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  • Kuhlmann told us.

  • Cool!

  • Hello, everybody.

  • Welcome to take your creative play.

  • I am your host, Emma Entity.

  • I'm here with Natasha Lady herself and we are in.

  • Come on, All heart are like a back.

  • Come on, come on.

  • Yeah.

  • So we just got to Kumano She station after traveling a little bit from Tokyo to trains.

  • And now we're in Yamanashi.

  • Pretty relatively easy journey and we hit to look in a lot of nature things because it's a little bit out in the countryside.

  • There's a lot to look at and there's 13 well heritage spots in this area, which is crazy.

  • But we're only going to five today.

  • Yeah, just because close together kind of easy.

  • So we're gonna be taking a car today.

  • But there are other modes of transportation.

  • There's buses and taxis.

  • And if you want any more information about that and you come here, there's an information spot directly across from the station.

  • Really easy.

  • Also, this video is in collaboration with Komano City, So thank you so much for collaborating with appreciated.

  • Have some fun you get to enjoy Come on, all For the first time ever, I've never been here before.

  • I think not many people know about this place, which is great because we want explore and see what we can actually see here.

  • Yeah, so let's go, let's go.

  • We're at the Sugar Beach, which is so beautiful It's got really nice white sand.

  • Beautiful Clearwater Super, Super Nice.

  • So, actually, the Ministry of the Environment in Japan lists the top 100 beaches in Japan and this is one of them.

  • One of the top I can see Why do it's like, so beautiful the ocean in the water So blue sky, so blue today So, like you know, everything just looks so it's really nice.

  • And actually 30,000 people every year come here Teoh to enjoy in the summer.

  • But the best thing is it's so clean.

  • Yeah, I don't know about you guys, but a lot of other beaches in Japan of Quite Doc.

  • And also they cleaned for the on season.

  • But for the off season, that kind of just just left to be so sometimes trash piles up.

  • But this place is so clean, it is nice and refreshing because, yeah, I don't think you could find a beach like this near Tokyo.

  • It's impossible had the end of October.

  • They also have a competition for stand up paddleboards.

  • So there's a bunch.

  • People come here and you'll see everybody paddleboarding in the You can do some water spots here.

  • Things like kayaking.

  • You could probably do some jet skiing on the waters.

  • Yeah, and they have some like, it's like some do some fancy stuff.

  • Super nice.

  • I wish we could go swimming, but it's kind of cold today.

  • E good.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, here I go.

  • Just what I did.

  • I was going to say the water so blue in so beautiful that it matches a little bit of like, the blue specs and Emma's eyes.

  • So romantic.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah.

  • I want to talk about how we got here.

  • So it was five hours from target.

  • So two hours to Nagoya and then change.

  • And then one train that took three hours to get here seems like a long time.

  • It is, but you know it iss.

  • But there's also more to do around this area.

  • A lot of people go, Teoh said.

  • Jingo is a shrine.

  • There's only an extra two hour drive to the city so people don't quite often.

  • So you know, if you're looking to come to this place, that might seem a little far from Tokyo, it's just an extra stuff, a lot of things to do around here.

  • And also people take the four hour consent.

  • You know, Schimmel the time, So it's not.

  • Actually, that could be pretty normal.

  • Whoa, there was a bump.

  • So right now we're at Hannah.

  • No, it is the oldest shrine in all of Japan.

  • That's pretty old.

  • That's pretty impressive.

  • Seriously, I meet a lot of shrines.

  • Oldest This trying is dedicated to this rock, this particular rock right here, this giant rock it is one rock.

  • And then twice a year in February and October, there's a big festival that's held where they attach up there and take it all the way down to the ocean.

  • It's 100 70 meters long, and there's also some smaller ropes attached.

  • Bear that represent the seven gods has got of trees, the ocean and wind, and then this grass and fire, then earth and water.

  • 77 guards.

  • Also, this rock is alongside the beach of Ah Chicoutimi Homa, and it's super nice down there as well.

