字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Hey, Andrew, can you introduce yourself? Andrew、簡単に自己紹介してー I'm Andrew. I'm currently driving a car in Melbourne, Victoria. 俺の名前はAndrew 今ヴィクトリア州のメルボルンで運転してるぜ It's quite frustrating. マジでイライラするぜ Is that all? All about yourself? それだけ?それで全部? Are we parking here? ここに停めるの? I think so. かなー Are we going to Masons? (my fave clothing store) Masons(ATSUお気に入りの服屋さん)行く? You can if you like. 行ってもいいけど。 So now that we parked we are now walking. 車停めれたから歩いてますー We're just going to Sensory Lab, yeah? Sensory Lab(カフェの名前)行くんだよね? Yes. おう Okay. オッケー Or here? それかここは? Ah no, they don't make good coffee. いやここのコーヒーまずいから Coffee snob. コーヒーにうるさいやつだな Yeah, I am. そうだよ We should open a cafe in Tokyo. 東京でカフェでもオープンすっか Yeah possibly. あぁいいかもね When I was in Japan, you know... ほら日本いた時はさ I always thought Starbucks was one of the best coffee shops, いつもスタバが一番とか思ってたけど but here in Melbourne, it's the norm that Starbucks is the worst. ここだとスタバって一番下みたいな感じだもんね Used to be a lot more popular. 前はもうちょい人気だったんだけどなー Do we have a spot? 場所あるかな? Sure, you'll find one あるっしょきっと Hello. こんにちは。 Are you guys alright? 君たち大丈夫? Do you have a table for two? 2人なんですけど。 I don't know how good this microphone is really, このマイク実際どれくらい良いか分かんないから so it may not be picking anything. なんも拾ってないかも(笑) Wouldn't that be a waste of effort? じゃあ意味ないじゃんそれ Well... まぁ... See? Just over there next to the lady. あの女性の隣ね At the round table? あ、あのラウンドテーブルのとこですか? Do you know what you want? 何にする? Can I get a long macchiato, please? 俺はロングマキアートで Long macchiato. ロングマキアートねー Uh...Soy Chai. えっと、ソイチャイで Soy Chai ソイチャイねー Thank you. どうも Welcome back. おかえり Deconstructed. 台無しにしちまったぜ Deconstructed what? 何を? Coffee. コーヒー Nah, no you didn't. いや、大丈夫じゃね? Let's talk about timelines. タイムラインについて話そーぜ Timelines for Distinction III? Distinction 3の? Before that! あ、その前にさ Or everything. 全部よ、全部 Before that, その前に I have an interesting thing coming up in October. 10月に面白いことやるんだけどさ Uh-huh? おう I kinda briefly talked about this, but you know 前にちょっと話したけど I'm doing a tour, national tour. ツアーやんだよ、全国ツアー National tour of Japan, yep. 日本全国ツアーねぇ Going to eight cities in Japan. 8つの都市に行ってさ Sapporo, Hiroshima, Okinawa, Osaka, Tokyo, Sendai... 札幌、広島、沖縄、大阪、東京、仙台(詳細は概要欄へ!)... Never been to Okinawa, how is it? 沖縄行ったことないんだけどどうなん? No, never. Never have I. Never. 俺も行ったことないよ You've never been Hiroshima either. 広島も行ったことないって言ったっけ? No neither. ないわ Great Okonomiyaki. お好み焼き最高だぜ Oh yeah? マジ? They make a different type of Okonomiyaki, don't they? なんかちょっと違うんだよね、広島のお好み焼き I went to this place where there is just an open grill like all around. (俺は広島行った時)こーんな感じのオープングリルあるとこ行ってさー It was amazing. 最高だったよ Oh was it? おぉ Yeah. Where I ran into some Australians... そこでオージーにも会ったし Did you try Okonomiyaki in Osaka as well? 大阪でもお好み焼き食べた? No, just Hiroshima. いや、広島だけかな So is that the very first and last Okonomiyaki you've ever tried? じゃあそれが最初で最後のお好み焼きか In Japan Yes. 日本ではそうだな Ah, OK. ほぉ You may come over to Japan for a week and we could catch up? 一週間くらい日本来たら?キャッチアップしようぜ I could squeeze that in. あーそんくらいならいけるかもな I'm not gonna pay for your cost, but happy for you to come. お金は自分持ちだけどな。