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  • Prince William and Kate Middleton's children are so adorable, and now they're getting older they're starting to show their distinct personalities.


  • And according to mom Kate, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis like to do the cutest hobbies at home.


  • At the Royal Variety Performance in 2019, Kate Middleton reportedly revealed that her children are already wild about the theater.

    2019 年の Royal Variety Performance では、ケイト・ミドルトンは子どもたちがすでに劇場に行くのをとても楽しみにしていると話していたということです。

  • The duchess explained that 6-year-old Prince George and 4-year-old Princess Charlotte love putting on shows, as one of the performers told Hello! magazine, "Kate Middleton said that her children love performing at home, particularly Charlotte."

    6 歳のジョージ王子と 4 歳のシャーロット王女はパフォーマンスが好きで、演者が Hello! 誌に語ったところによると「ケイトは子どもたち、特にシャーロットは家でパフォーマンスをするのが大好きだ」と話していたそうです。

  • "She told us how lucky we were to be on stage in the West End and asked how we managed to do it with all our schoolwork."

    「West End の舞台に立てて本当に幸いだと言っていましたし、学校生活との両立についても質問されました」

  • "I can't tell you how exciting it was to meet them."


  • Middleton also told the performers that Charlotte and George love to practice acrobatics, especially handstands and cartwheels.


  • This isn't the first time that Princess Charlotte's star power has been noted.


  • In October 2019, a source told Us Weekly, "Charlotte's extremely confident and loves attention whereas George is more reserved, although he is starting to come out of his shell.

    2029 年 10月 には、関係者の話として「シャーロットはとても自信に満ちた子で注目を浴びるのが好きですが、ジョージはどちらかというとおとなしい感じです。ただ大分自分を出せるようにはなってきていますけど」というのが US Weekly 誌に掲載されています。

  • George is always looking out for his younger brother and sister and is already showing traits of making an excellent leader.”


  • "As any new parent knows, you're only too happy to show off your new child."


  • Princess Charlotte and Prince George may have inherited their flair for performance, as Middleton starred in a school production of My Fair Lady when she was 11 years old.

    シャーロット王女とジョージ王子のパフォーマンス能力は、ケイト自身も 11 歳の時に学芸会で My Fair Lady を演じた事からも分かるように遺伝なのかもしません。

  • Prince William's side of the family also has their share of theatrical talent.


  • Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret both starred in pantomimes as young women, and Prince Charles took to the stage during his college years.


  • Prince George and Princess Charlotte also appear to have some other artistic talents.


  • In June 2019, Kate Middleton, who is a talented photographer, attended a photography workshop for children, and provided some tips on how to get the perfect shot.

    2019 年 6 月には、写真家としての才能を持つケイト・ミドルトンが子どもたちのための写真のワークショップに参加し、どのようにしたら上手に写真が撮れるかをレクチャーしました。

  • She also revealed that her own kids share her love for taking pictures.


  • According to People, Middleton said, "Just look at everything around you."

    People 誌によると、「周りをよく見渡してごらんなさい、

  • "Maybe it's in front of you, or far away, but choose your subject and focus in on it."


  • "Get outside with your camera as well."


  • "George and Charlotte love it when we do that."


  • And the talents don't stop there.


  • Just like their late grandmother, Princess Diana, Prince George and Princess Charlotte are budding dancers.


  • At a Kensington Palace reception for inspirational teens, Prince William reportedly told a 14-year-old dancer, "George is doing dancing as well, he loves it."

    ケンジントン宮殿で開かれた Inspirational teens のパーティーで、ウィリアム王子は 14 歳のダンサーに「ジョージもダンスをやっていて、とっても好きなんだよ

  • "My mother always used to dance; she loved dancing."


  • "And if it's something you love, you do what you love."


  • "Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."


  • "Keep at it."


  • He's amazing.


  • He's a very, very dear boy, and he's brought a lot of pleasure and fun for all of us, the whole family.


  • As well as enjoying dancing, Princess Charlotte is apparently a keen crafter.


  • In December 2018, Prince William and Kate Middleton visited a Children's Hospital in London and revealed that Princess Charlotte loves creating things.

    2018 年 12 月、ウィリアム王子とケイト・ミドルトンはロンドンの小児病院を訪問して、シャーロット王女がモノ作りに長けていると話しました。

  • While creating beaded bracelets with the children, the Duchess of Cambridge reportedly said, "Charlotte would love making these."


  • And Princess Charlotte most definitely inherited this talent from her mother, as according to Hello! magazine, Prince William revealed, "My son knows I'm useless at this."

    そして Hello! 誌がレポートしたように、ウィリアム王子は「息子はボクがこの手の事は苦手だってことを知ってるからね」

  • "Catherine is the artsy one."


  • Alongside developing many artistic skills, the Cambridge kids are apparently keen equestrians too.


  • Queen Elizabeth is known for her love of horseback riding, and her great-grandchildren have inherited this talent as well.


  • In 2015, a source told the Daily Mail, "William and Kate were keen to get George on a horse once he was walking confidently."

    2015 年には、情報筋からということで Daily Mail がウィリアムとケイトはしっかりと歩けるようになったらジョージを馬に乗せてみたいと話している、と掲載しました。

  • "George loved his first ride: he was led around a paddock on a rein and shrieked with delight."


  • "William and Kate were both there to watch."


  • In 2018, Kate Middleton revealed that Princess Charlotte also has a love of horses.

    2018 年には、ケイト・ミドルトンがシャーロットも馬が好きだということを明かしています。

  • Natasha Baker, a Paralympian equestrian and triple-gold medalist, told The Mirror, "I asked her how the children were, and she said Charlotte is really enjoying her riding, which is great to hear, and I said we may see her here on a line-up in 20-years' time."

    パラリンピックの馬術競技で3度の金メダルに輝いたナターシャ・ベイカーは、The Mirror 誌に「子どもたちの事を尋ねたら、シャーロットは乗馬をとても楽しんでいるということだったので、20 年後に競技場で会えるかもしれないですねと言っておきました」と話しています。

  • She emphasized that Charlotte has this passion about horses and although she doesn't echo it, she'll do her best to champion and encourage it.


  • Basically, it sounds as though Princess Charlotte and Prince George have plenty of interesting hobbies to keep them busy.


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  • Plus, even more list videos about the royal family are coming soon.

    さらに、List がお届けするその他の皇室のビデオももうすぐアップされます。

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Prince William and Kate Middleton's children are so adorable, and now they're getting older they're starting to show their distinct personalities.


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