字幕表 動画を再生する
Hi, it's Risa. How are you everyone?
Hi, it's Risa. How are you everyone? こんにちは、リサです。みなさんご機嫌いかがでしょうか?
Hope everyone's feeling great as always.
Hope everyone's feeling great as always. みなさんいつものように元気だと嬉しいです!
Let's do another "Ouchi-Eigo" phrase time together. Yeah!
Let's do another "Ouchi-Eigo" phrase time together. Yeah! おうち英語フレーズをやりましょう。イエーイ!
I believe this is like part 5.
I believe this is like part 5. 確か、これはパート5になると思います。
They are a few previous videos that I shared before.
They are a few previous videos that I shared before. 以前に公開した動画もあります。
These are all short and simple sentences.
These are all short and simple sentences. すべて短くてシンプルなフレーズです。
I recommend a lot of parents to do this.
I recommend a lot of parents to do this. 多くの親御さんにオススメしています。
Especially if you want to raise your kids speaking English
Especially if you want to raise your kids speaking English 特に英語を話すキッズを育てたい方に
Because they're short and simple
Because they're short and simple 短くてシンプルなので、
it's easy for you to speak to your kids at home.
it's easy for you to speak to your kids at home. お家でお子さんに話しかけやすいです。
Even your kids don't understand what you're saying in the beginning
Even your kids don't understand what you're saying in the beginning お子さんが、最初はなんと言ってるかわからなくても
if you speak to them with gestures
if you speak to them with gestures ジェスチャーといっしょに話しかけて、
and the more you speak to them they will start to understand what you're saying.
and the more you speak to them they will start to understand what you're saying. 話しかければ話しかけるほど、言っていることを理解してくれるようになります。
And also they will absorb that language
And also they will absorb that language 同時に言語を吸収していくので、
so naturally they will start speaking the same phrases
so naturally they will start speaking the same phrases 自然と同じフレーズを使うようになっていきます。
So yeah! I think it's fun way to learn English together with your kids.
So yeah! I think it's fun way to learn English together with your kids. お子さんと一緒に英語を学ぶのに楽しいやり方だと思います。
But anyway, let's get this started.
But anyway, let's get this started. とにかく、はじめれいきましょう。
OK. First phrase.
OK. First phrase. では最初のフレーズです。
Let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Uh-oh. Gotta fix it.
Uh-oh. Gotta fix it. あらら、直さないとね。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Yay. イエーイ。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
OK? Everyone got two each?
OK? Everyone got two each? いい?みんな2つずつある?
Yes? No one has three right or just one?
Yes? No one has three right or just one? イエス?誰も3つもってないよね?1つの人も?
Everyone's got two?
Everyone's got two? みんな2つある?
Yes? Good!
Yes? Good! イエス?よし!
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Oh, my god. Don't eat so fast.
Oh, my god. Don't eat so fast. あらら、そんなに早く食べないで。
I think there will be some extra.
I think there will be some extra. まだあると思うから。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
So your kid got tall enough to reach something high.
So your kid got tall enough to reach something high. 高いところに届くまで大きくなったときですね。
Let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Good for you.
Good for you. よくできたね〜。
Oh, my god. I can't believe you're so tall.
Oh, my god. I can't believe you're so tall. まあ、こんなに大きくなったなんて信じられない。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Next phrase.
Next phrase. 次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Maybe after kids drink milk, they might get this like white mustache or something.
Maybe after kids drink milk, they might get this like white mustache or something. 子供が牛乳を飲んだ時、白いヒゲのようなものがついているかもしれません。
So you might say
So you might say そしたらこういう言うと思います。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Ooh, you look like a grandpa.
Ooh, you look like a grandpa. おじいちゃんみたいだね。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Maybe kids can say this phrase.
Maybe kids can say this phrase. これはきっと子供が使えるかもしれません。
Alright, kids. Let's say this together. Ready?
Alright, kids. Let's say this together. Ready? じゃあキッズ、一緒に言ってみようね。準備はいいかな?
Here we go.
Here we go. せーの。
Good job, everyone!
Good job, everyone! みんなよくできたね!
Well done!
Well done! すごいよ!
I wonder what you made with clay.
I wonder what you made with clay. 粘土で何を作ったのかなぁ?
Maybe elephant? Maybe alligator?
Maybe elephant? Maybe alligator? ゾウさんかな?ワニさんかな?
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
OK, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
OK, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Yay. Clean, clean, clean.
