字幕表 動画を再生する
- Hey yoh. What's A to the O?
Back again with a challenge video.
That's right. I'm here with, Pear.
- Yep, I'm here and I'm ready to rock.
Rock the challenges like, you know what I do,
Extreme. Whooa!
- You're trying too hard, Pear.
- Fair enough.
- Today, we're doing the whisper challenge.
- Yes, so if you don't know what it is
one person wears these wicked cool headphones
and there's blasting music so you can't hear.
And the other person tries to say a phrase,
and person with the headphones
then tries to read their lips to figure out what they said.
- Okay, enough of the boring details.
We asked you to give us some phases to say to each other.
So let's get started.
Crank that Music.
- Argh! Dude, this is terrible. Come on.
Celine Dion? Argh!
- Canny, Pear.
Okay, let's get to the challenge.
(guitar tune plays)
I saw your mom in the kitchen yesterday.
- Aaah! What?
- I saw your mom in the kitchen yesterday.
- Ice your mum in the kitchen yesterday?
- Pear, ice my mum. That's cold.
(both laughs)
- Hello Mr., can you whisper?
- Hello? Mistaken you'll wispy.
(both laughs)
- No, not even close.
- What?
- I said not even close.
- You're not wearing any cloths? Neither am I.
Okay, so nothing about wispy?
- Nope, unfortunately not.
- I've been laughing so much. I have to wispy.
(both laughs)
You better beware of the fart attack!
- You butter be with far attack.
- Butter be?
(both laughs)
- What? - Wow.
You better beware of the fart attack.
- You better beware of the fart attack?
- Yes.
- I got it? Wow!
- Fart attack.
Okay, okay. I'm ready.
- Okay. The spaghetti monster is ticklish.
- These beget monks is delish?
(both laughs)
- No.
- That's what I heard anyway.
I pooped in your soda.
- I pooped on your sofa?
(both laughs)
- Pear, why would you do that?
- Is that what you said?
- I pooped in your soda.
(smacks lips) Argh!
(both laughs)
Justin Bieber riding a unicorn.
- Just in breeding rice and corn?
(both laughs)
- That's what it looked like.
- Close.
- What? I'm sorry. What was it they actually said?
- Justin Bieber riding a unicorn.
(both laughs)
- Okay. Yeah, that's just as funny.
Hello Mr. Anderson.
- Jello Mist and her son.
(both laughs)
- [Orange] Jello Mist?
- What? Jello Mist? It's their brand new product.
- (mumbles) you know, yes. For those really hot days,
just by yourself with some Jello Mist.
- It cools and it's delicious.
(both laughs)
My dog loves Nirvana.
- My dog licks her van?
(both laughs)
- Well, I guess that's better than chasing it.
Okay, Pear. Pear, last one.
Look out for the TNT.
- Look out for that ant?
(both laughs)
- Look out for the TNT.
- Look out for the TNT?
(laughs) - Yes. Yes.
- Aha! Yes. Got it.
- No, look out for the TNT!
- Huh?
You jerk.
- What up! What up! What up! (mumbles)
It's your boy Little Apple here with
the whisper challenge.
(rock music plays)
- Jeez, bro. I never heard someone yell the word
whisper that loud before.
- Sorry, it's your boy Little Apple here with
the whisper challenge.
- What did you say? You said it so quiet.
I couldn't hear you.
- Girl, can we just start, please?
We got Grapefruit.
- Good morrow to you all.
- Squaring up against Orange.
- Arrrgh! Orange, don't ruin this for me.
I don't get to host very often.
- I promise I probably won't not ruin this video.
- Great.
Okay, just so that everybody's clear, here are the rules.
One of you will be wearing headphones,
playing super loud music.
- Oh! What song is it?
- Not important.
Then the other person will read a phrase
from this stack of cards.
- What are the phrases?
- I can't tell you that.
- Why? Because you're illiterate?
- For the last time, I am not illiterate, okay?
(screams in anger)
Okay. Okay.
So basically you're trying to read each other's lips. Okay?
First one to read the others lips twice, win.
- I think we know who won't be winning this challenge.
- You?
- Nope, Little Apple.
'Cause the winner has to be able to read lips.
- I am not gonna say it again.
I am not illiterate.
- Okay, Little Apple. We believe you.
You've said it very loudly and now we believe you.
- Okay, good. (grunts)
Now then, Orange, put this on.
- But I wanna guess first.
- Just put them on.
- Yeish! Someone's a little wound up.
- Now, Grapefruit, you have the card.
