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  • Hi, it's Risa. How are you everyone?

    Hi, it's Risa. How are you everyone? こんにちは、リサです。みなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか?

  • Let's do another Hitorigoto Eikaiwa time together. Yay!

    Let's do another Hitorigoto Eikaiwa time together. Yay! 今日もひとりごと英会話をやりましょう。イエイ!

  • Another requested phrases. Thank you thank you very much.

    Another requested phrases. Thank you thank you very much. リクエストいただきましたフレーズです。本当に本当にありがとうございます。

  • Um this one is about shopping

    Um this one is about shopping 今回はお買い物編です。

  • what things would you say at the supermarket

    what things would you say at the supermarket スーパーマーケットでどんなことを言うでしょうか。

  • There are a lot of things you can mumble right?

    There are a lot of things you can mumble right? つぶやいちゃうこと、たくさんありますよね?

  • I picked out some phrases randomly with my instinct like you know things you might say.

    I picked out some phrases randomly with my instinct like you know things you might say. 直感で言いそうなフレーズを選んでみました。みなさんも言うかなって思っているのですが。

  • And I hope these are things you would say too.

    And I hope these are things you would say too. 皆さんも言うものだといいのですが。

  • But we'll see.

    But we'll see. どうかな。チェックしてみましょう。

  • Anyways uh let's get this started. Yes.

    Anyways uh let's get this started. Yes. では、始めてみましょう。イエイ。

  • So I have set it up the situation

    So I have set it up the situation シチュエーションを設定してみました。

  • Let's say that we're having hand-rolled sushi party Temakizushi party tonight. Yay.

    Let's say that we're having hand-rolled sushi party Temakizushi party tonight. Yay. 今夜は手巻き寿司パーティーをすることにしましょう。イエイ!

  • And so we're going to go supermarket to grab things we need for the party.

    And so we're going to go supermarket to grab things we need for the party. そこで、パーティーに必要なものを買いにスーパーマーケットへ行きます。

  • So yeah. Alright so let's go shopping.

    So yeah. Alright so let's go shopping. そんなわけで。よし、買い物にいきましょう。

  • OK. So we are at the supermarket.

    OK. So we are at the supermarket. スーパーマーケットにいます。

  • First thing you might be saying in your head is

    First thing you might be saying in your head is 最初に頭の中でつぶやきそうなことは

  • So let's try this in a chants together.

    So let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Alright so let's go look around the supermarket.

    Alright so let's go look around the supermarket. では、スーパーマーケットのなかを見てまわりましょう。

  • So you start walking around the supermarket pushing the cart

    So you start walking around the supermarket pushing the cart カートを押しながらスーパーの中を歩いています

  • and next thing you might mumble in your head is

    and next thing you might mumble in your head is 次に頭の中でつぶやいているのは

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • We're going to go over a few phrases grabbing some items.

    We're going to go over a few phrases grabbing some items. 商品を選ぶ時のフレーズをいきましょう。

  • Alright so items for hand rolled sushi you might be going in your head

    Alright so items for hand-rolled sushi you might be going in your head 手巻き寿司に使うものを選ぶときに言うかもしれないのは

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Got it. I found it.

    Got it. I found it. あった。見つけた。

  • Is this big enough to do the hand rolled sushi?

    Is this big enough to do the hand-rolled sushi? これ手巻き寿司するのに十分な大きさかな?

  • They're different sizes.

    They're different sizes. いろんな大きさがある。

  • I don't know which one to get

    I don't know which one to get どれにすればいいか分からないな。

  • so you're thinking about the family members or friends that you're having the party with

    so you're thinking about the family members or friends that you're having the party with 一緒にパーティーする家族や友達のことを考えて

  • and then trying to thinkOh, so-and-so likes nato".

    and then trying to think ”Oh, so-and-so likes nato". 「そうだ、誰々は納豆が好きだから」と思い出します。

  • So you might be saying

    So you might be saying そしたらこう言うかもしれません。

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Yeah, I should definitely get some natto.

    Yeah, I should definitely get some natto. 納豆は絶対に買わなきゃ。

  • If i don't, she's gonna get really angry.

    If i don't, she's gonna get really angry. 買わなかったら、彼女すごい怒るな。

  • Yeah I better get some.

    Yeah I better get some. うん、買うべきだな。

  • And this is my personal preference

    And this is my personal preference これは個人的な好みですが

  • I love shiso leaves

    I love shiso leaves 私はシソの葉が好きです。

  • So if I were shopping for a hand-rolled sushi party

    So if I were shopping for a hand-rolled sushi party なので、もし手巻き寿司のために買い物に行ったとき、

  • I would definitely get some of these and say in my head

    I would definitely get some of these and say in my head 必ずシソを買うのでこう言います。

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • It's gonna be so yummy.

