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  • Hey there, it's Ronnie coming at you.

  • We're all going through some difficult times right now with our situations.

  • We have to be careful.

  • Please help each other out, love each other.

  • Do what you can to help people.

  • I want to help you.

  • I want to help you through these difficult times and give you some positive energy to

  • help you, some suggestions, some ideas about doing fun things.

  • So, how's the quarantine changed your life or society?

  • Of course, there's the bad, but let's look at some things.

  • Working at home.

  • So, a lot of people have started to work from home.

  • If you have a job, perfect.

  • Thank you!

  • We're very lucky to have jobs.

  • People have lost many jobs and wow.

  • Crazy.

  • But if you are lucky enough to work from home, you're going to have some advantages.

  • You get to wake up later!

  • So, before, you had to wake up early, get the coffee in you.

  • Drink your coffee or your tea.

  • You had to take a shower, you had to change into your nice work clothes and you had to

  • commute, okay?

  • Commute means your driving or your transportation time from your house to your job.

  • Hey, if you work from home, there's no commute.

  • You have to get from your bed to your computer desk.

  • What, two seconds, maybe five?

  • Maybe two minutes if you've got to go down some stairs.

  • So, you wake up later, there's no commute to the office - yes!

  • Because of all this, there also seems to be less traffic in the cities.

  • And interestingly enough, in some places, there's even less pollution because we're

  • driving less cars.

  • That's good.

  • Let's save the earth.

  • What about offices, what about businesses?

  • So, businesses, of course, are losing money because they can't open.

  • But if you work from home and you're a business owner, you don't actually have to rent an

  • office space.

  • You don't have to pay people to buy computers for everyone.

  • They have their own computer.

  • You can potentially save a lot of money for your business if you play your cards right,

  • that is.

  • Hey, guess what?

  • You can do new things.

  • You can start something new that you've never done before, but you've always wanted to.

  • Let's say that you're like, "Wow, you know.

  • I was working, my commute was two hours, and I never had time to bird watch."

  • Well, guess what?

  • Now you have the time to bird watch, you can do it.

  • You can't go shopping, okay?

  • Ronnie's allergic to malls, okay?

  • I hate malls, I hate shopping.

  • And for me, I'm just like "Yes!

  • Nobody can go shopping."

  • So hey, are you saving money?

  • Look at you.

  • You can't go shopping, you can't buy things you probably don't need, so you can save money.

  • You can learn something.

  • You can take a new course; you can get a new career.

  • You can make yourself a better person somehow.

  • You can take yoga; you can do lots of amazing things because you have more time.

  • If you want to learn English, you can watch . You can read a book.

  • You can do so many different things.

  • You can take lessons with me!

  • You can also try something that you've never done before.

  • Maybe like, do you know what?

  • I really, really want to try to be an acrobat.

  • So, you can go online, you can order all the props that you want to be an acrobat and try

  • that out.

  • I didn't try that.

  • I don't think being an acrobat is something that I would personally like to do.

  • I wouldn't mind maybe learning how to find medicinal herbs or something, but acrobat,

  • to me, not interesting.

  • But everyone's different.

  • What do you want to do?

  • What's something that you're like, "Oh wow, I want to do this."

  • Guess what, do it, try it!

  • You never know, you might like it.

  • The thing that I really, really, really, really, really think is amazing, and I've seen this,

  • is people are actually maybe beginning to respect other humans.

  • And this, to me, wow.

  • It's just so much amazing energy.

  • They call it physical distancing, but I call it personal space, because usually when you

  • stand in the lineup - and I do this as a human experiment - if I take one step forward, the

  • person behind me takes one step forward.

  • I don't like people around me.

  • It annoys me.

  • People are - I can hear them breathing, I'm just like, "Get away from me."

  • So, I have a problem with people standing very close to me.

  • This is even since I was 16 years old.

  • I just don't like having my personal space invaded.

  • Hey, we have a personal distancing thing now.

  • Please respect it.

  • Hey, six feet, perfect!

  • Please stay six feet away from me.

  • Hey, this is cool.

  • Hey, how you doing?

  • Give me a virtual hug, give me a virtual kiss.

  • Love it.

  • But I see this and I'm happy.

  • I'm like, "Yes, more freedom.

  • Move my arms around."

  • We have these things called neighbors.

  • Did you know your neighbor before this?

  • I see a lot of people talking to their neighbors now.

  • I see, ah, this is cool.

  • I see people taking some lawn chairs out on their driveway and their neighbors come over

  • and they keep six feet away and they have a couple of beers and they talk.

  • It seems like people are respecting humans more.

  • They're talking to other people and getting to know people again because our society is

  • people just staring at phones.

  • This needs to stop.

  • So, hey.

  • Oh, there's a human, let's talk to it and have fun.

  • Maybe you can learn something from them.

  • Workers.

  • Front line workers, people doing their jobs to help us.

  • There's been amazing amount of respect for people that most people take for granted.

  • Cleaners, cooks, people working in hospitals that aren't doctors and nurses, everyone who

  • is still working outside of home.

  • Doesn't have the luxury to stay home and work from home.

  • These people need our congratulations, our respect.

  • Thanks guys, like amazing, thank you.

  • So, we have to look at the human factor of things.

  • We have to go, "Hey, these people are working hard for us, and they're - without them, we'd

  • be nothing."

  • And, of course, our elderly people.

  • This is affected a lot of elderly people, it's no joke.

  • But I see stores opening earlier so that people can come in earlier and get what they need.

  • They can get the hand sanitizers; they can get the masks before all these crazy people

  • take them all.

  • So, what I see is the beginning of a respect for the humans.

  • Oh, I'm may be one, too.

  • But I like this.

  • And I think that this should continue and should never have stopped.

  • So, again, through all these hard times, please respect people.

  • Please try, try something new.

  • Learn English, , have fun, enjoy.

  • Think positively, until then, I'm Ronnie.

  • Keep well.

Hey there, it's Ronnie coming at you.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

検疫は生活や社会をどのように変えたのか? (How has the quarantine changed life and society?)

  • 7 0
    Summer に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日