- I don't like this song.
- Nobody cares.
- What did you say? I can't hear you.
- I'm ready.
- Orange.
- Door hinge. Did you say door hinge?
- You'll never gonna let me host a video ever again.
- All right, Orange. Are you ready?
- All you eddies.
- No, I haven't started yet.
- Joe, I haven't exploded brat.
- Orange, stop guessing and wait for me to read the card.
- Door hinge, stop guessing. I ate 40 beef arms.
- Would you just take those things off him already?
- Did I win? Did I? Did I? Did I? Did I?
- No, you lost. Incredibly hard.
- Joe, puss costed a PV arm.
- Would you stop guessing.
You're not even wearing headphones.
- True, but I'm still having trouble hearing you.
I don't have any ears.
- Okay. Grapefruit, you put this on.
Orange, pick a card and read it.
- You read it. I dare you.
- Orange!
- Okay, okay.
- Oivey, Oivey?
- Grapefruit, I haven't started yet.
- Ape dude hasn't exploded yet.
- Oh my God.
- That's way better. Ape dude has exploded yet.
Can I change what the card says?
- No, you can't. Get it together, Orange.
This video was going off the rails.
- This video was exploding to shave the whales.
- Stop guessing what am saying. Am not even playing.
- I ant not even hating.
- I ant not even sprouting.
- Oh, I am so done with this.
- Ions are dummy dish.
- Ions no tummy tuck.
- Whitehead so funny lumps.
- Liza knows body bumps.
- Ape dude has exploded yet.
- Oh! That's it. That's what the card says. Yaay!
- Yaay!
- You guy, that is not what the card says.
None of the cards say anything about an ape dude
or exploding, okay? There is no ape dude.
- Oh yeah? Then enlightened us, Little Apple.
What does this card say? Read it aloud.
- I've got a letter to write.
- Wow! Did he really just say there's no ape dude?
- I'm sure you had to hear that ape dude.
We know you're real.
- No worries, bruh.
- Yoh! Yoh! Yoh! Its your boy, Little Apple.
Orange is sick and Pear sick of Orange.
So Grapefruit and I are here bringing you
the Simon Says Challenge.
Ready to play?
- How could I be? You haven't explained the rules
for this mysterious game Simon says.
- What? You've seriously never played Simon Says before?
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I must have been too busy reading (mumbles)
and studying the masters.
Please do tell me about this little game of yours
that's so popular.
- Whatever you're say, dude.
So Simon Says is a super easy game.
You just gotta follow or not follow
the instructions you're given.
- Easy enough, I follow or don't follow instructions
all the time. (chuckles)
- So there are just two rules, ready?
- Ready.
- One, If Simon says to do it, you have to do it.
- Check.
- Two, If Simon doesn't say to do it, don't do it.
- So basically give Simon the same respect I give anyone.
Got it, Let's play, if that's okay with Simon.
- Okay, I'll start first.
Simon says stick out your tongue.
And you lost lost.
- I lost, why?
- Because Simon said to do it.
- How would I know that?
How would you know that? Simon isn't here.
All I got was your second hand reporting
of what Simon supposedly said.
- Dude.
- The rule is I have to do what Simon says
and only what Simon says, correct?
So give me a straight dope. Primary sources, people.
Let me hear it from the horse's mouth.
- Argh! Okay. I guess I should have been clear.
There is no Simon.
- So what? This is all a lie?
Why are you wasting my time with this nonsense.
- Dude, Simon is just for your code when it's your turn.
- Ah! I see. So you are Simon?
- Exactly, and next round will be Simon.
- I understand completely now.
Thank you for explaining it in greater detail.
- You're welcome. Okay, here we go.
Stick out your tongue.
And you lost.
- What! You told me to.
- I know, but Simon didn't tell you to.
- But you're Simon.
- Okay, I guess I could have been clear.
Whoever is Simon has to say the phrase,
Simon says, at the start of their instruction.
- Seems redundant.
- Dude.
- Not to mention conceited.
Who talks about himself in the third person?
Grapefruit would never do that.
- This is a child's game.
Children understand the rules perfectly, why can't you?
- Maybe let me be Simon this time.
Let me try it from the other side.
- Fine, go ahead.
- Simon didn't say I could go ahead.
You didn't relinquish the title of Simon to me.
- Simon says you are Simon now, okay?
- Thank you. All right, I get it now.
Calm down.
(grunts) - Okay, okay. I'm calm.
- Uh, uh, uh! Simon didn't say you could calm on down.
