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  • For centuries, it looked as if religion tried to tell us facts about the world and just


  • got things a bit wrong:for example, how old the earth was it claimed 4,000 years old,


  • or how many suns there were in the universe, it claimed (one).


  • But in reality, religion was never really interested in doing the sort of things science


  • does. It might have thrown off the odd theory but at heart it cared about a mission altogether


  • different: it wanted to tell us stories to make life feel more bearable. It was interested


  • in giving us something to hold on to that could help us to make it through to the next


  • day.


  • At the same time, science - properly viewed - has never been the enemy of spiritual enrichment.


  • It can yield ideas every bit as consoling and inspiring, as those found in religion.


  • *bubble transfers between pastor and scientist*. We can usefully look to science for the sort


  • of ideas we used to seek in religion. Here are four big consoling ideas that can be found


  • in science:


  • I: Perspective - The Scale of the Universe


  • We are at permanent risk - in the conditions of modern life - of losing perspective, that

    私たちは永久的な危険にさらされています - 現代の生活の条件では - 視点を失うことの、その

  • is of making more of our troubles and fears than is good for us. One of the great benefits


  • of science is that it helps us to feel small! Science teaches us that our galaxy, the Milky


  • Way, has approximately 100 billion stars in it, that there are 10 billion galaxies in


  • the observable universe, each of which contains an average of 100 billion stars, which means


  • that there are around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (a billion trillion) stars out there. *do


  • math 10 billion + 10 billion* When we lose perspective, as we invariably

    数学 100億+100億* 視点を失うと、私たちはいつものように

  • do in the course of pretty much every day in the frenetic city, we should spend a few


  • moments with a photograph from the Hubble telescope and remember that we are - in a


  • glorious and redemptive way - what we always feared: nothing.

    栄光と贖いの道 - 私たちがいつも恐れていたこと:何もない。

  • II: All is Vanity - The Second Law of Thermodynamics


  • Many of our efforts are designed to perpetuate ourselves in time. We strive to live on through


  • our work - and to make something more enduring than our biological selves. To release us

    私たちの仕事 - そして生物学的な自分よりも永続的なものを作るために。私たちを解放するために

  • from this exhausting and vainglorious folly, religions used to kindly remind us, in the


  • words of Ecclesiastes, that all is vanity. Science offers us a yet more powerful expression


  • of this Biblical concept: the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This states that the tendency


  • of all systems - of which the universe is one - is to dissipate energy over time until


  • it reaches a state of complete rest. Given a sufficient span, our universe and its superclusters


  • of galaxies will all collapse and we will enter what scientists call a Dark Era, in


  • which - after so much excitement, individual and cosmic - nothing will remain except for


  • a dilute quite gas of photons and leptons. The situation is no better closer to home.


  • In about 4 billion years, when the sun runs out of hydrogen, it will become a 'red giant'


  • star, possibly expanding as far as Mars, at which point it will absorb and destroy Earth.


  • To repeat the point with NASA's help: "all truly is vanity."


  • III. Forgiveness - Evolution

    III.赦し - 進化

  • It's often deeply tempting to lose our temper with ourselves and our fellow humans: why


  • can't we be more reasonable? Why are we so prejudiced? Why are we so prone to anxiety?


  • Why do we eat so much? Why are we so interested in pornography?


  • It's equally tempting to search for explanations that emphasise our villainous natures and


  • then to harshly condemn our lack of self-command. We end up disgusted with ourselves and judgemental

    そして自分の自己管理能力の欠如を厳しく非難します私たちは自分自身に嫌気がさして 判断的になってしまいます

  • towards others. But science - arguably more effectively than


  • religion - can teach us the art of forgiveness, and liberate us from our urge to criticise.


  • Of course, we are less than ideally adapted to the civilised and complex lives we aspire


  • to lead. We have had very little time to do anything else.


  • Science tells us that we appeared in more or less our current form in Africa 200,000


  • years ago. For most of this time, we lived in small groups, we foraged, we grunted, we


  • didn't wait for others to stop talking, we fought constantly, and we were terrified

    人の話が止まるのを待たず 喧嘩ばかりして 恐怖に怯えていた

  • of everything. The time since the birth of Jesus comprises


  • 1% of our history; the last 250 years, the period since we became urbanised and began


  • living with technology, encompasses a mere 0.1%. Naturally, therefore, most of our impulses


  • are going to be better suited to more basic conditions. It's a miracle we ever manage


  • to be polite, to explain our feelings, or to see it from another's point of view.


  • We are - from the vantage point of science - doing extremely well indeed. Evolutionary


  • history teaches us that humans should be a lot worse than they are. The wonder isn't

    歴史が教えてくれる 人間はもっと悪くなるべきだと不思議なのは

  • in the end that we're so uncivilised but that we ever even manage, now and then, to


  • have a few moments of civilisation.


