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  • Hi, Bob, the Canadian here.

  • Welcome to this English lesson about plants and flowers.

  • I'll be honest.

  • It's mostly going to be about flowers because Jen and I live

  • on a flower farm.

  • In this video, I will teach you some words and phrases

  • that you can use when you're talking

  • about plants and flowers.

  • As I take you through a little tour

  • of how we go from planting seeds

  • to harvesting and selling flowers on our flower farm.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Well hey, welcome to this English lesson

  • about plants and flowers.

  • If this is your first time watching one of my videos,

  • don't forget to click that subscribe button over there

  • and give me a thumbs up if this video

  • helps you learn just a little bit more English.

  • Well, these beautiful flowers were all originally seeds.

  • One of the first things we do on our farm every spring

  • is we order seeds.

  • The seeds are the small, tiny things that plants grow from.

  • I'll see if I can show you one.

  • It might not focus on it.

  • But a seed is something that you plant in the ground.

  • And eventually when the seed has some water

  • and the seed has some warmth from sunlight,

  • it will germinate when a seed germinates,

  • that's when it first starts to grow.

  • So one of the first things we do

  • is we choose what flowers we want to grow

  • and then Jen will order them.

  • In fact, we have boxes like this filled with seeds.

  • These are simply the seeds that start with the letter A

  • up to the seeds that start with the letter D.

  • On our farm though, we don't plant our seeds in the ground.

  • We start almost all of our seeds in trays.

  • This is a special plastic tray

  • that has tiny spots for each seed.

  • We fill it with a special kind of soil called potting soil,

  • which is really rich and just a good soil

  • for starting seeds in.

  • So we put one seed in every hole and then eventually they

  • will germinate and you will have something like this.

  • This is a tray of scabiosa and over here,

  • we have a beautiful tray of sunflowers.

  • So we don't plant our seeds in the ground.

  • We plant them in trays and then once they're big enough,

  • we transplant them.

  • Once the plants are big enough,

  • we will transplant them into the flower bed

  • where we want them to grow.

  • The English word transplant means

  • when you take a plant from one place where it's growing

  • and you plant it in a different place.

  • So we have plants growing in trays,

  • and we transplant them into the ground.

  • After the flowers are transplanted,

  • there's really two things that they need.

  • They need lots of sunshine,

  • and we're getting plenty of that today.

  • And they need water.

  • Our hope is that it rains a lot.

  • Usually in our area, it rains from time to time,

  • but sometimes it's not enough water

  • for the flowers and plants to thrive.

  • It's not enough water for them to grow well.

  • So we need to irrigate.

  • This is what we would call a sprinkler,

  • trying to get it in focus for you.

  • A sprinkler is something that turns

  • and it shoots water out while it turns.

  • We also use what's called drip line.

  • Drip line is a type of hose with tiny holes in it.

  • So water can drip out at a constant rate.

  • So either it rains or we use the sprinklers

  • or we use the drip line so that the flowers

  • can get all of the water that they need.

  • And then we just hope for a lot of sunny days.

  • When it comes to watering plants,

  • there are two things that are quite helpful.

  • One is the fact that we live on a river.

  • So we have plenty of water when we need to water the plants.

  • And the second thing that helps

  • keep all of our flowers watered is this

  • electric pump down here.

  • This pump runs a lot during the dry parts of the summer,

  • and it really helps keep all of our flowers happy

  • and growing well.

  • At this part of the lesson,

  • I think we should look at some of the actual flowers

  • because I know many of you want to see what they look like

  • and they're beautiful.

  • We grow several different kinds of flowers on the farm,

  • but our main crops, the main flowers that we grow

  • would be flowers like lisianthus.

  • We like lisianthus because it grows really well

  • in our soil and it grows really well in our climate.

  • And it produces a number of different colors.

  • So we have light pinks. We have light yellows.

  • We have a pure white lisianthus.

  • It's just a beautiful flower.

  • And every stem has more than one flower on it.

  • That's really cool as well,

  • because it just creates a very beautiful flower.

  • We also grow Sweet William.

  • Sweet William is an excellent flower as well.

  • We like Sweet William because it lasts

  • a really long time in a vase.

