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  • So whenever we start a new season,

  • there's always a big ad campaign to promote it.

  • But those are very expensive, so instead I

  • sent my executive producer Andy Lassner to New York City

  • to remind everyone to watch season 17.

  • And here's how he did it.


  • Why would the pain ever end for me?

  • It's season 17 and it continues.

  • So I'm going to mount it?

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, OK.

  • So this one's hydraulics, so you want to pump it

  • when you brake with this.

  • I want to what?

  • You got to pump the brake if you--

  • That's a cute dog.

  • Thank you.

  • Ellen's not here.

  • You don't have to wait.

  • She's not coming.

  • Oh, she's not coming?

  • No, it's just me today.

  • Oh.

  • Sorry.

  • [LAUGHS]

  • This is going to happen all day.

  • Not that I'm not used to disappointing people

  • on a daily basis.

  • Season 17's coming up.

  • Hi there, Ellen is mean to me.

  • You want a ride?

  • Do you really?

  • Where do you want to go?

  • 42nd and 6th.

  • You're my first ride.

  • 42nd and 6th?

  • I don't know where we are, but we're going to figure this out.

  • I'm Andy.

  • So you know this is obviously New York's Times Square.

  • Don't honk me.

  • How long have you guys been together?

  • Year and a half.

  • Here's the thing, all I'm doing is

  • like I'm chewing your ears off.

  • If you guys want to make out, do your thing.

  • I'm not stopping you.


  • (SINGING) Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

  • don't say it, because I know I'm cute, oh baby.

  • Louis down to my drawers.

  • Hi there.

  • Yeah.

  • Love you, Ellen.

  • Season 17 Ellen DeGeneres Show.

  • How much do I get paid to promote that?

  • Nada.

  • Ellen?

  • At one of her 17 homes right now.

  • Me?

  • Biking through New York City.

  • My legs are killing me.

  • I don't have a lot of lower body strength or upper body.

  • We love Ellen.

  • Yeah, Ellen, I love her.

  • Oh yay, go, love Ellen.

  • I'm Andy.

  • (SINGING) Blame it on my juice, baby.

  • It ain't my fault that I'm out here making news.

  • If you look to the right with the afro is Al Roker,

  • but he does not want to be recognized,

  • so he wears that wig.

  • [LAUGHS]

  • Are you guys are all getting in?

  • Oh, that's a lot of-- that's, yeah,

  • I'm not used to three customers.

  • I've only done two.

  • Hold on, let me just get out of the walkway.

  • I'm sorry.

  • My entire life is being an inconvenience to people.

  • Oh God, Oh God, pedaling.

  • Pedaling, stop honking.


  • Oh you're going to honk me?

  • You're going to honk?

  • I ring the bell.

  • How about that?

  • You honk, I bell.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Come on in.

  • Where are you going?

  • We have a show down the road.

  • Down the road.

  • Go ahead.

  • Can I get a picture standing next to Ellen.

  • Yeah, well, that's-- yeah, that's Ellen.

  • That's Ellen.

  • Right here.

  • She looks different.

  • She looks different on TV.

  • [LAUGHS]

  • Get a picture.

  • TV, there's a lot of makeup, and so people don't believe it.

  • Isn't that great.

  • I'm just taking a little break.

  • What?

  • [BLEEP] you.


  • Oh, honk all you want.

  • Oh look at you, you're so fast.

  • Try driving people.

  • Oh, she just gave me the finger.

  • I love her.

  • Watch season 17.

  • This is really going to-- this is

  • going to draw the viewers in.

  • This is a great idea, Ellen.


  • It was a good idea.

  • Thanks, Andy.

  • We'll be right back.

So whenever we start a new season,


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A2 初級

平均アンディは、ペディキャブでNYCの周りの観光客を駆動します。 (Average Andy Drives Tourists Around NYC in a Pedicab)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日