- Grapefruit.
Okay, yeah, you actually got that right
- Yes, shall I win?
- Yeah, you win.
- Yes, say it louder so everyone can hear you.
- Grapefruit, you win.
- Hah! You lose again. Simon didn't say to say it louder.
- I am so done with this.
- Simon says stay here.
Simon says don't scowl at me like that.
- Simon says don't pick up that baseball bat
and ran towards me with fire in your eyes.
Oh, oh! Hey, hey. Ow! Oh! Ah! Oh!
- Hey, hey everybody. Today we're doing
the Say Anything Challenge with Orange
pitted against Little Apple.
How are you guys feeling today?
- Small.
- Annoying.
- Well, that makes sense.
All right, here's how the challenge works.
These two will go back and forth saying just one word.
They have to say something within three seconds
and no repeating words.
Sounds easy, but it's surprisingly top.
Who wants to go first?
- Oh! Oh! Me. Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
- Orange, you're up.
- Small.
- Burger.
- Tiny.
- Cat.
- Petite.
- Dog.
- Miniature.
- Working.
- Short.
- Tree.
- Puny.
- Telephone.
- Diminutive.
- Orange, would you knock it off!
- Ooh. Oh-oh, I'm afraid that's a complete phrase.
Looks like Little Apple has bowed out of this round.
- Orange was just saying words that mean small.
- But that's not a violation of the rules.
- Okay, yeah bit its like--
- A little rude?
- Exactly.
- Little Apple, what Orange is doing isn't illegal.
Well, look at it this way.
He probably can't keep it up for much longer.
I mean, how many words are there that means small?
You know?
- Good point. He used all them up.
Okay, I'm ready for round two. Let's do this.
I wanna start.
- Little Apple, you're up. Go.
- Buffalo.
- Microscopic.
- Golf.
- Minute.
- Tasty.
- Shrimpy.
- Purple.
- Pity.
- Pee.
- Wee.
(grunts) - Posho.
- Teeny.
- Gravy.
- Teensy.
- Yes teensy. You are out of small word.
I win, you loose.
Eat it, Orange.
- Actually. Orange said teeny earlier,
which is a different word than teensy.
- Oh!
- You see the difference between
the two words, Little Apple? You gotta look close.
It's pretty small.
- Okay. Round three.
- Who goes first?
- I don't care. He's out of short words now.
I wanna crush her this time.
- Not from down there you're not.
- Orange, you are up. Go.
- Minuscule.
- How.
- Under sized.
- Rabbit.
- Infinitesimal.
- How? Whiplash.
- Runty.
- Cruel.
- Squatty.
- Balloon.
- Low.
- Sock.
- Compact.
(grunts) - Earth.
- Stumpy.
(grunts) - Tree.
- Not (mumbles) Little Apple I believe you said tree
in an earlier round
- Oh, man! Seriously?
- Which means Orange is our winner.
- Woohoo! Winner, winner. Chicken dinner.
- Okay. I will admit, that was really impressive.
How many synonyms for small do you actually know orange?
- 4,967.
- Wow, that's a lot.
- And you are not.
- Orange!
- Here's the winner's trophy.
- Spank you very much.
- And here's the ...
Let's call it the second place trophy.
- Yeah, I could've gone without a short trophy
right about now
- Anything you wanna say Orange?
- Yeah, thanks to Little Apple for coming out
and giving it his best.
It was a hard butt contest, and he's a great friend.
- Aaw!
- Oh, wow. That was actually really nice.
- Little Apple, you wanna say anything back?
- Yeah. I mean, Orange is a really great friend too.
And what can I say? I lost. I said tree twice.
Today I came up short.
- You can say that again.
- Orange!
- Whoa!
- Hey, fruit lovers.
We got a great episode for you today, and that's no lie.
That's right. It's the lie detector challenge.
Little Apple versus Grapefruit.
- Thanks for having me on, Orange.
- You're welcome (mumbles) Orange.
- You should been more enthusiastic, Grapefruit.
In a minute you'll be buzzing with excitement.
- Oh hey, what's with the wires?
We get zapped with electricity if we lie or something?
- Why? Are you scared?
- Please, do I look scared, bro?
I'm an open book. I'm unashamed and willing to share
every last detail of my life with the audience.
- Even this Match.com account you created under
a false name that claims you're French and six foot three?
- Whatever are you talking? That's not me.
- That's for the demonstration. Grapefruit.
Now, who wants first?
- I'll go. I think Grapefruit's still recovering.
