字幕表 動画を再生する
hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle Speech with your two for Tuesday lesson
today's words are sighed which means to exhale deeply and audibly
and to express a feeling and side position on the right or the left let's
take a look at these words we've got some crazy spelling here today so more
silent letters we are not going to say that G H both of these words are
サイレントレター我々は、これらの単語のG H両方があることを言うつもりはありません。
pronounced the same as I said and we're going to start with that s to do this
発音は私が言ったように同じです そして、私たちはこれを行うために、そのsから始めるつもりです
the tip of your tongue is going to be behind the back of your top front teeth
or pointed slightly down to the bottom of your mouth
just make sure that the air continuously moves out of your mouth for that s sound
next move to the I and to do this oval mouth move to a smiling mouth and the
tip of your tongue is going to move from the bottom of your mouth to flat at the
top of your mouth it's not touching your teeth I and then we're going to end with
the D d to do this touch the tip of your tongue to the back
of your top front teeth side-side-side I'm going to mention this again I've been
あなたの上の前歯の横の横の...... これについては、もう一度言いますが........私は今まで
getting a lot of questions about this sometimes I hear a little explosion of
air and sometimes I don't with the D and the T you can do either you can say side
with a slight little release of air or side where you just hold the tongue behind
the back of your top front teeth and you don't release the air both of those are
acceptable both of those are fine whichever you choose so let's give those
a try side side side and now in a sentence
after the game I sighed on the side of the field after the game I sighed on the side
試合後にフィールドの横でため息をついた 試合後にフィールドの横でため息をついた
of the field because of the loss give it a try I know people are going to notice
the difference if you found this helpful please give us a like and a share and a
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at Tarle Speech thanks everyone we'll see you again soon