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  • I love bookstores.

  • I wish I could just date a bookstore.

  • You guys have a cute together, right?

  • Don't worry.

  • I'll defend your honor.

  • If you knock these things over, they get stuck on their backs and die.

  • Okay?

  • I'm a Cooper.

  • It was Erin.

  • You guys, Uh, William, this is Aaron Woodburn.

  • We went toe high school together and middle school and elementary school.

  • I guess we just like school, so Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • How are you?

  • You're, like, way hotter now, right?

  • Yeah.

  • This guy knows what I'm talking about.

  • Like him used to be a four, but now you're, like, eight, 75 That's great.

  • You're you're still attend.

  • Maybe in 11.

  • I've seen tens.

  • And that madam, isn't No.

  • 10.

  • Is that a hoverboard?

  • Oh, you mean my bird.

  • Yeah.

  • You know, I'm so used to wear that.

  • Forget.

  • It's weird.

  • Like normal people.

  • Yeah, I feel like I would probably fall off of it immediately.

  • Great at it.

  • Yeah, I'm kind of post walking out, but I get that it still works for some Haiti.

  • Like being ironic.

  • Uh, yeah, of course.

  • I mean, I'm walking so walking is not ironic.

  • It's walking alright.

  • Sick because I was thinking about, I don't know, going plate.

  • Meaning off tomorrow.

  • I got you.

  • It was like mini golfing, You know, it's so weird.

  • And maybe after we go to IHOP because, like, pink and cakes, you like pancakes?

  • Really?

  • And I think I have to tell you something over here for a second.

  • Healthy right there.

  • Does this feel like a good decision to you?

  • Just called me a 7.5.

  • Maybe even t bold your entire existence to a single digit number.

  • How long I've been waiting to marry Aaron.

  • What?

  • I've got journals that say, this is Emma Woodburn Cooper in them.

  • You were gonna happen.

  • Eight, huh?

  • My nine year old self is freaking out right now.

  • Hey, Aaron, That sounds great.

  • God, dope sauce.

  • So, uh, get a tee time at Californians at three.

  • Tomorrow.

  • Okay.

  • See there?

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • OK, like the wind foot bird Crazy.

  • Bye.

  • Bye.

  • Bye.

  • I can't believe it.

  • Aaron would burn.

  • I can't believe it either, but I was just about to date Ah, bookstore and he rolls into my life.

  • Rather, you date the store conveniently.

  • I knew the right person the entire time on He said he's post walking.

  • It's cute.

  • Is it it?

  • ISS.

  • Thank you, Emma.

  • You need it?

  • Yeah.

  • You look great.

  • Thanks.

  • So you Yeah, once I got of idea.

  • Okay.

  • Where she got that big, but ready to go.

  • Have some fun.

  • Yeah.

  • Let's go put our butts off.

  • It's kind of funny.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • I'll just meet you inside there.

  • Okay.

  • Oh.

  • Oh, like I I haven't actually done this since, Like sixth grade Kiddie Club Bundy's birthday party.

  • Yeah, I was back when you were four.

  • Now you're, like, legit hot.

  • That's cool, guy.

  • Oh, no.

  • They found me.

  • Hey, wait.

  • Take a selfie with you.

  • Yeah, Yeah, Let's do it.

  • Sure.

  • Okay.

  • Get on in here.

  • Drove your AIDS for marination.

  • Okay, Got it.

  • Really, Really, like 4000 times Way, fans.

  • You know what?

  • It's me.

  • Okay, uh, from the name they fail, I don't know.

  • A big in a stair fall going around the web a couple months ago.

  • Me to do some sick dance moves.

  • Time for the wait.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Are you OK?

  • Yeah, it's just my tailbone.

  • And it was actually kind of a blessing, you know?

  • It's opened up a lot of doors for me.

  • Says Like what?

  • Like this company gave me my bird.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Well, uh, all isn't gonna put itself.

  • Allow me.

  • AM wasn't my best world.

  • It's exploding her, Whatever.

  • Stuff like that.

  • You know what?

  • Let's my fans know that I'm actually like, really funny besides just falling down stairs.

  • Yeah, that's really interesting.

  • I've been getting a lot of traction lately, Like, because I dress up like a girl or like I do this really dumb old character, just like kruky who moved prisons they love.

  • That's ironic because I remember used to that voice when we were in, like, third grade.

  • Well, no, that's not ironic.

  • You remember like Mrs Holmes, Freshman year.

  • See?

  • Like where those really big earrings.

  • Those were ironic.

  • I don't know.

  • That's what that means.

  • You've a bright So what's what's next?

  • Like, I haven't I haven't seen you in five years.

  • What's coming up for air in Woodburn?

  • Well, no, I think this I Internet celebrity, things going to start taking off.

  • Yeah.

  • Please don't count.

  • By the way, the Mulligan's or whatever.

  • God, you know what daily rant time Stop marination.

  • It's a boy air in time for the daily rant today.

  • Mini golf minigolf sucks.

  • And I wish he would die.

  • You know, it doesn't suck ugly chick to get high.

  • Say what's up, Believe it or not.

  • And we used to be a force.

  • So there's hope for you goes out there.

  • All right.

  • This was helpful, Lever like and comment below.

  • We'll see you next time.

  • Until then, adopted dog do studios.

  • I just love giving back, you know?

  • So you want to go get some pancakes or whatever?

  • I'm gonna pass.

  • Erin, you're perfect for the nine year old meat.

  • But I'm 22 now, and I can't keep fantasizing about a life that won't happen without taking a step forward.

  • Good luck with the comedy.

  • You're funnier than you know.

  • Uh, thank you.

  • Uh, wait.

  • You have to return that putter else have to pay for it.

  • Sore foot.

  • Bert Sore.

  • Hey, uh, Paul Funding and I noticed your courses.

  • An alternative lifestyle accessible.

  • I'm have to register a complaint to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  • Yeah, this chick knows what I'm talking about.

  • What's up?

  • Your body is a wonderland.

  • What?

  • Where?

  • My headphones.

I love bookstores.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

エマ&アーロン (Emma & Aaron)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日