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  • Our planet has always been an unequal place. The bottom staggering 70 percent of the global

  • population controls just 3 percent of global wealth! compare that to the eight wealthiest

  • people who's wealth combined equals to the bottom 47 percent of the population of the

  • entire planet.

  • Despite what you might have heard, The top 1 percent isn't as wealthy as it might seem,

  • you only need to have a net worth of 770 thousand dollars, and you can consider yourself the

  • 1 percent. That's definitely a lot of money, but it's

  • not even a million. With that kind of net worth, you cant get your self a yacht or also

  • fly privet. The median house price in California costs almost 600K dollars ($615K). So, every

  • house owner in california can consider him or her self the top 1 percent.

  • Those who are buying these mega yachts and flying privet jets are the ones who are at

  • the top of that one percent - the billionaire club.

  • As of 2018, there are over 2,200 U.S. dollar billionaires worldwide, withcombined wealth of over US$9.1 trillion.

  • That is more than the GDP of entire nations of some of the most advanced countries on

  • earth, such as Japan, Germany or the United Kingdom.

  • And what's scarier is that the amount of wealth billionaires control has only been

  • growing. Just in the year 2000, their combined net worth was below 1 trillion dollars; 3

  • years ago, it was 7.67 trillion dollars, and a year later (2018), it's over 9 trillion

  • dollars. What we want to explore in this video is where

  • you stand in this spectrum, or I shall say, where you suppose to stand.

  • Are you too poor for your age, or maybe you are ahead of everyone else?

  • If you are lest say not a very good financial position, you can always change that because

  • it's there right in your hands.

  • Whether you're fresh out of school, well into your career, or forging your path through

  • life, it's never too late to start saving or to check to see that you're heading in

  • the right direction.

  • Calculating your net worth isn't really difficult. It's much easier than you think.

  • Take a piece of paper, draw a line in the middle of it. On one side,

  • You have to Add up the total value of your assets. This includes the current market value

  • of your investment accounts if you have one of course, retirement savings, homes, cars,

  • trucks, valuable things like jewelry, and the cash value of your checking, savings accounts.

  • and thats all of your assets.

  • On the other side, write down your liabilities. This includes your mortgage, car loan, student

  • loan, personal loans, credit card debt, 500 bucks you owe to your buddy, and any other

  • form of debt you might owe.

  • and now finally, Subtract your liabilities from your assets.

  • The total cost is considered your personal net worth. Your total could result in a positive

  • net worth or a negative net worth. If you're in the negative net worth category, don't

  • be afraid, its alright. It's typical for people who are early in their careers to have

  • a low or negative net worth if they have student loans, or are new homeowners, or are just

  • starting to save for the future.

  • If you are in your 20s and have zero in savings, congrats are doing not bad.

  • I am not kidding, its fine not to have any savings at this point of your life. Let's

  • face it. If you are in college and have a student debt, your part-time job would hardly

  • cover your bills, leave alone paying your debts.

  • So, do not worry; most 20-year-olds have a negative net worth.

  • However, that doesn't mean you should not budget and make smart financial decisions

  • because often it's only later in your life; you will realize the consequences of your

  • financial decisions.

  • If you are smart enough to start investing even as little as 5 to 10 percent of your

  • income in your 20s, you are going to be well above the average in less than a decade.

  • When you approach your thirties, and you want to be doing at least good enough, you should

  • have at least saved six months of your income as an emergency fund. If we take the average

  • household income, then that's almost 31K (30698 USD).

  • But if you want to be better than your average boy, then you should have at least a year

  • of your income saved in your account. Emergencies happen, sometimes they even lead to bankruptcies.

  • Hundreds of thousands of people file for bankruptcy due to unexpected healthcare bills.

  • So be mindful. When it comes to your net worth, according

  • to the FED, the average net worth for families in the U.S. under the age of 35 as of 2016

  • was $76,200. But this number isn't accurate because a small percentage of wealthy Americans

  • skewed it; that's why the median is much lower at $11,100. That's not hard to achieve.