でも来てくれよ Yeah, it's difficult. きついなー By the way, I booked a ticket already for the next month trip for 2 weeks, right? てかさ、2週間の日本行きのチケット買ったんだけどさ It was only 800 bucks. たった$800だったよ It's pretty good! Return? え、良くない?往復? Return! JAL! Direct. 往復、JALで直行 And, now the exchange rate is 75 yen per dollar. で今為替75円くらいじゃん? That's shocking. やべーな It's like 60 thousand yen for a round trip ticket. It's crazy. 往復6万円くらいだからさ、超安いよ So I was like "Yep! Book it straight away! Do it!" だからもう買っちゃえって感じで買った Autumn? Last year? (Andrewが前日本行った時こと) 秋?去年? Years ago now. 2015 or something. 何年も前だなー2015とかかな 2015!? You're missing out. 2015!? 相当損してるよそれ Yeah, I know. 分かってるよ Oh my gosh, you're missing out. マジかー損してるな Seriously. 本当に It's been a few years. あれから数年だもんな Did you go anywhere else in the meantime? その間どっか行った? Oh yeah. 行ったよ Did you? あ、そうなの? You mean outside of Australia? オーストラリアの外? Yep. うん Oh, where did you go? どこ? South Africa. 南アフリカ Oh right, I remember that. あー言ってたね Malaysia, Vietnam マレーシアも、ベトナムも ...and Japan was the best for sure? で、日本が一番良かったって? Yeah for the purposes of this video I would say yes. まぁ動画的にYesって言うのが良いかもな Well...you can speak your mind. いや、本音言ってもいいんだよ? But if you were to pick one country..? 一つ選ぶとしたら? Nah, I can't. it's like picking my favourite child. いや、言えない。自分の好きな子供を一人選ぶなんて無理だろ? That's a good expression. That's a really good expression. 良い表現だな。それ。 Thank you, I thought so as well. ありがと。俺もそう思った We don't have to go to Supernormal (the name of a restaurant), we can go somewhere else. Supernormal(レストランの名前)行かなくても良いんだよ? 他でも良いし。 Let's go to Supernormal. いや、Supernormal行こうよ Do you like it? 好きなん? Yeah, I do. I really like their fish saute kind of thing. うん、あそこのなんかフィッシュソテーみたいなの美味しい We often call it a celeb tax in Japan. そういうの日本では「有名税」って呼ぶんだよ Celeb tax, that's a good way of putting it. 有名税か、良い表現だな Like you are unconsciously paying tax by being a celeb. なんか有名になることで無意識にお金払ってる的な感覚だかららしい How much money do you need to...uh... to not worry about having to work? お金の心配しないレベルって自分ではどれくらい? $200,000 a year. 大体年間$200,000(約1500万円) くらいじゃね? So in terms of asset? 資産だとどれくらい? A few mill. んー数億円 A few mill? 数億か To never work again? もう働かなくていいや! Well, to not worry about having to work, you know what I mean? みたいなレベルが数億?意味わかる? So you still keep working, いつまでも仕事は続けるけど but I think to some extent you have in your mind that you are working (今)どこかで仕事している理由が because you have to earn money to make a living. 生活のためみたいなとこあるでしょ? Where I want to get to is...to be able to put aside some money into like an ETF or some kind of fund. 俺がたどり着きたいのは、いくらかお金をETFかなんかにぶっこんでさ Letting it earn like 10%-15% every year. 毎年10-15%とかリターン稼いで And that's enough to pay for それで生活するには十分だろ (Andrew) more or less spending in a year. (ATSU )The rest of your life. 残りの人生 That's sort of the position I wanna get to. そのくらいのポジションには行きたいよな So I need to kind of backcell them and then work out how much that is. だからその額がどれくらいかってのを逆算しないといけないな So maybe 2 million dollars or so that you need to let it happen? だから200万ドル(1.5億円)くらい? I think so. だろうな Of course, there is a risk behind it, right? まぁでもリスクもあるよなー当然 The market might crash. 