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the conscious mind is a creative mind.
The subconscious mind is a program mine habit mind.
I'd like to discuss the nature about how our life has been programmed and how these programs control our life.
Our vitality and our behavior in the world recognizes this.
If you buy a new computer and you turn it on, the built in operating system prepares it to work.
But if there no programs in that computer, then the computer can't really do anything Well, let's now relate this to a child when the brain develops, it's got an operating system, but there are no programs in it.
So Nature created the 1st 7 years of our lives to download behaviors by observing our parents or siblings in our community.
And in this way a child can learn all the behavioral characteristics necessary to be a functional member of family and a functional member of a community.
Well, however, since we are downloading the programs by observing other people, what happens if we download programs from our parents or our family and siblings that are not very positive programs that are actually very negative programs that haven't adverse effect on our help?
Well, it turns out, science is revealed that during the 1st 7 years of our life, our brain is designed to download programs.
Just by observing other people is a state of hypnosis, which is a characteristic of brain frequency called data, which is just below consciousness.
The 1st 7 years of a child's life is installing the programs that when consciousness kicks in and around age seven, consciousness has use of programs to create the behavior in their relationships and their family community, etcetera way now know about 70% of those programs that we down over mothers are negative and disempowering and even self sabotage.
And as we go through our life, you say, Well, where these programs I say, Well, they're in the subconscious mind And then you say, But what's the other minus all the conscious mind?
That's the one that kicks in at age seven.
That mind is connected to your personal identity.
Your spirituality on the difference between two is profound.
Conscious mind is a creative mind.
The subconscious mind is a program mine, a habit mind.
So I said he wise irrelevant.
I said, Well, if you're running from the conscious mind, then you're creating your life from wishes and desires and aspirations.
However, if your life is under the control of the subconscious mind, it's just going to play back.
The Programs Act, downloaded from other people will, since other people didn't plan your wishes in your desires.
The download you get may not even allow you to get in to the life that you really wish for.
So here comes the important issue.
Are we running our lives with the conscious mind, or are we running our lives with the subconscious programs?
Well, it turns out, science has revealed that only 5% of the day are re operating our nervous system, using the conscious minds, creative wishes and desires 95% of the day our life is coming straight out of the programs in our subconscious.
The reason why this is happening is that when conscious mind is controlling, our biology is sort of like a driver holding the wheel, taking us into the direction we want to go or wishes and desires.
However, when we are thinking conscious mind has to let go of the wheel and go inside the brain, why thought is an inside job?
It's not outside.
So what happens when consciousness is thinking it's not driving the vehicle?
I said.
Well, then what happens through the vehicle, our body when consciousness thinking I go subconscious is autopilot.
So the moment we start thinking biology is taken over by the programs that we acquired in the subconscious.
Now here comes the problem.
95% of the day were operating from these programs, and the vast majority of them are disempowering himself, sabotaging downloads.
So we're not leading a life that takes us towards wishes and desires were leading a life that manifest the issues that we downloaded from other people, mostly negative.
And therefore we struggled through life and I said, Well, why is there a struggle?
I said, because you're not operating from wishes and desires and are longer, you're operating from the habits you got from other people.
So this becomes very profound issue because it says in the life that we're leading has already been controlled by the downloaded programmes, this is not a new idea.
For 400 years, the Jesuits have told their followers Give me a child until age seven and I will show you the man what they were saying was actually telling people, If you give me an opportunity to download programs in the 1st 7 years that will determine the child's rest of it's life, Why?
Because 95% of a person's life is coming from those programs.
So the issue now is facing is what should we do with these programs?
On The first issue is what are the programs?
Because they were being downloaded in the last trimester of pregnancy and all the way through the 1st 7 years of life.
So basically, you weren't there when you were in the womb.
And if I asked her what programs you get when you was 01 or two years of age ago, I have no idea, because consciousness wasn't even engaged at that point.
So the first thing you need to know is what controls your life 95% from the programs yet, But what are the programs?
And here comes a simple insight.
95% of your life is coming from the program, so your life is a print out off the programs downloaded in your subconscious mind, and so significance is easy.
Look at your life.
The things you love and desire and wish for that come into your life.
They come in because the subconscious has programs to acknowledge that.
But here's the more important part where you struggle in your life where you wanna have a certain outcome.
But you work hard for you.
Put a lot of effort into your sweating over to make something happen.
Why are you struggling so hard to create those wishes and desires?
And the answer is very simple.
Programs that you were downloaded with do not support those ends, so as a result, your behavior is sabotaging you on, then this is the link, and the catch for all of it is when you were playing subconscious programs.
Why are you playing them?
Because conscious mind is inside thinking.
And as a result, conscious mind is not observing the behavior that's coming out from the program.
And since most of those programs are self sabotaging disempowering, you yourself don't even see that you're engaged in the process because subconscious is playing that and conscious minds not observing yet and why this then becomes important is it's necessary for you to understand these programs because we can change those programs and when we change the programs in the subconscious, real right, the character of our lives.
While the conscious mind is a creative mind, it can learn in any number of ways reading a self help book watching this particular video going to a lecture, you can easily download new knowledge into the conscious mind.
Significance is conscious, minus creative, and it can be very smart.
But the issue is.
Downloading new knowledge into the conscious mind does not change the program in the subconscious.
It's a different mind and learns in a completely different way.
The subconscious mind is the habit mind and by definition, we don't want to change habits very easily.
Especially, for example, consider When did you learn how to walk before you were, too?
I don't care what age were at.
Almost all of us never have to relearn how to walk, I say, Well, thank you, subconscious mind, because you downloaded the habit of walking and it tries to resist any change to that.
But when you get a negative belief, it also tries to resist change.
So the issue is this.
How can I put programs into the subconscious, mind new ones to replace the ones that are sabotaging me and there to resist their only three ways that you can rewrite subconscious mind.
The first way is through hypnosis.
This is the process that you downloaded programmes in the 1st 7 years.
Eso every night when you go to bed, just when your conscious mind falls asleep, your subconscious mind is an operation.
So if you put earphones on as you go to bed and hear a program, it's not going into the conscious mind.
But it's going straight in the subconscious mind and can re program it.
How do you get new programs after a seven repetition?
Practice anything you needed to learn.
You have to repeat it and repeat it to create a habit.
So if you want to change the habit that's not supporting you, you have to engage a habit that's does support you.
If you're not a happy person, you can say every day, no matter how happy you are, you say to yourself, Repetitive, Lee.
I am happy.
I am happy over the day You keep saying that.
Guess what?
Repetition habituation will change the program.
On one day you'll wake up and guess what your subconscious minds already gotta I am Happy program.
And lastly, the most effective way to change subconscious programming is through energy psychology.
These air mechanisms that enhanced super learning on.
Therefore, you can download new behaviors in matters of minutes to understand, Ah, super learning energy psychology and how it works on my website Bruce Lipton dot com.
Under Resource is, I have over 25 different energy psychology modalities that you can review and identify one that feels the best to you.
Because using these new processes, you can rewrite your beliefs and radically change the character of her life in matters of minutes.