  • That's very important when you are a flower farmer.

  • You want your flowers to last a long time

  • after a customer buys them.

  • We also grow sunflowers.

  • We also grow zinnias.

  • You'll notice, though, that in the sunflower patch,

  • you don't see a lot of sunflowers because we actually

  • harvest the sunflower as it's opening.

  • So when you see big fields of sunflowers,

  • those aren't for bouquets.

  • They are growing those sunflowers for seed,

  • but ours are just slightly closed.

  • I did find one though, that was a little bit open

  • and we grow a lot of zinnias.

  • Zinnias, as well, are a flower that produces

  • an enormous range of color.

  • There's orange, there's yellow, there's red, there's purple.

  • It's so nice to have a flower that grows well

  • and also produces such a variety of color.

  • And then we also grow dahlias,

  • but unfortunately it's only the beginning of August.

  • So our dahlia patch is very green.

  • You can see that we have it all set up in nice rows.

  • Every row has drip line to keep the dahlia plants watered.

  • And we put up the strings

  • so that dahlias is don't fall over on a windy day,

  • but we'll have to wait a few weeks

  • before the dahlias start to bloom.

  • Again, we grow a wide range of flowers on our farm

  • and things besides flowers as well.

  • But those would probably be the main ones that we grow.

  • After several weeks of beautiful, sunshiny days

  • and lots of rain or water,

  • the flowers will bloom and they will be ready to harvest.

  • In order to harvest or cut flowers, we use pruners.

  • We look for flowers where the blooms

  • are the right size to sell,

  • and then we will cut them with the pruner.

  • There's one right here.

  • As you can see, I'm slowly harvesting

  • some beautiful pink zinnias.

  • This is the door to our flower cooler.

  • Our cooler is a large room that we keep extra cold

  • so that the flowers stay good

  • while we're waiting to sell them.

  • Let's go in and have a quick look.

  • The next thing we need to do after we harvest our flowers

  • or after we cut our flowers is we need

  • to take the flowers like these lisianthus here,

  • and we need to combine them with other flowers

  • to make a bouquet.

  • So a bouquet is when you arrange flowers in a way

  • that's very pleasing to the eye.

  • You arrange them in a way that's very visually pleasing

  • and that is called a bouquet.

  • Here, you can see one of our large bouquets.

  • We call this a sunflower bouquet.

  • Now you get to see some sunflowers and over here,

  • we have some of our smaller bouquets.

  • These bouquets come in a nice little vase or jar,

  • and you can see this bouquet has a lot of zinnias in it.

  • So one of the last things we do before we sell our flowers

  • is we spend a lot of time taking the stems

  • and making bouquets.

  • The last thing we do with our flowers

  • is we take them to market so we can sell them.

  • So every week we load up our van

  • and Jen goes to our local farmer's market.

  • A farmer's market is a market that's usually outside

  • during the spring, summer and fall.

  • And it's a place where farmers

  • sell the things that they grow.

  • At our farmers' market,

  • there are farmers that sell vegetables,

  • there are farmers that sell fruit

  • and there are farmers, like us, that sell flowers.

  • So each week we go.

  • Jen sets up our booth or stall.

  • It has two different names

  • and she displays all of the bouquets

  • so that people can decide if they want to buy one.

  • Every bouquet has a price on it.

  • And just so you know, in Canada,

  • when you see a price on something at a market,

  • you usually pay that price.

  • We don't often negotiate or discuss

  • the price of something in Canada.

  • I know in some countries it's very common.

  • In Canada, it is not.

  • You pay the price that you see on the product.

  • Anyways, thank you so much

  • for watching this little English lesson.

  • I know it was more of a tour of my farm

  • than a pure English lesson,

  • but I hope you were able to learn

  • some new English words and phrases along the way.

  • If you did, please give me a thumbs up.

  • And if you are new here, don't forget to click

  • that red subscribe button over there

  • so that you'll get a notification when I make a new video.

  • And if you have some time, why don't you stick around

  • and watch another video.

Hi, Bob, the Canadian here.


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B1 中級

フラワーファームを案内しながら英語を学ぼう (Learn English as I Give a Tour of Our Flower Farm!)

  • 153 3
    洪子雯 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日