    It's gonna be so yummy. 美味しくなるぞ〜。

  • But you know this happens to me a lot

    But you know this happens to me a lot 私はよく起こることなのですが、

  • at the supermarket there are a lot of green stuff.

    at the supermarket there are a lot of green stuff. スーパーマーケットにはたくさん緑色のものがあるので

  • So shiso leaves blends in really well with like other stuff.

    So shiso leaves blends in really well with like other stuff. シソの葉が他のものと混ざちゃって

  • and I have hard time finding them.

    and I have hard time finding them. 見つけるのが大変なんです。

  • So I always go in my head

    So I always go in my head そうすると頭の中で毎回

  • Do you ever feel this everyone?

    Do you ever feel this everyone? みなさんもそんな事思った事ありますか?

  • Anyways let's practice in a chants together.

    Anyways let's practice in a chants together. とにかくチャンツで練習しましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • I always have to like search like this.

    I always have to like search like this. いつもこんな感じで探さないといけないんです。

  • But I do find them, so I go

    But I do find them, so I go 結果的に見つけられるので、こう言います

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Yes!

    Yes! イエス!

  • and you probably say this for every items

    and you probably say this for every items たぶんこれ全ての商品に対して言うと思います。

  • when you check the price you would mumble in your head

    when you check the price you would mumble in your head 値段をチェックするときに頭の中でつぶやくのが

  • so asking about the shiso leaves.

    so asking about the shiso leaves. シソの葉について聞いてます。

  • Checking the price.

    Checking the price. 値段の確認をしています。

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • And if it's not too expensive then you would probably say

    And if it's not too expensive then you would probably say もしそれほど高くなかった、こう言うかもしれません。

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • So maybe i'll get two bags of shiso leaves. Yes.

    So maybe i'll get two bags of shiso leaves. Yes. シソの葉2パック買っちゃおうかな。うん。

  • Or sometimes there is a trouble with the weather and

    Or sometimes there is a trouble with the weather and ときには天候が悪くて

  • some vegetables get expensive then you might say

    some vegetables get expensive then you might say 野菜が高くなっちゃった場合、こう言うかもしれません。

  • OK, so let's try this in a chants together.

    OK, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Oh, okay. So i won't get the shiso leaves tonight.

    Oh, okay. So i won't get the shiso leaves tonight. わかったよ。今夜はシソの葉買うのやめるね。

  • but it's not gonna taste the same.

    but it's not gonna taste the same. でも同じじゃないんだよなあ。

  • Oh well. Okay, so hopefully next time. Bye shiso leaves.

    Oh well. Okay, so hopefully next time. Bye shiso leaves. また次の時にね。シソの葉さん、さようなら。

  • Oh no. Just kidding. It's not that dramatic.

    Oh no. Just kidding. It's not that dramatic. 言い過ぎですね。こんなドラマチックじゃないですね。

  • Alright, so next item we're gonna get.

    Alright, so next item we're gonna get. では次に買うものは、

  • remember it's a hand rolled sushi party

    remember it's a hand-rolled sushi party 皆さん、覚えていますか、そう!今日は」手巻き寿司パーティー!

  • so we gotta get some fish, sashimi.

    so we gotta get some fish, sashimi. なので、魚、刺身を買わないといけません。

  • so when you're looking at all these different kinds of fish

    so when you're looking at all these different kinds of fish いろんな種類の魚を見ながら

  • you might go in your head

    you might go in your head 頭の中で

  • OK. Let's try this in a chants together.

    OK. Let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • OK, so we're having party with this many people

    OK, so we're having party with this many people これだけの人とパーティーするから

  • maybe like two or three packs of sashimi. Would be good?

    maybe like two or three packs of sashimi. Would be good? 刺身2、3パックくらいいるかな。これでいいかなあ?

  • I guess?

    I guess? 多分?

  • And this happens to me a lot when I'm choosing the fish for hand-rolled sushi party

    And this happens to me a lot when I'm choosing the fish for hand-rolled sushi party 手巻き寿司パーティーのために魚を選んでいる時に私が思う事なのですが、

  • I don't really know which fish are good.

    I don't really know which fish are good. どの魚がいいのかよく分からないんです。

  • I always think in my head

    I always think in my head いつも頭の中で考えます

  • Maybe a lot of people don't think about this question,

    Maybe a lot of people don't think about this question, 多分、皆さんはこんな質問しないと思います

  • but please practice chants together with me.

    but please practice chants together with me. ごめんなさい!みなさん、私と一緒にチャンツを練習してください。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Somebody help me please

    Somebody help me please 誰かたすけてくださ〜い。

  • So I just go with my instinct and try to choose the ones that look fresh.

    So I just go with my instinct and try to choose the ones that look fresh. 私はただ直感にしたがって新鮮そうなものを選びます。

  • So I always go in my head

    So I always go in my head なので、頭の中ではいつも

  • No? Somebody help me.

    No? Somebody help me. 違うかなぁ?誰か助けて〜。

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • But I still have a question mark in my head.

