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Hey, guys, welcome to a new segment on my block called Calpine's where everybody else is for some car related puns that will hopefully moos use.
I just wanted to say that I hope that all of you guys air safe.
I also wanted to address that.
No, I'm not in China any more.
Neither in China or Japan.
I'm back in my home country in the Czech Republic.
But the situation in Europe is also pretty bad.
So yeah, I just hope you're safe.
I feel like it's so hard to block while being at home because everyone always associates this angle with blogging.
But like when I'm in my room, why wouldn't I just sit down?
You know, like this.
I also feel like the voices are a little bit boring.
So, guys, let me know if the blog's air boring late this or if the Steadicam is okay in these guys tonight.
I've got some Chinese Swedes that I brought from China.
Just look at this stuff is not crazy, Isn't that is that so crazy?
I'm talking, by the way.
This is actually very normal food that everyday people in China it so I don't want you to think this is something very crazy or something extra gone.
It snacks from a different country that a lot of you guys probably have never been to.
So it's that I good e I wonder if it's gonna be good.
Well, I've tasted some of those obviously, I've lived in China for for 10 months, so I've always tasted some of the East, like like this one.
But for example, this Okay, this is, uh, lamination.
Sandra says you can see it has something to do with blueberries, so let's see what it is.
I'm so excited.
Guys, I'm so excited.
I'm literally quaking right now.
So this is it.
It looks differently than I thought.
It comes in these, like strips.
So, uh, one like one bar can be divided into four strips.
Its most like blueberry, though, like it's probably there is probably some blueberry in there, you know?
I'm going to say it's actually not that bad.
That's like jelly like blueberry jelly.
I don't know what's up with that color.
I guess it's OK.
I would not be able to eat a lot of this.
Apparently, one stripe is enough for now, but yeah, I can see.
I can see myself like snacking up with this.
This blueberry lot name, hon Job are.
And just watching Netflix that night.
I don't know why I became so aggressive on this.
This is something I feel I feel like a makeup channel.
Like it's like, this is what I used to, uh, paint my skin and unnatural skin tone.
That doesn't suit me like every other makeup channel rate.
I'm not hating on anyone.
Just not for me.
Those videos.
I mean, I'm not a girl, okay?
And what the fuck?
Okay, so this this is like a piece of a piece of pastry.
I guess it's like dough.
It's basically like bread.
Is like I've even visited China a lot with water.
It's called a fasher Runnion ball, which means soft bread, French style, or like, made in front.
Yeah, this is definitely a soft brand.
I don't know if it's spring style.
French people in the comments common.
If this is actually French style bread ways, what do we have next?
This is I actually don't know how it your friends, the first character.
So I'm gonna applique.
Oh, that real quick.
Oh, it's twe and it means fragile or crisp between is that this is twice young me and on the bottom.
It's has 20 me sin.
No Night shall Cally.
I guess a lot of you guys have probably already guessed what shell Cally means in Chinese means chicken.
No, I'm joking, guys.
Of course it's chocolate.
And even by the cover, it looks like it's gonna be chocolate with little grains of rice.
Maybe so.
Let's take a look.
Smells a bit like kick can.
It's not like it's basically I think it's Chinese.
KitKat, Yeah, I actually ate the whole thing.
Funny story.
Actually, guys, when I was in China, I had, like, an obsession with chocolate, Okay, because there were sold chocolate in China because I think Chinese field probably don't like to eat sweets that much.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but every time I asked a Chinese person if they like Chuck that they were like, I don't know both.
Hi, Siobhan eyes always trying to find new chocolate on.
Then I guess that's the main reason why I have AKI.
Now, the last thing that I have here, something like I've already eaten the French style soft bread, but this is called Wait, wait for it.
Oh, sure.
Dongle, which translates to Europe style cake.
I guess this is, uh this is how we make cakes in Europe.
Basically, it looks like a fence.
Your version of the thing that I've already eaten.
Maybe it is Offense, your version.
It even smells better.
It looks better.
It tastes Bo.
The foot?
Why have I been buying this in China all the time when this was right right next to it?
It's 11 like this.
What I'm really doesn't point at myself.
This is really good.
This is, like, not even mediocre.
Basically bad compared to this.
It's like eating a cloud.
Eating a cloud.
These guys, that's it for this segment of me eating Asians.
Oh, no, there's more.
There's more.
There's more.
And the last thing we have here is pine it Peter Munk appointed cakey.
That's how they say it in Japan.
Because Japanese has so many loan words from English.
Like what?
Okay, it looks like this.
What the that it's made of, uh well, it smells like pineapples now.
Taking guys is not that bad.
It's just not my type of snack, I think.
Also, I just found out that a leafy uploaded a new video yesterday.
It's like a 30 32nd videos.
So yeah, 2020 is really something else when even Levi's here is uploading videos again.