Yay. Clean, clean, clean. イエーイ。キレイに
Nice and clean.
Nice and clean. とってもキレイになったね。
OK, next phrase.
OK, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Yay. イエーイ。
OK, next phrase.
OK, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Yes! イエス!
OK, next phrase.
OK, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
No. It's very very dangerous.
No. It's very very dangerous. ダメだよ。とってもとっても危ないから。
Don't do that please. OK?
Don't do that please. OK? やらないようにしてね。いい?
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Ooooh, no.
Ooooh, no. ああ〜。
If you say with the face expression, kids will pick up that face expressions too.
If you say with the face expression, kids will pick up that face expressions too. 表情も合わせて言うと、キッズも表情を真似するかもしれません。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Oh, that was so close.
Oh, that was so close. ああ、惜しかったねえ。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
Let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Oh, are you okay?
Oh, are you okay? だいじょうぶ?
Do you want some ice pillow or something?
Do you want some ice pillow or something? 氷枕か何かいる?
Next phrase.
Next phrase. 次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Let's just relax together and maybe watch movie.
Let's just relax together and maybe watch movie. 一緒にゆっくりしよう。映画でもみようか。
Next phrase.
Next phrase. 次のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
Uh-oh. Maybe you're getting sick.
Uh-oh. Maybe you're getting sick. あらら、風邪ひいちゃったかなあ。
Oh, no. Let me check you if you have a fever.
Oh, no. Let me check you if you have a fever. うーん。熱がないか見せてね。
Alright, next phrase.
Alright, next phrase. では次のフレーズです。
So you have a runny nose, so you will say
So you have a runny nose, so you will say 鼻水がでてるので、こう言うでしょう。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
I like to add go especially for like little kids.
I like to add go especially for like little kids. 私はgoをつけて言うのが好きです。特に小さい子の場合は。
So they will know when to go like blow the nose.
So they will know when to go like blow the nose. そうするといつ鼻をかめばいいかわかるので。
Alright, and last phrase.
Alright, and last phrase. では最後のフレーズです。
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go.
Alright, let's try this in a chants together. Here we go. ではチャンツで言ってみましょう。せーの。
That's so cute. I love it.
That's so cute. I love it. かわいい〜。いいね!
Picture time!
Picture time! ピクチャータイム!
Yeah! so we did a lot of phrases again together
Yeah! so we did a lot of phrases again together イエーイ。今回もたくさんのフレーズをやりました。
And like I said in the beginning
And like I said in the beginning はじめに言ったように
obviously kids won't understand if you just start speaking to them.
obviously kids won't understand if you just start speaking to them. 子供は英語で話しかけるだけでは、最初理解できないかもしれません。
But if you speak to them with gestures
But if you speak to them with gestures ですが、ジェスチャーと一緒に話しかければ
they are looking at what you're doing
they are looking at what you're doing 子供はあなたのやっていることを見て、
but listening to what you're saying
but listening to what you're saying 耳では、あなたの話していることも聞いているので、
so that will connect in their head naturally.
so that will connect in their head naturally. 頭のなかで結びつけることができます。
And that way, they will learn English in the phrase form
And that way, they will learn English in the phrase form こうするとフレーズの形を英語で学んでいきます。
and also because these phrases are very short
and also because these phrases are very short またこれらのフレーズは短いので
I think they will pick up those phrases
I think they will pick up those phrases 子供はこれらのフレーズを拾って
and start speaking them too.
and start speaking them too. 話し始めるようになります。
So yeah, let's start speaking English more to our kids.
So yeah, let's start speaking English more to our kids. なので、どんどんキッズへ英語で語りかけていきましょう!
Thank you so much for watching everyone.
Thank you so much for watching everyone. みなさん、見てくれて本当にありがとうございます。
And I hope everyone a great great day.
And I hope everyone a great great day. そしてみなさんに素晴らしい1日がおとずれますように。
If you enjoyed this video, I really appreciate if you could subscribe this channel.
If you enjoyed this video, I really appreciate if you could subscribe this channel. もしビデオをお楽しみいただけましたら、このチャンネルを登録してもらえると嬉しいです。
And I hope everyone will have a wonderful day or night.
And I hope everyone will have a wonderful day or night. 素敵な1日、もしくは夜をお過ごしください。
Alright, thank you for watching.
Alright, thank you for watching. みてくれてありがとうございます。
Goodbye. バーイ。