've learned some things but
We're not masters by any means. The most important thing that you need to know when it comes to sake
is that there are two main ingredients that
そして、会社は、 「末廣酒造株式会社」です。
contribute to the flavor. There's a kind of water and there's a kind of rice.
Water, like spring water, is very very regional so now
今から167年前に、 始まりました。
that we're Aizuwakamatsu, the sake that's being made at this place
will the particular flavor is based on the water being used. So water is critically Important when it comes to rice as
このお米を食べた時のイメージから お酒がどういうイメージが湧くか。
well. Right? I feel like a North American.
何故、お米から、フルーティな フルーツの香りがするのか?という事で、
We think as rice as just rice. Like ohh...
We think all white rice is the same but that's kind of like---think about it like grapes: like you could have different kinds of grapes
特に「吟醸酒」と言われている、 香高いお酒で、
and different kinds of wines. I could have different kinds of rice for different kinds of sake. In fact, they use
皆さん初めての方は、 ビックリされる、
sake rice. Yes. I didn't even know there was sake rice. Right.
I thought it was just like normal rice. I know. The second critical thing that we learned was rice polishing,
という事で、酒造りの 触り程度はお教え頂きましたが
I've never known about this at all.
もちろん到底、詳しいと言える レベルでは無いですが
You got a kernel rice. The outside of it has proteins and fats and different kinds of flavors. And on the inside, There's a little
nubble of starchy goodness. Yes. So when it comes to making sake, the most basic amount of rice that you can mill away is
風味を決める上で重要な 2つの材料、「水と米」についてです
70%. 70%. If you leave more than 70% of the kernel on, then it pretty much becomes
酒造りに使う湧き水は 限られた土地でしか採れません
undrinkable. It's like it's not good. So, the minimum has to be 70%. If you keep going, if you keep milling
今居るこの会津若松で採れた水でこそ この土地特有の風味が出せるんです
away the outside of the rice, you're getting closer and closer to that little starchy nub on the inside, in which case you have different
ですので、水は極めて重要なんです 米と同様に
kinds of sake that are like
アメリカとかカナダの感覚だと、 お米はお米で
全部白いお米で 同じものだって思うけど
That's all that's left of that piece of rice. But it's really hard to do. Yes. That means you have to use more rice to
make the sake, which means it's gonna cost more money. Because in order to make the same bottle you have to use tons more rice
違う種類のブドウから、 違う風味のワインができるように
and at the same time the more that you strip away
違う種類のお米から、 違う風味のお酒ができるわけです
The rice the more
実際、酒蔵の人達は 「酒米(さかまい)」を使うんです
flavors you lose from it, and some people want to have just like a pure clean taste of Sake, that's fine but some People like
そもそも「酒米」自体知らなかったし 普通のお米を使うのかと思ってた
the complexities of other things on there, so having a bigger percentage of polishing
次に学んだのは、 精米についてです
doesn't necessarily mean it's gonna be better. It's all based on your preference.
精米の事も、 全く知らなかったな
Yes I have a really good, uh
お米ひと粒には、外側にタンパク質、 脂質、色々な風味の元があって、
example for that. Okay. Let's talk about ice cream. Yes. Okay if you love chocolate ice cream
中心には、ちっちゃい 1粒のデンプンがあります
but I like Rocky road. It's chocolate ice cream with marshmallows and nuts in it. Does it mean that
良い酒を造る場合、最低でも 米を70%まで削ります
because I like Rocky Road, I'm wrong?
70%より残ってしまうと雑味が出るので 最低それくらいは削るんです
Like pure chocolate is the best? No it comes down to preference. Yeah.
さらに米を削り続けると よりデンプンの粒の部分に近付き、
Some people want a clean delicious
taste of chocolate and other people want to put sprinkles and whipped cream on top and taste different flavors.
ほんの少ししか残りませんが、 まったく違った風味の酒となります
Some people like super kid, which is just a disgusting ice cream, (Super kid is amazing, how can you say that?) who even eats that stuff?
また、そこまで削るのは 非常に手間がかかります
So we are starting with the Junmai sake first
Okay so this is the base sake.
必要なお米の量も増え、 コストも上がります
So that's the base sake right here so this right here is a thousand Yen, which is roughly ten Dollars.
また、米を削れば削るほど 味は薄くなります
this here is one thousand five hundred Yen, which is roughly fifteen Dollars.
