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Alcohol and energy drinks are a match made in hell!
Hey guys, Tara here for Dnews, and if you're someone over the age of 21 who likes to frequent dance clubs, then chances are, you've probably combined alcohol and energy drinks at least once in your life.
やあ、みなさん、Dnews のタラです。もしあなたが 21 歳以上で、おそらく、アルコールとエナジードリンクを人生のうち 1 度は組み合わせたことがあっるでしょう。おそらく、アルコールとエナジードリンクを人生のうち 1 度は組み合わせたことがあっるでしょう。
It makes sense, right?
You're tired, and you have no energy, but you still wanna party.
Well, stop doing that, cause according to science, it's really bad for your health.
The rate of emergency rooms visits involving energy drinks has doubled between 2007 and 2011, prompting the FDA to ban most pre-mixed alcoholic energy drinks.
エネルギードリンクを飲んだ場合の緊急治療室の訪問率は、2007 年から 2011 年にかけて倍増していて、FDA はほとんどのアルコールとエネルギードリンクを混ぜた飲み物を禁止するように促しています。
Unfortunately, that ban doesn't extend to bars, who still happily serve customers all kinds of alcoholic energy drink concoctions.
A 2012 study found that people who combine energy drinks with alcohol were 600 percent more likely to suffer from heart palpitations and 400 percent more likely to suffer from tremors, irritability, and insomnia than people who drink alcohol alone.
2012 年の調査では、エネルギードリンクとアルコールを組み合わせた人は、心臓の動悸に苦しむ可能性が 600% も高いことがわかりました。そしてアルコールだけで飲む人よりも、震え、神経過敏、不眠症に苦しむ可能性が 400% 高くなります。
But heart problems aren't the only side effect of doing this.
There are also psychological effects that explain why this combination is so bad for your body.
Numerous studies have shown that mixing energy drinks and alcohol not only increases your likelihood of being in an accident, it also impairs your judgment in two key ways:
数多くの研究により、エネルギードリンクとアルコールを混ぜると、事故に遭う可能性が高くなるだけではなく、2 つの重要な点での判断力が損なわれることが示されています。
It makes you think you're less drunk than you actually are, and it makes you crave alcohol more strongly.
A series of experiments published in 2012 found that people who consumed alcoholic energy drinks rated their own intoxication as being lower than people who had identical blood alcohol levels but with no energy drinks.
2012 年に発表された一連の実験では、アルコールの入ったエネルギードリンクを摂取した人は、血中アルコール濃度が同じでエネルギードリンクを飲んでいない人よりも、自身の酔い度が低いと評価しました。
Other studies have also shown that people who have alcoholic energy drinks tend to consume more alcohol and drink for longer, partly because the caffeine buzz, which can last for up to six hours, eliminates those feelings of tiredness that usually cause someone to stop drinking.
Even sodas, which contain significantly less caffeine than energy drinks, have been shown to heighten intoxication.
And in fact, diet sodas will get you drunk even faster, because there's no sucrose there to slow down the gastric emptying of alcohol.
So the next time you're at the club and decide you need to perk up a little bit, just don't.
The added energy really isn't worth it.
What are you thoughts on this?
Do you frequently mix energy drinks with alcohol? And how does doing so make you feel?
Feel free to share your experiences with us in the comments down below; otherwise, thanks for watching!