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  • Right now I want to talk about the greatest gift of all,

  • the gift of knowledge.

  • There's a trivia game we like to play called Hubba, Hubba, Quiz,

  • Quiz where we have hunks--

  • [OOHING]

  • We have hunks compete to see who's the smartest.

  • And today, I'd like to try something new.

  • I have a writer named Jason, who went to Harvard.

  • And I know this because he mentions it

  • every chance he gets.

  • Hey, Jason, come on out here.


  • Hi, Jason.

  • How are you?

  • Just great.

  • Good.

  • You're wearing your Harvard sweatshirt I see.

  • All right, so I want to see how well you do against the hunks

  • today, all right?

  • It's time for a new game we're calling Hubba Hubba Harvard

  • Quiz Quiz.


  • All right, let's bring out your opponents.

  • Matt and Chris, everybody.


  • I see you have a T-shirt under that.

  • You didn't want to wear a T-shirt like they had?

  • Just I would get cold in the studio, so--

  • OK, all right, Matt, you're our returning champ.

  • You were like the Ken Jennings of hunks.

  • And so-- and you're new Chris, right?

  • I'm new, yes.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • All right, and of course, there's

  • a fancy man who went to Harvard there.

  • All right, all right, we're going to start with you, Matt.

  • Tinder is an app that might be on your phone.

  • The word app is short for what?

  • Application.

  • That is correct, Matt.

  • [DING]


  • Chris, which two body parts never stop growing?

  • The nose and the ears.

  • You are correct.

  • [DING]

  • Jason, every country has a rectangular flag

  • except for one.

  • Which country is it?


  • Like Tonga, like Tonga.

  • You're going to say Tonga?

  • Tonga.

  • That just feels.

  • I don't know.

  • It feels like a funny word.

  • And I'm going to say Tonga.

  • No, it's Nepal.

  • Definitely, yeah.

  • [BUZZER]

  • It's a shame.

  • All right, Matt, BYOB stands for Bring Your Own Booze.

  • What does BMI stand for?

  • Body Mass Index.

  • That is correct.

  • [DING]


  • Chris, the Summer Olympics will be in Tokyo next year.

  • What are the colors of the Olympic rings?

  • Green, blue, red, black, yellow.

  • Yes, that is correct.


  • Jason, which states border Arizona?

  • Which states border Arizona.

  • OK, I think I can do this.

  • All right, California, New Mexico, and Nevada.

  • And there's more.

  • And Utah.

  • Yes, yes.

  • [DING]


  • You're on the board with one.

  • Matt, finish the phrase.

  • You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him--

  • Drink it.

  • That's right.

  • Drink.

  • [DING]

  • Chris, who said one small step for man, one giant leap

  • for mankind.

  • Neil Armstrong.

  • That is correct.

  • [DING]

  • Jason, if all the days of the week end in the letter y,

  • how many months end in the letter y.

  • You have three seconds.

  • Go.

  • January, May, February, three.

  • Three.

  • Three is-- no.

  • January, February--

  • May.

  • May, July.

  • July.

  • Four.

  • I was born in July, so--

  • All right--


  • Matt, some people like to say, OK, boomer.

  • Which indigenous group in Australia is

  • famous for using boomerangs?

  • The aztecs.


  • [BUZZER]

  • Aborigines.

  • If you flip a coin three times and it lands on heads

  • each time, what is the chance it will land on heads again

  • on the next toss?

  • 50-50.

  • That is correct.

  • [DING]

  • We didn't fool you.

  • Jason, since you love Harvard so much,

  • when was the University founded?

  • 1636.

  • That is correct.

  • [DING]

  • All right, for winning, you get Jason's Harvard sweatshirt.

  • And for playing, you're getting a day's supply

  • of protein powder.

  • And, Jason--


  • Chris, no, no, Chris is the winner.

  • Chris won.

  • Jason, you're going to get a hug from the hunks.

  • He loves a hug.

  • Hug him.

  • He loves a hug.

  • [AWING]

Right now I want to talk about the greatest gift of all,


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A2 初級

エレンのライターが「ハッパハッパハーバードクイズクイズ」をプレイ (Ellen's Writer Plays 'Hubba Hubba Harvard Quiz Quiz')

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日