I asked you guys on Instagram to give me recommendations for Russian or Ukraine tracks, preferably hip hop, because lately I must say that I've been kind of getting myself into, like, Russian or like Eastern European music and hip hop.
Just keep in mind.
I was born in the Czech Republic.
My mother tongue is check, and most of the languages in Eastern Europe are Slavic, so it's almost like hearing music in my language, but in a kind of weird alternative of the language.
So right now I'll play some of your guys is recommendations some of the artists I already knew, but it's nice to be reminded of them.
Wait three.
This son reminded me how much I like this time of the day and because is like almost 3 a.m. in the morning, three in the morning, and I'm here just chillin vibe in listening to Russian rap.
It's so calm around me.
It's only me and my like computer or whatever I'm entertaining myself with, so is, like top notch anyways, a day commendation necesario money.
Hey, on pacy slayer just comes into the scene and just takes over my body.
Holy shit.
My friend recommended me a Russian rapper named Face, uh, EMC face and I don't know, I just face Honestly, it's really easy and nice to vibe with faces music.
So I'm definitely a big fan of them.
So somebody wrote Money, a k 47 which is already a pretty booking gangster name that way.
This like, like girl that I wouldn't even think would be able to, like, grab just, like made one of the best Russian Red solo fire.
I do understand a word in Russian, but it was fire honestly, and that's what it hit me.
I don't understand a single word in Russian, but why don't I at least try to learn how to read it?
To learn as vehicle used the exact same method that I used when I started to learn Japanese like three or four years ago, I made these like cards where on one side is a Japanese, he knocked down a letter.
So this is thought.
And on the other side there is t A, you know, and that's that.
I feel like that's a good method.
How to learn.
I really need a wide lens like the kid lenses.
Great, but I really need a wide one.
So you're got a piece of paper, scissors and a marker to So first, let's surge.
How many letters are in the ASPCA?
Their 33 letters Isn't alley more than the alphabet?
Yeah, the alphabet is 26.
The ruler acquired my needs and we're bank.
Sorry, guys.
Last night my camera ran out of batteries, so I just had to, like, recharge.
And I was like, OK, I'll just finish it in the morning anyways, that got the cards here.
I already Googled, and I could try it right here.
So right now I just have to write it on these cards.
Another thing that confuses me is one like, for example, this looks like the letter.
But it's not why.
It's not why.
It's not E.
It's Who is the letter?
Why is this what?
Like All right.
So I think I'm done.
Uh, here's my version of the book of the Russian alphabet.
All right, so now it's time to practice.
So, as I said before, there are some aspic, a letters that are exactly the same, like in our alphabet.
Okay, so these things are the letters that I won't have to worry about.
Okay, so let's put this study method into practice.
People watching that are also learning Russian can play along with me.
Of course.
Eso Let's start.
So we got P N R.
Uh, see, I think Oh, this is true.
Okay, So this is English doesn't have this letter f or as I like to call it, the two of the deadly Hallow's eso.
Yeah, Yeah, I think I'm starting to get the hang of it, so I'm just gonna practice some more, and then I'm gonna try to read some Russian sentences online and see how well do.
Alright, guys, I switched to my web cam.
This is kind of my stream set up because now I want to go on the Internet to search for some Russian phrases or sentences that I could try to read Hey, so let's just try to search for Ah, Russian text, easy sentences, top 10 Russian phrases and sentences.
You need to know all right.
And see where that takes us.
Because I guess these are, like the basic Russian expression.
So like, Good morning.
Good afternoon.
My name is Monley.
Who the fuck is Munley did?
So good morning in Russian is Ah, the the bro.
The Brok e tro tro.
Oh, this is so not not e no Brill.
All right.
What does she say?
Notre Isn't this o dobre?
She sounds so enthusiastic.
Okay, next one.
Good afternoon.
Ah, Debris gang, I guess.
No breeding, Bob.
Region Bob Bridging.
All right?
A monthly minions.
A vote Munley that understand?
How is this me?
Why do you prance it as the Minya when it says like me?
Anya, Russian people watching.
Please explain that to me in the Commons, because I have no idea what the rules of osb a car get a very essential sentence.
I'd like a beer.
Okay, let's Let's learn how to say I'd like a beer, so yeah, yeah, Hotel B.
Um BVA Yeah.
He'll beat Beaver.
Oh, so?
So sometimes she prints.
Oh, like Ah, okay.
He'll be beaver.
Gilbey Beaver.
Okay, I think that's enough Russian.
Or like Asoka practice.
So I'm just gonna say goodbye.
And, uh yeah, I guess that's it for today's video show that svidaniya this sea Dang this vidana.
Okay, guys, Also, guys, please follow me on Instagram because I'm trying to hit 20 k followers.
Their show.
Please hit that follow button there.
And, uh, yeah, thanks for watching else.
Your next block by friends he goes thisted Lindsay that funds in every language you can think of the shares, nothing.