市場ぶっ壊れるかもしんないし Every 7 years people say that there is a global financial crisis. 7年に一度世界恐慌になるみたいなことみんな言うじゃん? I was having a chat with my friend who used to be a financial planner, この前昔フィナンシャルプランナーだった友達と話しててさ and he was like it's a risk not to make an investment. 投資しないことがリスクとか言われたわ Yep. うん It's true, but you know I'm a little risk-averse, まぁそうだけどさ、俺そんなリスク取りたくないしなー and I haven't been able to bite the bullet. ("bite the bullet" - 思い切る「Distinction I」 掲載) 思い切れてないとこもあってさ ("bite the bullet" - 思い切る「Distinction I」 掲載) Probably not a good time to get in. まぁ今は微妙かもな Yeah, but you know the sooner the better people say. でも早い方がいいとかいうじゃん? I'd say give it until the end of this year, and see how things are looking. 今年の末まで待ってどんな感じか見たら? I kind of feel like this crash coming. 俺はな(市場の)崩壊が近づいていると思うんだ You think? You kinda feel like? そう思うの?それともなんとなくそんな感じがするってこと? And it's gonna be a bad one. それでそれが相当悪いものになる気がする It's gonna be a bad crash when it eventually happens. 悪い崩壊が最終的に起きる Is that just your gut feeling? (gut feeling - 直感「Distinction II」掲載) 直感? (gut feeling - 直感「Distinction II」掲載) When it will happen is kind of my gut feeling. いつ起きるかは直感に過ぎないけど Why it's going to bad is I think quite factual. なんで起きるかは事実に基づいてる I think it's going to be bad 結構ひどくなると思うよ because there are no mechanisms left to fix everything that happens. もう修正するためのメカニズムが残ってないだろ So what do you normally do to fix the crash? You print money? (普通)市場が崩壊したら何するよ?金刷るか? Yeah, expansionary monetary policy which is not necessarily effective まぁ金融緩和かな、必ずしも効かないけどな and also fiscal policies taken by the government, according to my textbook. あとは財政政策かな。大学でやったけど(笑) You build stuff? 何か建設するとか? built stuff. Yeah, if there is any room for it. まあ建設するものがあればな(笑) Yep. それな You decrease interest rates.? 金利下げるとか? Yep, which is the monetary policy right? うん、まぁそれは金融緩和と一緒だな So all three levers are basically no longer available to anyone in the western world. 西欧ではこのレバーが使えないんだよなもう The interest rates - in Australia we are at... what, 1%? オーストラリアの金利いくらよ、1%とか? Yeah, I think about that. そんくらいだな Now it's 1, it's going down to 0.75 or even further to 0.5 right? 確か今1%で、そっから0.75%、0.5%って下がってくって言われてるよね Yep. Japan is negative? うん、日本はマイナス金利だっけ? Yep. だね I think the US is 0 or negative? アメリカは0かマイナス? No, the US is still plus. いや、アメリカはプラスよ It's got like 2.... like 2-3% now. 2-3% じゃなかった? Basically, no...no...there's not a lot of room to move. まぁどちらにせよ、あんま動かせないでしょ Apparently, the Japanese monetary policy wasn't as effective as we thought. 明らかに日本の金融政策も思ったほど効果的じゃなかったしなー As we... I don't know how many years ago it was, 何年前だったか忘れたけど but you know we started what we call Abenomics where we expanded the monetary base, アベノミクスっていうやつでマネタリーベース上げてさ but it didn't really flow into the market. でも市場にうまく金が流れなかったんだよな Yeah, so people don't get it. みんな気づかないんだよな I explained to them. That's the other thing as well. みんなに説明したんだけどさ。 Global inflation is basically flat. 世界のインフレ率がフラットに近くて And everyone's like "Isn't that good?" みんなが「それ良くない?」