  • IV: Our Existence - Cosmic Gratitude

    IV: 私たちの存在-宇宙の感謝

  • Science is supremely capable of nurturing feelings of gratitude because of a basic truth


  • about the way gratitude works: it stems from an awareness of how much more awful things


  • might have been. And here, when it comes to our life on the


  • planet, science tells us that we have so much to be grateful for. For example, we can be

    地球上には感謝すべきことがたくさんあることを 科学は教えてくれます例えば、私たちは

  • grateful: - that 13.8 billion years ago, something smaller

    感謝しています。- 138億年前に何か小さいものが

  • than an electron chose to swell within a fraction of a second like an expanding balloon into


  • a zone permeated with energy 93 billion light years in size that we now clumsily call the


  • universe - That some of the energy from this swift


  • expansion was able to coagulate into particles, which grouped together to form the light atoms


  • of hydrogen, lithium and helium - which then assembled into galaxies, which gave birth


  • to stars, inside whose molten burning cores all the elements necessary for the nucleic


  • acids essential to life were forged. - That gravity drew the stars together to

    生命に欠かせない酸が鍛えられたのです- その重力が星を引き寄せて

  • create galaxies (a hundred billion of them), including - fortuitously - the Milky Way,


  • a small corner of the universe containing just 400 billion stars, in which our sun was


  • born out of a giant, spinning cloud of dust and gas 4.5 billion years ago.


  • - That around the same time, swarms of debris collided to form our Earth - a lava-washed,

    - 同じ頃、破片の群れが衝突して地球を形成しました。

  • uninhabitable rock, that gravity happened to throw into orbit as the third planet from


  • the Sun - the exact right distance for life to develop.

    太陽 - 生命が成長するためのちょうど良い距離。

  • - That another planet, Theia, collided with Earth, gifting us our Moon, which slowed the

    - 別の惑星、テイアは、地球と衝突し、私たちに私たちの月を与え、それは地球の速度を遅くしました。

  • Earth's rotation, stabilised atmospheric conditions and created the 24-hour day and


  • caused the Earth to tilt, forming the seasons. - That ice particles left over from the collisions

    地球が傾いて季節を形成していました- 衝突で残った氷の粒子が

  • of hundreds of comets melted, water vapour condensed and oceans were formed.


  • - That comet collisions delivered anot her chance cosmic gift, the essential components

    - その彗星の衝突は、彼女のチャンスの宇宙の贈り物、不可欠な成分を届けてくれました。

  • of life and DNA like ribose, carbon dioxide, ethanol, amino acids and phosphorus.


  • - That underwater hot springs released the right amount of energy and the right mix of

    - その水中温泉は、適量のエネルギーと適量の混合物を放出していました。

  • chemicals to allow the first single-cell organisms to form four billion years ago.


  • - That Earth's toxic atmosphere of methane and carbon dioxide slowly became sweetened

    - 地球の有害大気であるメタンと二酸化炭素がゆっくりと甘くなっていったこと

  • by the release of oxygen from cyanobacteria- the first creatures to photosynthesise - and


  • gradually oxygenated 85% of the atmosphere. - That an asteroid 15 kilometres wide happened

    大気の85%が徐々に酸素化していきました- 幅15キロの小惑星が

  • to hit Earth 65.5 million years ago and destroyed most terrestrial organisms including all non-avian


  • dinosaurs, but created ideal conditions in which some small, furry mammals, our close


  • ancestors, were able to thrive with less competition. - That your genes managed to pass safely through

    祖先は競争が少なく 繁栄することができました- あなたの遺伝子が安全に

  • an unbroken 10,000 generation chain, despite the best efforts of cyclones, predators and


  • a constant barrage of viruses. - That an average, fertile woman will have

    ウイルスの絶え間ない攻撃- 平均的な受胎可能な女性は

  • 100,000 eggs, and a man will produce a trillion sperm, each of these very different, but that


  • - nevertheless - you have managed to emerge from the options as you are.

    - それにもかかわらず - あなたは、あなたのようにオプションから浮上することができました。

  • And to all this, as they used to say in the churches, one might cry (or whisper): Hallelujah!


  • There is enough in science to give birth to twenty religions - so much to worship, to


  • be awed by and to be consoled through, things like dark matter, string theory or quantum


  • wavefunctions. The curse of the modern world is not to have invented science; it's not


  • yet to have understood all the amazing things one might still do with it.


  • At the School of Life we run regular virtual classes for adults. These mini life courses cover such topics as: making relationships work,

    スクール・オブ・ライフでは、大人のためのバーチャルクラスを定期的に開催しています。 これらのミニライフコースは、次のようなトピックをカバーしています:人間関係をうまくいくようにする。

  • overcoming anger and anxiety, career guidance, finding meaning and purpose in life and using culture as a therapeutic tool. Click the link on screen now to learn more.

    怒りや不安の克服、キャリアガイダンス、人生の意味や目的を見つけること、文化を治療ツールとして利用すること。 今すぐ画面のリンクをクリックして詳細をご覧ください。

For centuries, it looked as if religion tried to tell us facts about the world and just


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