字幕表 動画を再生する
phonics lesson today
phonics lesson today 今回のフォニックスのレッスンでは
we're going to look at the sounds that are made with two letters
we're going to look at the sounds that are made with two letters 2文字の音を紹介していきます
hello my name is Tom
hello my name is Tom こんにちは!トムです
I'm an English teacher
I'm an English teacher イギリスで英語の先生をしていて
with a degree from Cambridge University
with a degree from Cambridge University ケンブリッジ大学を卒業しました
for our phonics lesson today
for our phonics lesson today 今回のフォニックスのレッスンでは
we're going to look at the sounds that are made with two letters
we're going to look at the sounds that are made with two letters 2語の音を紹介していきます
it might be a good idea to pause the video
it might be a good idea to pause the video いったんビデオを止めて
and practice before moving on to the next one
and practice before moving on to the next one 練習してから次の音に進むのがおすすめです
so それでは
are you ready
are you ready 準備はできましたか?
please listen carefully
please listen carefully 私の発音をよく聞いて
and follow me
and follow me 続いて一緒に発音してください
let's start with
let's start with 最初の音は
now it's your turn
now it's your turn 一緒に発音しましょう
ai in snail
ai in snail "ai" でカタツムリ
ai as in rain
ai as in rain "ai" で雨
ai as in tail
ai as in tail "ai" で尻尾
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音しましょう
oa as in boat
oa as in boat "oa" でボート
oa as in toad
oa as in toad "oa" でヒキガエル
oa as in coat
oa as in coat "oa" でコート
I follow me
I follow me 一緒に発音してみましょう
ie as in tie
ie as in tie "ie" でネクタイ
i as in pi
ie as in pi "ie" でパイ
i as in lie
ie as in lie "ie" で横になる
now it's your turn
now it's your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
ee as in bee
ee as in bee "ee" でハチ
ee as in knee
ee as in knee "ee"でひざ
e as in feet
e as in feet "ee"で脚
now it's your turn
now it's your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
or as in fork
or as in fork "or" でフォーク
or as in corn
or as in corn "or" でとうもろこし
or as in storm
or as in storm "or" で嵐
follow me
follow me 一緒に発音してみましょう
ng as in ring
ng as in ring "ng" で指輪
ng as in sing
ng as in sing "ng" で歌う
ng as in long
ng as in long "ng" で長い
Oh your tent
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
oo as in book
oo as in book "oo" で本
oo as in look
oo as in look "oo" で見る
oo as in cook
oo as in cook "oo" で料理する
this has the same letters
this has the same letters これは同じ文字ですが
but the sound is different
but the sound is different 発音が異なります
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
oo as in moon ooh
oo as in moon "oo"で月
oo as in spoon
oo as in spoon "oo" でスプーン
oo as in balloon
oo as in balloon "oo" で風船
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
che for chest
che for chest "che" で箱
che for cheek
che for chick "che" でひよこ
che for cheese
che for cheese "che" でチーズ
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
sh for shell
sh for shell "sh" で貝
sh for shop
sh for shop "sh" でお店
sh for sheep
sh for sheep "sh" で羊
how are you doing?
how are you doing? どうですか?
so there are quite a few sounds
so there are quite a few sounds まだ少し残っていますが
but once you've learned these
but once you've learned these これらの発音と単語を身に付けると
I think you'll find there are lots of books
I think you'll find there are lots of books たくさんの本を
that you'll be able to read by yourself
that you'll be able to read by yourself 英語で読めるようになります
so let's keep going
so let's keep going 最後まで頑張っていきましょう!
so this one if you put your finger gently on your throat
so this one if you put your finger gently on your throat 喉に手を当ててみてください
you'll feel it move a little bit
you'll feel it move a little bit 喉が振動しているのがわかると思います
can you make the sound?
can you make the sound? 発音できてますか?
feather 羽
mother お母さん
father お父さん
this has the same letters
this has the same letters これは同じ文字ですが
but the sound is different
but the sound is different 発音が異なります
this time your throat doesn't move
this time your throat doesn't move 今回は喉は振動しません
can you do it?
can you do it? うまくできましたか?
good いいですね!
moth 蛾(ガ)
thumb 親指
bath お風呂
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
qu for Queen
qu for Queen "qu" で女王様
qu for quick
qu for quick "qu" で急ぐ
qu for quack
qu for quack "qu" でアヒルの泣き声
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
ou as in cloud
ou as in cloud "ou" で雲
ou as in loud
ou as in loud "ou" で騒音
as in mouth
ou as in mouth "ou" で口
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
oi for oil
oi for oil "oi" でオイル
oi as in coin
oi as in coin "oi" でコイン
oi as in point
oi as in point "oi" で指差す
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
ue as in rescue
ue as in rescue "ue" で救助する
ue as in statue
ue as in statue "ue" で彫像
ue as in argue
ue as in argue "ue" で口論する
with nearly end
with nearly end もうすぐ終わりです
this one is
this one is これは
your turn
your turn 一緒に発音してみましょう
er as in fern
er as in fern "er" でシダの葉っぱ
er as in her
er as in her "er" で彼女の
er as in person
er as in person "er" で人
and this is the last sound
and this is the last sound 最後の音です
follow me
follow me 一緒に発音してみましょう
ar as in car
ar as in car "ar" で車
ar as in star
ar as in star "ar" で星
ar in farm
ar in farm "ar" で農場
well done!
well done! お疲れ様でした!
thank you very much for watching
thank you very much for watching 最後まで観ていただきありがとうございます
I hope you've enjoyed this video
I hope you've enjoyed this video この動画を良いと感じていただけたら
please watch it as many times as you'd like
please watch it as many times as you'd like 何回も観ながら練習して
until you've learned all of these sounds
until you've learned all of these sounds 発音を身に付けてください!
if you would like to practice the basics of phonics
if you would like to practice the basics of phonics 1単語の音も練習したい場合は
there is another video that we've made that teaches those
there is another video that we've made that teaches those 他の動画で紹介しているのでそちらもご覧ください
and if you've enjoyed this one
and if you've enjoyed this one もしこの動画がためになっと感じていただいたら
please give it a thumbs up
please give it a thumbs up いいねボタン
and subscribe
and subscribe そしてチャンネル登録をお願いします
because we're going to release
because we're going to release 毎週必ず動画を公開していきます
some more videos about phonics
some more videos about phonics 他のフォニックスの音の動画や
and pronunciation soon
and pronunciation soon 発音の動画がもうすぐ公開予定です
so それでは
that's it for today
that's it for today 今回はこれでおしまいです
thank you
thank you ありがとうございました!
bye see you soon
bye see you soon 次の動画でお会いしましょう!