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It's that time of year again, the new year time for some New Year resolutions, but not so fast.
Studies have shown 88% of people who set New Year resolutions fail to reach them.
In fact, the majority of those people will have quit before we are in the second month of the year.
Less than 12% do something different.
They stick to their goals.
That's the statistics.
88% fail and quit 12% stick addict.
And that doesn't even mean the results of the 12% are lasting.
Why do that?
Many people fail, And more importantly, why do the so few succeed?
There are five main reasons.
Listen end.
So you could be one of the few conquer their goals.
Not just their New Year goals, but every kind of goals, targets and dreams.
You have number one.
Review your year, taken the good, notice the blessings and to use the lessons.
This is a powerful process, not just in looking forward, to learn and to achieve more, but also looking back at how far you've come as being grateful for everything that was great this past year.
Get a pen and paper and write down your answers to the following questions.
We will provide a download sheet to the description as well.
Think back over the past year.
Write down what was great this past year.
What was your favorite memory?
What were you proud off?
What was your greatest achievement?
What was your greatest lesson?
What was unacceptable from that year?
In other words, what can you do better?
What lessons could you take into this next year to make sure that you are in a better position in 12 months?
Time number two.
Do you know where you're going?
Most people give up on their goals resolutions so easily because they don't have a clear target they're working towards.
They have vague resolutions like lose weight to make more money.
But no plan is toe how that will be achieved and no deadline for when it will be achieved.
If it is not clear, it will not happen.
If it is not planned, eat will not happen.
Get clear about the result you must have.
For example, I will lose £30.
I will make $1 million in extra income.
Get precise about the time in which you will achieve it.
I will lose £30 by March 30th 2020.
I will make $1 million in extra income by December 31st 2020.
Get clear about what you want and when you must have it and you will have it.
Number three.
Change your identity For many people, their goals and resolutions fail because although they might have a plan, they never believe they air that person that can change long term.
The person doesn't lose weight because they identify themselves as a sweet tooth.
Person doesn't quit smoking because they identify themselves as a smoker that they still believe they needed for stress relief.
You must change how you see yourself.
If you want permanent change, die to your old self so your new self can be reborn.
Number four.
Improve your circle If the people around you are not supporting the positive changes you want to make in your life.
Distance yourself from these people until you make the changes you must make if the same people still aren't supportive.
After you've made these great changes, maybe you need to review the people you are around.
Surround yourself with people who are going to help and support you.
People who wants to see you make these changes permanent if they're not in your immediate environment, finds them online.
Follow positive people People who have already achieved the results you wants to achieve.
Listen to their podcasts, read their books.
Immerse yourself in the results you want to achieve.
Number five.
Believe it is possible by finding stories of others who have done it before.
You believe in yourself by taking the first step and another and another and being aware and proud of your progress.
Believe you deserve this because you do.
Don't take your mistakes from last year into this year.
Use the pain, learn from it, grow from it.
Set a new standard for your life and commit to make this coming year your best year.