Oh, well, sending 50 millilitersofsoymilk, uh, youcoulduseregularmilk, but I needthat.
SowemeanSowhen I joinedKloss, uh, theyputmein a clausethatwasquite a fewstepsaheadofme.
There's 25 levelsandtheywereuptolevel 20.
So I joinedin 11 twitlevel 20 lendupto 25.
Andokay, nowwehave a testintheentirebook, andit's notthatbiggestlike, Yeah, itwasveryspecificstuffthat I hadn't learned.
Soitwas I feltlike I wasstruggling, tryingtoswimupstreamduringthehomeworkfortheclausealreadyandthenalsodoingmyownstudytotrytocatchuptowhereeveryoneelsewas.
ItwasItwastough, toughtimeandsay, thistestwaslike a bigthingforme, becauseif I didn't get 60 I think 60% was a minimum.
I wouldhavetorepeattheclause, whichislike, I don't know, I didn't reallywanttoadmitdefeat.
Andso I studiedreallyhard.
I didmyverybest, and I didit.
I gotresultsbackthedaybeforeyesterday, and I camesixthintheclassoutof 19 people.
So I'm reallyproudofmyself.
Yeah, Myhardworkpaidofftocelebrate.
I am.
I wentandbought a cactus.
Okay, Now I'm mysiliconpen, and I'm gonnaputtheMac.
MacBaxterhas a batta, andmixturecameoutMaxshow.
Okay, wehave a cake, and I'm gonnaputitinmylittlemicrowaveoven.
I knowwejustputthisonin a press 20.
So I think I realizedthatmaybe I wassupposedtomixitfor a bitlonger.