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Astronomers have found dozens of potentially habitable planets outside of our solar system.
That's dozens of chances to discover the first alien life.
Or, you know, plenty of places we could park our first interstellar colonies.
But with so many options, how do we know which is best?
You might think that most Earth-like planets should be at the top of our list.
After all, we've got everything we need.
Water, land, an atmosphere, and trillions of life forms lapping it all up.
But according to a small group of researchers, there are bigger and better planets out there.
They're called super-Earths.
Super-Earths may be some of the most common planets in our galaxy.
Since 2009, Kepler Space Telescope has discovered about 4000 exoplanets.
2009 年以来、ケプラー宇宙望遠鏡により、約 4000 個の太陽系外惑星が発見されてきました。
30 percent of them are super-Earths, and a few percent of those super-Earths orbit within their host star's habitable zone.
そのうち 30 % はスーパーアースで、そのうち数 % が、恒星のハビタブル・ゾーン内を周回しています。
That's the Goldilocks Zone, where the planet's surface is just the right temperature for liquid water.
Not too cold, not too hot.
Now, there's a chance some of these super-Earths aren't rocky worlds like Earth.
The larger ones could be made out of mostly hydrogen and helium gas, like Jupiter and Saturn, which would not be very hospitable for life.
But the reality is, astronomers are still gathering details as more data comes in.
So, in the meantime, let's explore what life on a rocky, habitable super-Earth might be like.
Liquid water is just the start.
These planets can be almost double Earth's radius, and up to ten-times more massive.
スーパーアースの半径は地球の約 2 倍、そして、最高 10 倍の重量を持つ可能性があります。
And all that extra mass is what researchers think could really make super-Earths the perfect home.
That's because more massive planets have a stronger gravitational pull.
Super-Earth Kepler 20b, for example is nearly double the size of Earth, and it's ten-times more massive.
例えば、スーパーアースのケプラー 20b は、地球の約 2 倍の大きさ、約 10 倍の重量を持ちます。
This makes its surface gravity almost three-times stronger.
これにより、表面重力は、地球よりも約 3 倍強いのです。
That stronger gravity means that the planet can hold on to more air molecules and form a thicker atmosphere, which is great for protecting against harmful space radiation.
It also means mountains and hills would erode a lot faster, leaving a relatively flatter surface, compared to Earth.
Now that might sound boring, but scientists think this could actually spawn dozens of shallow islands all across the planet.
Those in turn, could be the perfect place for life to form and evolve.
Just as biodiversity in Earth's oceans is richest in shallow waters near coastlines, such an "archipelago world" might be enormously advantageous to life.
There's just one problem, leaving this tropical paradise would be extremely difficult.
ただ、1 つ問題があります。この熱帯パラダイスから外に出るのは、非常に難しいでしょう。
The escape velocity on Kepler 20b is more than double compared to Earth's, which means either rockets would need more fuel to reach their destinations...
ケプラー 20b の宇宙速度は、地球の 2 倍以上です。つまり、目的地に到達するために、ロケットにはより多くの燃料が必要になります。
Like for example, a mission similar to the Apollo Moon Landing would require twice the amount of fuel.
例えば、アポロ月面着陸のようなミッションの場合、2 倍の燃料が必要となります。
Or, rockets would have to carry only a fraction of the payload.
For instance, SpaceX's Falcon Heavy can launch 50,000 kilograms of payload into Earth's orbit.
例えば、スペースX のファルコンヘビーには、地球の軌道に向けて、5 万 kg の積載量で発射可能です。
Whereas it could only launch 40 kilograms into orbit around a super-Earth like Kepler 20b.
一方、ケプラー 20b のようなスーパーアースの周囲では、軌道に向けて、40kg の積載量しか発射できません。
That's about the weight of a German Shepherd.
Suffice it to say, leaving a super-Earth would be a far greater challenge.
But if it looked like this, would you really want to say goodbye?
We'll never know for sure until we visit one.
What questions do you have about space?
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And thanks for watching.