- Whoa! I think I left a button print on the calendar.
- Let's get started, Little Apple, 'cause time is short.
Okay, what is your name?
- Little Apple.
- What color is the sky?
- Blue.
- Who (mumbles)
- Hold up. These questions are so easy.
- Grapefruit, these are just control questions.
We have to get a baseline reading so the machine can tell
if I'm lying or not.
- Oh, I knew that.
- Okay. Now, they're gonna get hard.
What's the most embarrassing thing
that's ever happened to you?
- Oh man. Okay.
So there was this one time in first grade
that's I had to use the bathroom really, really bad,
but the teacher made me do a math problem on the board.
Then I got it completely wrong!
- Well, thank you for sharing.
That was brave. Next question.
- Okay, stop. I'm sorry. But I feel like
his buzzer's not working.
- What do you mean?
- Seriously. Bro? Getting a math problem wrong
is the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you?
I mean, you peddle yourself so much it should be a name.
- Peddle, Apple. Why did I never think of that one before?
- Well, I'm happy to switch wires with you
if you think yours is busted.
- As a matter of fact, yes. I will take you up on that.
Now I'm sure to win.
- Grapefruit, put out your butt. It's your turn.
- Aww! Aww!
- First question, what is your name?
- Grapefruit.
- What color is the sky?
- Blue. Last time I checked. (chuckles)
- What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
- I'm sorry. Can you repeat the question?
- What two things can you never eat for breakfast?
- What is happening? What kind of a question is this?
- Please answer the question before the timer runs out
- Yeah? Or else what?
- Or else this.
- Okay. Okay, jeez. Okay, let me think.
Two thing I can't have for breakfast.
I'm going to go with a wheat toast due to my newfound
gluten allergy and grapefruits 'cause it's weird.
- Congratulations. That's incorrect.
The answer is we were looking for were lunch and dinner.
- Nice. You can't have lunch or dinner
for breakfast. That's a good one.
- Wait, you asked me a riddle?
- Easy there, Grapefruit. I'll ask the questions.
You ready for the next one?
- Of course, I'm ready.
- Oh, man. I'm enjoying this.
- Watch it, Little Apple. I could kick your butt.
(both laughs)
- Argh! Just give me a question.
- A cowboy rode into town on Friday.
He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday.
How is this possible?
- Huh! I know this one. Friday was the name of his horse.
- Sorry, the horse's name was Greg.
- Wait! But that doesn't make any sense.
- Well, of course it makes sense.
Obviously he had a time machine.
- That's it. Little Apple, congratulations.
You've won again.
But I'm through with this ridiculous challenge.
I don't need this, okay? I got a lot of stuff going for me.
I'm young, I'm handsome, I have a staggering mind.
I'm not gonna stand here and get zapped with electricity
because I'm better than this.
(both laughs)
- (mumbles) Stop laughing at me. This really hurts.
(both laughs)
Whatever. I'll win the next challenge.
(cries out loud)
- What up! What up! What up! It's your boy, Little Apple
here with my main man, Grapefruit.
- Aaay!
- And today, we got the kitchen gang
impressions challenge for you.
- The way it works is this. One of us (mumbles)
slip a paper out of this bowl.
The paper will have someone's name on it,
and we'll have to get the other person to guess the name
by doing the best impression we can.
- Earlier, we had our friends put
a whole bunch of kitchen crew names in here.
Hair, squash. Oh, look at that!
Orange with Australian accent.
- So I see we have some hard ones mixed in.
- Sure do. Okay, I'll start. Let's see here.
Okay. Okay.
Hey, who wants (mumbles) with me and my unplaceable accent?
- I see.
Is this a joke to you?
- I'm yellow and I like to yell a lot. Hey.
- I do not sound like that.
- Well, I know you don't. I was doing Grandpa Lemon.
- What?
- How is that not obvious?
Grandpa Lemon's yellow. He yells in his sleep
when he's having nightmares.
I'm sure he would love to lift weights with somebody,
but nobody ever asks him because he's so frail.
- Oh, I see. You are very bad at this game.
- Hey, it's harder that it looks. Let's see how you do.
- Hey, now this has layers to it.
- Come on. Give it a shot.
- I don't even know where to begin with this.
It's so hard.
- Well, mine was hard too. Jeez, just do it already.
- Okay. Here it goes.
Yay, yay! Yay, everybody. I like things.
- Oh, is that an impression of Orange doing
an impression of Pear doing an impression of Marshmallow?
- Really? You get it from that?