  • The reason that this number is so low that even though average adults might have assets

  • like a house and a car, their student loans, and a mortgage would overshadow them.

  • So don't worry, as you begin to cover your student loan and your mortgage, your net worth

  • would quickly build up.

  • As you start hitting your 40s, ideally you should have saved at least three times your

  • income, if you are earning 100K, then your number is 300K, but that's quite unrealistic

  • for most people. In fact, according to the FED, the median

  • income of 40-year-olds is a little below 60K (59800).

  • Usually, people have families and lots of bills to cover at this stage of their lives,

  • so it's wise to be better than the average if you don't want to be struggling financially.

  • Taking care of an entire family isn't easy, especially when your children begin to grow.

  • As you approach your 50s, your net worth should be significantly higher because you are also

  • getting closer to your retirement age, and if you want to have a good retirement, you

  • have to prepare for it. The median net worth of 50-year-olds is $124,200.

  • But keep in mind that, its the median, the average is $727,500, which is much much higher.

  • And your savings should be five times your annual income.

  • It might seem unrealistic to reach these numbers, but to be practical, even saving a small portion

  • of your income over 30 years is enough. And if you decide to invest, it's easily going

  • to add up due to the power of compoundingKeep in mind that you don't necessarily have

  • to follow these numbers. You can work a little harder and retire in your 30s. Possibilities

  • are beyond what you imagine.

  • All my childhood, I wondered why on earth some people are rich while others are poor.

  • My parents kept telling me that it all has to with school. Study hard, get good grades,

  • and one day you are going to have everything you ever wanted.

  • I did not understand that logic then, and I still don't understand it today. The school

  • was boring. I tried to study but never had the inspiration to get high grades.

  • However, today, things are different. The road to building wealth is clear, like never

  • before. Even if you do not have access to learn directly

  • from the wealthiest people or you are lazy to read the books, everything is clean and

  • clear on the internet. You have it there!

  • Money alone isn't going to make you wealthy. Your dollars are going to lose their value

  • year after year. True wealth hides in obtaining assets that continuously pay back. And with

  • the power of compounding, you are only going to get wealthier.

  • 7% on a thousand dollars might not be much, I mean making 70 dollars a year from your

  • investments isnt alot. But 7 percent on 10 million dollars is 700

  • thousand dollars. The amount of wealth that would put you in the top 1 percent.

  • Its extremely difficult to build the foundation to your wealth, but once you do it, it accumulates

  • by itself. Most people find it difficult to deny themselves

  • the short term pleasures for the sake of long term wealth.

  • You might have to live on an extremely tight budget, even if you are making six figures.

  • As of 2018, the average median household income in the United States is a little over 61 thousand

  • dollars.

  • The stock market has proved itself to guarantee 10% returns in the long run, which means,

  • with an investment of little over 600 thousand dollars, you can ensure yourself that average

  • household income without working another day in your life.

  • Of course, that's just in theory because, as humans, we have to work to give some meaning

  • to our lives, but you get the idea. Nobody has an excuse for not understanding

  • how to build wealth. The key is to start as early as possible to

  • take advantage of the power of compoundingIf you are in your 20s, it might be silly

  • to overthink about your 40s and 50s, but the fact is, think about how fast last year has

  • passed. How about the last decade Imagine if you started back in 2010, how wealthy

  • you would be today. It's pointless to regret over the past because

  • time can never be reversed, but what you can do is to make a different decision today.

  • I hope you guys have enjoyed this video. Make sure you give it a thumbs up and hit that

  • subscribe button and the bell besides so that the next video appears right on your homepage.

  • Thanks for watching and until next time.

Our planet has always been an unequal place. The bottom staggering 70 percent of the global


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2020年にどれだけお金を貯めるべきか(年齢別 (How Much Money You Should Save (By Age) in 2020)

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    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日