字幕表 動画を再生する
Our next guest just might be the youngest-- he is the youngest,
there's not a just might be-- he's the youngest kid expert
we've ever had on the show.
He can identify every single flag in the world,
and he's two years old.
From Liverpool, England, please welcome
Harry Pile and his parents Shellie and Steve.
You came--
I say the flags!
Countries and some flags!
He said countries and flags.
Countries and flags, countries and flags.
So you came all the way over here from England.
You were on the plane.
How was that?
No, don't look yet.
No, no.
We have to wait.
How was the plane ride?
[INAUDIBLE] round and round.
Couldn't believe it.
He said the plane ride went up and down, and round and round,
and he couldn't believe it.
Oh, wow!
That's funny!
If you were really going round and round,
that's a weird pilot.
It's a pilot, fun!
Yes, all right.
Two years old-- when did you notice that there was something
going on with him?
Did I read this right?
He was 12 months old and knew the alphabet?
Yeah, yeah.
So when he was first born we noticed
that his eyes looked really big, and we
joke that he looked shocked.
And yeah, so from then--
I'd say about 12 months-- he started to be
able to identify the alphabet.
He could spell his name.
He could read his name.
18 months, he could identify shapes.
That flag's from Australia!
Yes, he just read it on the back.
He's two years old.
Normally we put it on the back just for me to know what it is.
Let's just go right to it.
So, what is this?
That's right.
Yeah, good boy.
Malaysia is right.
That one's the United Kingdom.
United Kingdom.
That one's Cyprus.
Cyprus is right.
Why do you say that with so much excitement?
That one's Indonesia!
That is Indonesia.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Vatican City.
The Vatican City.
And, Thailand.
That's all the flags!
Do you know you're super smart?
You're smart enough to know that.
It really is incredible.
What are you going to do?
You have to keep challenging him, right?
What's the new thing that you're challenging him with?
So he loves logos--
absolutely loves them.
So I bought him a logo book of all the corporations globally.
And we were going through--
I think we were on the page 300--
and we got to the Playboy logo.
(YELLING) That's Playboy!
So I looked at it, Ellen and I thought to myself--
but he looked at me and he said, Daddy watch this!
And I went, shall I just skip the page?
But you can't do that with Harry.
So I said, it's the Playboy logo.
So he says, I love Playboy!
And he goes around telling everybody he loves Playboy.
(YELLING) And Amazon!
Oh, and Amazon as well, yeah.
So it can be a little bit awkward at times.
All right.
There's Netflix, right?
[GIGGLES] I love Netflix!
Yes, what's this one?
Warner Brothers.
Warner Brothers.
And that one's Porsche!
Yeah, this is a nice one you want to remember.
That's called Pixar.
Pixar is correct!
And this is?
Disneyland-- and the reason I'm showing you
this is because we're going to send you and your family
to Disneyland tomorrow.
Thank you so much!
Thank you, Ellen.
Thank you!
See, Harry?
Harry-- wow!
Thank you, Ellen.
What do you say, Harry?
You're going to have so much fun.
You're going to learn all the characters there
and everything.
I can't wait to--
come back anytime.
This kid is--
Oh, thank you, Ellen.
There's nothing there!
It's nothing.
It's just a prop.