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Do you compulsively force close your apps trying to save battery life or make your phone more efficient?
So what does exiting apps actually do?
It turns out closing your apps doesn't help and actually it's bad for your phone.
アプリを強制終了しても (節約や効率化に) 役立つことはなく、スマホにも良くないということが分かっています。
Apple's senior VP of software Craig Federighi reportedly answered this question to a user in 2016.
アップル社ソフトウェア部門の クレイグ・フェデリギ上級副社長が、2016 年にこの質問についてユーザーに答えたとされています。
In an email, he said closing apps isn't necessary and it doesn't help with battery life.
Apple explicitly says on its support pages that users should only force closed apps when they're unresponsive.
Meanwhile, Hiroshi Lockheimer, the senior vice president of platforms and the ecosystems at Google, tweeted similar thought last year.
In his tweet, he said users shouldn't close out of apps because the operating system already manages what they do in the background.
ツイッターで彼は、アプリの強制終了はすべきでないとしています。その理由は、バックグラウンドでのアプリの動作を OS がしっかりと管理しているから。
It closes apps when necessary and slows them down into background activity.
(OSが) 必要な時に強制終了を行ったり、バックグラウンドでのアプリの動作スピードを落としたりするのです。
Just to confirm all this, I talked to an independent iOS developer Ish Shabazz and he said...
確認のため、私は個人で iOS 開発を手がけているイッシュ・シャバーズ氏とお話ししました。彼によると…
What happens when you do to double click, you've seen it in the screenshot, right?
ダブルクリックするとどうなりますか? (マルチタスク画面の) スクリーンショットに映っているのが分かりますね?
It's in a screenshot of the last state the app was in.
So the app usually is not running anymore and I will wake it up when it needs to run if need be.
But it actually will let shut it down after just a few seconds maybe like ten seconds or so.
ただ実際は、ほんの数秒後に閉じられます。10 秒とかそれくらいたってからかな。
Keeping your apps open in the background means your phone can hold them up more quickly as if they were just asleep and you're waking them up.
Relaunching every app requires more work and battery power.
Although if data usage matters to you, having apps on in the background will use up some data, but not that much.
If you care about your device, you'll defer to Google and Apple software management systems.
They were designed to help.
Listen, I hate that this is the truth.
I'm going to try to keep my apps open but in reality, I know I'm going to feel the urge to close them.
And guess what?
I'm probably going to do it.