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  • -Since the last time you were here,

  • you were nominated for a Golden Globe.

  • -Yes. Very exciting. -Hey, congratulations.

  • -Whoo! Thank you.

  • -That was great. You were fantastic

  • in that -- in "Eighth Grade."

  • It was so good. -Thank you so much. Yeah.

  • -What was that night like? Was it fun?

  • -Whew, it was a night.

  • -It was, right? -No, I mean, it was wonderful,

  • 'cause I've been to awards shows.

  • But that was, like, an award show, big deal.

  • Like, I think the red carpet was like a football field,

  • the length of that.

  • -Really? -Yes.

  • -Did you meet any big stars that you want to run into?

  • -God. I mean, I'm very nervous about talking to other actors,

  • because, you know, I study their work a lot.

  • -I heard you got to meet Timothée Chalamet?

  • -Yes, yeah. I mean, I have gotten to meet a lot of people,

  • but he was one of the few that actually approached me.

  • And at first, I was like --

  • I heard this guy go, like, "Hey, what's up?"

  • And I'm like, "Oh, that's Bo Burnham,"

  • who was with me at the awards show --

  • -Of course, that was his movie.

  • -Tall man, bro.

  • And then I turn around, and it was Timothée Chalamet.

  • And I was like, "Oh, hi."

  • And I started shaking. [ Laughter ]

  • 'Cause whatever. -You were nervous?

  • -Yeah, I'm always nervous. -Oh, you are?

  • -It's my secret, cap. -It's your secret.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • That's your secret weapon is being nervous?

  • -Oh, yeah. -That's your superpower?

  • -Yeah. Well, you know what, it's -- It's helpful,

  • because then people sympathize with me.

  • So it works out.

  • -We love -- We love --

  • Hey, aww.

  • We love Timothée.

  • But was there anything that you wish that you told him...

  • -Oh, man. -...that you didn't say to him?

  • -I mean, our interaction was so brief, but --

  • -You know what, we actually have the Timothée Chalamet puppet

  • we bought online.

  • So if you want to, you can talk to the --

  • -Oh, he has his harness.

  • -You can talk to the Timothée Chalamet puppet and...

  • -Oh. ...tell him everything --

  • I can pretend to knock -- tap on your shoulder like Timothée did.

  • -Please, okay, yes. Let's act this out.

  • Bo? Oh, my God.

  • -[ French accent ] 'Ello.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Wow. -I am Timothée Chalamet.

  • -Oh, my God. Your eyes are so --

  • -Yes, look into them.

  • -Oh. -Is --

  • You were great in the movie --

  • How you say "eight" in French?

  • -I think it's eighth form. Right?

  • -Eighth form, yes. "Eighth Grade."

  • You were great in "Eighth Grade."

  • And now we're here at the Golden Globes.

  • And you are golden.

  • Is there anything you'd like to say to me, Timothée Chalamet,

  • who, by the way, is not even French?

  • -Let's go get some baguettes together.

  • -Let's go get baguettes together.

  • You are awesome! Elsie Fisher, you are great!

  • I will see you at the Fallon show. Bye.

  • [ Laughter, cheers and applause ]

  • [ Normal voice ] You got to say hi to Timothée again.

  • -Oh. Good to see him. So good to see him.

  • -I want to talk to you quickly

  • about something that I think you're doing is very cool.

  • You're writing the score to a video game?

  • -Yes, yeah. I'm very excited.

  • -I love video games. -Oh, me, too.

  • I mean, I've been playing them for forever. You know?

  • -Yeah, me, too. -I had a Game Boy Color.

  • Like, that was my first console.

  • -Whoo! -Yeah.

  • Nintendo.

  • -That was probably my 15th console.

  • I'm --

  • Hi, I'm your grandpa!

  • Hi. How's it going?

  • But that's --

  • How are you getting involved? What is it?

  • What is it called? What music are you writing?

  • -Yes. So, the game is called "Witch of the Wilderness."

  • And it's in pretty early production.

  • But it's kind of about the near future

  • and the apocalypse, like the climate apocalypse.

  • Super fun stuff. -Yeah.

  • -Yeah, but I'm writing the music for that,

  • 'cause I wrote the score for my "Dungeons & Dragons" podcast.

  • Yes, oh, thank you. -I love that.

  • -Such a large career in music already.

  • -E.P.! -Yeah!

  • Got to love all this rep. -I do love all that.

  • I want to talk about "Addams Family,"

  • because I'm happy that they're rebooting this.

  • -Me, too. -It's so good.

  • It's a great animated film.

  • And, this, you play a new character.

  • -Yes, I play a character who has never been seen before.

  • She's Parker Needler, the teenager daughter

  • of the main antagonist, Margaux Needler,

  • so she's already got it pretty hard.

  • -Yeah.

  • -But she, you know, is an outsider.

  • And then she meets Wednesday, the ultimate outsider.

  • -Yeah, and you become friends. -Yeah, they're friends.

  • -I love that.

  • This movie's more based on the comic

  • or the cartoon that it was based on.

  • -Yeah, yeah. I mean, I love

  • the fact that it's animated, which is awesome,

  • 'cause we've never really had that type of incarnation before.

  • But the fact also that the designs

  • are, like, faithful to the original.

  • -Yeah, it's good. It's spooky. And it's perfect for Halloween.

  • -Oh, so perfect. -And I'm psyched you're in it.

  • I want to show everyone a clip.

  • Here's Elsie Fisher in "The Addams Family."

  • Take a look at this.

  • -What's your favorite filter?

  • -I don't know. I look black and white in all of them.

  • -You know, when I met you, I thought you were super weird.

  • But now I think you're really cool.

  • -I concur.

  • -How'd that barrette you bought yesterday go over at home?

  • -Actually, my mother's reaction was...well, unexpected.

  • She was accepting.

  • It depressed me.

  • -I wish I could do that.

  • But my mom makes me wear this stuff, and it's just so -- so --

  • -I believe the word you're looking for is "unfortunate."

  • [ Laughter, cheers and applause ]

  • -Elsie Fisher, everybody!

-Since the last time you were here,


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B1 中級

エルシー・フィッシャー、ティモテ・チャラメットとパペットで会う姿を再演 (Elsie Fisher Reenacts Meeting Timothée Chalamet with a Puppet)

  • 33 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日