  • So this biggest, actually pretty popular with locals are like Japanese people.

  • Because my before I came to Kumano Kodo I actually asked some people like, Oh, what's good?

  • What's what's there to see?

  • And everyone mentioned this particular shine.

  • So I guess if you haven't seen it yet, then it's probably well known enough for you to check it out.

  • I mean, it was kind of funny before we like where is the way you like?

  • It's right where?

  • Okay, So, actually right next to the shrine is amici noaki or a place pit stop.

  • Yeah, that's so original ideas.

  • It's a pit stop.

  • So they sell lots of Miyagi like souvenirs and snacks.

  • So we got ourselves a snack.

  • We got Could I my dango Kodi my eyes like black rice, I guess.

  • Seesaw.

  • Sweet soy, Little bit savory.

  • So looks really shiny.

  • Yeah, and it's a doctor.

  • Rice.

  • Then you would usually get so I've never seen one of these before.

  • I don't know.

  • I don't touch.

  • Okay, So nice Stone is him are next to the ocean waves.

  • Just doesn't get better than this.

  • But this is chicken.

  • Dave Mie Hama Beach.

  • Most sand.

  • No sand.

  • So This is a Pebble Beach.

  • It's a Pebble Beach.

  • Yeah.

  • So there's a variety of different kinds of beaches here.

  • We've got the beautiful white sand, a law speech, and then the pebbles on this one on the pebbles is so nice.

  • I can't stop touching them.

  • She's so they're so perfect and smooth and beautiful, but literally right on all that over there.

  • It's just you are the roaring lion.

  • There is a particular angle that you have to look at it from.

  • And but, like, I see that line like, Okay, like this.

  • Okay, so it is considered a national natural treasure, But you can understand why.

  • I mean, it's a rock shaped as a lion, naturally, and is about pretty fucked me.

  • Just hold, which is huge.

  • Yeah, really?

  • Doesn't look that huge, But I think if I stand at the base level that you could tell they were gonna be watching the sunset with happening real soon.

  • Real.

  • So you gotta catch that?

  • Yeah, I think that's awful.

  • Day one, going to see more things tomorrow.

  • Yeah, but I think we're gonna get some sleep and eat food off the sunset, and hopefully I'll be able to make it to the hotel.

  • But I might not be able to because I just can't stop touching these rocks.

  • No, you guys Miles Teoh running, running, everybody.

  • This morning we've come, Teoh only gradual.

  • Which is it's a rock wall that spends about 1.2 kilometers.

  • It's on from a look at point.

  • You can see the whole of the Kumano, not a C, but it's so beautiful.

  • And it's a cave is Well, yeah, I would say I would describe it as a K.

  • Yeah, but it was such an evil villain like Instagram on something.

  • You're more see, See pictures like beautiful pictures off the story sky.

  • Right.

  • So I would say that this face is kind of known for its like stargazing, stargazing points.

  • You get a nice view of the sky and it is exactly what we did last night.

  • We did manage to see a beautiful stories, guy, even though there wasn't cloud.

  • Yeah, it was so, so beautiful.

  • I've never seen so many stars in my life.

  • I got a little bit email because I was like, I'm a city girl.

  • I've never seen somebody slashed in the sky, You know first time.

  • It just feels unreal because it's such a big, open space.

  • I could see so much off.

  • Come on.

  • One place.

  • Yeah.

  • The waves looks so big today.

  • It's kind of violent.

  • Crash?

  • Yeah, We're gonna walk around here a little bit, and then we're gonna go hiking again.

  • Again.

  • We've been hiking up a bit together.

  • We're hiking buddies now, you know.

  • So I'm excited.

  • Yeah, this is our spot.

  • Like where we did our stargazing last night, said about camera around here upon in the higher level, because you can see more the cave in your picture.

  • But just in case you wanted to know you were there.

  • Okay, so we're hiking.

  • We're just about to start.

  • The height we have are hyping six that are available.

