字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント I've always loved the weekends. 週末が大好きです! 平日の仕事を終えて 充電できる時間です It's when all the hard work of the week pays off and we take time out to recharge our batteries and refocus our energy. 週末は健康的な生活に 必要不可欠です Yes, the weekend is more than just a break — it's a necessary part of a healthy life! 週末を楽しみましょう! Get ready for the weekend, Life in Japan style! やった! Yes! 準備いい? Getting ready to go... - 金曜だね - やっとね It's Friday! Yeah! Yeah! 準備は? Are you having a good attitude, honey? クマさんが バイバイって Look at the bear — he's saying bye bye to the camera. 金曜日です 忙しかった週の場合は格別ですね We love Fridays — even if you're tired from the week, you can practically taste the weekend! It's so close! - 人形で遊ばないで - 行くわよ Hey, don't mess with my stuffed animal! OK, let's go. Go outside. - いってきますは? - いってきます Say bye. Bye. お気に入りの車は? We're finding just the right cars, right? マリオレース? We're going to do a Mario race? 娘達の登校後 ジョシュアと30分遊びます After the girls go to school, I have 30 minutes to play with Joshua before I take him to kindergarten. ドンキー・コングと ミニドンキー… We have that Donkey Kong. We have the small Donkey Kong. 別のドンキーに… We have the cheering Donkey Kong... ジョシュア・コング! We've got the Joshua-Kong. 違う! No! No? - こっちがドンキー! - こっちなの? He's Donkey Kong! Oh, that's Donkey Kong? OK プー!プー! Beep, beep, BEEP! ショートカット? 凄い! Shortcut? What a huge shortcut! ショートカット! Shortcut! ジョシュアの後ろから… I'm going to do a huge paraglide off of Big J. ジャンプだ!パパ! I'm going to do a huge paraglide off of Daddy! 何?! What?! 凄いね! Whoa, that's huge dude! 登園前の 特別な時間です These special play times together have helped Joshua enjoy going to school. 凄いジャンプだ! That was a huge jump, Dude! Huge jump! 出掛けるよ! 片付けて偉いね There you go! Good job cleaning up before school. Good job! 行くよ? Let's go dude? - 鞄見て - 今日のお昼のチェック? Can you check in my backpack? Check in your backpack and see what kind of lunch you're having today? 給食?ママのお弁当? If it's a school lunch or if it's a mommy lunch? 雨の日の格好です まだ濡れてません Here's how we roll in the rain here. On my bike, but I stay dry like this. I got my new boots on. 新しい雨靴です What a rainy, rainy day today! 凄い雨です So in the rain, the mask comes off, otherwise it gets soaking wet when you're on the bike. 雨なので 濡れないように マスクは外してます But when you get off the bike, the mask goes back on. 着け直します We have to decide what colors are going to be on our new signs — oh my goodness! 新しい看板の色選びです There's 6840, this medium color, and then this one as the highlight color. 6840番の中間色か… この明るい色… Are you enjoying a cookie? Oh my goodness, slow down a little bit! Is it so good? クッキー美味しい? ゆっくり食べて Once everyone's off to school it's time to get busy and work. Here we go- there's a lot on the plate. 子供が登校した後は 盛り沢山の仕事です! Joshua got a special cookie today, but I have a special lunch date 今日は特別に ランチデートです We're having another date in Shinjuku while we can. 外出できる間に 新宿でデートです Lunch date: some fish and chips, potatoes and some other yummies here with this beautiful lady. 綺麗な奥さんと フィッシュ&チップスを食べてます It was good, wasn't it? It was good! - 美味しかったね - そうね! We got our Under Armor purchase too, didn't we? 良い買い物だったね Yes! やった! We're going to pick up Sarah! サラのお迎えです This is like the jungle way, huh? ジャングルみたいだね? Joshua! ジョシュアー! Awww! サラ お迎えだよ Sarah we came to pick you up! - 学校は? - 楽しかった Hey Sarah, how was school today? Good. 寂しかったよ サラ I missed you so much, Sarah. サラと一緒に帰るよ Now we're going to walk home with Sarah. 編集中です Working on another "Life in Japan." 大変です It is a lot of work doing this! 大変じゃないよー I don't think it's a lot of work. サラは寝てるだけで 可愛くていいね Well it's not a lot of work for you! You just lay there and look pretty. でも パパは 編集が沢山あるんだ I've gotta do all the work of putting the video together, - パパだから! - パパの仕事だね Because you're a Daddy. Yeah, I'm a Daddy and that's what daddy's do, huh? 金曜夜は 家族で動画を見ます ライブコメントにも返信します On Friday nights we watch Life in Japan. I have my computer out so I can respond to all the comments that are out there. 楽しいね! While we all watch — it's always fun! 10, 9, 8, 7… 10, 9, 8, 7... おはよう Good morning, Dude! Good morning. 皆 何してるの? サラ おはよう What's everybody doing up here? Good morning, Sarah. - おはよう - 良く寝れた? Good morning. Did you sleep so good? うん Yeah. 太陽です! Oooooo - sun, sun, sun! 