って言うんだよ And I was like "No it's not, it means there's no growth. で俺は、いやいやそれ成長ないじゃんって No, it's not good." なんも良くないよって We need a moderate inflation rate. 穏やかなインフレは必要だもんな Yeah, you need a little bit of inflation like you can't have zero global inflation. ちょっとはインフレが必要なんだよ。ゼロはだめ。 We need like 2%, right? 2%とか欲しいよな。 It seems like no matter what anyone does there's no inflation. なんか誰が何しようとインフレ無理っぽいんだよね And they actually don't understand it. でそれをみんな理解してない Like normally they know why there's got to do anything about it. 基本的に何かやらなきゃってのは分かってんだけど It's like they literally do not get why it's happening right now. 本当なんでこれが起きてるか分かってないんだよ which means like approximately probably 70-90% of people working right now are unnecessary, (AIとかの話になって...) それは70-90%の人が不要になるってことか because they're gonna be all replaced or transformed into the form of AI. AIにトランスフォームされてって That's a point when people start seriously thinking about the concept of Basic Income. でそこでベーシックインカムについて考えだすポイントがあると... When I was making a powerpoint slide for a meeting the other day, (会社の愚痴) パワポのスライドミーティングのために作ってたんだけどさ I was like s**t, like what's the point of doing this. なんか、てかなんでこれやってんの?みたいになってさ(おこ) There's...there's stuff that I do in excel. いやーおれも excelでやる仕事でさ I'm like I would gladly have a robot do this for me. マジでロボットにやらせてーってやつあるよ Gladly. Like, it's the same as getting a grad to do it, right? 新卒にやらせるのと一緒だよな考え的に Like, I don't need to be copying and pasting stuff to add value. なんかバリュー生むためにコピーアンドペーストさせんなよって(笑) I can get someone else to do that. 俺じゃなくていいじゃんって思う That's fine. There's plenty of other things I can do. 俺は他にもやることありますーってさ I was like what's the point of making this like just for formality? そうそう、だから俺もこれ何のためにやってんの?形式?って And people are like ah yeah でみんな、まぁそんな感じみたいな Just looks you've done some work それでなんかやったような気になるっていうね it's a custom that we make one pager.... 1ページのサマリーつくるのが慣習です。みたいなね Why do some people say one pager instead of one page? てかさ、なんでone page じゃなくてone pager って言うの? It's uh... it becomes a noun. そしたら名詞になるんじゃない? But page is a noun, isn't it? でもpageってもう名詞じゃん One page, two pages... 1ページ、2ページってさ I think it makes it almost like a proper noun? なんというかちゃんとした名詞になるみたいな(適当)? Let's just park here. ここ停めよう We're back to square one. 結局さっきと同じとこ戻ってきたじゃん Yeah, basically. だね We should be able to park in the same spot, right? さっきと同じとこ停めれば? Yeah, I think so. だよね and it's more handy anyway. そっちの方が便利だし(レストランに近いから) There's a spot there. あそこに停める場所あるよ Is this? これそうなの? Yeah, that's a spot. うん、あるよ There you go. Go back, go back. おーやった、戻って戻って I just have to execute an insane reverse park. クレイジーな後ろ向き駐車遂行するナリ Does every native speaker speak like that? ネイティブってみんなそんな話し方するの? What? どーゆー意味よ? What did you say just now? 今なんて言った? Execute an insane reverse park クレイジーな後ろ向き駐車遂行するナリ Is that your thing? それお前だからそーいう言い方すんの?(笑) What? 何さ It just sounds so... いやなんていうかさ Good? かっこよすぎるって? Scientific. いや、科学の授業みたい Amazing? 素晴らしいだろぉ?
B1 中級 日本語 豪 広島 とこ じゃん 日本 お好み焼き インフレ 英会話】ネイティブと一日中話していた!? ([English conversation] I talked with natives all day long!) 33 0 Takaaki Inoue に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語