  • Bottoms on.

  • We're gonna be doing the Kumano Kodo, which is a set of ancient pilgrimage hiking routes that crisp Russell over the key council, which is the biggest financial in Japan.

  • But specifically, it's much more Colgate Pass, which is just a part of Monica.

  • It's the beginning section.

  • Yes, because if you want to climb the whole, I think it would be like 100 e.

  • But this one is only five minutes and we'll take about two.

  • Also Manager.

  • Also all of these pilgrimage routes Well, heritage sites.

  • But we're gonna see some stuff along the way, so yeah, love to Yeah.

  • Come Height.

  • Here we go.

  • I've just been hiking often.

  • Now we've reached the point of Jizo, a friend of Point of Jizo, the point of Jizo.

  • Ok, which is a point.

  • So a Jizo is a kind of guardian deity for Children.

  • Just this.

  • Quite a few Jizo shrines and everything.

  • This guy's a little bit special because what happened was a legend that he was just walking along and some guy saw him and thought I It's a goblin and he got shot.

  • This guy got shot in the leg.

  • They still have the scar on the statue.

  • Let's go see the sky.

  • I'm gonna go check it out like a little bullet hole on his leg.

  • Poor guy.

  • You'll always be remanded off that everyone would know his tragic story.

  • So, yeah, this is just one of the spots that you can see.

  • But we've already seen quite a few of the spots that are on this trail.

  • And you've seen them in the video so you can see them on this trail.

  • But we're not gonna venture any further because I've already seen them.

  • So we're gonna go for a last lot.

  • Last spot already already.

  • But the last spot is Maruyama, semi dark, basically the rice rice field.

  • And based on pictures that we've already seen, it's super pretty pictures yet.

  • So it's a surprise coming down the mountain.

  • I don't want to go down.

  • And I wanted to roll down most light down.

  • Somehow it's like Rivers.

  • I was like, Let's take it like a slide It It's a good idea, but really dangerous way made it to the last five who actually cycled.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, It was a good journey.

  • Think we did a good job, but that's gonna be in another video.

  • So staging for that right now we're at Maruyama Sand made a, which is the rice field.

  • So it's actually one of the top 100 most beautiful rice fields in Japan.

  • Wasn't really one rice field this 1340 rice fields in this area like Is that considered one?

  • I think so.

  • Unfortunately, right now, it's not really the peak of its beauty.

  • Actually, this Maruyama San Mayeda is actually really famous for the view when there's a sunset or yet like the reflection on the washer.

  • So in the springtime going into summer, it's very green and lush in a rally.

  • Reflective.

  • Maybe late, kind of.

  • Yeah, usually.

  • I don't think that this kind of ah style of rice field is very common in Japan.

  • I don't see it Subaru.

  • Usually it's just flat.

  • So I think this is quite special how it's got the tiered effect.

  • All right, well, that's it.

  • That's our final stop.

  • So Oh, it's been really fun lover here the views are honestly so nice.

  • Like every part that we drove by like Victor was stunning.

  • Seriously mountain every different tree.

  • Yeah, I took so many pictures.

  • And if you're coming to Japan and you really want something that is just super countryside and natural and really local that definitely try out this area super nice.

  • So once again, it's like five hours from Tokyo.

  • But it's really not that fire doesn't feel that far.

  • And don't worry, they're always bikes, buses, taxis and driving if you can drive, so transportation here is, like, completely set your good.

  • Yeah, I think you guys so much for watching.

  • Let us know in the comments.

  • Debelo Which site that we went to that you think is best.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Thank you.

  • Natasha.

  • You're very cool.

  • Okay?

  • And we'll see you the next video by You hate me or something?

  • No.

  • You look like you're at home.

  • It's super Doc.

  • Is that okay?

Kuhlmann told us.


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日本の観光情報|世界遺産の自然遺産(熊野 (WHAT TO SEE IN JAPAN | World Heritage Nature Sites (Kumano))

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日