久々の太陽です Thank you sun for coming out finally! ♪ やっと 太陽が 昇ってきた~ ♪ (Singing) Finally the sun has come to say good morning, finally the sun has come to... 太陽が 起こしてくれるの最高 It feels nice that the sun's out to wake us up in the morning. ライター家の朝 定番の音です This is a very common sound in the Reutter household in the mornings. 朝一番に淹れます One of the first things I do is make coffee. 何描いてるの? What are you drawing, Sarah? 黒で描くの I'm just making everything black. - ワーオ - カメラだよ Whoa. It's a camera. カメラっぽいね It does kind of look like a camera, doesn't it? カメラさん! Hi camera! できたね Ah, there you go. サラが大好きなカメラだよ There's the camera. That's what Sarah sees all the time, huh? 土曜はルースに 寝てもらえるように It's Saturday which means we're giving Ruth a chance to sleep in. 朝食を準備します ルースは本当に働き者です I'll try to get some of the breakfast going for the kids so she can just have a nice morning off because she works so hard. パンケーキです Going to make some pancakes. 撮りながらは大変! It's hard to stir and film! 手伝うよ (Joshua) I can help you stir. - 混ぜれる? - うん You can help me stir? Uh huh. OK OK 上手にできてるね! You're doing it, Dude. Good job, good job! パンケーキとコーヒーが できました The pancakes are on, my coffee is done and being enjoyed. ライター家の土曜日! It's Saturday at the Reutter's, yea! 土曜大好き! パンケーキ食べれるから I love Saturdays. This is the only day we can eat pancakes. 友達とも遊べる! And we can play with our friends all day. 土曜はいいね Saturdays are fun, aren't they? 学校もない No school. 食べ終わったので ルースにコーヒーを届けます Alright, the kids are fed, so I'm going to take Ruth coffee in bed. She'll love it. 何したいの? OK, now what do you want? パンケーキ切る… I like my pancakes cut. 女子達でしてたでしょ? You want your pancakes cut? Why aren't the girls doing that? They were doing that. もうしてない… Not now, they're not. 大変だ! Oh no! まだ日本語字幕の無い頃の 動画で紹介したベッドです So this bed, if you didn't see this in earlier episodes, because the earlier episodes aren't subtitled in Japanese, 私達のベッドです But this is our bed! ソファになります And it changes back and forth to a couch. 私のルーティーンです 毎日開け閉めします And this is part of my routine every morning and every evening, is getting the bed ready. 朝のお客さんは ジョーイです Ha ha ha ha ha ha. お絵かきかい? 何描いてるの? We're getting our morning visit from Joey. What 'cha doing, Joey? ベッカと一緒に 描いてるの? Oh, is that what you're doing? Are you drawing on there? I want to... - 僕も描く! - ダメだよ Are you drawing on there while Becca helps? ジョーイがホースを 見つけました I want to draw on there! No you don't! ウノする? Joey came over to visit and he found the hose outside really fast. - 晴れだったのに… - そうなんだ Alright Dude, let's do some Uno?! どうしたんだ? まだ雨じゃないけど Well, the day started off sunny but... I know! ベンと6キロ走りました But what happened here? At least it's not raining, huh? - 最高! - 暑いね Well Ben and I got our 6k in 小川で遊んでるね It feels good. It did, and it's hot out! - 夏の定番だね - 正に! The kids are enjoying the stream here. お昼はラーメンです This is the way to do it in the summer. Living the life! ラーメンだね! It's Ramen time here for us, right? 美味しい? Is it Ramen time, dude? コーヒーショップに到着です 明日は数か月ぶりにここで礼拝です! Is it so yummy, dude? 楽しみです! Here we are! I'm heading into our beloved Coffee Shop because tomorrow's our first day back at our church in months! 今夜は機器を確認します We're super excited about that! 数か月ぶりなので 調整も必要です So I came in here tonight just to make sure that we have everything setup, working properly リハーサルします Because it's been months since we used this equipment like the keyboard and the sound system live, お気に入りの靴で 教会に行きます So I'm going to give it a little test before tomorrow. 間もなく開始です! 家族や仲間と一緒です I've got my Sunday shoes on today, heading to church. Oh yeah. ロックンロール! Alright, we're just about ready to start! I've got my family up here on the front row with us, and other people are coming in! 最高! We are ready to rock and roll! Common! (日曜礼拝のメッセージ) It feels good to be back! バァー! Baaaa!!! 効いてないみたい He didn't even flinch! 猫だよぉ Cat, cat, I'm a cat. 忙しい一日でした 皆 寛いでます It was a busy day and now everyone's just chilling. Watching a show, huh? 我が家の週末でした また次回お会いしましょう! And that's just a part of our weekend routine. Thanks for making us a part of yours! See you next time on Life in Japan. 日本語の復習です 良い生徒です Reviewing Japanese before class. The student, being a good student!
A2 初級 日本語 サラ ドンキー パンケーキ 凄い 土曜 ルース 2020年の夏の週末|日本の生活 第65話 (Summer Weekends in 2020 | Life in Japan Episode 65) 6 1 Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語