すっきりしたお酒を 飲みたい人には良いですが
And this, if they were to go down to the same size is roughly
濃い複雑な味わいのお酒が好きな人も居るので、 削れば削るほど良い酒であるとは言えません
fifty-five hundred Yen. Which is like fifty-five Dollars, so very expensive to the cheap.
so he Recommended We try This one First yeah and then
We compare it to this one To see the Difference all right let's do it?
もしあなたがチョコアイスが好きだけど、 私はロッキーロードが好き、と
You Call this A cup, what is this A cup per ounce, oh it's Tasting it's not
ロッキーロードっていうのは マシュマロやナッツが入ったアイスです
Equal to one Sake, oh
それが好きだからって間違ってて チョコの比率が高いから上って事でもないし
No me Hajime - Don't know Cheeky no Naka de Areco road total Tenkasu what Saga talks no our Core you are tim Maestas
Again Jeremy
純粋にチョコだけを 楽しみたい人も居るけど、
Don't we need jim my son
トッピングとか生クリームとか掛けて 色んな味を楽しむ人も居るって事です
Psycho They Are Courting I staggered a minute - you Talk or Anejo in The material die ginjo Taka Taka
僕みたくスーパーキッドが嫌いな人も居るし 誰があんなの...
Korea's Only Monster Osaka Photon Dawa Are
何で? スーパーキッドは美味しいよ!
Correlated Garage Are Correlated Cotton of Armada - He saw drop GDansk in Nevada at the smog to join
Us dr. Nachmann Brenda Lucas
Now what We learned Today you're supposed to just spin it one Minute one you
違った、different タイプが いっぱいありますから、
Don't go Crazy Cuz you'll ruin this the smell so you, just do it like okay that's Enough huh Those Two spins
So that one Has Like a creamier taste then There the sock Is that I know
He Had Yesterday right at the very end you taste a little bit of Alcohol Flavor right it does have A
内容からいけば、ワインが シャンパンからブランデーがあるように、
Taste To it so now
日本酒もスパークリングから、 エイジングされた古酒まであります
We're Gonna go for the big Boy and we're Gonna See if There's a Difference here so this right here is the dye
それは料理にそれぞれ、 タイプ別にマッチングしやすい
Ginjo if There's Anything you Can Learn from Today's Video Is if you're going on a date order the diag
日本酒だけが、 全ての国の料理に、
Enjoy it is the Best Quality you will Sound very Impressive and like you know what you're Talking about
合わせられるという、 自信があります。
My ginjo Does not Mean The Name of the socket it Means the level of A socket knocking
Is right over Here on the Corner right that Kanji, Actually means Big and so this Can be on Many Different brands of Sake, oh?
God Grow This Expensive Stuff I'm going right to the brim
この酒が、1000円で、 大体10ドルくらいです
こっちが1500円で、 大体15ドル、
It's Creamy you feel like going over your tongue it's like the Difference between Having
そして、こちらが、もし同じくらいの量で考えると、 5500円、55ドルくらいになります
Skim Milk and Cream There is no Alcohol the Aftertaste of this no alcoholic Aftertaste at all
という事で、高いお酒から、 安いお酒まで揃えました
So this is I think what they meant when they, were Saying that as you Take?
蔵の方は、まず この安いお酒から飲んで、
Away the Outside of the Kernel and You're getting More and more Into the Star Chip and Everyone Describes A more expensive Sake it's Clean
高いのと比べると良い って言っていたので
I would Definitely Say that this is clean Let's go back to this One Now you Can, Feel like when, you're drinking This
One it's Heavier on your tongue it
このちっちゃいの見て これコップ?1オンス用?
Also has like A lot of Flavors in it but none of them have that
これ利き酒なんだから 注ぎ過ぎ...
Alcoholic Bite in The Back okay go back to the june Month so this is the Expensive One Still, okay?
まぁまぁ飲んで飲んで 帰りの飛行機も長いんだから
Whoa, oh?
良くある事はですね、お酒を 飲み始めた人の知識の中で、
My God it's so Different
アルコールを ちょっと添加するお酒と、
I know so what we were Told the last way to find the Sake that's good for you is you Should go with expensive Bottles
ノンアルコールという、 いわゆる、
First and then Work your way Down so you know what you, don't like because if You start With like an okay Sofia
純米酒と言うお酒に、 分かれます
You're like yes all right but when You get to the really good sock Ends Is very difficult to go back but if you're Trying
to be A Fancy-Pants ask for the Dieting Job okay Joe and if They
アルコールを添加したのでは 駄目だという所に、
Don't have Digan joe Flip the table and leave Because that is a sham establishment
Jean was Spot on Opi Parchment ice okay I know you know she they come by calloused artists
大吟醸とか、高い、 香を売り物にしているお酒は、
You go out to meet I'm not a, oh?