- Woohoo!
See, we are good at this game.
I'm just really good at guessing
and you're really good at voices.
- I am? Bro, I didn't even feel like
I was really doing a voice.
- Oh, incredible. It just comes so naturally to some people.
And now you're just bragging.
Come on, lets do the next round.
Okay, I got it.
This is extreme!
- Nice, that one's obviously zoom. Moving onto my turn.
- What! What are you talking about?
That wasn't zoom.
- What am I talking about?
Bro, what are you talking about?
- This is extreme!
- That is literally zoom's catch phrase.
- It's obviously my impression of Wassabi.
How could you not get that?
- How? Where do I even begin with this?
- Wassabi does extreme sports on the weekends.
He bungee jumps in squirrel suits
all over the Pacific Northwest.
- How would I know that?
This is the 11th hour character development
being dumped in my lap.
Literally the only thing we have ever heard out of
Wassabi's mouth is what's up.
- Wow. Sounds like you should really get to
know your neighbors a bit better.
- Am I going insane? Zoom says extreme,
and Wassabi says what's up. It's as simple as that.
- Wow. Simple?
They're more than just catch phrases, you know?
They're three dimensional people with lives
and dreams and backstories.
- We are still moving on.
- Okay. But you're a bad person, and you should know it.
- Are we doing kitchen crew judgment challenge?
No? That's what I thought. Now then.
What the heck!
- Oh, it's so obvious. You did it perfectly.
That's Passion doing an impression of Baby Carrot
doing an impression of Steve.
- What? How do you know that?
- You said what the heck. That's what Steve always says.
- Who is Steve?
- My turn.
Okay. Oh, I think you'll get this one.
Hey. Hey, Grapefruit. Hey.
- Okay, this feels like Orange doing
an impression of some game.
- Grapefruit, hey. Look down under there.
Now, you're just stay down under.
- Oh, I get it. It's Orange with an Australian accent.
- Well, that's not a knife. That's a knife.
- Yeah, dude. Got it.
It's Orange doing an Australian accent.
- No. That's a knife!
- Huh?
- Hey, fruit lovers, and welcome to the (mumbles)
- (mumbles) Don't worry today.
We're doing the talk backwards challenge.
So there's gonna to be a whole bunch of
nonsensical talking going on.
- Okay. Let's chill it with the backwards talking for a sec.
We got to explain the rules first.
- K.O.
- Okay. So Orange and I have both written out
some phrases and we're gonna to try and say them backwards.
That way, hopefully when we play the audio in reverse,
it'll sound like we're saying the phrases correctly.
All right.
So for example, this one says kitchen carnage.
I'll give it a shot.
- That didn't sound like it at all.
I can do way better than that.
- Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure of yourself, dude.
It's not as easy as it sounds.
- Seems pretty easy to me.
- Wow. I stand corrected.
That was actually really good.
- What can I say? I haven't been told I'm good at backtalk.
- Why don't you take the next one, Orange.
It should be pretty easy for you.
Nya, nya, nya, nya.
- Yeah. This one will be super easy.
- Come on, dude. At least try.
- I did. This one's gonna sound just like it.
- You expect me to that the (mumbles) stuff you just said
is gonna sound nya nya when I press reverse play
on this thing?
I mean, honestly it sounded nothing like--
- [Playback Playing] Nya nya nya nya nya nya nya.
- What?
(glass breaking sound)
- Don't worry, Pear. Some people have a knack for it.
Other people don't. Give me another one.
- Okay. All right. This one says knife to meet you.
- [Playback Playing] knife to meet you.
- This is unbelievable.
- Pickle pickle (mumbles) tickle.
- [Playback Playing] Why is it so unbelievable, Pear?
- What the! How are you doing this?
- Ticky ticky (mumbles) no (mumbles)
- [Playback Playing] Doing what, Pear?
I'm not doing anything.
- These backward plays don't match what you're saying.
- What do you know?
You weren't very good at speaking in reverse. Remember?
- [Playback Playing] Don't feel bad, Pear.
Everyone has their own special talents,
and this is one of mine.
- Dude, that wasn't even close to the correct length.
- (mumbles) boogie.
- [Playback Playing] The correct length of what, Pear?
- You just said (mumbles) boogie twice
and got different phrases.
- Nah. I said it differently the second time. Watch.
- (mumbles) boogie.
- [Playback Playing] See what I mean?
Well, I guess that does it for today's video.
(burps loudly)
- [Playback Playing] See you next time, fruit lovers.
(dance music playing)