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  • Except diamonds, of course.

  • Like that.

  • What do you think?

  • Well...

  • Personally, I think it would be tacky

  • To wear diamonds before I'm 40.

  • Well, you're right,

  • But meantime, you should have something.

  • I'll wait.

  • No. I'm going to buy you a present.

  • You bought me a typewriter ribbon,

  • And it brought luck.

  • But tiffany's can be pretty expensive.

  • I've got my check and $10.

  • I wouldn't let you cash your check,

  • But a present for $10 or under,

  • That I'll accept.

  • Of course, I don't know

  • What we'll find at tiffany's for $10.

  • May I help you?

  • Perhaps.

  • We're looking for a present

  • For the lady.

  • Certainly, sir.

  • Is there something special you had in mind?

  • Well, we had considered diamonds,

  • And I don't want to offend you,

  • But the lady feels that diamonds

  • Are tacky for her.

Except diamonds, of course.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

ティファニーで朝食を(5/9)ムービークリップ - ティファニーで10ドル(1961年)HD (Breakfast at Tiffany's (5/9) Movie CLIP - Ten Dollars at Tiffany's (1961) HD)

  • 20 1
    Amy.Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日