ほとんどが、アルコールを ちょっと入れるから、
Osi Channel Aldo Bruno you know Like a type Look, sorry
アルコールを入れる事が 悪者だと言う印象を、
Goodbye Us who you calling out
どこかで知識の中で、 与えてしまうと、
so this one Right here Is
非常に、これが、日本酒独特の ブレンドの技術ですから。
Somewhere in Between it to them it's ginjo it's not Dying in Joe's or june
今日習ったのは、飲む前に 一度だけ杯を回すっていう事
But This is june My ginjo you Can try this one and See how
グルグルやったら 香りが飛んじゃうので
We like it Compared to?
M: こんな感じで一回だけ... S: そこまで!今2回まわしたよ!
The Daigon Job The color is Actually A bit Different than the rest of Them a little bit on the Yellow Where right does Yeah
円やかな感じだ 昨日飲んだのよりも
It Smells Alcohol, ewwww
飲んだ後、少しだけ アルコールの味がする
そうだね、確かに アルコールの後味がある
It's much Sweeter and Sweeter Than that one doesn't Have an Alcohol Ii after taste that's A slight one As my this one Has
では次に、この大きい瓶との 差を比べてみましょう
None Whatsoever
Wow this is almost Just like Delicious water, well this tastes like Alcohol you know
You're Drinking This for a Purpose you're Trying to forget Whatever
デートに行くなら、このお酒を頼め、 という事になるでしょう
Happening Part But This Right Here you Can, Enjoy a lot but This one The ginjo it
Yeah it does Yeah I think one of the things that
「この人はお酒の事を分かってるな」 と一目置かれる事請け合いです
We're Struggling with Is that We don't want know how to describe Flavors yeah like When I taste a lot
大吟醸はお酒の名前ではなく、 精米の区分の名前です
of them We you're not Sure if it's like Citrusy or Melon that you're Tasting but I do know that This one Is very Alcoholic
このラベルの「大」という漢字は 大きいという意味で、
Hmm and These Two tastes Totally Different Than them this is Definitely Fruit Here
色々なブランドのお酒のラベルに この漢字を見る事ができます
Here's The other Cool Thing, We learned About Sake There's Basically a scale of sweet Vs.
これは高いお酒だから ぎりぎりまで注ごう
Dry you Can even go one Notch above dry and you Can have super dry
Some Labels on the Back of Socket Butters will Tell you left Side
喉越しに、スキムミルクと クリームみたいな差がある
Is sweet right
アルコールの味が 全く後に残らない
Side is super dry so this right here The Daigon Joel one We have is super dry the one Right here that, we had Is?
さっき言ってたのは、 この事だったんだろうね
Kind of dry and The One That
米粒の外側を削れば削るほど、 デンプンが占める割合が多くなって、
We had Right here IS in Between Sweet and dry so none of These are Really?
すっきりとした味になって、値段も高くなる そう皆が言うんだけど
Sweet stockings so if you're ordering something you don't know what to get you at
これは明らかに、 すっきりした味だと思う
Least Can Say, well I don't want something sweet and then the Person Can bring you something that isn't too sweet and Now
We're Gonna do this super Vintage one Yeah the super Old one I mean don't pour a lot
大吟醸を飲むと、より重く感じる 風味も豊かで
Of that Because I'm Sure They, don't want something that
けど、アルコールの後味は 全く残らない
Tell Me not to pour the Expensive I think I'm doing here do you know Many Beeps I have to be
S: 純米に戻ろう M: まだ高い方を、少し残したままだよ
Simon Come on you're Making my life Hell I didn't ask for this Ball They brought it I'm not Gonna be Rude and Say
No, okay?
僕らが聞いた所、あなたに向いた 日本酒を探す方法は、
This Is
まず高いお酒から試して、 その後に安い方を試す、という事
手頃なものから試したら、 これで良いじゃない、と思うけど、
This is such an Old Bottle that they just have to tape on their own Label.
質の高い良い酒を飲むと、 もう他のは飲めなくなりますので
I'm scared, you pour it. No, you're clumsy.
通な飲み方したいのであれば、 大吟醸を飲む事をお勧めします
No I'm clumsy.