    But I still have a question mark in my head. でも頭の中はまだハテナマークです。

  • But I buy those anyways

    But I buy those anyways でも買っちゃうのですが。

  • And depends on what time you were at the supermarket

    And depends on what time you were at the supermarket 何時にスーパーマーケットにいるかにもよりますが

  • you might get that lucky sticker of the discount.

    you might get that lucky sticker of the discount. ラッキー割引ステッカーのついたものが買えることもあるかもしれません。

  • So you might go in your head

    So you might go in your head そうしたら、頭の中で

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • Woo hoo!

    Woo hoo! やったー!

  • Yeah! I did good.

    Yeah! I did good. やったね。いい買い物したよ。

  • And before you stand in a line to pay

    And before you stand in a line to pay お金を払うのに列に並ぶ前に

  • you look in the basket and you probably go in your head

    you look in the basket and you probably go in your head バスケットの中をみて、きっとこうつぶやくかもしれません。

  • Ok, so let's try this in the chants together.

    Ok, so let's try this in the chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • And you're looking at the items putting the check marks on the list in your head

    And you're looking at the items putting the check marks on the list in your head 商品を見ながら頭の中でリストにチェックをしながら

  • and you might remember one item

    and you might remember one item 何かひとつ忘れていたものを思いだすかもしれません。

  • and you might go

    and you might go そしてこうつぶやきます。

  • OK, so let's try this in a chants together.

    OK, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • And you've got the soy sauce, put it in the basket,

    And you've got the soy sauce, put it in the basket, 醤油をとってバスケットに入れて

  • and you feel so relieved

    and you feel so relieved そしてホッとします。

  • OK. So you're done with the shopping.

    OK. So you're done with the shopping. はい。買い物が終わりました。

  • Let's go over a couple phrases for mommies who go shopping with their kids.

    Let's go over a couple phrases for mommies who go shopping with their kids. 子供と買い物に行ったときにママが使えるフレーズを2つほど見てみましょう。

  • So mommies, when we get to supermarket we probably tell our kids

    So mommies, when we get to supermarket we probably tell our kids ママ様たち、スーパーについたとき、私たちがよくキッズにいうことといえば

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • And I'm watching you, okay?

    And I'm watching you, okay? 見てるからね。いい?

  • Don't.

    Don't. ダメだよ。

  • Don't.

    Don't. ダメだからね!

  • But there's this dangerous aisle in every supermarket

    But there's this dangerous aisle in every supermarket どこのスーパーにも危険な列があります。

  • which is a snack aisle.

    which is a snack aisle. それはスナックコーナー。

  • And kids just naturally like lead themselves to that aisle.

    And kids just naturally like lead themselves to that aisle. 子供は自然とそのコーナーに行ってしまいます。

  • So maybe mommies, we say to our kids

    So maybe mommies, we say to our kids そこでママたち、子供たちにこう言いますかね。

  • Go choose.

    Go choose. 選んできな。

  • Alright, so let's try this in a chants together.

    Alright, so let's try this in a chants together. ではチャンツでやってみましょう。

  • Here we go.

    Here we go. せーの。

  • OK. In five minutes. Go choose.

    OK. In five minutes. Go choose. いいよ。5分でね。選んできな。

  • I'll be here.

    I'll be here. ここにいるから。

  • Yay. So we went over another set of Hitorigoto Eikaiwa phrases.

    Yay. So we went over another set of Hitorigoto Eikaiwa phrases. やった〜。今回もひとりごと英会話を見てきました。

  • I hope these phrases will help you out when you go shopping.

    I hope these phrases will help you out when you go shopping. これらのフレーズが買い物に行った時の役にたつと嬉しいです。

  • When you're out shopping you know

    When you're out shopping you know 外に買い物に行った時、

  • there are a lot of things jumps into your sight,

    there are a lot of things jumps into your sight, たくさんの物が目に飛び込んできます。

  • so you can mumble a lot of things.

    so you can mumble a lot of things. ですので、色々な事をつぶやけると思います。

  • So let's enjoy together.

    So let's enjoy together. 一緒に楽しみましょう。

  • Hitorigoto Eikaiwa time

    Hitorigoto Eikaiwa time ひとりごと英会話タイムを

  • But anyways I hope everyone will have a fantastic day.

    But anyways I hope everyone will have a fantastic day. みなさま素敵な1日が過ごされていますように。

  • And if you have any requests, please type it in, type it in, type it in, type it in.

    And if you have any requests, please type it in, type it in, type it in, type it in. もしリクエストがございましたら、ぜひコメント欄にご記入ください。

  • And please stay safe and have a great one.

    And please stay safe and have a great one. どうぞ安全に良い1日をお過ごしください。

  • Alright, goodbye.

    Alright, goodbye. では、バイバイ。

Hi, it's Risa. How are you everyone?

Hi, it's Risa. How are you everyone? こんにちは、リサです。みなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか?


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