もし大吟醸を置いてなかったら ちゃぶ台をひっくり返して帰りましょう
Take it. Girl stop wasting my time. Time for their special bottle that they brought out.
なぜならそこは、 まがいものだから!
Oh? Wow, that's brown. It's aged
Ok, I want the big one that I poured. This is crazy, look at the color on that. This right here is
スタートの時が、やっぱり 冷たいお酒、
28 year old Sake
日本酒で乾杯から スタートして欲しい、
なんて時には、 冷たい方が良い。
Oh it smells, complete... almost like a Brandy. Yeah that smell, I'd say like a Brandy. Is very honey, almost like a
何故かって、それは、 最初のオードブルのような、
burnt sugar smell to it.
ライトタイプの軽い 食べ物の場合は、
It almost has like a brown rice taste to it. It does you're right.
そういう香りのある 吟醸酒のような、冷たいのを飲んで。
It's almost savory. I know it kind of reminds me of when you have a really
これは、今飲んだ2つの酒の 中間の特徴を持つ酒で、
nutty whole-wheat bread. Mmm, and when you eat it it has that
吟醸ですが、 大吟醸では無いんです
creamy bread, but like the nuttiness of actual pieces of multigrain in it it kind
of has that feeling to it. That's a totally different taste for Sake but it doesn't have an alcohol-ly taste to it.
これは「純米」 米だけのやつです
No, no there's no like
では、大吟醸と比べてどうか 見て行きましょう
The first one that
実際見ると、色が他のと ちょっと違うね
We had, had a strong alcohol bite. This does not have an alcohol bite to it at all.
It's not like when you drink a Brandy and when you Drink it down you're like, wow, like it's nothing that's that kind of strong.
Can we get like a, sippy cup to go bottle for the ride back home? it's gonna be a long ride.
M: あ、全然甘い、純米酒より S: 甘いね
Mmm wow that is Significantly more Complex Tasting Linnaeus
M: 後にアルコールの味が残らない S: 若干は、あるよね
103 Kakou it's Regulation an Occasional Disgust as my money - Money - Name Megara
大吟醸は全く無いから 美味い水を飲んでるみたいだし
American Italian Okuni Tails again With Rhythm, oh hey
You know you don't know Thomas again on the Team I cannot tell you not to go to
酒を目的を持って 飲んでるなって感じが
Jesus Anymore I know Mother Mother Wine - chuckles you know I'll tell you what no Sure
嫌な事を忘れようとしてる っていう感じがする
No no, Capsule need More They knew Only Known are Jalapeño, wow I'm Attacked
でも、この大吟醸は 味を楽しんでる感じ
I don't know what a sumac you are I know why in order to give an you want some Title you must Say This
S: この吟醸は、かなり良いと思う M: 実際、かなり美味しいよね、これ
If You Guys want to learn more about Sake Make sure you click the link, over to our blog Post Where
味や風味の事を中々まだ 上手く表現できなくて
We will do a little bit of a Breakdown for you to understand the Differences between These Different Kinds of Simon Keeps Going
Also if You want to come on A tour of this Sake Brewery you absolutely Can, over on our Website
飲んでみた時に、それが柑橘系か メロンのようかは分からないんだけど
We're Going to give you instructions and Directions on how to get here it's Just A
この純米酒はアルコールの味が強いっ ていうのが、すぐに分かって、
Lovely Experience The Building Is so Old
この2本は、明らかに違ってて 吟醸は明らかに、よりフルーティですね
Also if You Come Here for a tour the tour is Actually free and They have a little tiny Link for Sake Tasting for free
もう1つ学んだ事は、 甘口と辛口という目安です
As, well which May not be free if Simon Keeps going and Finishes off all the Sake hey this is the good stuff right Here
If you Learn Anything from this Video
Blah blah blah blah blah Diegan Joe I'm Kind of Worried About this Video Because it Started off like Really like Noble and Profound
酒瓶のラベルに、 この目安が出ているものもあり
Like That Great Interview From the Guy and Those Two stuff and Here I am
この場合、左端が一番甘く、 一番右が一番辛いという事です
Well I guess you learned something have I yes What have I learned here that, we're Gonna Have to Buy some Thai, Enjoy When
なので今飲んでる、この大吟醸は 大辛口という事になります
We go, home i get, enjoy me the Way?
That doesn't even make sense
でこれが、中間くらいなので、 3本とも甘口では無いって事ですね